NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #4 7/10/2002
The last show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/11/nwa-tna-weekly-ppv-3-732002.html
We're in Nashville, Tennessee. Don West, Mike Tenay and Ed Ferrara are on commentary.
NWA World Tag Team Title Match - AJ Styles & Jerry Lynn (c) vs. The Disciples Of The New Church (Slash & Tempest)
Tempest is Crowbar and he's a new member of The New Church. Slash misses a charge and takes punches from Lynn. Slash side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Lynn hits shots and Slash is pushed into the buckles. Lynn does a tornado bulldog. Lynn hits Slash while on his shoulders. Slash blocks his hurricanrana and Lynn facebusters him out of it.
Slash is tripped into an AJ senton on the back. Temp waistlock takedowns AJ then AJ wristlocks him. Temp slams him then AJ headscissors him from the mat. AJ armdrags him and hits kicks to the body. AJ then rewind kicks him off a missed enzugiri. AJ's head is banged off the mat. Temp shoulders AJ over. AJ trips him and Temp slides out of the ring on it.
AJ's throat is pulled over the top and Temp slingshot splashes him. Temp headscissors him from behind then lariats him. Temp hits chops then AJ chops back. AJ springboard dropkicks him. AJ monkey flips Slash. Temp is whipped into Slash and takes a double clothesline. Slash is then legsweept into a dropkick on Temp. Slash is sent over the top.
AJ tries to plancha both but is caught. Lynn then tope con hilos onto them to knock everyone down. AJ goes to springboard and is pulled face first down on the apron. Lynn guillotine legdrops Temp over the 2nd rope. Temp is bridged on the 2nd rope and AJ asai moonsaults him.
Slash trips AJ from the outside. Temp death valley drivers AJ for 2. Temp flying back elbows AJ then pulls his mouth. AJ takes a double south of heaven chokeslam. Slash hits a whirlybird on AJ. AJ catapults Slash into Temp then lariats him. Lynn back body drops Temp and lariats both opponents. Lynn does his own tornado ddt on Slash without the ropes. Lynn casadora bulldogs Temp for 2.
Temp low blows Lynn. Lynn is put up top and kicked. Lynn blocks a top rope hurricanrana then crossbodies Temp for 2. Lynn escapes a death valley driver then hits a gotch style piledriver. AJ hits a spiral tap on Temp and wins.
Thoughts: I liked this one. They had a couple of rough moments but the heels and faces did what they were supposed to do here. We got some nice flying from AJ and the faces were good underdogs. This was a good opener and couldn't have gone much better than it did. This helped The New Church out.
The faces get fireworks after. Lynn leaves on his own and shakes his head at AJ.
The show the cage dancer and talk about upcoming NWA territory events but don't say the arena or the location for some of them.
Scott Hall is live via phone. He says Jeff Jarrett, Brian Christopher and K-Krush left him laying last week. He says it's not how many times you go down, it's how many times you get up. He says he's coming for them and says Brian is first up. He says he will take Jeff last and is saving something special for him.
Brian Christopher comes out.Mike tries to explain Brian's turn last week as him and Jarrett having family ties and growing up together. Brian says there comes a time when you make the transition from a child to an adult and a child to a man. He says he's been labeled a child all his life and been labeled Jerry Lawler's son. He said he lived his entire life in Lawler's shadow. He says BS to that. He says after 14 years of being in wrestling, he can finally say screw Jerry Lawler. He says none of knew what a great father Lawler was, because he was never one at all.
He says every time he went to look up to him, he was never there. He said last week he kicked some @ss. He says he can finally say what's on his mind and says he can tell Jerry Lawler to go to hell. He says thinks will change around here. He says it's always been about The King. He says Lawler was never there for him. He says it will be all about him and says he will do things the way he wants it. He says he will make himself famous. He says he isn't Jerry's kid, it's all about Brian Lawler.
Thoughts: This was a bit random. This would have worked better if Jerry was in the NWA, which he wasn't.
Norman Smiley vs. Brian Lawler
Brian pounds and stomps on Norm. Brian lariats him over. Brian neckbreakers him. Norm hits dropkicks then shoulders him over. Norm hits a big slam. Norm atomic drops him twice. Norm does the big wiggle while Brian is on the ropes. Brian ddt's him. Brian hits corner spears.
Brian misses a corner spear and then Norm hits some punches. Norm jumping headbutts him then lariats him for 2. Norm hits corner punches. Brian low blows Norm as he does this. Norm goes down and Brian hits a top rope legdrop. Brian then picks up the win.
Thoughts: It felt a little rushed but was fine. Both guys got some offense in and the crowd was into Norm.
