Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Marigold 1/12/2025 New Years Golden Garden Day 2

Marigold 1/12/2025 New Years Golden Garden Day 2

Day 1 is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/01/marigold-1112024-new-years-golden.html

Natsumi Showzuki vs. Ryoko Sakimura

Nat = Natsumi Showzuki

RS wristlocks herand cartwheels out of a wristlock. Nat side headlocks her. They trade chest forearms. RS slams her and falls on it. RS then sleepers her. RS hits chest kicks then Nat chest kicks her down. Nat armbars her. Nat stomps on RS' back and double knee drops it. RS single leg crabs her.

RS cradles her for 2 and Nat boots her around. RS trips her then rolls into a koji clutch on her. RS hits corner dropkicks on her. Nat chest kicks her down then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Nat single leg crabs her then does a nasty lion tamer for the win.

Thoughts: It was a rookie vs vet match here. Nat won as expected and was never in danger. RS got some strikes in but didn't really impress. She fell on a slam but she pretty much hit it so it wasn't some bad botch. This wasn't much. 

Nao Ishikawa vs. Rea Seto

Rea rolls up Nao multiple times. Nao slams her. Nao hair throws Rea and maybe chokes her in the corner. Nao facebusters her then does a camel clutch. Nao shoulders Rea over then snapmares her. Nao pulls back on Rea's arms. Rea rolls her up for 2 then low dropkicks her. Nao low dropkicks her. Rea hits chest forearms then Nao chst forearms her over.

Rea running dropkicks Nao for 2. Rea then puts her in cattle mutilation. Rea boots Nao from then knee drops Nao's arm. Rea armbars Nao. Nao flying lariats Rea. Rea hits chest forearms. Nao spinebusters her for 2. Nao pulls back on Rea's legs and Rea ropebreaks. Nao ddt's her. Rea sunset flips her and they trade pin attempts. Nao 2nd rope twisting crossbodies Rea then double underhook suplexes her. Nao does a bad german on her and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good as expected. Rea can't do a ton and Nao's really only worthwhile when she's the underdog fiery face. She was the vet here and we just got a weak undercard match out of this. If I didn't know any better, I'd think both were basically rookies.

Minami Yuuki, Misa Matsui & Utami Hayashishita vs. Bozilla, Megaton & Tank

Utami's team attacks before the bell. Everyone goes out to fight. Yuuki hits chest forearms on Boz and is knocked over. Boz corner splashes her then hits a chop flurry. Boz double chops her. Mega falling splashes Yuuki then Boz ddt's Yuuki.

Boz gets on Yuuki's back and hits forearms. Yuuki dropkicks her. Yuuki low dropkicks Boz then Misa top rope crossbodies Boz. Boz catches her. Boz takes a double basement dropkick. Misa crossbodies Boz against the bottom rope.

Boz suplexes Misa and hits a nightmare pendulum for 2. Boz sitout powerbombs Misa. Misa rolls up Tank for 2. Utami gets in and dropkicks Tank. Utami and Tank lariat battle and Tank knocks her down. Tank facekicks Utami. Utami lariats Tank on the ropes then sliding lariats her.

Yuuki gets in and hits dropkicks on Tank. Yuuki hammerlock guillotines her. Tank misses a corner charge and is lariated by Utami. Yuuki then top rope dropkicks Tank for 2. Tank suplexes Yuuki. Tank blackhole slams Yuuki for 2. Tank spears Yuuki and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was short and basically a waste of time. Yuuki took a whooping for almost all of this before being put down.  

Mega talks to Utami on the mic after and Utami talks to her after.

CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki vs. Chika Goto & Mai Sakurai

NN = Nagisa Nozaki

Chi stomps on Chika's foot to start then cartwheel double knee drops her. Chi boots Chika around and basement dropkicks her. Chi boots her then facewash kicks her. Chika running hip attacks her and slams her. Mai running facekicks Chi then corner facekicks her. Mai hits facewash kicks on Chi. NN grabs Mai by the hair and Chi spears Mai on the ropes. Chi spinebusters Mai for 2.

NN suplexes Mai for 2. NN reverse pendulum kicks her then takes a basement dropkick. Chi STO's her. Mai and NN facekick each other. NN superkicks her. Chi facekicks her on the ropes. NN dropkicks her. Mai flying knees NN. Chika corner lariats NN.

Chika does an abdominal stretch on NN. Chika throws her over and boots her. NN hits kicks on her. Chika hip attacks NN on the ropes and NN takes a double kick for 2. Chika sitout slams NN for 2. NN facekicks Chika twice.

NN mule kicks her in the head for 2. NN fights off a double team then NN and Chiaki hit a dropkick + flying spear at the same time. Chika takes a head kick + sitout burning hammer  then NN flying Chika for the win.

It wasn't that good as expected here. It was hard to get into this one and there weren't a lot of great moments here.

NN and Mai get into it after. They then talk on the mic.

Nanae Takahashi, Seri Yamaoka & Victoria Yuzuki vs. Miku Aono, MIRAI & Naho Yamada

NT = Nanae Takashi, Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz side headlocks Naho then Naho puts it on her. They roll each other off hiptosses and Yuz hits a basement dropkick. Seri comes in and rolls Naho around. She then sits on her back with a chinlock and goes for the armbar.

Everyone gets in and fights. Mirai has her partners thrown into ther then her partners all do corner attacks on the other team in the corner. Naho boots NT out of the corner. NT hits chest forearms on Naho. Naho takes a triple basement dropkick.

NT chinlocks Naho then does a ground sleeper. Yuz gets in and Naho rolls her up for 2. Naho then bodyscissors rolls her. Miku is tagged in. She is double teamed by Yuz and Seri. Miku corner dropkicks both. Miku PK's Yuz for 2. Yuz flyingheadscissors Miku. Yuz misses a standing moonsault on Miku then basement dropkicks her. Yuz standing moonsaults her for 2.

Seri ties up Miku's legs and Miku ropebreaks. Miku hits leg kicks then Seri hits a back body drop for 2. Miku swinging twisting slams Seri for 2. Ser is tied up in the ropes then kicked by Mirai and Miku. Mira half-crabs Seri.

Seri and Mirai forearm each other. Seri spinebusters her and hits mounted forearms. Seri hits karelin's lift on her for 2. NT hits corner lariats on Mirai. They trade forearms. Mirai lariats her then take a backdrop.

NT and Mirai fight on the buckles and NT superplexes her down for 2. NT and Mirai lariat battle and Mirai lariats her over for 2. Naho hits dropkicks on NT. They then hit chest forearms on each other.
NT side slams Naho for 2. Naho running headhunters NT. Naho gets on her back for a sleeper. NT takes corner attacks from her opponents. Naho headscissors NT.

NT takes alraits on the ropes. Naho then 2nd rope diving shoulders her for 2. Naho rolls up NT for 2. NT lariats all 3 opponents down. Yuz then toop rope dropkicks Mirai. Naho takes a double side slam for 2.

Naho rolls up NT for 2. NT shining wizards Naho for 2. NT then lariats Naho and sliding D's her for the win.

Thoughts: It got about 17 minutes. It was an okay main. Naho did most of the selling in this one but didn't botch anything. Seri was only in for a little but continued to look fine. It wasn't anyone's best effort.

NT and Mirai get into it after. They had gotten fiesty with each other during this.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't a good show. Only the main was worth anything and that wasn't that great either. The promotion just has too many limited workers and young wrestlers and there's only so much you can get out of that. Add in that this is a house show and it was the usual eh Marigold show. I'd give this a 4 out of 10 and would not recommend it.

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