Sunday, January 12, 2025

WWE Main Event 1/9/2025

WWE Main Event 1/9/2025

Last week's show is here:

Vic Joseph and Wade Barrett are on commentary for the first match. Blake Howard takes Wade's place in the 2nd match.

Zelina Vega vs Shayna Baszler

SB takes her down by the arm. Vega flips out of her hold by using the ropes. Vega armdrags her. Vega hits chops and tries to walk up the buckles but is pulled down. SB hanging armlocks Vega then stomps her arm into the mat. SB armlocks her. SB misses a flying knee then powerbombs Vega off her headscissors attempt.

Vega hits shots to the gut and crossbodies her twice. Vega 2nd rope crossbodies her then running lariats her. Vega pump kicks her then 2nd rope diving headscissors her. Vega does a ddt. Vega top rope moonsaults and SB gets her knees up. SB goes for the choke and Vega rolls onto her for a 2 count. SB hits a knee to the face for 2.

Vega rolls her up for 2 and tries a bridge pin. SB then does a grounded choke and wins.

It was a decent match with Shayna doing various submissions and Vega doing various escapes before getting caught. Vega didn't botch anything here and this was better than I thought it would be.

Alpha Academy (Otis and Akira Tozawa) vs No Quarter Catch Crew (Tavion Heights and Myles Borne)

Blake Howard takes the place of Wade Barrett on commentary for this one. Wren Sinclair is with NQCC and Maxxine Duprii is with Alpha Academy.

Otis runs through a shot from Tav. Borne hits a nice dropkick on Otis. Otis gets clubbed on by Borne and Tav. Otis runs through double teams and hits a double shoulderblock. Otis puts Akira on his shoulders and swings his feet into their opponents. Otis gorilla presses Akira outside onto their opponents.

We go to break and return. Tav overhead belly to belly suplexes Akira. Borne hits a nice powerslam on Akira. Borne euros Akira. Akira is thrown off of Tav's shoulders onto Borne's knee. Tav karelin's lifts Akira for 2.

Tav chinlocks Akira. Oits comes in and hits lariats on Tav. Otis spinning backfists Tav then back body drops Borne. Otis overhead suplexes Tav. Otis hits a caterpillar elbow on Tav for 2. Akira topes Borne outside. Otis flying cannonballs Tav. Akira top rope sentons Tav and wins.

Thoughts: It was a solid match here with them getting good stuff out of Alpha Academy. The heels didn't get to do that much here though but what they did do looked good.

Overall thoughts: We only got two new matches here but both were fine matches. Other than that, we just had some recaps as usual. It was a decent 15 minutes or so of wrestling but nothing must see.

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