WWE Main Event 1/23/2025
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/01/wwe-main-event-1162025.html
Natalya vs Ivy Nile
They fight on the ropes and shove each other. Nat rolls her up for 2. Ivy lariats her over. Ivy sends her into the buckles shoulder first. Ivy throws her down by the arm. Nat cradles her for 2. Ivy armbars her. Ivy codebreakers the arm.
Ivy gets on her back and armlocks her. Nat drops her down to escape. Nat hits punches and germans her. Nat flying headscissors her into a russian legsweep. Nat misses a corner charge. Ivy armdrags her. Nat spinning lariats her for 2.
Ivy pushes her into the buckles and backrolls her (while holding the tights) for the win.
Thoughts: It wasn't much. Ivy worked the arm a little before the cheap win. There was nothing special about this one as expected.
Akira Tozawa vs JD McDonaugh
JD boots him and side headlocks him. JD shoulders him over and slaps him in the back of the head. JD does a side headlock takeover. Akira headscissors him. they repeat the spot with the roles reversed. JD rolls out.
Akira side headlocks him. Akira flips out of a hiptoss and dropkicks him out of the ring. Akira then topes JD outside. We go to break and return.
Akira hits leg kicks and flips JD with one. JD tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. JD backbreakers Akira on his shoulder. JD pulls Akira's arms back. Akira 2nd rope diving hurricanrana's him. JD uranages him then standing moonsaults him for 2.
JD boots Akira around. Akira enzugiri's him. JD hits a standing spanish fly. Akira corkscrew kicks him for 2. Akira sentons JD off the buckles. JD yanks him into a backdrop and wins.
Thoughts: It was a faster paced juniors match. It was acceptable but didn't have much of a story and wasn't anything that great.
Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches as usual. Neither was that good this one is not one you need to see. As usual, the men's match was a lot better than the women's match.
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