AEW Collision 1/4/2025
There was no Collision last week due to World's End. The show from 2 weeks ago is here:
We do the original Collision rapid fire promos:
Mark Briscoe does a promo. He says it's a new year and he's cranking up the new year with new violence. He says he will whip Garcia's butt tonight because he needs the TNT Title. Daniel Garcia says he likes Mark but everyone wants to see a fight tonight.
The Learning Tree says they are taking FTR to school. Keith says, "you're gonna flunk, dumb@ss". Rated FTR talk. Cash says they are "The Ugly Tree". Cope says "top guys, out".
AEW TNT Title - Daniel Garcia (c) vs Mark Briscoe
I believe this got started on the World's End pre-show. They lock up. DG snapmares him. Mark throws him out, slides out after him and DG gets back in. Mark stalls out there. DG wristlocks him. Mark trips him. DG headscissors him. DG rams Mark's knees into the mat. Mark side headlock takeovers him, DG then does the same. They then stand off.
DG throws Mark out. DG holds the ropes open for Mark but Mark stalls outside. Mark hits chops in the corner then suplexes him. DG twists and shouts him DG hits corner punches and Mark knocks him down outside. Mark dropkicks him through the ropes. Mark cannonballs him off the apron.
We go to PiP break and return. They trade shots. Mark suplexes DG over the top and DG pulls him out with him. Mark uppercuts DG. They facekicks each other. DG backdrops him and Mark lariats him. Mark hits a lariat then fisherman busters him. Mark sitout powerbombs him for 2.
DG hits punches and they trade. DG hits corner punches in the corner and john woo's him. DG hits corner punches. DG piledrivers him. DG sharpshooters him. Mark punches him, knocking him off the buckles then Mark hits a froggy bow for 2. Mark hits a jay driller for 2.
DG jack knifes Mark then pins him to win.
Thoughts: It was an okay match. It wasn't great or memorable but there was nothing wrong with it.
The Death Riders talk in the back. Yuta says Jay White had no business interfering on Dynamite and says Jay will be his. Mox cuts him off. Mox says FTR crossed the line and paid a stiff price. He says he considered the debt paid but FTR opened up a new mess with Adam Copeland. Mox says Cope has the title and trophies to prove how great of a champ he was. He says Cope spent a while on the shelf and found himself extinct in a new world. He said Cope came up the hard way. He says he has always been a front runner. He says in his world, survival comes at a cost. He says they will find nothing good if they want to go down this road. He says it's hell on earth.
We see clips of Jeff Jarrett's Dynamite promo.
Jeff Jarrett vs Aaron Solo
Solo clubs on JJ then back elbows him. Solo then does the fargo strut. Solo hits forearms and JJ hits lariats. JJ step up enzugiri's him then leg lariats him on the ropes. JJ back body drops him. JJ knees him in the gut and hits the stroke. JJ then hits a second stroke and pins him.
Thoughts: It was a quick squash with JJ winning as expected. I don't know how much this does for him but at least he didn't lose.
AEW Tag Titles - Private Party vs Lio Rush and Action Andretti
Zay and Lio start us off. Zay knocks AA off the apron and is hit from behind. they fight outside. Zay hits a step up enzugiri on AA then does one on Lio. AA takes a double back body drop. Zay takes a lariat and Quen is double suplexed on the apron edge.
Zay takes a double falcon arrow for 2. Zay takes a double basement dropkick. Zay takes a double suplex. We got to PiP break and return. Zay spinebusters Lio. Zay tags in Quen. Quen hits shots on AA then spin kicks him. Quen death valley drivers Lio onto AA for 2.
Zay takes a cutter and AA 2nd rope spanish flies Quen. Lio low topes Zay outside. AA and Lio hit a gin n juice on Zay for 2. Top Flight are in the front row. AA and Lio go up top together. They star down with their opponents. The four wrestlers fight. PP hit stereo lariats on Rush and AA. Zay cannonballs Lio off the apron and takes a seated moonsault from AA. Quen swantons off the buckles onto AA and Lio.
