AEW Collision 1/25/2025 Collision Homecoming
Last week's show is here:
Jim Ross, Nigel McGuinness and Tony Schiavone are on commentary.
Christian says Nick Wayne faces Samoa Joe and he will let him win as he thinks he will win. Nick says he will embarrass and dismantle Joe. They say they will resume their quest to become the next champ.
Toni Storm says she meets Mariah May face to face finally. She says she will give her respect. May just laughs.
Samoa Joe says the sons will suffer the sins of the father and Nick Wayne will suffer them in total.
Samoa Joe vs Nick Wayne
Christian's crew surrounds Joe in the ring. Shibata and Hook come down and CC's crew backs off.
Nick and Joe lock up. Nick side headlocks him. They shoulder battle. Joe trips Nick and sentons his back. Joe hits punches then chops. Joe goes for the muscle buster. Nick eye rakes him and dropkicks him. Nick hits a dragon screw. Nick bangs Joe's leg off the post. Christian tries to do some but is stopped by Hook and Shibata.
Joe chops Hook up. Joe goes out and Nick top rope moonsaults him outside. Nick hits some kicks on a downed Joe then stomps the leg. Joe hits a corner uranage on Nick. Nick hits a code red on Joe.
Joe hits a big lariat on Nick. Christian and Kip get on the apron and are pulled down as Joe muscle busters Nick. Joe then wins as expected.
Thoughts: It went longer than it needed to. I didn't buy that Nick had any shot against Joe and I just couldn't buy him doing much damage to Joe. It wasn't anything too good.
Kazuchika Okada vs Komander
Kom hits kicks to the body and dropkicks Okada. Okada eye rakes him. Kom gets on Okada's back and does a cobra twist. Okada ropebreaks. Kom topes Okada outside. Okada facekicks Kom. Okada hits forearms.
Kom walks up the ropes and springboard armdrags Okada. Okada ddt's Kom on the floor. We go to PiP break and return. Okada blocks a 2nd rope diving headscissors but Kom hits a facebuster out of it. Kom facebusters him out of the casadora for 2.
Okada over the back neckbreakers Kom on the knee. Okada top rope elbow drops Kom. Kom walks up the buckles and diving headscissors Okada. Kom superkicks Okada. Kom springboard canadian destroyers Okada. Kom rope walk moonsaults Okada outside. Kom is caught on a springboard and takes a rainmaker. Okada then wins.
Thoughts: I didn't like the finishing stretch at all with the rainmaker meaning absolutely nothing. It was a match. I don't really know why we needed to see Kom lose while being a champ and I don't think anyone really bought that he was beating Okada. Okada worked okay with Kom though.
Okada helps up Kom after and hits him from behind.
We go to the parking lot. Powerhouse Hobbs waits for Big Bill. Bill throws a brick at him and they fight. Hobbs hits Bill with a cookie sheet outside. Hobbs hits Bill with a trash can lid. Bill facekicks Hobbs. Hobbs pulls a gate off the hinges and throws it at Bill. Security tries to break it up. Bill says "I got you Hobbs, you'll see, I got you".
The Costco Guys are interviews by Lexi. Cole, Strong and O'Reilly interrupt. Cole asks if they wanna do it and they say "boom" together. The Costco Guys give them 5 big booms.
Adam Cole, Roderick Strong and Kyle O'Reilly vs Matt Menard, Angelo Parker and Daniel Garcia
Shane Taylor Promotions is at ringside. This is Angelo Parker's return after being out for a while.
Cole wristlocks DG. DG reverses it. Cole hammerlocks him. DG side headlock takeovers him then has it happen to him. They try to hit each other at the same time and stare down.
Menard wristlocks Strong then Parker suplexes Strong. Parker knee drops him. Parker takes a double team then is suplexed onto Menard. Parker botches a headhunter/sunset flip on Kyle. Kyle back body drops DG outside then running knees Menard off the apron. DG knocks Kyle down outside then argues with Shane Taylor Promotions.
We go to PiP break and return. Menard hits corner punches on Kyle then DG does as well. Kyle is tripped into an elbow drop on the back. Kyle pushes Parker into Menard then hits a double lariat. Cole and DG get in. They trade forearms.
DG chops Cole then Cole pump kicks him. DG backdrops him. Cole superkicks him in the knee then DG flips Cole with a lariat. Cole hits oblivion on DG. Strong leg lariats Parker then hits chops.
