Tuesday, January 21, 2025

WWE NXT 1/21/2025

WWE NXT 1/21/2025

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/01/wwe-nxt-1142025.html

Corey Graves, Vic Joseph and Booker T are on commentary.

WWE NXT North American Title - Tony D'Angelo (c) vs Ridge Holland

They lock up and roll on the ropes. Ridge shoulders him over. Tony hiptosses Ridge then lariats him. Tony hip throws him and side headlocks him. Tony hits a flying forearm then back body drops him. Shawn Spears comes out.

We go to PiP break and return. Tony hits punches on Ridge. Tony belly to belly suplexes him. Tony fisherman suplexes him for 2. They trade shots. Ridge half nelson suplexes him for 2. 

Tony hits a spear on Ridge. Spears gets on the apron. Tony hits him. Niko Vance and Brooks Jensen then fight with Tony's crew. Refs break it up. Izzi Dame boots Ridge in the face and Tony spinebusters Ridge to win.

Thoughts: It was a shorter match. They made the most of it that they could with all the interference and shenanigans going on. Izzi helping out Tony was a surprise. Izzi claps for Tony after.

Igwe, Dupont and Wes Lee talk to Dion Lennox. Wes says Dion is a funny dude. Wes says there's a difference between someone like him and a start with potential like Dion. Wes says Dion will realize there's a far way to go. We see Trick Williams walk past. Lee says something about Eddy Thorpe and Trick slaps him. Enofe and Blade also make a rare appearance.

Bayley comes out. Bayley says this is her home. She says she cares about Roxanne Perez. She says all it got her was a slap in the face. Bay says people like Natalya her out. She says NXT doesn't owe her or Perez anything but she owes NXT to get rid of an idiot like Perez. She says Perez coming out during her match was lame. She says that proves Perez isn't ready. She brings up Giulia.

Giulia comes out. She says she wanted to be in NXT. She says she wants to hold the NXT Title with as much honor as Bayley did. Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade come out. She says she's surprised Bay is ready to show her face after 2 back to back losses. She says Bay wouldn't have punched her if she cared about the future.
Cora says people like Perez built this place up when Bay left. Cora says Giulia should give the title back to Perez as she can't carry the title the way she did. The crowd really starts booing after Perez told her to shut up.

Perez accuses Bay of wanting the NXT Women's Title. The girls all then end up fighting. Perez and Cora get knocked out of the ring and to the floor.

Jaida Parker and Kelani Jordan talk about what just happened. They argue then Karmen Petrovic interrupts. She says it doesn't matter as love is in the air. Karmen and Jaida then argue. Jaida says Karmen finally got a kiss from a guy who will leave him soon. They shove each other and fight as Perez/Bay/Jade/Giulia fight.

We go to PiP break as the fight at ringside continues. Refs try to break it up. Jade and Perez are thrown out and pushed to the back by the refs. The fight continues in the back as Ava watches. Dion Lennox walks out for his match. 

Dion Lennox vs Wes Lee

Wes koppo kicks him and boots him out of the ring. Wes then topes him. Dion pop-up drops Wes then hits back elbows and lariats. Dion pounds on Wes. Wes kicks him in the back of the leg then Dion shoulders him over.

Wes kicks Dion from the ropes and Dion spinebusters Wes for 2. Wes superkicks Dion then corkscrew kicks him. Wes hits a cardiac kick on him and beats him.

Thoughts: It was short but Dion had a good showing and continues to look like one to watch in the future. I liked what we got out of this.

Wes says he took care of Dion. He says Trick Williams thinks he's that guy and says he will take care of him next week. Trick Williams comes out and nails on of Wes' buddies. Trick lariats Wes over the top to the floor. Trick agrees to the match next week.

We get a Lexis King video. He says he didn't get off to the best start but turned a new leaf. He says he wants to be the best version he can be and says people are taking notice. He says he wants to prove he's not the same. Charlie Dempsey says King's name on the cup is a disgrace. King says slow and steady wins the race as he can't win them over quickly.