Quen top rope SSP's Lio and AA breaks it up. AA tries to sit on Zay out of a sunset flip attempt and Dante Martin breaks it up. Zay then gets the pin on AA.
Thoughts: Dante kind of botched the finish some. The match was all flying as you would expect. Selling wasn't a big priority here and I didn't think it was that great. It was very fast paced with lots of moves.
Cope is interviewed by Lexi. He said he attacked Mox because he attacked his friends. He says we don't know when Darby will be back from being thrown down the steps. He said he heard Mox say no one wants to be AEW champ. Cope says he wants to be champ for the 12th time. He says he will wear the title around his waist.
Chris Jericho comes in. CJ says he became a world champ too. Adam says he respect him and likes him. Cope talks about how they competed against each other and CJ says he doesn't remember that. He says he remembers CJ being an @sshole and CJ says, "cope is a dope".
Toni Storm vs Deonna Purrazzo
DP takes her down off the knuckle lock and tries to pin her. Toni monkey flips her. They bridge together and shake hands. DP then slaps her. DP stomps on her in the corner. Toni takes chops then shoulders her over. Dp goes out o stall and talk with Taya. Taya distracts Toni. Toni throws DP into the rails and chops her.
DP's head is banged off the apron. DP baseball slides Toni then dives on her off the apron. We go to PiP break and return.
Toni backbreakers her then hits a thesz press. Toni fisherman suplexes her and does an STF variation. DP ropebreaks. Toni corner hip attacks her. Taya distracts Toni on the apron. DP germans Toni then pump kicks her for 2. They trade shots. DP pump kicks her. Toni hits a ddt for 2. Toni hits Taya on the apron and DP rolls up Toni for 2. Toni cradles DP and gets the win.
Thoughts: It was an average match with Taya getting involved multiple times. Toni got the win here as expected.
We see clips from after Dynamite. Christopher Daniels is trying to tell Adam Page he's on his side. Daniels says Page could be champ and says he believes in him. Page says it doesn't mean anything. Page said he needed him at World's End. Page asks what he has given him, anyone or wrestling. Page says he sees an old man hanging onto a sport that left him behind a long time ago. He said if Daniels hadn't lost his mind to old age, he would have hung it up 5 years ago. Page then slaps him. Daniels jumps on him behind and hits headbutts. Daniels stomps on him and says he's the fallen angel.
Thoughts: I don't like Page getting his butt kicked by Daniels, even if it's off of a cheap shot. That doesn't really do either guy any favors.
Bowens is interviewed after Dynamite but says to ask Max Caster. Max says he took a 2v1 and calls The Hurt Syndicate cowards. He calls himself, "The Best Wrestler Alive". Bowens says Max got what he deserved and says Billy doesn't want to show up to deal with him. Max says f*ck Billy and Bowens says he hasn't punched him because Billy asked him not to.
$100,000 High Speed Match - The Beast Mortos vs Brian Cage vs Komander vs Dante Martin
Don Callis and Takeshita do an inset promo from earlier in the day. Don says Takeshita proved himself as the best wrestler in the world and said he's the Never Openweight champ. He says they will do what they do and win 1-2-3.
Mort takes pump kicks and a shoulder to start. Kom boots Cage. Cage pops up Kom into Dante, Dante catches him and Dante is flipped into a headscissors on Cage. Dante and Kom do stereo topes outside. Dante rolls up Kom and they trade pin attempts. Mort headbutts Dante.
Kom satellite headscissors Mort out. Kom walks up the ropes and corkscrew moonsaults outside. Dante then swantons off the top to the outside. Lio Rush comes out and nails Dante from behind. Dante is then sent into the rails. Action Andretti comes out with him and talks trash to Dante. Cage tells both of them leave.