Strong then fireman's carry backbreakers him and drops him chest first for 2. Menard takes a double team shot. Kyle chest kicks Parker. Parker takes a high/low and is pinned.
Thoughts: It was fine. They timed it well enough and kept things moving here. It was nothing you would remember but it worked out. I don't like Parker losing on his return here and I was surprised Shane Taylor's crew didn't get involved.
The two teams shake hands after.
Max Caster does a promo. He says his tag partner and mentor turned on him. Max says he will do an open challenge series to find out who the survivors are. He says this is where the best wrestle but you can't be better than the best wrestler alive.
Top Flight are interviewed. Dante says they have been here for 24 hours and can't find Action or Lio. Darius asks if he's surprised they can't find them. Darius says he didn't want Lio in here. He says Action held things down while Dante was out and says Lio started this mess. He says lets see how big and bad Lio is. He challenges him to a match and says he will send him packing again.
Tony Schiavone is in the ring. He brings out Toni Storm and Mariah May for a face to face. May says she thinks and feels nothing about Toni. She says Toni is nothing. She says Toni is a joke and a meme. She says the fans laugh at Toni and forget about her like she knew they would. She says she never cared about her and was the dumbest, easiest pawn. She says she will get off humiliating Toni in her home town.
Toni says she's May's biggest fan. She says she has seen everything May has done. She says she wants to be just like her someday. Toni then hugs her. May then slaps her and tells Tony Schiavone to get out. May hits Toni with the AEW Title. She then whips her with the belt. Refs and security try to stop May. May spits on Toni and leaves.
May goes to leave. Toni asks what makes May think she has forgotten. She asks what makes her think their dance is done. She says each scar and every drop of blood she will feel forever. She says this is her moment in the sun. She says the hardest role you will ever play is yourself. She then says she did the performance of a lifetime. She says May might be the woman from hell but she comes from her womb and she will shove her up there and spit her out. She says she's Toni Storm and will rip her chest off.
Thoughts: So this was just acting the whole time and Toni acted like a moron because why?
We see clips from a Death Riders interview with Renee. Mox says he wants a thousand Moxley's and wants this to live on after he's gone. He says he was sold on this being the art and the craft of wrestling and doing things the way they are supposed to be done.
The Hounds of Hell (Brody King and Buddy Murphy) vs The Gates of Agony (Bishop Kaun and Toa Liona)
Buddy and Kaun collide with shoulders. Buddy side headlock takeovers him. Kaun does the same. They get up and stare down. Toa shoulders over Buddy. Toa and Brody shoulder battle then trade forearms.
They trade chops. Brody takes a corner splash. Brody is double teamed in the corner with clubs. Brody facekicks Kaun. Toa's head is banged off the buckles. Buddy hits shots on Toa and pumping knees him. Toa no sells it and is pulled out. Buddy dropkicks both opponents through the ropes and does a tope con hilo on both.
We go to PiP break and return. Brody's head is banged off the steps and he is rolled over a table. Tora corner hip attacks Buddy and Kaun running knees Buddy in the corner. Buddy takes a t-gimmick for 2.
Brody comes in and beats up GoA. He crossbodies Toa then back body drops Kaun. Toa is dropped onto Kaun. Brody death valley drivers Toa for 2. Toa headbutts Brody then pop-up samoan drops him for 2.
Buddy jumping knees Kaun then Kaun pump kicks him. Brody side walk slams Kaun but falls over. Toa nearly drops Brody on a powerbomb attempt then takes a piledriver. Toa no sells it. Buddy top rope diving meteora's Toa. Kaun takes a cannonball + baseball slide in the corner and is pinned by Brody.
Thoughts: They had some rough moments here and The Hounds won as expected. I liked the idea of this and I guess I was alright with this one overall. Brody nearly got dropped on his head on a powerbomb attempt.
The Costco Guys and Harley Cameron are interviewed. Harley says she loves them and messes up their lines. The Guys say they have a new song and said they know Harley sings too. Donna Purrazzo and Taya Valkyrie walk in and says they aren't doing that. The Guys say "bring the boom" and Harley plays a quick note.
