TNA Impact 1/9/2025
Last week's show is here:
The System (JDC, Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers) vs Eric Young, Jonathan Gresham and Steve Maclin
Eddie clubs on JG then bangs his head off the buckles. JG boots him out of the corner and 2nd rope crossbodies him. Eddie is stomped on by EY and JG in the corner. EY back elbows Eddie then clubs on him. EY dropkicks him for 2. EY gets distracted by Alisha and The System take control.
JDC euros and corner spears EY. Eddie beats up on EY. EY suplexes Eddie. Brian then stomps on EY. JDC hits punches on EY in the corner. Brian chinlocks EY. EY hits a death valley driver. Maclin comes in and hits a thesz press on JDC. He then flying knees Eddie.
Everyone starts to fight and Maclin hits his crosshairs spear on JDC in the corner. Maclin double underhook ddt's JDC and wins.
Thoughts: It went pretty quick and we didn't get a ton of it. I'm not sure why to be honest. Thre wasn't anything too special about it though it wasn't bad.
Eddie and Brian hit the faces with chairs after. JG takes a t-gimmick. A chair is put around JG's head and he's sent into the post with it.
We get a video on Joe Hendry talking about 2024 and his life. He says he wasn't a natural athlete. He says he doesn't take his success for granted and said he had to scratch and claw his way to the top. He said he did judo as a kid and took acting classes. He said he also started doing music around this time.
He said he took a lot of risks to get to where he is. He said he gave up music after not getting signed to a major label. He talks about devoting himself to wrestling and making a promise with himself to try and make it. He said everyone was into rock music in wrestling when he came in so he stared doing pop music. He said he started wrestling in 2013 with no amateur wrestling experience. He said he became a British champ in 2 types of wrestling. He said he felt like he was putting the pieces together then.
He said he talked to a friend at school about TNA wrestling and first saw it on The Wrestling Channel (a former UK wrestling channel). He said he had an ipod with only one wrestling video on it and it was Genesis 2006. He said he later challenged for the TNA Title at Genesis.
Savannah Evans vs Xia Brookside
Xia is not dressed to wrestle. She shows us clips from Turning Point. She said Evans injured her and she's not medically cleared. She said Evans injured someone else who is cleared though and that person is ready to get revenge right now. And it's Lei Ying Lee.
Savannah Evans vs Lei Ying Lee
Lee ducks a lariat and hits a bunch of shots. Evans knees her into the gut. Lee comes off the top and is caught and sammed in a botch. Lee kicks her off the apron then cannonballs her off the apron. Lee top rope crossbodies Evans for 2.
Lee hits kicks to the chest. Evans sit out spinebusters her for 2. Evans cranks on Lee's neck. Lee hits elbows to the gut. Lee and Evans trade shots. Lee enzugiri's her. Lee hits mounted punches in the corner. Evans lariats her. Lee armdrags Evans then corkscrew kicks her for the win.
Thoughts: This was a lose-lose. Lee was returning here and Evans has been getting pushed as a monster. Neither needed to lose this one. It was pretty average with Lee doing kicks and Evans powering her around.
Gia Miller talks and Jordynne Grace takes the mic from her. She says if Tessa wants to fight, she'll be in the ring so meet her there.
We get a package on Rosemary yelling Masha's name and saying stuff that we can't hear while we see video of Masha.
Northern Armory Gauntlet Match
Leg 1 - Mike Santana vs Judas Icarus
Judas rushes him and pounds on him. Judas enzugiri's him from the apron and corkscrew kicks him. Judas hits a pepsi twist lariat but it is no sold. Mike chops him down then sentons him. Mike boots him from the apron. Mike goes up top and is swept, falling down to the inside of the ring. Mike hits a big lariat on Judas and pins him.
Leg 2 - Mike Santana vs Travis Williams
Mike hits chops. Trav kicks Mike in the arm then dropkicks him in the back of the head for 2. Trav facekicks him and we go to break. We return and Trav is caught coming off the 2nd rope. Mike backrolls and is caught with an armbar on the cutter attempt. Mike buckle bombs him then alley oops him. Mike sitout powerbombs him and pins him.
Leg 3 - Mike Santana vs Josh Alexander
Mike gets hit from behind by Judas then is triple teamed. Trav foot chokes Mike. Mike takes a jay driller. Josh then takes his headgear back.
Thoughts: The ending wasn't real surprising here. This wasn't much. Mike won the first two legs in quick fashion and we never got the 3rd leg.
George Iceman says he has a special announcement next week. He says he sees Heather and Ash By Elegane as the next tag champs. He says they will do a pre-launch celebration.
Rosemary talks in the back about Masha Slamovich. She says she's just so tough, fierce and predictable. She says she's wearing the title like a suit of armor. Rose says they can see the cracks forming. Rose says they can smell her fear. Raven then appears. He asks if she's sure she's ready. He asks if she's ready to win the belt again and says it's been 6-7-8 years. Rose then threatens him with a knife. Raven says to make it a Clockwork Orange match and then she can do whatever she wants and make her taste even wetter. Rose likes the idea and says they can see how hardcore Masha is.
The Good Hands come out. John says it's ironic that they are booed while the degenerates from the treehouse of The Rascalz are cheered. He said their tree house is better than their trailer park. He insults the local sports team and says they will give them a treat when they are victorious with these good hands.