Brian gets on the mic after and calls out Scott Hall. He says he hopes he was watching because he's next on Brian Lawler's list.
Jeff Jarrett is talking to Bill Behren's in the back and is complaining about not having a shot against Ken Shamrock tonight. Bill says not to touch him and threatens suspension. Jeff pushes him again and says, "suspend this". We also hear Father James Mitchell yelling behind a closed door.
K-Krush vs. Hermie Sadler
Krush gets on the mic. He says it's the last time he comes to Trashville as these @ssholes don't know how to respect him. He says he'll kick the fans @sses after he gets done with Hermie. He tells a fan to put a sign down before he puts it in his @ss. Someone throws a drink at Krush and mostly nails Jeremy Borash with it.
Herm comes out in a sleeveless shirt and gym shorts. He has a team and a checkered flag with him. One is carrying a gas can and another has a stop sign.
Krush and Herm shove and slap each other. Krush boots him then hits punches. Krush misses a jumping side kick and is stuck on the top rope. Herm running shoulders him down then hits mounted punches outside. Krush tries to punch him against the post but just gets the post.
Herm hits corner punches and gets a 2 count. Krush kicks him in the gut then scissors kicks him. Krush suplexes him. krush powerslams him. Krush figure fours Herm and uses the ropes for leverage. Herm reverses it. Krush goes for a hurricanrana and takes a sitout powerbomb. Krush misses a dropkick and Herm pounds on him. Krush then pins him with his feet on the ropes.
Thoughts: This was good. Hermie was a great face here and is easily more likeable than most of the wrestlers in 2024. He had great fire and made everything he did look like it was real. I'm absolutely shocked at how good he was too. Hermie's seconds were also fantastic here. Krush did a good job as well. I really liked this even though I expected nothing out of it.
Krush beats up Herm after and then Herm rolls out. The ref then reverses the decision and awards the match to Hermie!
Takao Omori is doing squats in the back. Alicia goes up to him. Omori gives her money and she takes it. Ed Ferrara says he knows what's going on but says he will tell us later.
The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) vs. The Hot Shots (Cassidy O'Reilly & Chase Stevens)
This is the debut of both teams here in TNA. They say both teams have tore it up on the indies.
Mark goes at it with Cass. Cass kips up and wristlocks him. Mark suplexes him then hits an armdrag. Cass hits a Japanese armdrag and they stand off. Jay and Chase go at it. Chase hits punches and is shouldered over. Chase hits a spinebuster then Mark springboard dropkicks Chase from behind.
Mark is double back body dropped over the top. The Shots then do stereo dives out. The New Church then comes out. Malice hits a spinebuster and a big boot for a no contest decision.
Thoughts: They didn't do a good job of explaining who was who here but they all packed as much action as they could into it and I liked what we got. Mark looked so young here and you would never guess that's the same Chase Owens out there.
Malice then lariats the Briscoes over. Cass takes a big chokeslam and Jay takes one as well. I think Jay breaks a mic on the landing as we hear a loud boom sound. Malice then clears everyone out.
James Mitchell gets on the mic and says they aren't leaving until the blood of Ken Shamrock is on Malice. He says Ken has two options - come to the ring and face annihilation. Or he can stay in the back and be responsible for the blood shed of innocent victims. He says Malice will pulverize each and every person in the arena until he comes out. James points at people to beat up and they pick the timekeeper. Malice goes for a powerbomb then Ken Shamrock comes out.
Ken hits punches on the heels then Malice goes for a chokeslam. Omori comes out to save Ken and hits some bad shots. Omori and Ken bump each other's back and they stare down.
Goldilocks interviews The Dupp's in the back. Stan picks his nose and has tobacco dripping down his mouth. He talks about a dog humping a lady I think. The other Dupp says you gotta ask questions first and strike later. He says to never look a deaf man in the eye and says if a shoe fits, it's prbably the right size. He says it if it looks like sh!t, smells like sh!t and feels like it, you don't put it in your mouth as it's probably sh!t.
Thoughts: This was a really disgusting segment. It's a shame since I think the gimmick would work if they just acted like goofy hillbillies.
Jasmine St. Claire comes out to lounge music. Jas says she's been watching the show for 3 weeks. She says she's been waiting to see some @ss. She says we all know what the letters TNA really stands for. She asks if there's any guy in the building who wants to see some real TNA tonight. She says she has it and will flaunt it. She asks if anyone has a chair. Slick Johnson throws her one in and claps.