Cage throws Dante into the rails. Mort pop-up samoan drops Kom. Cage pump handle sitout slams Mort. We go to PiP break and return. Cage superkicks Dante off the apron. Mort headbutts Cage then corner euros him. Mort twists Cage's neck with his feet. Kom facebusters Mort. Kom then walks up the ropes and does a springboard canadian destroyer. Cage pops up Kom. Dante springboard swantons a standing Cage.
Dante suplexes Kom. Mort drops Dante face first onto his knees. Cage deadlift superplexes Mort in. Kom's asai moonsault is caught by Cage and Kom hits a ddt off of it. Kom poisonrana's Mort. Kom walks up the buckles and is alabama slammed off a springboard. Cage hits an F-5. Cage spinning lariats Dante then hits a flatliner off the gori special to win.
Thoughts: It went a little longer than it needed to. It was a spotfest as expected with lots of flips and people coming in and out. I didn't like Kom losing as he holds a title in ROH.
FTR talk to The Rock n Roll Express in the back. Dax apologizes for them doing a spike piledriver to Morton years ago. The Outrunners walk in. They say The RnR's owe them gas money from 1982. Morton says he doesn't think they were alive then. Morton says he's sorry if they did them over. They then shake hands.
FTR and Cope vs The Learning Tree (Chris Jericho, Big Bill and Bryan Keith)
Adam Copeland is now officially just being known as Cope. No one really likes it. BK has a singlet with pants on that kind of makes him look chubby.
Cope dropkicks BK. Cash is slingshotted into a shoulder on BK. Bill and Dax go at it. Dax hits corner spears then pulls Bill's leg around the ropes. Bill uppercuts him. Dax bangs Bill's leg off the post. Bill takes a double shoulder from FTR. He knocks both down and chokeslams Cash onto Dax's back.
We go to PiP break and return. Cope and CJ trade chops. CJ eye rakes him. Cope flying forearms him and flapjacks him. They botch a move. Bill hits shots on FTR and powerbombs Dax hard. Bill throws Cash over the top. Cope then throws Bill over the top. CJ gets a 2 count on Cope. Cope impaler ddt's him.
Cope run at CJ and takes a codebreaker for 2. Bill foot chokes Cope in the corner. CJ chokes Cope. BK catapult's Cope's throat into the bottom rope. BK chokes Cope over the middle rope. Cope pulls down BK from behind.
Cash and Bill get in. Cash hits forearms then dropkicks Bill. Cash top rope crossbodies Bill. Cash tornado ddt's him for 2. Bill gets caught up top. Dax superplexes Bill, Cash hits a top rope splash and Cope hits a top rope elbow drop on Bill for 2.
Bill hits lariats and black hole slams Dax for 2. Bill misses a corner splash. Cash suplexes CJ for 2. Dax sharpshooters BK. CJ then crabs Cash at the same time. Dax and CJ butt heads while putting the holds on. They slap each other.
Bill and Cope hit facekicks. Bill facekicks Cope. Cope spears Bill off the apron. Cope hits a top rope plancha on Bill. BK is thrown over the top then Cash topes Bill. CJ and Dax trade forearms. CJ boots him then takes a lariat and punch.
Dax goes up top and is hit with a belt by BK. CJ gets a 2 count off of it. CJ lariats and asai moonsaults Dax. CJ lands on his face on Dax then takes a shatter machine.Cope spears CJ and gets the win.
Thoughts: It was a solid main. It was as you would expect. it wasn't anything great or memorable and there wasn't that much story behind it. If you've seen other FTR Collision matches, this was similar. CJ has to stop doing the asai moonsault. He just can't hit it that clean anymore and he's gonna hurt himself sooner or later.
Cope gets on the mic after. The Death Riders are then show on the tron. They have The Rock n Roll Express taped to some structure. Morton tells Mox he doesn't have the balls to do anything. The Outrunners go to help and get hit from behind by The Death Riders. The Death Riders then leave. FTR and Cope free The Express.
Overall thoughts: It was the usual Collision. It was heavy on the wrestling and didn't have too much of importance happening. The matches were fine and the main was the best thing on here. You could skip this one. I'd give a 5 out of 10.
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