WWE Smackdown 1/10/2025
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/01/wwe-smackdown-132025.html
We are in Portland, Oregon. Joe Tessitore and Wade Barrett are our hosts due to some hosting changes (Cole is moved to Raw and McAfee takes Graves' spot).
We see various wrestlers enter the building and we get a recap from the Raw Netflix debut.
Paul Heyman comes in the ring to talk. He says there comes a time when you can't wait to walk down the aisle and address the entire island of relevancy. He says tonight is one of those nights. He says there's only one tribal chief and it's Roman Reigns.
Paul brings out Cody Rhodes. He says Cody did something few men have ever done - earned the respect of Roman Reigns. Paul says Roman wants his title back. Paul says Roman will enter the royal rumble to win and fight Cody for the title. Kevin Owens interrupts from the stands. He complains about Cody shaking hands with The Rock and now Paul Heyman.
KO said Cody should have let Bloodline rip Roman to shreds. He said Cody is setting back the entire company. Cody runs after KO in the stands they fight there. The Bloodline then appear in the ring and corner Paul. Jimmy Uso comes down and superkicks Fatu and Tama. He then corner hip attacks both.
Jimmy then chairs both of them. Fatu no sells it and flying elbows Jimmy. Fatu superkicks a ref that I hadn't seen before. Jimmy is double foot choked with a chair around his neck. Cody returns to the ring and helps out Jimmy. Cody hits punches on Fatu then lariats him over the top.
We go to break and return. We see Fatu and Tama arguing with security in the back. Fatu threatens them. LA Knight then hits Fatu and pushes him out of the door. He says he has a title to win to Nick.
WWE Women's United States Title - Chelsea Green (c) vs Michin
Piper is out there with Green as usual. Green slides out early. Mich hits chops and forearms. Mich spin kicks her in the face then low dropkicks her for 2. Mich puts her in the tarantula. Mich misses a top rope move then is thrown into the 2nd rope. Mich is thrown out then sent into the rails. Green pounds on her and we go to PiP break.
We return and Green has a chinlock on her. Mich throws her off and Green puts it back on. Mich backdrops her. Mich headscissors her then flying headscissors her. Mich shotgun dropkicks her in the corner. Mich twerks at her then corner cannonballs her. Green lifting flatliners her for 2. Green misses a top rope dropkick.
Mich pele kicks her and PK's her. Mich cannonballs Piper off the apron. Mich hits a top rope crossbody but Green backrolls her and pulls her tights. Green then picks up the win.
Thoughts: It was fine but nothing too special. The finish was a bit weak here and this didn't get to develop into anything great.
Piper sentons Mich after and it seems like we haven't seen the end of it.
Joe says he guesses the transfer windows applies to broadcasters since they are on SD now.
Los Garza, Pretty Deadly, A-Town Down Under and The Guns all talk to Nick Aldis in the back wanting title shots. Waller says him and Theory should go to Raw. Waller says Los Garza can face Pretty Deadly and The Guns can face Waller and Theory.
Los Garza vs Pretty Deadly
The fight starts before the bell rings. Los Garza hit flying headscissors. Berto hits a tope outside. Berto corkscrew kicks Kit then backrolls into a standing moonsault for 2. Kit begs off then takes a double team drop and a double superkick.
Kit hits punches and takes a springboard armdrag. Berto dropkicks him for 2. Elton neckbreakers Berto over the top rope and sends him to the floor. We go to break and return. Elton chinlocks Berto. Kit misses a corner euro. Angel gets tagged in. He gets some offense in on PD with tilt-a-whirl backbreakers. Angel top rope crossbodies Kit for 2. Angel flying headscissors Kit. Kit begs for help from DIY.
Angel superkicks Kit for 2. Elton pulls down Angel by the hair. Elektra Lopez gets on the apron to distrct the ref. Santos Escobar crotches Elton up top. Elton takes a double reverse gorilla press slam and is pinned.
Thoughts: I liked Los Garza finisher here but this didn't work. Both teams are heels and the crowd didn't really care for either. I can't really say I blame them.
WWE Men's United States Title - Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs LA Knight
They get off to a slow start with lock-ups. LA hits punches. LA stomps him in the corner. LA hangs over the apron and SN running knees him. SN boots him around and bangs his head off the buckles. They each get some shots in.
LA is laid on the top rope then SN knees LA in the back as he lays there. LA takes an awkward bump to the floor. LA lariats him then knocks SN to the floor. LA dropkicks SN through the ropes. LA bangs SN's head off the commentary table. LA lariats SN over the top.
LA is pushed into the post twice and goes down. We go to PiP break and return. They trade punches. LA lariats him and hits mounted punches. LA powerslams SN. LA hits punches. SN pulls the 2nd buckle off and tries to send LA into it. SN sliding germans LA. LA jumps up to the top rope and superplexes SN for 2.
