WWF Superstars of Wrestling 8/17/1991
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/01/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-8101991.html
We are in Worchester, MA. Vince McMahon, "Macho Man" Randy Savage and Roddy Piper are our hosts. They talk about Macho getting married. Macho says he will live happily ever after. Piper says they should talk about the here after as Warrior took a big step to unravel the mystery of The Undertaker and the darkside.
Jake "The Snake" Roberts and The Ultimate Warrior are outside of a dark,
creepy room. Jake says Lucifer's in there. Jake says there's a coffin
in there with Lucifer waiting for him. He tells Warrior to reach his
hand in there and let Lucifer gives him the answer. Warrior says he has
no fear and the trust he had in Jake so far has done him no harm. Jake
tells him to go for it and closes the door on him. Jake then locks the
door. Jake says he'll shed light on the subject.
Warrior is then
stuck in a room filled with snakes. Jake says these are friends of his.
Warrior bats the snakes away. Jake says the snakes won't hurt Warrior.
Jake says to reach in the coffin and find out what The Undertaker is
made of. Jake says Warrior was buried in dirt and a casket and tells him
to go to the center of the room.
Warrior touches a mini coffin
with a snake on it. Jake says, "it's there". Warrior opens it up and
Lucifer is inside. Lucifer stands up and supposedly bites him. Jake says
that's not what you expected and not what the doctor ordered. Jake says
Warrior is a little sick now and says the venom is part of it. Warrior
wants out. Jake says it's not over yet. Jake tells Warrior there's
nothing left to give him. Jake tells him to drop like the common man he
is. Warrior then starts to drop down. Jake says this is what happens to
all good men.
Jake then talks to the camera. He says he should
come and see how the devil's work is done. Warrior then bursts through
the door. Jake says Warrior is fighting to survive. Warrior then grabs
boots and it's The Undertaker with Paul Bearer. Jake tells Warrior, "I'm
a snake, never trust a snake". Warrior is then out cold and the segment
Thoughts: Well that was quite the segment. I
thought it was a great. This turned Jake heel after his long face run.
This helped build a Warrior vs Taker and a Warrior vs Jake program.
The Berzerker vs Dave Millison
Fuji is late to come out with Berz. Berz swings a belt at Dave and the ref. Berz clubs on Dave then hits a big facekick. Berz knee drops Dave. Berz hits a world's strongest slam and ties Dave up in the ropes. Berz facekicks Dave while he's tied up. Ber throws Dave over the top to the floor and wins via countout.
Thoughts: It was your usual Berzerker squash here with him being a wild man and picking up the easy win.
Berz runs the ropes after.
WWF Event Center
Sean Mooney says The Ultimate Warrior is okay physically. The Natural Disasters and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Quake says if Andre is looking for revenge, now is not the time. He says if Andre interferes with their Bushwhackers match, he might have a double disaster. Typhoon says the weather looks real bad in MSG and says there won't be enough disaster insurance to take out for Andre.
The Legion of Doom do a promo. Animal says it's no DQ and no countout at Summerslam. He says the belts go to The LOD with a doomsday device. Hawk says the likes the Beetle Bailey comic strip. He tells The Nasty Boys to get used to looking like what Beetle does when he gets beat up in it.
The Texas Tornado vs "The Duke of Dorchester" Pete Doherty
We haven't seen The Duke of Dorchester in a long time, but they haven't been in the Boston area.
Pete is taken down by the waist and ropebreaks. Macho says he may be prettier than the bridge at Summerslam. Kerry slams Pete then armdrags him twice. Pete then rolls out. Macho says he's going to "None of your business, USA" for his honeymoon and says he will go to a place with no snakes.
Pete backs Kerry up in the corner. Pete hits some shots to the gut and to the head. Kerry then flurries on Pete with punches. Kerry puts the iron claw on Pete. Kerry lets go of the hold and hits a big discus punch on Pete to win.
Thoughts: It was nice to see Pete get some offense in on this one before being put down. It was a better squash than usual.
WWF Update
Mean Gene talks about Bobby Heenan saying Ric Flair may join the WWF. We see the Heenan segment that we didn't actually see on this version of the episode. We then see another promo from Heenan. Heenan said the big sound last week was everyone's jaw dropping when they heard Flair might come. Heenan says Hulk should be concerned as the belt belongs to the real world champ, Ric Flair. Gene wonders why Ric would need Heenan's advice.
Skinner vs Mario Mancini
This is Skinner's Superstars debut. We got another classic jobber here in Mario Mancini. Skinner's chewing tobacco and eye rakes Mario. He clubs and stomps on him. Skin then throws him over the top hard. Macho says he wants to kidnap Skinner and let him out by Jake Roberts' house. Skin rams Mario's back into the rails. Skin does an inset promo. He says see the pretty little bird and then talks about smashing his head in through a poem.
Skin stomps on Mario and reverse ddt's him on the knee. Skin then wins it with a reverse ddt.
