WWF Superstars of Wrestling 8/24/1991
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/01/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-8171991.html
We are in Worcester, MA.
Vince McMahon, Macho Man Randy Savage and Roddy Piper are our hosts. Macho has a nicer outfit on than usual. They talk about Summerslam and Macho asks about how beautiful of a couple him and Liz will be. Piper asks if Macho will be left standing at the altar.
The Dragon vs Jim McPherson
They lock up. Jim hits shots to the body. Ricky slides through his legs and armdrags him. Ricky hits more armdrags and side kicks him. Ricky slams him then hits a top rope chop. Ricky top rope crossbodies him and wins.
Thoughts: It was a quick one with Ricky's offense looking good as usual.
WWF Update
World Tour 1991 is now available. Gene talks about Jake Roberts tricking The Ultimate Warrior into getting bitten and we see clips of it. Gene calls it shocking. Jake Roberts then talks about it. He says there was a rabbit going down the trail one time and a snake had been laying nearly dead. He said the rabbit offered to help the snake back to health. He said the snake told him he's a snake and you can't do that. The rabbit then cured the snake. He said the snake was gone one day when the rabbit came back. He said the snake then told the rabbit he was going to eat him. He said the snake told him he was a snake from the beginning. He says The Ultimate Warrior is the dumbest rabbit he has ever seen.
Gene says Jake just did it because he's truly demonic and says Jake enjoys making others suffer.
Sgt. Slaughter vs Bill Pierce
Bill has a mohawk with a mullet. Sarge hits boots on Bill then knees him in the gut. Sarge does an inset promo with his crew. He says Warrior won't be ultimate that night and says Hulk has a job ahead of him. He tells Sid to stay out of the way and says Slaughter Rules. Sarge double stomps Bill's gut then back elbows him in the body.
Bill is dropped on the top rope gut first. Sarge back body drops him. Sarge lariats him then gutbusters him. Sarge hits a top rope double stomp on Bill's back and submits him with the camel clutch.
Thoughts: I was surprised to see Sarge use the top rope double stomp here. Sarge looks a bit more fit than when he debuted here and won this one easily.
Mustafa backdrops Bill after then Adnan wraps something around Bill's mouth and pulls.
Koko B. Ware vs Dick Warning
Koko hasn't gotten a lot of wins this year and has done jobber duty at times. Dick misses a shot and takes armdrags. Dick looks like a 90's Wolfgang. Koko hits snapmares then rakes his eyes with his feet. Koko slams Dick then top rope dropkicks him. Koko then hits a stiff brainbuster to win.
Thoughts: It was a quick one with Koko winning with ease. Koko's brainbuster looked nasty here.
WWF Event Center
Sean Mooney talks Summerslam. The Dragon, The British Bulldog and Texas Tornado do a promo. Kerry says the fire will be flying and the muscles will be flexing. Davey says they are the triple threat. Ricky their opponents will burn at Summerslam.
The Mountie and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Mountie says the hourglass is running out of time. He says little by little he said he would take Boss' jurisdiction from him. He says everyone is telling Boss to watch out for The Mountie. Mountie says he will take him to jail and throw the key away.
Irwin R. Schyster vs Mark Hammond
IRS says it's time for people to start paying their taxes with state and local governments in trouble. IRS drops Mark with a punch then slams him. IRS hits some elbow drops then does a flying clothesline. IRS stomps on Mark Greg Valentine does an inset promo. He says he will make life simpler for IRS. He says IRS will understand there's no escape for his figure four.
IRS rubs Mark's face into the mat then hits a samoan drop for the win.
Thoughts: It was a quick one as usual with IRS doing his no frills offense.
Mean Gene Okerlund is on the stage and interviews Sid Justice. Sid says he can't control everything that goes on outside the ring at Summerslam but can control what goes on inside the ring. He says Gene doesn't know Sid. Sid says he stands alone and says justice will be served.