LA does a reverse crab on SN with LA's body facing SN's back. SN ropebreaks. SN pulls LA down into an armbar. LA rolls him up on the submission attempt. SN spinning heel kicks him. LA rolls him up and they botch a spot. SN spinning back elbows him then hits a slidng knee for 2.
LA's chin is put against the exposed buckle. SN tries to running knee him but misses. SN takes a BFT. Tama Tonga and Fatu then interfere for the no contest.
Thoughts: The match wasn't that great. It got off to a slow start and was just not as good as it should have been. The finish didn't help things.
LA is beaten up after and takes a pop-up samoan drop from Fatu. Fatu hits corner hip attacks on LA. Fatu top rope moonsaults LA. Cody and Jimmy Uso then come down to help out. Fatu takes superkicks from both then a double superkick. Cody gets on the mic and says let's do this here and tonight. Nick Aldis gives the thumbs up so this is official.
We get a long video on Tiffany Stratton's title win.
The Motor City Machine Guns vs A-Town Down Under
Alex wristlocks GW and takes some euros. Austin pounds on Alex then throws him into the corner chest first. Alex's head is banged off the buckles then he takes a corner lariat. Alex hits punches and Austin is tripped into a facebuster for 2.
GW cravates Sabin and is armdragged. GW spinning forearms him for 2. GW takes a sandwich kick then is double clotheslined over the top. Sabin is tripped and pulled out by Austin. GW rolls in and flatliners Alex for 2.
We go to PiP break and return. Alex takes a corner lariat then a double forearm. Austin chinlocks Alex then back elbows him. Alex stops a double team and superkicks Austin. Sabin hits punches on GW then 2nd rope dropkicks him. Sabin PK's Austin from the apron. Sabin flying kicks GW. The Guns do a double baseball slide. Sabin topes the heels between Alex's legs.
GW takes a top rope dropkick + flatliner combo for 2. GW stops a double team. Sabin superkicks GW outside. Austin flying back elbows Sabin. Sabin is popped up and takes a double shot for 2. Sabin jawbreakers GW then pulls him over the top. Sabin and Austin back roll each other. Sabin superkicks Austin then takes a leg lariat from GW.
GW takes a double team sequence ending in a basement dropkick. Austin takes a double kick in the corner. Austin takes a neckbreaker + top rope splash and is pinned.
Thoughts: It was okay but not great. They just didn't go all out here. The Guns won as expected. Waller and Theory have just not been pushed much at all lately, so it wasn't surprising that thye lost.
DIY get mad in the back about The Guns winning. Pretty Deadly go up to them and said they thought they had an agreement. Johnny said they have heat and couldn't come out there. Kit says the heat makes their lava lamp go. Johnny says they will get their tag title match and says they got them. Apollo Crews goes up to them. He says they deserve what comes their way if they are dumb enough to believe them.
Candice LaRae and Nia Jax talks in the back. CL says Tiffany Stratton is headed towards the ring. Nia says she will go congratulate her herself.
Tiffany Stratton is interviewed in the ring by Byron Saxton. Tiff says, "It's Tiffy Time". She says what a tiffy turn of events. She said she debuted a year ago and became Miss MITB and the new women's champ. Tiff says Nia didn't bully her - she got Nia to trust her. She said Nia thinks she's stupid and asks who the stipid one is now. She said she stole Nia's title. Nia Jax comes out.
Nia calls her ungrateful. She says she could kill her. Nia says Tiff would be nothing without her. She said she made her. Nia says it's Tiffy Time but times up. She says Tiff gives her the title back or she will take it from her.
Bayley comes out. She says Nia should shut up. Bay says Tiff outsmarted Nia. Bay says Nia kept Tiff around to keep the title. Bay says she wants to take the title from Tiff. Naomi and Bianca Belair come out.
Naomi said she had Nia beat last week and would have 2 titles if it wasn't for Tiff. Naomi says anyone who wants to fight for the title has to see her first. Nia says nobody cares about her. Naomi gets her in face. Nia bangs Naomi's and Bianca's heads together. Nia fights Bay then takes a 2v1. Tiff hits a prettiest moonsault ever on all of them.
Nick Aldis comes out. He says the four girls will do a fatal four way for a title shot. He says it happens now.
#1 Contender's Match - Naomi vs Bianca Belair vs Nia Jax vs Bayley
Nia fights off the three to start and throws Bay out. BB boots Nia out of the corner. Naomi hits punches on Nia. Nia blocks a double suplex then hits a dangerous looking double suplex of her own. Bay hits forearms on Nia. Bianca corner spears Nia then Nia throws all 3 girls off. Nia slides out.
BB is pulled out and sent into the rails. Nia takes a double dropkick through the ropes. Bay shoulders Naomi over. Naomi leapfrogs her then armdrags her. Bay armdrags Naomi. They try pins on each other. Naomi slides out of a lariat and twerks. Naomi la magistrals Bay for 2.
