Saturday, January 4, 2025

Marigold 1/3/2025 First Dream 2025

Marigold 1/3/2025 First Dream 2025

Battle Royal

They had some surprises in Yuki Mashiro, Nightshade, Hamuko Hoshi, Flying Penguin, Momoka Hanazono and Riara. Rea Seto debuted some new black leather gear here that was an attention getter. Misa Matsui had new dark blue gear too which I think is a downgrade. Yuuki Mashiro ended up winning this one which was not expected. The match was your typical Japanese style battle royal rumble with it not being very serious and with there being a bunch of weak shots. The match also went long.

5/24/2025 is the next big show and will be called "Shine Forever Marigold".

We get a package on Seri Yamaoka who is debuting on this show. She's an amateur wrestler and she's already being called a super rookie.

MIRAI vs Seri Yamaoka

This is the debut match of Seri Yamaoka. She a rainbow singlet. Mirai has new gear.

They shake hands and lock up. Seri waistlock takedowns her. Mirai takes her down and goes for the armbar. Seri guillotines her. Seri escapes the front facelock and sits on Mirai's back while pulling her chin. Seri goes for the armbar.

Seri wristlocks her. Mirai side headlocks her then Seri wristlocks her again. Mirai rolls out and hits chest kicks. Seri escapes the guillotine and puts her own on. Mirai side headlocks her and Seri ropebreaks.

Mirai chest kicks her and gets her back and goes for the sleeper. Seri armbars her. Mirai headscissors her and Seri rolls her. Seri leglocks her. Mirai half crabs her then switches to the full crab. Mirai stands on her back. Mirai hits forearms and crabs her again. Mirai chest forearms Seri down. Seri hits a hard chest forearm back and drops her twice. They trade more forearms. Seri spinebusters her and hits mounted forearms. Seri slams her then hits karen's lift for 2. Seri pulls on Mirai's legs then crabs her.

Mirai up kicks her then hits a vader bomb corkscrew elbow drop. Mirai hits a reverse samoan drop. Seri soll off her shoulders and hits a gutwrench suplex. Mirai backdrops her  for 2. Mirai lariats her down. Seri germans her and we go to a draw.

Seri asks for more time and the match goes on. Seri double legs her then rolls her on the mat into a pin attempt. Seri rolls her by the legs then pulls on them. Mirai does a dragon screw and basement dropkicks her. 

Seri rams her into the buckles and does an air raid crash for 2. Mirai side headlock takeovers her. Mirai backdrops her. Mirai half-nelson suplexes her for 2. Mirai shoves her over and cradle shocks her for 1. Seri does a nice hard german on Mirai. Mirai lariats her over. Mirai hits a cradle shock then hits a big lariat for the win.

Thoughts: It went longer than it needed to and the crowd wasn't the best. It was a fantastic debut though for Seri and one of the better debuts ever. She had a full length back and forth match here. She didn't botch anything and is probably already one of the better girls on the roster. She really did meet the hype and is a total super rookie. Amateur wrestlers don't really need a lot of help in making things look real, which is what some of the girls like Yuuki, Rea and Naho struggle with. She does need to work on her selling and fire a bit. She will be an easy candidate for rookie of the year and the sky is the limit with her. Anything other than her being a main event girl is going to be a disappointment.

Mirai gets on the mic after and asks if it's her debut. She says you start wrestling by losing. She says use the uneasy feeling to make herself stronger and says let's meet again. Seri says she will grow to like wrestling more. Mirai slaps her after.

Marigold Superfly Title Match - Natsumi Showzuki (c) vs. Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz has new gear and a new hairstyle. I like it.

They grab each other by the hair and trade forearms. Nat side headlocks her. Yuz rolls her and misses a dropkick. Yuz flying headscissors her then hits a dropkick. Nat throws Yuz into the seats. Nat kicks her from the apron then double knee drops her off the apron to the floor. Nat does a fast running meteora.