Sarah interviews Stephanie Vaquer. She says she wants the Women's NXT Title and Fatal Influence will do everything to stop it. She says if Shotzi becomes champ she will meet hell. She says Fallon can run but can't hide.

NXT Heritage Cup - Lexis King (c) vs Charlie Dempsey

Round 1 - CD kicks away a handshake. King waistlock takedowns him. CD splits King's legs and then CD cartwheels. King throws CD over then dropkicks him. King armdrags and armlocks him. CD snapmares King. CD hits him in the face then backslides him. King gets a pin attempt in and shoulders him over. King offers a handshake. CD gives him one. CD yanks him into euros. King trips him and is caught in a grounded sleeper. CD rolls him up and backslides him. CD goes for a chickenwing and the round ends. 

Round 2 - This begins during PiP break. King headlock takeovers him then side headlocks him. King pins CD's arms down. CD gutwrench suplexes him. King back body drops him. King blocks a sunset flip and gets a pin on CD. King leads 1-0.

Round 3 - We return from break. CD hits euros then knees him in the gut. King armdrags and armlocks him. CD hits euros then germans him for 2. CD hooks King's arm and pounds on him. King superkicks CD hard in the chin for 2. CD hits a double underhook suplex and pins him. This is tied 1-1. 

Round 4 - King grabs brass knucks in the corner but puts them down. King hits kicks to the chest then takes a dragon screw. King hits a suplex. King shoulders him over and lariats him over. King hits a corner lariat then does a northern lights suplex. King top rope crossbodies CD for 2. CD hits a nasty german on King's neck. CD is sent out and King tope con hilos him. King nails Myles Borne outside. CD rolls up King twice for 2. King low blows CD the hits his coronation neckbreaker. King wins the match 2-1.

It was one of King's better matches so far in NXT and he did okay against Dempsey. Dempsey was fine as usual and really got him good with a german. We'll have to see where King cheating to win goes. 

Bianca Belair and Naomi talk about Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson. Naomi says they forgot who the glow and EST are as nobody does this better than them. BB says they better bring more if they want to take the titles from them next week.

Hank and Tank talk to Andre Chase. Hank and Tank argue and Chase tells them to break up now and look out for themselves. Chase says forget he says anything and walks away. We then see wrestlers including Kale Dixon watching old videos of Chase at Chase U. Kale says he was a bad@ss. Chase says Chase U is dead and Kale says it doesn't have to be.

Karmen Petrovic vs Jaida Parker

KP waistlocks her and is spun off. KP teases kicking her and JP backs up. KP double upkicks her and legsweeps her. She then mocks her high step. JP knees her in the gut. KP jumping back kicks her then facebusters her. KP hits leg kicks. KP is electric chair dropped by JP.

KP is sent into the buckles and takes corner spears. KP is laid on the 2nd rope and JP butt drops her down. KP kicks JP off the ropes. JP spinning fisherman's neckbreakers her for 2. KP rolls up JP for 2. KP hits running forearms then spinning lariats her. KP sling blades her for 2. JP spinning back elbows her then gordbusters her. JP goes for the running hip attack. Kelani Jordan is on the apron. JP is distracted and KP rolls her up to win.

The girls did a good job here. KP had a better showing than usual and is a lot better than she used to be. She put her offense together well in this.

Lash and Jakara talk to Sol and Zaria in the back. Sol asks if they know how big their match is next week. Sol says they have the chance to bring their titles back to NXT. Lash says it's the biggest match of her career. Jakara says they will bring the action and says all we get a shot at the titles when they win. Tatum and Gigi walk by and are interested.

Niko Vance and Brooks Jensen vs Stacks and Luca Crusifino

This is Niko's NXT non-Level Up/non-WWE Main Event debut. The fight starts on the outside. BJ throws Stacks out and then back into the ring. The four fight and BJ is lariated over the top. Luca jumping knees Niko. Niko takes a double boot. Stacks slides under Niko and punches him. Stacks springboard dropkicks BJ off the apron. Stacks is then hiptossed out onto his opponents.

