Monday, January 20, 2025

WWE Main Event 1/16/2025

WWE Main Event 1/16/2025

Last week's show is here:

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance vs Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler

Zoey throws down Carter on the lock-up. Carter dances at SB and boots Zoey in the face. Zoey dropkicks her. SB is tripped into a kick and a slingshot swanton from Chance. Carter backrolls SB then springboard kicks her off the ropes. Zoey springboard dropkicks Carter then mocks her dance.

Carter is put on SB's knee and Zoey sliding lariats her. Zoey cravates Carter. Chance gets tagged in and hits shots on both opponents. She bangs SB's head off the mat and corner lariats her. Chance codebreakers SB then kegstands off of Carter onto SB. Chance dropkicks Zoey out. Chance walks off of SB's backw while Carter holds her. Chance goes for a headscissors on Zoey but is alley-ooped into an SB knee. SB picks up the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't the best match they could have had but I did like the finish. That a was a neat spot. It was pretty average as a whole and close to being boring.

Pete Dunne vs Joaquin Wilde

Wilde throws Pete's jacket before the match. Pete takes Wilde down by the arm and twists his hand. Wilde boots Pete out of the corner then hangs off the buckles and makes faces. Wilde then lariats him.

Pete forearms Wilde down then basement dropkicks him. Wilde hanging headscissors Pete then springboard dropkicks him out. Wilde then hits a nice top outside.

We go to break and return. Pete is in control then takes a pop-up atomic drop. Wilde goes for the asai moonsault but Pete gets his knees up. Pete stomps Wilde's hands and buzzsaw kicks him. Pete stomps Wilde's arm into the mat. 

Wilde does a bomb on Pete. Wild hits flying forearms. Wilde then spins and facebusters him. Pete germans him. Wilde rolls at him and Pete basement dropkicks him. Pete sitout powerbombs him for 2. 

Wilde ddt's him. Wilde comes off the top and runs into a forearm. Pete hits a bitter end on Wilde and wins.

Thoughts: Wilde had some unusual offense here, doing weird spins and rolls and making faces on mostly everything he did. I'm not sure what that was about. It was a short entertaining match though.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches as usual here. The main was okay with them having a fun little match with unusual offense from Wilde. The opener could have been a little better but had a nice finish.

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