Yuz 2nd rope tornillos her outside. Yuz springboard dropkicks her then dropkicks her. Yuz spin kicks her in the gut then flying euros her. Yuz northern lights suplexes her. Nat does an octopus on her. Nat armbars her. Nat hits double knee drops on her. Nat meteora's her on the bottom ropes. Nat ches kicks her.

Nat hits knees to the body. Yuz takes a superplex. Yuz tries her own superplex but slips and Nat falls down. They trade chest forearms and hit each other at the same time. They superkick each other and Yuz backdrops her. Nat fisherman suplexes her. Nat 2nd rope meteora's her for 2.

Yuz rolls her into a crucifix for 2. Nat does a bad fisherman's suplex for 2. Nat tries a double knee drop of the buckles but Yuz gets her knees up. Yuz punts her and hits a straightjacket german for 2. Yuz hits kicks to he head then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Yuz standing moonsaults her then moonsaults her off all 3 buckles for the win.

Thoughts: It was easily Yuzuki's worst match yet. Both girls had a lot of botches and just didn't match up that well together at all. Yuz busted out new moonsaults here and a tornillo off the 2nd rope. Nat showed a bit more fire than usual. 

Yuzuki talks on the mic after.  

She said she did it. She said she promises to forge a new generation. Yuuki Mashiro comes in. She says she wants to challenge for Yuz's belt. Yuz agrees. They then pull on each other's hair and Yuz shoves her away.

Thoughts: I didn't like this. Yuuki is the Ice Ribbon champ and should be far above this.

Marigold Twin Star Title Match - CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki (c) vs. Bozilla & Tank

They had Bulldozer Todoroki (they say they don't know who she is) come out with Boz and Tank. Boz had a face mask here that shot smoke out ala Vader. Tank is tall and wears all black. This is Tank's Stardom debut.

They fight before the bell. Tank and Nozaki trade forearms. Boz sends Chi into the seats outside. Tank forearms Nozaki over. Nozaki corner facekicks her. Tank shoulders Nozaki over. Nozaki facekicks her then chairs her. Tank hits lariats on Nozaki then suplexes her.

Bulldozer chokes Chi with a chain outside. Boz corner splashes Nozaki then sentons her. Boz gets caught on the 2nd rope and Nozaki kind of germans her off the 2nd rope. Nozaki basement dropkicks her. Chi hits facewash kicks on Boz.

Chi gets on Boz's back and sleepers her. Boz drops her backwards. Nozaki pendulum kicks Tank over the 2nd rope. Chi rolls up Boz for 2. Boz lariats Chi over. Nozaki takes a double flapjack. Chi hits chest forearms on Boz and Boz just shoves her over. Chi throws a chair at Boz and maybe hits a camera with it. Chi throws the chair at her again. Boz then chairs her hard. 

Boz 2nd rope moonsaults Chi for 2. Tank chokeslams Chi. Boz sitout powerbombs Chi and wins.

I don't like that Boz and Tank debuted as a team and got a title shot. This was a lose-lose booking wise. Nozaki and Chi losing here made their title reign look like a fluke and didn't really put them over. They basically were transitional champs. Tank wasn't impressive. She's big and is holding back on shots and they look bad because of it. I'm not real high on the Tank/Boz team. It's not going to do much for either girl or make for any good matches.

Bulldozer gets on the mic after. She says they are the strongest tag team in the world. The announcers again claim they don't know who Bulldozer is, which is really stupid since she wrestles and has been helping out on shows on camera for a while now.

Meiko Satomura & YUNA vs. Nanae Takahashi & Nao Ishikawa

I don't get this one. It's a humiliation ritual to me. Marigold took Rea from Satomura's Sendai Girls promotion. I don't get why Meiko's appearing on their show for them now unless they promised her a Nanae vs Meiko Sendai Girls match. But she should have still said no to them.

Nao shoulders Yuna over a couple of times. Yuna hits dropkicks on Nao. Yuna wristlocks her then Nao side headlocks her. Nao and Meiko go at it. Meiko armlocks her. Nanae gets in and double knuckle locks Meiko. Meiko side headlocks her. Meiko hits chest kicks then Nanae side slams her. Meiko takes chops from both opponents. Yuna hits dropkicks on Nanae that Nanae no sells. 

