Sunday, January 12, 2025

WOW Women of Wrestling 1/11/2025 Season 5, Episode 18

WOW Women of Wrestling 1/11/2025 Season 5, Episode 18

Last week's show is here:

The Environmentalists (Scout Parker and Sprout Greens) vs The Dojo Defenders (Kara Kai and Tara Strike)

Tara is in the white and Kai's in the black. Kai and Greens go at it. Kai hits kicks and Greens does the tarantula to her. Kai hits shots to the gut. Kai euros her in the corner.

Tara legsweeps Scout then hits kicks on her in the corner. Scout pulls Tara's leg down over the 2nd rope. Tara hits kicks on Scout then is dragon screwed. Tara gets her legs split then Greens low crossbodies Tara. Scout rolls up Tara for 2.

Kai is tagged in and hits a lariat and kicks on Scout. She drops her with a high kick to the chin. The Defenders hit stereo sunset flips and win.

Thoughts: The finish was a bit out of nowhere. The match was nothing too special here with The Defenders doing a bunch of kicks and everyone keeping things pretty simple.

Lana Star has Holly Swag and Penelope Pink behind her .She says we are looking at one of the WOW battle royal winners. Pink said she had won the title before. Holly says she can win it instead and said Pink doesn't need to win it again.

Princess Aussie talks. She says it doesn't matter how many opponents are in the ring. It's time for her to win her gold back.

Pep Riley vs "Magnificent" Miranda Mirage

They lock up and Pepe is pushed. Pep rolls her up for 2. Pep crucifixes her then legsweeps her for 1. Pep trips her then rolls her up. MM throws Pep out. Pep's head is banged off the buckles. Pep is sent hard into the corner. MM bodyscissors Pep. MM foot chokes Pep in the corner.

MM snapmares her and Pep rolls her up. Pep sunset flips her for 2. Pep double boots her out of the corner and 2nd rope crossbodies her for 2. Pep bulldogs MM off the casadora for 2. MM knees her in the gut then scissors kicks her for the win.

Thoughts: They had pretty simple offense here. Mirage didn't get a ton in and they did a lot of pin attempts in this one. It was pretty average but there were no botches.

Chainsaw saves Pep after and chokeslams Mirage onto Siren. Chain then carries Pep to the back.

Genesis says this is her moment. She says she's gonna be 11 girls out of the ring and one left standing - her.

Torment says she's ready for the challenge and will be the new WOW champ.

Samantha Smart tells The Classmaster that she's the only one who is qualified and the one who will win.

We get a general video on the various members of the WOW roster with them saying, "be yourself, be strong and win".

Reina Del Rey talks in the back. She says she's the biggest and baddest person out there. She says if she goes down tonight, she takes someone with her. Santana Garrett says the other women are talented but she's a former WOW champ. She wants to prove she has what it takes to the be the best.

They say Sibley Scoles is going to be a backstage reporters on the next WOW show. I don't know who that is.

Betty and Jessie find Animal Instinct's locker room. They find a dog bowl with food they think is looking good. Animal Instinct come in. Goldie says it's her dog's locker room. Jessie says Goldie's dog gets better accomodations than she does. Goldie says Jessie's dog is a lower class inbred mutt compared to her. Jessie and Betty then throw the dog food at the heels. The heels then cry and squeal.

On next week's show, Top Tier fights Xena Phoenix and The Dojo Defenders in a trios title match.

WOW Championship Battle Royal - The Classmaster, Genesis, Reina Del Rey, Penelope Pink, Holly Swag, Paola Mayfield, Xena Phoenix, Chantilly Chella, Holidead, Tormenta, Princess Aussie and Santana Garrett

I'm picking Genesis to win this. The faces all run in together. Everyone fights. Holly's back is rammed into the buckles. Class tries to throw Santana over the top. Holidead pounds on Reina in the corner. Holi puts Chella on her shoulders and bangs Chella's feet into people.

Reina nails Holi from behind. Aussie boots Genesis in the corner then Gen boots her back. Xena Phoenix is thrown out and eliminated by Gen. Holi tries to eliminate Paola. Reina shoves Class. Chella hits chest forearms and a pump kick on Reina. Chella's in trouble on the apron. She goes for a springboard and Reina pushes her out. Chantilly Chella is eliminated.

Santana Garrett boots Holidead off the apron and Holidead is eliminated. Reina is group pounded on by everyone. 4 girls grab Reina and she is booted. Reina del Rey is eliminated by being thrown over the top by multiple girls.

Paola poses on the buckles and is pushed down by multiple girls. Paola Mayfield is eliminated. Gen is legswept on the apron and takes a basement dropkick from Tormenta. Genesis is eliminated.

We are down to 6 girls. They all fight at the same time and the face girls hit triple thesz presses with triple mounted punches. Holly slides out under the bottom rope and pulls Aussie out. Princess Aussie is eliminated.

Pink pumping knees an opponent and Holly hits a top rope crossbody on Tormenta. Santana is sent to the apron. She ends up doing a split on it from Pink. Santana starts to pull Pink over the top. Pink kicks Holly by accident. Pink and Santana fight on the apron. Holly stupidly runs at both at Santana, Penelope Pink and Holly Swag all get eliminated together.

The Classmaster and Tormenta are the last two in the ring. Class pushes her then takes a kick to the leg. Tor spinning forearms her. Tor does a final cut to Class. Tor thinks she has Class eliminated and starts posing. Class hangs on though and throws Tor out from behind. The Classmaster wins and is the new WOW World Champ!

It was a battle royal so it wasn't particularly great. I don't have a problem with Class winning. She has won some big matches lately and Samantha Smart has always been one of the top heels so it makes sense. I would have had Genesis win though as she can talk and seems ready to move up to the next level. Holly Swag's elimination was not good here as she basically eliminated herself.

David McLane comes in the ring after. Dave says Smart prevented Class from being eliminated at one point. Smart says she didn't help her and said Class won. Dave says it's not over between them and Tormenta. Classmaster then holds the belt and poses to end the show.

Overall thoughts: We finally got the battle royal after weeks of build. It wasn't anything too special but at least have a WOW champ again. It already looks like they got the next WOW Title match set up with Tormenta probably getting a match with Class. They continued to push hostilities here between Swag and Pink and they pretty much certified that Chainsaw and Pep Riley are going to be friends going forward. The show was fine but none of the matches were must see. I'd give this a 5 out of 10.

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