She calls Borash her sex toy and puts him in the chair. We see some kids watching this which isn't good. Jas asks for music to be played and dances in front of him. Borash makes goofy faces and Jas pulls her underwear off. She puts her underwear on JB's head. Bill Behren's tries to stop it and Ed Ferrara spears Bill. Jas' top starts to fall and Bill covers her up. Bill then takes her to the back. Ed goes back to commentary and said he thought it was a fan.
Thoughts: We went from a solid hour of wrestling to The Dupp's and then this. Welcome to TNA.
The Dupps (Bo Dupp & Stan Dupp) vs. The Flying Elvises (Jorge Estrada & Sonny Siaki)
Fluff Dupp is with The Dupp's. The Elvises attack from behind. JE is back body dropped over the top. The Dupp's get some offense in. Mortimer Plumtree comes out by himself.
JE is thrown off the lock up by Bo. JE side headlocks Bo then Bo shoulders him over. JE kips up and takes headbutts to the back of the head. Bo hits a short arm lariat. JE flips over Bo and boots him. Mort says things are ok with him and The Johnson's.
JE takes an atomic drop into a flying shoulder. Stan hits a nice legdrop on JE. Stan hits a nasty alabama slam onto JE. JE hits shots on Bo then Bo hits a nice powerslam for 2. Sonny hits shots on Bo as Stan wrestlers with the ref. Bo hits chops on Sonny in the corner. Sonny split-legged moonsaults Bo. Bo spinebusters Sonny.
Stan facekicks both opponents over. Bo is back body dropped over the top and JE plancha's him. Stan hits a half-nelson slam on Sonny. Sonny does a pumphandle suplex on him then JE springboard 2nd rope swantons Stan to get the win.
Thoughts: I liked the match. The Dupp's had some great looking offense here with everything really hitting. Bo really slammed his opponents around.
We cut to the back. AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn are fighting. Lynn is sent into catering tables. AJ dives over the tables on Lynn then whips him into a door. AJ's head is banged off a rollaway door then he is whipped into rails. Lynn throws a tag title at him and cradle piledrivers him on a road box. Lynn says "celebrate now you glory hound".
Thoughts: This would have worked better if we saw what initially set Lynn off, but we didn't.
NWA World Heavyweight Title Match - Ken Shamrock (c) vs. Takao Omori
Tenay talks about Omori beating Jun Akiyama in under 10 seconds.
Ken hits knees to the body then chest kicks. Ken ducks a lariat then hits a ddt for 2. Ken hits punches to the head. Harley Race is at ringside. Ken headscissors Omori.Ken hits kicks to the back then punches in the corner. Omori hits euros then spinning heel kicks him. Omori hits punches and kicks. Omori dropkicks him then chinlocks him. Omori spinning heel kicks him in the corner then misses one. Ken hits punches then punches Omori in the knee. Ken wraps Omori's leg around the top rope.
Ken chokes him around the top rope. Ken hits punches. Omori running neckbreakers him though I think it was supposed to be cutter. Omori full-nelson slams him. Omori misses a top rope knee drop. Ken stomps the leg then Omori hits a hard lariat for 2. Ken hits some shots then dropkicks him. Ken leglocks him. Omori back elbows him. Omori hits some shots. Ken armbars him then switches to the ankle lock.
Jeff Jarrett runs down with a chair and nails Ken for the no contest. Jeff then chairs Omori as well.
Thoughts: The match was average. Omori just did basic stuff for the most part and there was no great logic to it. I don't think anyone expected Omori to win this and I doubt we will see him again.
JJ chairs both guys then Harley Race comes in. Race tries to take the chair and JJ chairs him hard in the head. Security then comes down and JJ swings some super stiff chair shots at them. Ken then takes a hard unprotected chair shot.
Jerry Lynn is interviewed. Lynn says if she wants some, he will give her some. He says to open your mouth and say aw. The New Church walk in. James Mitchell wants to talk to Jeff Jarrett and says he's about to commit a sin he can't forgive as a god. He tells Goldilocks to lose the smirk or have it cut off.
We hear weird sounds during this whole thing and it turns out Bill Behrens is handcuffed in his underwear in the back with "F-U" spray painted on him.
NWA TNA X Title Contendership Ranking Six Way Elimination Match - Elix Skipper vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Low-Ki vs. Tony Mamaluke vs. Kid Romeo vs. Jerry Lynn
CD = Christopher Daniels
Elix, Tony, Daniels and Romeo are making their debuts here. Romeo hits shots on CD then shoulders his arm. They trade hammerlocks. Romeo shoulders him over. CD japanese armdrags him then gets dropkicked. Elix full nelsons CD then spin kicks him for 2.