Nia sends Bay into the rails. Naomi jawbreakers Nia. Naomi tries a flying headscissors and is powerbombed for 2. BB flips over Nia then dropkicks her. BB hits corner punches on Nia. Nia sitout powerbombs BB. Bay hits a forearm flurry on Nia. She backdrops her for 2. Bay is up top and takes a headbutt. We get a tower of doom spot with Nia being powerbombed while doing a samoan drop to Bay. We go to break and return.
Naomi jawbreakers Nia then Nia swinging slams her for 2. Nia takes forearms from Bay and BB. Nia is shouldered out. Bay cradles BB for 2. Bay back rolls BB for 2. Nia bodyblocks Bay and lariats Nia. Naomi flying back elbows Nia and step up enzugiri's her. Naomi russian legsweeps Nia.
Naomi hits a split-legged moonsault on Nia for 2. Bay hits a top rope elbow drop on Nia for 2. BB top rope 450's Nia for 2. The three girls try to pin Nia at the same time. Candice LaRae runs out. Bay takes a double russian legsweep then a double elbow drop. BB and Naomi stare down. BB plancha's out. Naomi topes Nia but is caught and rammed into the apron edge.
BB spears Nia for 2. Bay belly to belly suplexes BB for 2. Naomi hip attacks Bay for 2. Nia samon drops Naomi for 2. Naomi dropkicks Nia over. Bay knees Naomi in the face then takes a spinebuster. BB handspring moonsaults Bay for 2.
LaRae pulls on BB's hair. BB ends up whipping Naomi with the hair. BB and Nia go over the commentary table. Bay hits a roseplant on Naomi and wins.
Thoughts: Well that one was out of nowhere. I thought they could have gotten more out of Naomi/Bayley as they were buddy-buddy at one point but that's been forgotten about. They did an okay job with this but it did go a long time. They didn't really have any sloppy moments here.
Jimmy Uso talks to Cody in the back. Cody says he knew Roman was gonna challenge for the title.
Cody leaves and Carmelo Hayes comes in. Melo says he's tapped in with Bloodline. He says if Jimmy wants to try him again he will go down like Braun. Jimmy says Melo could build a house with all the bricks in response to Melo's line about him not missing.
Byron Saxton interviews Bayley in the back. Bayley is told her title match is next week. Bayley said her whole career has been taking advantage of chances. She says she has known people like Tiff her whole career. She says Tiff has never beaten her.
Fatu talks trash as he heads to the ring with Tama. He says Jimmy's Bloodline left him on the frontline to deadline. He says this isn't Elm Street and Cody's nightmare is here.
Cody Rhodes and Jimmy Uso vs The Bloodline (Jacob Fatu and Tama Tonga)
Fatu slimmed down when he started on the roster but has put the weight right back on. Cody waistlocks Tama then drop down punches him. Cody gordbusters him. Tama beats up on Jimmy in the corner then Fatu stomps on him. Fatu hits a corner splash.
Jimmy uppercuts Fatu then Fatu pop-up samoan drops him. We go to Pip break and return. Tama slingshot swantons Fatu then hits a nice dropkick on Cody. Tama trap holds Jimmy. Jimmy jawbreakers him. Fatu sentons Jimmy for 2. Fatu corner hip attacks Jimmy.
Jimmy corkscrew moonsaults Fatu off the top. Cody comes in and shoulders over Tama. He powerslams him then hits a disaster kick. Fatu is pulled over the top and takes a tope from Cody. Cody elbows Tama in the head. Tama ddt's Cody for 2.
Tama is put on the top. Tama takes a powerplex. Cody hits a cody cutter on Fatu then Jimmy topes Fatu over the commentary table. Kevin Owens comes out. Cody fights him to the back. Fatu rolls up Jimmy for 2. Jimmy superkicks him then hits a spear. Jimmy top rope splashes Tama for 2.
Jimmy's head is banged off the commentary table. Jimmy takes an impaler ddt. Fatu double jump moonsaults Jimmy and pins him.
Thoughts: It was an okay tag. I popped for the powerplex and Jimmy busted out a rare corkscrew moonsault here. I felt like Jimmy tried extra hard here and was basically doing cosplay Jey Uso stuff here. I feel like Jimmy's gonna be mad at Cody for leaving him.
KO and Cody fight back into our view. Cody is thrown on boxes and they fight up on the boxes. Cody spears KO off of them and through a table. The show then ends with both being checked on.
Overall thoughts: It was a long one just like last week. They definitely stretched this out with some of the entrances. It was a bit hard to sit through and sadly, SD just does not have the roster at the moment for these long three hour shows. Maybe that'll change down the line as more people get TV time, but they aren't there now. The show was good overall with nothing being bad, but it was a tough watch due to the length. I'd give this one a 6 out of 10 but I wouldn't recommend it.
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