Nanae slams her. Nane hits shots on Yuna then Yuna codebreakers Nanae's arm. Nanae no sells a dropkick. Yuna takes a flying neckbreaker + backdrop combo. Nao crabs Yuna.  Nao slams Yuna then cartwheel splashes her for 2. Nao double underhook suplexes Yuna for 2. Yuna cradles Nao then low dropkicks her. Yuna dropkicks Nao off the buckles for 2.

Meiko comes in and kicks Nao. Meiko 2nd rope diving armdrags her. Meiko then STF's her. Nanae hits slaps on Meiko to break it. Meiko chest kicks Nao around. Meiko flying forearms Nao over. Nao slams Meiko. Nao top rope crossbodies Meiko for 2. 

Nanae lariats Meiko over then hits a low enzugiri for 2. Nane 2nd rope splashes Meiko for 2. Nane is stuck on the ropes and Meiko pele kicks her. They slap each other. Nanae figure fours her. Nanae hits chest forearms on Meiko.

Meiko and Nanae trade forearms. Meiko ddt's her then cartwheel double knee drops her. Nanae backdrops Meiko then Meiko death valley drivers her for 2. They slap each other and Meiko pele kicks her. Yuna hits dropkicks on Nanae. Nanae lariats her for 2. 

Nanae brainbusters Yuna and wins.

Yuna and Nao unfortunately brought nothing to this one. Yuna in particular did not have a strong showing. Nanae and Meiko were good together though as expected and made want to see them fight. The match was nothing special.

Meiko and Nanae stare down and grab each other by the hair after. 

GHC Women's Title Match - Kouki Amarei (c) vs. Chika Goto

Chika has new gear with much smaller trunks. Chika slaps her then hits forearms. Kouki facekicks her. Chika hits running knee in the corner. Kouki tries to block a giant swing but fails. Chika hip attacks Kouki on the ropes. Chika lays her on the 2nd rope then step-up butt presses her. Chika misses a corner hip attack and takes a facekick. Kouki facekicks her then jumping facekicks her.

Kouki flying knees her. Chika clubs on Kouki's back. Kouki holds her knee and rolls out. It seems like Kouki is injured. Chika hits mounted forearms on Kouki. Kouki backdrops her. Kouki 180 splashes her off the top and wins.

Thoughts: I think Kouki got her knee injured here and that's why this ended early. It wasn't good. It was never going to be good. And any prior matches they had together proved that. They had multiple missed shots here and weak offense. 

The girls talk on the mic after. Kouki says they should have a rematch and says she will win again.

Marigold United National Title Match - Miku Aono (c) vs. Mai Sakurai

Mai has new white and blue gear that doesn't really fit her.

They trade wristlocks and side headlocks. They do some mat wrestling. Mai misses a running facekick but Miku goes down anyway. Mai throws her out and they trade shots outside. Mai slaps her and bangs her head off a table. Miku slams Mai. Miku PK's Mai on the ramp, sending her rolling down it.

Mikue knee breakers Mai and hits kicks to the leg. Miku ties up one leg and crabs the other. Miku wraps her leg around the bottom rope and dropkicks it. Miku stands on her head. Mai facekicks Miku then corner facekicks her. Mai armbars her and Miku ropebreaks. Mai boots her in the head and facekicks her on the ropes. Mai backdrops her then leg slices her for 2. Miku swinging twisting slams her. Miku then half-crabs her while tying up the other leg.

Miku lariats her on the ropes. Miku PK's her from the apron. Mai tombstones her on the floor. Mai plancha's her off the buckles outside. Mai 2nd rope superplexes her. Mai top rope dropkicks her for 2. Mai goes for a top rope elbow drop and Miku gets her feet up. Miku blocks a hurricanrana on the buckles and hits a 2nd rope styles clash. 

They fight on their knees and trade forearms standing up. They trade slaps. Mai slap flurries her down then Miku does the same. Miku lariats her and hits chest kicks. Mai gordbusters her for 2. Mai top rope hurricanrana's her. Mai basement dropkicks her for 2. Mai slams her then top rope elbow drops her. Miku double underhook suplexes her then sliding lariats her for 2. 

