Monday, January 13, 2025

Ring of Honor TV 11/2/2013

Ring of Honor TV 11/2/2013

Last week's show is here:

We get clips of Kevin Steen and Mike Bennett arguing. Mike says he has the best piledriver in wrestling. Kevin says he'll piledriver him and says let's see what happens. Maria then slaps Kevin. Mike then piledrivers Kevin.

We see a clip from another show. Maria says Kevin got some of the hottest topic out there - Mike Bennett's piledriver. Mike then piledrivers Kevin.

Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness are our hosts.

We are in Chicago Ridge, Illinois. This is the Glory By Honor 2013 event. We see some clips from earlier in the show I guess.

Mark Briscoe vs Silas Young

They lock up and roll out of the ring on it. They trade shots outside and Mark headbutts in. Silas back body drops him on the floor. Mark suplexes Silas on the apron then dropkicks him through the ropes. Mark then asai moonsaults out onto him.

Mark hits headbutts in the ring and backdrops him. Mark elbow drops him for 2. Mark corner lariats him and is back body dropped over the buckles onto the camera man outside. Silas hits corner spears and trades chops with Mark. Silas sitout gordbusters Mark for 2. Silas hits a bubba bomb then sliding lariats him for 2.

They fight on the buckles. Mark flips out of a back body drop then hits an exploder. Silas facebusters Mark on his knee. Mark hits a big boot then takes a backbreaker. Silas then lariats Mark while Mark is on his knee. 

We go to break where they hype upcoming shows and shill a Best of ROH DVD. We return to the match. Silas is dropkicked off the apron and rolls down to the floor. Mark does a cactus elbow off the apron onto Silas. Mark hits chops to the neck. Mark death valley drivers him. Mark misses a corner charge and is rolled up while Silas has his feet on the ropes. Silas gets the pin.

Mark attacks Silas after and takes a low blow. Silas takes the ref's belt and whips Mark with it.

Thoughts: The match was entertaining. Mark's back body drop bump to the outside was wild and Silas did an interesting bump off the apron to the floor. Mark was wild here as usual and gave full effort.

Maria talks but we can't hear her likely due to a technical issue. 

Adam Page vs Jimmy Jacobs

Veda Scott is on commentary for this one. These two go chest to chest. JJ armdrags Page. JJ straightjackets him but is rolled over. Page shoulders him over twice then dropkicks him. They do a double knuckle lock. JJ spinning headscissors him from the mat. JJ lariats Page over the top. JJ goes for a dive and gets kicked. Page running ssp's him from the apron.

Page top rope crossbodies him for 2. Page chops JJ in the corner. Page puts him in rings of saturn. Page dropkicks him for 2. We go to break. There's an upcoming champions vs all-stars match and Lethal, Elgin, Cedric and Caprice talk about it. Elgin says he wants the ROH Title more than anything. We return from break. Page has JJ's arms tied up.

Page kicks JJ then takes lariats. JJ neckbreakers him. JJ runs into a knee then takes shots from Page. Page running knees him then hits a powerslam for 2. JJ its an os cutter for 2. Page falcon arrows JJ for 2. Page asai moonsaults and is caught with a dropkick. JJ hits a shiranui for 2. 

Page blocks a 2nd rope hurricanrana then hits a standing SSP for 2. JJ hits corner punches. Page hits a top rope shiranui for the win.

Thoughts: I thought it was a bit long and dragged some. There wasn't a lot to this outside of the various spots/big moves and it lost some of my interest. 

Michael Bennett vs Kevin Steen

They trade punches and Steen hits forearms. Steen goes for the piledriver and Mike crawls between Steen's legs. Mike pounds on Steen. Steen trips him then flipping legdrops him on the back of the neck.

Mike hits shots on Steen against the apron edge outside. Steen fires back and sends Mike into the rails. Steen kisses a fan in an El Generico mask. Steen drives Mike's crotch into 3 posts. Maria says, "I don't think we can have kids anymore now". Mike throws Steen backwards into the rails.

We go to break and return. Mike facekicks Steen on the rails. A fan flips Mike off then Steen rams Mike's crotch into the last post. Steen goes for a top rope swanton and Mike gets his knees up. Mike hits a south of heaven chokeslam for 2.  

Mike spinebusters Steen for 2. Mike back elbows Steen. Mike misses a corner charge then Steen tornado ddt's him for 2. Steen codebreakers Mike. Steen back body drops him then Mike superkicks him for 2. Steen hits a pop-up powerbomb then sentons him for 2. Steen hits a go to sleep. Maria throws a boot in and Steen goes after her. Steen chases her through the ring. Mike hits a TKO on Steen in the ring then piledrivers him for 2. Steen hits a top rope swanton on Mike.

Maria gets on the apron. Steen goes after her nad has the 2nd rope kicked into his crotch. Mike piledrivers Steen and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like this at all. There was a lot of screwing around outside and there was interference from Maria. It was supposed to be a battle of the piledrivers but Steen took one then kicked right out of it which made Mike's piledriver seemed lesser and pretty much ruined the point of this.

A female named Lisa comes out and beats up Maria as Mike tries to piledriver Steen on the apron.Mike and various refs stop the girl. The refs and security then break up the two fights.

Steen ends up hitting a top rope swanton to the outside on Mike and security.

Overall thoughts: This was mostly wrestling with not a lot of storylines or future hype for upcoming matches on this one. I really only like the opener here as I thought the 2nd match dragged and the main had issues with interference and a stupid moment when Steen kicked out of Mike's piledriver. I'd give this one a 5 out of 10 overall and wouldn't recommend it.

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