Saturday, January 4, 2025

WWE Main Event 1/2/2025

WWE Main Event 1/2/2025

Last week's show is here:

Natalya vs Isla Dawn

Nat backs her up on the ropes and Isla hides between the ropes. Nat whips her down by the leg then is tripped by Alba Fyre outside. Isla basement dropkicks her and chokes her on the ropes. Isla snapmares her then meteora's her for 2.

Isla chinlocks her and throws her down backwards. Isla walks on her then Nat rolls her up. Nat hammerlocks her and Isla flurries on her. Isla high kicks her and gets a 2 count. They trade shots. Nat germans her then spinning lariats her for 2.

Isla cradles her for 2. Nat armbars her. Isla backrolls her then Nat sharpshooters her. Nat submits her for the win.

Thoughts: It was short and not much of note. Nothing was bad here but there weren't many big highlights. Both took it easy in this one.

The LWO (Cruz del Toro and Joaquin Wilde) vs The Authors of Pain

Akam shoves Cruz over. Cruz hits some punches. Cruz top rope dropkicks him. Akam takes a double superkick then Wilde is hiptossed into the ropes and splashes Akam. Razar is double lariated over the top. The LWO then do stereo dives out near the post.

We go to break and return. Razar chokes Wilde. Wilde flying forearms him. Razar pops him up and death valley drivers him into the buckles. Razar shoulders Wilde over. Wilde is thrown into a knee to the head from Razar.

Razar hits hammerfists on Wilde. Razar cranks Wilde's head. Wilde flips out of moves from Razar and tags out. Cruz springboard crossbodies Razar then hits flying lariats. Cruz walks the top rope and hits a dropkick.

Cruz hits an asai moonsault for 2. Cruz superkicks Razar in the side of the head. Cruz misses a to prope moonsault and Razar facekicks him. Cruz takes a powerbomb + neckbreaker combo. Akam pins Cruz.

Thoughts: It was a shorter midcard match. Cruz did a little more than usual but it was nobody's best effort. What we got was fine but hardly anything great. Wilde didn't even do his assisted springboarddive here.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches here as usual. The women's match was average and nothing of note. The main event was okay but nothing great. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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