Thoughts: It was a quick one with Mario getting nothing in. I don't know if like is the best word for Skinner, but he really knows how to play the part and totally sold me on him being a dirty alligator hunter.
WWF Event Center
Mr. Perfect and Coach do a promo. Coach tells Bret to show them what he's got. Perfect says Hart knows the right moves and when to do them. He says if anyone can compete with him, it's Bret. He says Bret is close to perfect but is not Mr. Perfect.Bret Hart does a promo. He says he respects Perfect but doesn't fear him. He says they are evenly matched. He says he's got a title shot against him. He says he will prove Perfect is not so perfect and that the IC belt will fit around his waist.The Legion of Doom vs Duane Gill and Barry Hardy
The LOD hit the jobbers before it starts. Hawk gorilla press slams Gill to the floor. Animal dropkicks Barry then belly to belly suplexes him. Hawk hits a 2nd rope punch on Barry then fist drops him. The Nasty Boys do an inset promo. They say The LOD aren't nasty. Knobbs says it'll be LOD's last trip to Nastyville and they will leave without the gold.
Vince says he's never been to Nastyville and Piper says he has in a 24 hour gas station. Gill hits punches on Hawk and is headbutted. Hawk chops him then flying shoulders him. Hawk gutwrench suplexes Gill then chinlocks him. Gill does a big bump on a back elbow. Animal hits a big powerslam on Gill. Animal cranks Gill's neck. Gill takes a doomsday device and is pinned.
Thoughts: It was all squash here. Gill bumped around like crazy doing flips and twists for everything.
Summerslam Report
Mean Gene talks about the card. Hulk Hogan does a promo. He says him and the Hulkamaniac's have been to hell and back with Sarge. He says Sid Justice better call it 50/50 or he will be another casualty of war. Hulk says Mustafa and Adnan act like already won. Hulk says Warrior won't be laid up for Summerslam and will be twice as powerful as ever. Hulk says him and Warrior will be the strongest force in the universe.
Sgt. Slaughter, Col. Mustafa and General Adnan do a promo. Sarge says Warrior got bit and says isn't he going to be in great shape? He asks what Hulk will do when his partner is laying around wishing he wasn't there. Sarge says he wants Sid to stay out of the way at Summerslam. He says his trio will destroy Hulk once and for all.
Ted Dibiase and Sensational Sherri do a promo. He says Virgil may show up in a limo but will leave in a yellow cab. Virgil says he will catch the train down to MSG but will tip Ted's limo driver so nicely that Ted and Sherri will catch a cab.
The Mountie and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Hart says they will prove Mountie's law and order is the only law and order in the WWF. Mountie says Boss Man's running days are coming to an end while his jail days are just beginning. He says he will put Boss Man in jail.
The Big Boss Man does a promo. He says there's no chances for parole or appeal. He says Mountie is going to jail.
"Superfly" Jimmy Snuka vs The Brooklyn Brawler
Brawler hits Snuka while he's getting ready. He bites him then shoulders him over. Snuka double chops him. Snuka leapfrogs him and Brawler is sent out. Snuka hits Brawler on the floor. Snuka hiptosses Brawler, slams him and lariats him. Snuka chops Brawler then flying headbutts him. Snuka jumping headbutts him. Snuka backbreakers him. Snuka hits a top rope splash and wins.
Thoughts: The Brawler got some offense in but was beaten as expected. Snuka did some chops and punches before hitting the splash.
Snuka throws Brawler out after just like any great face would.
Mr. Perfect vs Mike Daniels
Perfect slaps around Mike and throws him out. Piper says, "Get them hands up Mike". Perfect grabs Mike by the tights and chops him around. Perfect pushes him to the floor and seems to have won by countout.
Thoughts: I don't know what this was.
Perfect grabs the mic after. He says Bret thinks he's the chosen one for thinking he can take the IC belt. Perfect says it will be the greatest match in WWF history and says he will show him why he's Mr. Perfect.
WWF Event Center
Sean Mooney talks Summerslam. Greg Valentine does a promo and says talk is cheap, like IRS' suit and glasses. He says he will tear the suspenders off and make him wrestle like a man. He says he may use him as a personal write-off.
IRS does a promo. He says Greg has a lot in common with other tax cheats. He says Greg is looking for a loophole and has the IRS breathing down his throat. He says the IRS is only worried about getting paid, one way or another.
Texas Tornado, British Bulldog and The Dragon do a promo. Kerry says they will take down their opponents at Summerslam. Davey says the only glory of Summerslam will be theirs. Ricky says Warlord and Power and Glory will burn at Summerslam.
Vince runs down next week's show. He says we will have an update on The Warrior and an interview with Sid Justice.
Overall thoughts: I liked Pete Doherty's squash and the LOD squash. I also liked the Warrior/Jake segment. Skinner made his in-ring Superstars debut here and Heenan showed the NWA Title off again. There wasn't too much news otherwise as Summerslam is only 9 days away and we are heading towards the home stretch. I liked the show but it wasn't must see.
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