Thunder Rosa and Penelope Ford are interviewed. Rosa says Daily's place is the heart of AEW. She talks about her memories here. Ford says she cares about the present not the past and it's time AEW realizes what kind of star she is. She says she will tear up a former champ if she has to. Ford challenges Rosa. She says she will put her in the ground. Rosa says she will make it fun and very memorable.
#1 Contenders to the TBS Title - Deonna Purrazzo vs Serena Deeb vs Yuka Sakazaki vs Queen Aminata
We get lots of roll-ups to start. DP stalls on the ramp. Queen suplexes Deeb. Yuka rolling snapmares Queen into a sliding lariat for 2. Queen forearms DP over. Deeb does an indian deathlock + suplex combo. Deeb neckbreakers Queen over the ropes and is dropkicked off the apron. Yuka dropkicks Queen off the buckles.
Yuka top rope plancha's everyone outside. We go to PiP break > full break and return. DP la mistica's Queen. DP pump kicks her and they double lariat each other.
Yuka kicks Deeb in the corner. Yuka top rope crossbodies Deeb for 2. Deeb germans Queen then pepsi twists her. Deeb and Queen fight on the ramp. Taya gets in the ring and beats up Yuka and the ref doesn't care. Harley Cameron comes out to save Yuka for some reason, takes Taya out then is kicked by DP. DP powerbombs Yuka. Yuka then rolls up DP and wins.
Thoughts: Yuka is on the Shida/Riho schedule where you don't appear for months, return and get a title shot. She'll lose against Mone then probably will disappear again. I didn't like this basically being No DQ but no one but DP trying to use that in their strategy. They did what they could with this random match.
The Hounds of Hell are interviewed. Buddy says when the hounds bark, they bark together. Okada walks in and laughs at them. Okada says Buddy barks like a b!tch. Buddy tells him to put his Continental Title on the line against him. Okada says no and Buddy says he's the b!tch then. Okada says he's not.
Big Bill comes out to talk. He says he will make sure Hobbs gets locked up for what he did. Bill tells Hobbs to hobble out on his bum knee and he will finish the knee for him. Hobbs beats up security as he comes out.
Bill and Hobbs fight. Bill facekicks him to the ramp. Hobbs goes to the ramp and Bill hits him with a backpack. The backpack has bricks, a knee brace and a handcuff. Bill pounds on Hobbs. Hobbs' face is busted open.
They fight on the stage and Hobbs' head is banged off the commentary table. Bill chairs Hobbs. Bill pounds on him. Hobbs kicks Bill low. Hobbs hits forearms then belly to belly suplexes Bill off the stage through two tables on the floor.
We get a video on The Don Callis Family from earlier in the week. They are at Don's fancy house at a dinner table. Don says Omega is bloodthristy and lacks empathy. He says he won't stop until Omega spills his blood. He says Omega will spill all their blood first. Cage interrupts. Don says this isn't the same Omega.
AEW International Title - Konosuke Takeshita (c) vs Katsuyori Shibata
KS takes down KT. KT full nelsons him and KS wristlocks him. KT takes him down and KS side headlock takeovers him. KS hits elbows to the back of KT's neck then hits a forearm flurry. KT running facekicks him.
They go into the seats. KT is put in a chair and booted over. We go to PiP break and return. KS hits forearms in the corner and euros him. KS hits chops then does a corner dropkick.
KS underhook suplexes him and stomps on him. KT release germans him then exploders him. KS germans him. KS pulls down KT's tights on accident and sto's him. They trade forearms. KS grounded sleepers KT. KT hits a package tombstone then a wheelbarrow suplex. KT pumping knees KS. KS PK's him.
KS hits kicks to the chest and forearms him. Don Callis comes down to ringisde from commentary. KS does an octopus to KT. KS sleepers KT. Don trips KS and KS rolls up KT for 2. KT lariats over KS and forearms him. KT pumping knees KS then hits a falcon arrow for the win.
Thoughts: KT won as expected here. It was a decent match and they did okay with Shibata's limitations here. It wasn't the most interesting thing though and I doubt this one did good in the ratings.
Overall thoughts: It was okay overall. The main was fine but I doubt it added any viewers. The Bill/Hobbs brawl was fine for what it was and I was okay with the Cole/Strong/Kyle trios match. I didn't like the first two matches though. There was nothing must see on this one and I wouldn't really recommend it, but I've seen worse. I'd give this one a 5 out of 10.
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