Niko germans Luca and hits corner spears. Luca is thrown hard into the buckles. BJ hits a suplex on Luca and throws him by the arm. Luca bounces off the mat with his head in a dangerous bump. Stacks and BJ get in. Stacks lariats Niko then enzugiri's BJ. BJ sleepers Stacks. Stacks hits a 2nd rope double dropkick.

Luca superkicks Niko. Niko flying battering rams Luca into the steps outside. We have technical problems as Niko flips Stacks with a lariat. Biko then pins Stacks.

Niko was kind of dangerous here and looked like he really hurt Luca twice. This is the second time this has happened which is concerning. Hopefully Luca is okay. 

Fraxiom are interviewed. Axiom says their match with OTM was close. Ax says you never know this in this tag division. NF says they are the best team on the planet. They say it's The Rascalz this week. Josh Briggs and Yoshiki Inamura come in. Briggs says they had next. Inamura accuses them of ducking them. They ask who they beat. OTM then fights with Briggs and Inamura.

Dion Lennox is knocking things over in the back. Izzi Dame and Tony D'Angelo talk but Tony says he has to go. Rizzo, Stacks and Luca ask why Tony didn't come out. Stacks says they were waiting for him. Tony says Izzi wouldn't stop talking to him. Tony says Stacks has been the underdon for 2 years now and should be able to do this on his own.

Ethan Page does a video. He said he didn't want to do to Dante Chen what he did. He said Dante wanted to stand on a moral high ground and can't stand at all now. Page said he enjoyed Chen screaming like Cedric Alexander and Je'Von Evans. Page says this is Evan's last warning and he won't stop next time.

Je'Von Evans talks to Ava in the back and his jaw is still messed up. Ava says he's not cleared but says Cedric Alexander is. Ced says he will get Page for both of them next week.

Austin Theory and Grayson Waller walk in. They call Ava the final boss of NXT and say they like her more than Pearce and The Rock. Waller said they wanted to thank her for letting the winner of the title match be on Waller's show next week. Theory asks for some extra security and said maybe they can watch the main tonight.

Trick stares at Oba as he walks to the ring.

Diamond Dallas Page is watching in the crowd. 

WWE NXT Title - Oba Femi (c) vs Eddy Thorpe

Eddy hits leg kicks and Oba throws him in the corner. Eddy enzugiri's and germans him there. Eddy elbow drops him for 2. Oba lariats Eddy. Oba throws Eddy then hits a back body drop. Oba clubs the apron when Eddy moves. Eddy dropkicks Oba off the apron.

Waller and Theory are on the riser. Eddy pushes Oba into the apron edge back first. Eddy hits kicks on Oba. Eddy PK's Oba for 2. Oba chops Eddy up. Oba slams Eddy and misses an elbow drop.

Eddy chinlocks Oba. Oba throws Eddy off of him. Eddy gets on Oba's back. Oba hits shot son him then short arm lariats him. Oba spinning side slams Eddy. Oba spinebusters him for 2. Eddy hurricanrana's Oba for 2. Oba lariats Eddy. Eddy top rope elbow drops Oba for 2. Eddy germans Oba. Ob chokeslams him for 2. Oba goes into the post off a missed corner spear.

Eddy tries a corner facekick and Oba throws him down. Oba then powerbombs Eddy for the win.

Thoughts: Well I'm glad Eddy didn't win. It was just average here and not too much of note, though it was a little better than I expected.

Trick Williams appears in the ring after and Oba asks if he's coming for more. Eddy tries to hit Trick and Trick pumping knees him. I think it's too soon to do this match again but we will see where it goes.

Overall thoughts: The show was pretty average. There was nothing I really loved here though King had a decent outing and I liked the little we got of Wes/Dion. Nothing was that bad but Luca Crusafino took two awful looking bumps in his match and I hope he is okay. I'd just give this a 5 out of 10 and would recommend skipping it.

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