CD hits a rainmaker. Tony gets in. Elix takes a knee to the gut and has his neck pulled forward. Tony northern lights suplexes Elix. Tony backrolls Elix for 2 then Elix shoulders him over. Lynn comes in and punches Tony down. Lynn shoulders Tony over then Tony lands on his feet on a monkey flip. Tony armdrags Lynn and Lynn backbreakers him.
Lynn tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Tony. Ki hits chest kicks on Tony. Tony backdrops Ki. Tony impaler ddt's Ki then does a grounded guillotine on him. CD tilt-a-whirl slams Ki for 2. Romeo clubs on CD then CD dropkicks him. Lynn tries a gori special and Romeo escapes. Romeo then does his own to Lynn.
Lynn 2nd rope diving tornado ddt's Romeo. CD misses a top rope diving headbutt. CD bodyscissors Lynn over the top. CD bangs Lynn's head off the apron then does a seated moonsault on him outside. Romeo then top rope plancha's both. Tony then top rope swantons out. Ki and Elix then do stereo flipping plancha's out.
Lynn and CD get back in. CD is legdropped on the neck over the 2nd rope. Lynn goes up top and Tony crotches him. Tony gordbusters CD then russian leg sweeps him into la escalera.
Jerry Lynn is counted out due to being off the apron and is eliminated.
Elix lariats Tony. Elix flips out of a back body drop. He then hits an overdrive on Tony and pins him. Tony Mamaluke is eliminated. Ki stomps on Elix. Elix is whipped into the ropes and slips through them to the floor. Ki chops up Elix in the ring. Ki avoids an overdrive then rams Elix into the buckles.
Ki hits Kawada kicks on Elix. Elix bridges out of a flying kick then suplexes Ki. Elix top rope dropkicks Ki. CD gets in and takes an overhead belly to belly from Elix for 2. Elix reverse suplexes Elix for 2. CD does a neckbreaker on Elix. CD hits a nice cross rhodes and pins Elix. Elix Skipper is eliminated.
Romeo drops CD down on his chest and face. Romeo bulldogs him off the casadora for 2. Romeo is crotched up top. Romeo hits a 2nd rope air raid crash. He pins CD but the ref says CD's leg was on the ropes so he's still in it. Ki his a handspring cartwheel kick on Romeo. Ki sits on Romeo's back with a dragon sleeper and taps him out. Kid Romeo is eliminated.
Ki chops up CD. CD chops him back. CD hits a flatliner. CD sto's him. CD is crotched up top and both get knocked off the top. CD hits a double jump moonsault. CD does a bridge pin on Ki then rolls him up for 2. Ki sits on CD's back with a dragon sleeper. CD iconoclasm's Ki for 2. Ki hits a ki krusher on CD and pins him.
Thoughts: It was a good match. I would have thrown a few more dives in there and I wouldn't have had Lynn go out in such a stupid way though. It was fast paced action with a lot of highlights. Everything mostly made sense though and they didn't overdo it. They got a bunch of time.
The Flying Elvises attack CD and Ki after. We are told The Elvises weren't happy about being invited to this match. Sonny gets on the mic after and says we are this division. Elix Kipper comes out to help and gets beaten up. Elix takes a double superkick. Tony and Romeo then scare the Elivses off.
Next week has AJ for Ki for the X-Division Title, Hall vs Lawler and the return of Puppet vs Meatball.
Jeff Jarrett comes out with a guitar. He says screw you to Tenay and says he will get his title shot next week. He says screw the Tennessee Titans too and says he's a winner. He yells at Titans players and one of them jumps JJ. JJ gets beaten up by the Titans. The New Church come out for some reason and JJ chairs them. JJ is thrown into the front row where Malice pounds on him. We then end the show.
Thoughts: I don't know what the ending brawl was all about but I liked it. Malice and JJ really went at it and were wild.
Overall thoughts: This was a good TNA show. We did get some of the sleaze with The Dupp's and Jasmine but that was mostly kept to a minimum. The Dupp's stuff was the low light of the night. Brian Lawler's promo didn't work either because it was directed at someone who was not with TNA and was never going to be. The opener and main were good though, Hermie's match was really good and what we got of The Elvises match and The Briscoes match was also fine. I also liked the closing segment though it wasn't explained at all and was basically random. This show was a tale of two TNA's though with the Russo stuff (Dupps, Jasmine and Lawler) vs the actual wrestling stuff. I think it's beyond obvious that the wrestling is getting over better and doing more for the company but they are still trying to relive The Attitude Era here. I would give this a 7 out of 10. That's maybe stretching it some but a lot of stuff went right here and I did like this show.
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