Bobby Heenan does a promo with the NWA Title. He says Hulk should be concerned about Ric Flair coming to the WWF. He says he's the real world's champion.
The Natural Disasters vs Ray Garcia and Ross Greenburg
This match is from the Summerslam Spectacular 1991. Typhoon clubs Ray then lariats him. Typhoon hits an elbow drop then does
a standing dropkick. Andre the Giant and The Bushwhackers do an inset promo. Butch asks Luke if he's ready for Summerslam. Butch says he is too. Andre says The Disasters better get ready. Quake back elbows Ray then elbow drops him. Quake
corner splashes Ray then Typhoon does as well. Quake clubs on Russ and
Russ takes a double body block. Russ is thrown over the top.
Ray is slammed then splashed by Typhoon. Quake then butt drops Ray and pins him.
It was all squash as expected here with the jobbers getting nothing in
before their demise. As usual, The Disasters looked good with lots of
weight based offense.
WWF Event Center
Bret Hart does a promo. He said Perfect wore the IC Title perfectly. He says things will be different when he proves there is no such thing as perfect. He says he likes to think of "The Summerslam" as Perfect's execution date.
Mr. Perfect and The Coach do a promo. Perfect says the date is coming closer and says everyone knows they will have the greatest match ever seen. Perfect says everyone is asking if Bret has what it takes to be a champ. Perfect says he's perfect.
Summerslam Report
Mean Gene Okerlund says Summerslam is sold out. Gene says he can't wait for Summerslam. Gene says they promised comments earlier from Hulk and Warrior but they cancelled last minute. Gene asks if they can execute as a team. Gene says there's so much uncertainty heading into Summerslam.
The Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Hart says he wants The LOD destroyed. Saggs says the pleasure is all theirs. Knobbs says this is The LOD's last trip to Nastyville.
The LOD do a promo. They say they are bad everyday and you don't have to worry about them being ready. Hawk says this isn't their last trip to Nastyville as they own the stinking town.
We see The Mountie walking through the jail. He says Mountie will be screaming for mercy and we see Mountie take photos. We see Mountie fingerprint someone. He says it'll be another black stain in Boss Man's life. He says the jail is Boss' new home and he should get ready to serve hard time.
The Big Boss Man says it's a good thing Boss is checking out the jail because he's going to jail.
Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs Bob Bradley
Bret gives his sunglasses to a fan. Bret side headlocks Bob then shoulders him over. Bob takes a hiptoss and a slam. Mr. Perfect and Coach do an inset promo. Coach says Perfect is ready. Perfect says he was gonna mop the floor with Bret but will now take him out.
Bret headbutts Bob then boots him in the gut. Bret backbreakers Bob then legdrops him. Bret hits an atomic drop and elbows Bob on top of his head. Bret suplexes Bob. Bret russian legsweeps him then submits him with the sharpshooter.
Thoughts: It was all squash here with Bob sadly getting nothing in.
WWF Event Center
Sean Mooney talks Summerslam. IRS does a promo. He says he is looking forward to Summerslam, almost as much as April 15th. He says it's time for Greg to pay his dues. He says the interest is building and it's time to collect.
The Natural Disasters do a promo. Hart says The Bushwhackers are in a lot of trouble and Quake agrees. Quake says they are on their tail and tells Andre to stay out of their way. Typhoon says it will The Bushwhackers demise. Typhoon says the next ride Andre takes is in a wheelchair and says he's crazy to stick his nose into their business.
The announcers close the show and say they may have some highlights from Summerslam next week. They try to get Macho to say "I do" but Macho can't. Macho then says, "ooh yeah".
Overall thoughts: There wasn't a lot of news here and they even replayed one match and some promos. Wrestling wise, there was nothing too exciting going on. All eyes are on Summerslam which is in 2 days and which I'll cover here. I wouldn't recommend this one as there wasn't really anything of note to see here.
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