Miku tiger drivers her for 2. Miku cloverleaf giant swings her then texas cloverleafs her. Mai STF's her. Miku short arm lariats her then Mai hurricanrana's her. Miku lariats her then hits a styles clash for 2. Miku hits kicks for 2. Mai STO's her and botches a dominator, turning it into a suplex. Mai hits another STO for 1. Mai then STF's her and submits her.

Thoughts: It got a lot of time at over 25 minutes. There were some good sections here and I liked some of it. They tried for a great match and I don't quite think they accomplished it.

Mai talks on the mic after. She puts Miku over and said she had hard kicks. She says she looks forward to facing her again.  She says she never beat Nagisa Nozaki and wants to set that straight. Nozaki comes in and says she wants to take a 2nd belt from her after taking the tag titles.

Marigold World Title Match - Sareee (c) vs. Utami Hayashishita

They waistlock each other and trade side headlocks. Sare side headlock takeovers her and they stare down. Utami shoulders her over. They both run the dopes and Utami dropkicks her. They trade chest forearms outside. Meiko chest forearms her down then sends her into the seats.

Utami bangs Sare's head off the apron then sends her into the seats. Sare double stomps her off the apron onto the floor. Sare top rope dropkicks Utami twice for 2. Sare ties up Utami's legs then indian deathlocks her. Sare crabs her.

Sare boots Utami hard in the head. Utami hits some hard boots to the back of the head after. Utami muso's her. Sare armdrags her off the ropes and hits a low dropkick. Utami release northern lights suplexes her. Utami sliding lariats her for 2. 

Sare bodyscissors rolls her into a double stomp. They trade shots. Sare dropkicks her, dropkicks her on the ropes then dropkicks her through the ropes. Sare fisherman suplexes her for 2. Utami superplexes her. Sare hits headbutts on Utami up top. Sare then fisherman suplexes Utami off the 2nd rope.

They trade germans. Sare slaps her and takes a side slam for 2. Sare step up enzugiri's her. Utami lariats her over then does an air raid crash for 1. Sare backdrops her for 1.

They trade forearms on their knees. Sare chest forearms her. Utami forearms her over then Sare knocks her over. Sare misses a double foot stomp but it is sold anyway. Sare top rope double foot stomps her for 2. Utami backdrops Sare. Utami lariats her over for 2. Sare is lawn darted into the buckles.

Sare sunset flips her out of a razor's edge. Sare then uranages her for 2. Sare hits another uranage for 2. Utami sleepers Sare. Utami does the shocking baszler for 2. Utami torture rack bombs Sare. Utami does a spinning razor's edge and wins it.

There were some good things here but it turned into a no-sell fest during the last third of it and I didn't like it. They both really stiffed each other hard and both took quite a beating. I'm not a fan of Sareee losing. She's the best women's worker in the world and Utami is nowhere near her level. It also likely means we will be seeing less of Sareee since she's not a regular roster member and shows without her are usually not so good. 

They talk on the mic after. Sare tells her she should have fought from the start like she did today. She tells her she is the ace and the person to lead Marigold forward. Utami says she is back. She asks the other singles title holders to come out. Utami says she hopes we enjoyed the show and says they will have more for us. She then closes the show by posing with Mai and Yuzuki.

Overall thoughts:  I didn't like the main or the result of the main. Miku/Mai was okay but should have been better. The Kouki/Chika match wasn't good as expected and may have ended before it was supposed to due to Kouki maybe getting injured. The tag title match wasn't that good and the tag match with Nanae was not as good as it should have been. Victoria Yuzuki had one of her worst matches to date. The rumble/battle royal was long and not a great way to start the show off. Seri had a great debut though and looked better than most of the roster in only her first match. I would give this a 4 out of 10 and would not recommend the show. I didn't expect to like the show that much and it was about what I imagined. The roster is just not talented enough in Marigold right now to really deliver on a show like this.

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