The Good Hands (John Skyler and Jason Hotch) vs The Rascalz (Zachary Wentz and Trey Miguel)
Hotch wristlocks Zach. Zach flips out of it and armdrags him. Zach kicks him off the ropes and 2nd rope tornillo's him for 2. Hotch takes kicks from both then a double stomp from Zach. Zach is caught on a handspring and takes a baseball slide.
John stomps on Zach and puts him in tree of woe. The heels stand on Zach's crotch. John abdominal stretches Zach. Zack handspring jumping knees John. Trey headscissors Hotch off the bottom rope. Trey tilt-a-whirl ddt's Hotch over the 2nd rope.
Hotch back body drops Trey to the outside. John finlay rolls Zach and Hotch top rope splashes Zach for 2. Trey spinebusters John. Zach top rope double stomps John while Trey holds him. Trey then picks up the win.
Thoughts: It was a shorter one than I expected. It was fine though with the heels being heels and the faces doing some flying. Trey's tilt-a-whirl ddt over the middle rope was sick looking.
Frankie Kazarian talks to Rhino in the back. He says he may be ready to cash in his title shot if Rhino gores Nemeth.
Steve Maclin and Eric Young talk in the back. Maclin said The System tried to end Gresham's career. Maclin says the message was received. Eric says this isn't child's play and they will hand out their own kind of justice. First Class come in. They laugh at EY saying he declares war.
Maclin asks if they think this is a joke. AJ says they were both world champ so how hard could it be? AJ says they are interested in tag gold too. He says if they have to step over both of them to get it done, they will. AJ says he will go talk to Santino now.
Alisha Edwards and Moose come out. Moose says he's the greatest x-division champ of all time. He says Ace will find out why you always trust The System at Genesis. He says he will beat the living h3ll out of him. He tell Alisha to throw the title out of the ring. He says he doesn't want hte title associated with him anymore as he is debuting a new x-title fit for him. Alisha then throws the title down to the floor.
Moose says he was embarrassed he had to carry the title. Andrew Everett for some reason comes out. AE says this is why Moose has no business being in the x-division. He says it was the only title he cared for when he was in it. He said it gave him purpose. He said the x-division built TNA, not the face of the franchise.
Moose says he's trying to figure out who he is and asks Alisha who he is. Moose says he will give him the opportunity to get out of the ring. He says he will put him down if he says another word. AE syas he's an x-division wrestler and Moose is not. Moose facekicks him over. He says he just earned himself an x-division title match right now.
TNA X-Division Title - Moose (c) vs Andrew Everett
Moose corner spears him then hits chops. Moose throws him. We see Ace Austin watching in the back. AE blocks a powerbomb and hits a step up enzugiri. AE is caught on an asai moonsault and ddt's Moose off of it. AE springboard swantons out.
AE is stopped on a springboard and takes a hard chokeslam on the apron. Moose hits an apron powerbomb. Moose then does a last ride powerbomb. Moose then pins him with a foot on the chest.
Thoughts: I don't mind Andrew when he's serious and not doing comedy like he did here. Moose threw him around and he bumped for him as he should have. The set-up for this was weak though. The apron chokeslam sounded really painful.
Sami Callihan and Santino Marella talk in the back. Sami said he feels shafted not being announced in the tag title match. He says him and PCO were never beaten in a tag match. He says him and PCO have next. Santino says they should face The Hardy's next week and if they win, they get in the tag title match at Genesis. Santino calls their team, "Death Meat". Sami doesn't like it though.
Jordynne Grace comes out. She says Tessa Blanchard should be terrified she has a mic in her hand. She says she's nothing like her. She says she will give her the chance to fight her like a woman. She says she needs to go through her if she thinks the division is hers.
Tessa runs in and JG hits forearms. Tessa kicks her in the crotch then hits mounted shots. Security then comes to break it up. The crowd chants, "let them fight".
Joe Hendry and Rhino vs Nic and Ryan Nemeth
Frankie Kazarian is on commentary. Rhino wristlocks Nic and Nic reverses it on him. Rhino shoulders him over. Nic hits a nice dropkick. Rhino takes a double short arm lariat for 2.
Rhino clubs on Ryan's neck. Joe chops Ryan in the corner. Joe shoulders Ryan over then does a delayed suplex. Ryan double throat thrusts Rhino. Nic comes in and takes shots from Rhino. Ryan knees Rhino from the apron. Ryan pulls Rhino down by the hair.
Nic neckbreakers and elbow drops Rhino. Ryan chokes Rhino on the ropes. Nic elbow drops and chinlocks Rhino. Nic hits shots on Rhino then headbutts him. Rhino blocks a flying headscissors with a sitout powerbomb. Joe hits an AA on Ryan then fallaway slams Nic. Joe cutters Ryan for 2. Rhino belly to belly suplexes Nic. Kaz gets up from commentary.
Rhino gores Ryan. Nic superkicks Rhino. Joe lariats Nic over the top. Joe chokeslams Ryan and wins.
Thoughts: It was a very average main. It didn't get a lot of time and we didn't see Joe until the end. There was basically nothing of note in this one and it was basically a throwaway.
Overall thoughts: This was not TNA's best work. It was a very weak show with nothing being that good. Nothing was awful of course but the matches were almost all of the shorter side and none of them really achieved their potential. I would not recommend this and would give it a 4 out of 10.
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