WCW Main Event 3/17/1991
Jim Ross is only on commentary here.
The Young Pistols (Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong) vs Magnum Force
I don't know who is who from The Force and I don't know if Jim Ross knows either. They were not announced individually. A Force member shoulders over Steve. The Pistols do a double wristlock and double chop. Tracy armdrags both opponents. Steve lariats over one of The Force then wristlocks him. Tracy slingshot kicks a Force member then trips him.
The other Force member gets in. Tracy is put in a side headlock. Steve hiptosses and armdrags a Force member. Steve then gets a roll-up for 2. Steve hits an armdrag then takes a double boot. Tracy hits a double clothesline. Steve hits shots on both opponents then flying shoulders a Force member. The Pistols hold up an opponent for a top rope dropkick. Steve then pins a Force member.
Thoughts: It got a little longer than you would expect. The Pistols looked good here with armdrags, fast paced offense and a nice finisher. The Force got a double boot in but not a ton else.
The Danger Zone
Paul E. Dangerously is in the ring. He brings out The York Foundation. Alexandra York, Terry Taylor and Buddy Landell come out. Terry is dressed up in a suit with glasses and his hair tied back.
York says since Terry became part of The Foundation, his wrestling has been flawless. She credits the computer for it. She says she's pleased with him. Terry says Bobby Eaton showed everyone what a redneck hick he was last week. He says Eaton will never be in The Foundation due to his behavior and he blew it. Buddy says he thinks York wants her to be in the stable. He says York wants him to be her wrestler and has plans for her later. Buddy says he will kick Eaton like yesterday's newspaper. He says he'd walk through Eaton to get to a better fight.
Paul E asks York if Buddy can become a member of The Foundation if he wins against Eaton. York says she's watching everything Buddy does and says keep working hard. Paul says we may be looking at the next member of The York Foundation.
"Nature Boy" Buddy Landell vs "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton
York said Buddy could join The York Foundation if he wins, so we will see. Eaton is still coming out to The Midnight Express theme.
They trade punches. Buddy hits shots in the corner. Bobby gets his feet up in the corner and Buddy goes into them. Bobby back body drops Buddy and punches him out of the ring. Buddy goes out and says, "I could beat him just like that if I wanted to". JR says York was lying earlier as anyone would love to have Buddy or Z-Man in their group.
Buddy and Bobby lock-up. They trade shots. Buddy side headlock takeovers him. Bobby headscissors him. Buddy hits chops on Bobby then fireman's carry takeovers him. Buddy kicks Bobby in knee then hits a nice punch. Buddy elbow drops him then bangs his head off the rail. Buddy chops him outside and elbow drops him.
Bobby's head is banged off the post. Buddy chinlocks him. Bobby throws Buddy out then bangs Buddy's head off the post. Buddy mule kicks him and throws him in. Buddy comes off the buckles and gets hit in the gut. Bobby rolls him up for 2. Buddy abdominal stretches Buddy.
Bobby neckbreakers Buddy. Bobby suplexes Buddy and elbow drops him. Bobby goes up top and Terry Taylor pushes Bobby off the top for the DQ.
Thoughts: The work was solid and they both definitely took some stiff shots. I thought they put over that they were feuding well. I wish we would have gotten a real finish. Does this mean Buddy doesn't get to join The York Foundation?
Bobby is beaten up by Terry and Buddy after. Bobby then takes a spike piledriver.
"Dangerous" Dan Spivey vs T.C. Carter
Dan hits him before it starts. He puts him in tree of woe and stomps on him as he hangs upside down. Dan slams him then lariats him. Dan still has his vest and chaps on by the way. Dan facekicks TC then sends him out. Dan clubs on TC's chest. TC's throat is pulled over the top. Dan then backdrops TC.
Dan chokes him then hits a suplex. Dan hits a side walk slam and wins.
Thoughts: Dan never took his entrance gear off. He completely dominated here as expected and beat up on poor TC. Dan also did a lot of staring into the camera with wild eyes.
Big Josh vs Mike Thor
They go chest to chest. Mike shoulders him then takes a facekick. Mike clubs on Josh's chest. Josh then returns the favor. Mike hits some nice punches. Josh trips him then bangs his face off the mat. Josh kind of drops him with a lariat and boots him. Josh drives Mike's face into the mat. Josh then sit son him and hits mounted shots.
Joshc chops Mike down then stands with his boot on Mike's face. Josh then shoves Mike over. Josh pushes Mike against the middle rope. Mike hits some shots to the gut and takes a back elbow. Josh butt drops him and wins.
Thoughts: This was a fight with poor Mike really getting butt kicked. Josh seriously roughed him up. Mike looked so dorky here in his singlet. Josh continues to look better suited towards being a heel.
Jim Ross and Missy Hyatt talk. We see clips from last week's Power Hour with Sting and Larry Z. Missy says Sting could have broke Larry's leg with the figure four.
Sting vs Larry Zbyszko
Sting gets jumped by Barry Windham and Arn Anderson before it starts. Sting's head is banged off the rails and he's thrown in. Larry tries to pin him and the ref counts it before the bell even rings in a bad reffing moment.
Larry slams then chokes Sting. Larry hits another slam for 2. Sting's head is banged off the buckle then Larry backdrops Sting. Larry chinlocks Sting. Sting escapes and gets eye raked. Larry spin kicks him in the gut and suplexes him for 2. Larry does another chinlock.
Sting suplexes Larry. Larry goes for the slam but Sting falls on him. Larry stomps on Sting then chokes him over the bottom rope. Larry chokes Sting over the top rope. Larry rolls up Sting for 2. Larry snapmares him then chinlocks him again.
Larry hits him in the gut then Sting misses a corner charge. Larry hits a twisting neckbreaker for 2. Larry chokes Sting over the top rope then pulls his throat down over it. Larry comes back and is cradled. Sting then gets the pin.
Thoughts: Larry got about 90% of the offense in here minus the slam. Sting got attacked before it started and Larry never let up before losing in a fluke. It made sense and all but nowhere near as good as their match last week.
Jim Ross and Missy Hyatt close the show. Jim says it Eaton and a mystery partner vs Terry Taylor and Buddy Landell. He also says it's Flyin' Brian vs Barry Windham.
Overall thoughts: It's early 90's TV wrestling so you always have to set your expectations low. Yeah, they might promise a big main event, but it's probably going to have a dirty finish or be short. Sting/Larry didn't deliver but at least it got enough time. I thought Eaton and Landell did what they were supposed to do in their match and at least it was competitive. Other than that it was all squashes here and a Danger Zone segment. I didn't mind the show but it wasn't great and was nothing you need to see.
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