WCW Power Hour 2/16/1991
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2012/12/wcw-power-hour-221991-review.html
Paul E Dangerously says yet another victim will fall prey to Sid Vicious. He says Lex and Sting will team up for the first time on this show and we will get Barry Windham vs Ron Simmons.
Jim Ross and Paul E. Dangerously are on commentary.
The Steiner Brothers vs Rob Morgan and Mike Samples
Mike shoves Scott on the ropes. Scott stomps him then back elbows him. Scott does a pump handle drop on Mike. Scott overhead suplexes Rob and Paul says he needs to put on a few pounds to fight The Steiners. Rick hits punches on Rob. Rob takes a top rope electric chair ddt and is pinned.
Thoughts: This was a quick one here and both jobbers got away without taking too much of the usual Steiner jobber beating.
We cut to JR and Paul. JR says Wargames is coming up and it's a unique situation. Paul says someone has to submit or surrender.
Flyin' Brian Pillman vs "Scrap Iron" Bill Ford
BP backs up Bill on the ropes. They trade wristlocks. BP rolls him over and Bill gets the ropes. They trade hammerlocks. Bill wristlock takedowns him. BP bridges up. BP misses a lariat, goes over the top and skins the cat backs in. Bill celebrates and is dropkicked out.
BP dropkicks Bill through the ropes. Bill chokes BP on the ropes. BP hits a dropkick on Bill. BP spinning heel kicks him then hits chops. BP slams and sentons him. BP hits a springboard lariat on Bill and picks up the win.
Thoughts: I liked this one. Bill got a decent amount of offense in for a jobber and was even put over a bit. BP then made his comeback and won.
Ric Flair vs Mike Hart
Ric holds up 7 fingers for his 7 world titles at the time.
Ric backs up Mike in the corner off the lock up but lets go. Ric side headlock takeovers him. Ric chops and punches him in the corner. Mike is then thrown out. Ric chops him down outside. Ric knee drops Mike.
Ric elbows Mike in the neck then drops him with a punch. Ric pulls Mike's neck down over the top. Ric double underhook suplexes Mike then figure fours him. Mike taps out.
Thoughts: Mike got nothing in here en route to being squashed by Ric. It wasn't that interesting.
The Master Blasters (Blade and Steel) and Lt. James Earl Wright vs Ricky Morton, Tommy Rich and The Junkyard Dog
They say the faces are going for the 6-man tag titles tomorrow. Steel is Kevin Nash.
Blade shoves Morton over off the lock up. Paul says the heels are his type of team with a retired cop and two former criminals. Morton dropkicks Blade. JYD gets in and hits headbutts on Blade while on his knees.
Steel and JYD lock up. Steel misses an elbow drop and avoids a headbutt from JYD. JYD maybe rakes his eyes. James and Rich get in. James hits shots on Rich. Rich lariats him then armdrags him into an armlock. Morton keeps the arm lock on. James hits shorts on Morton then takes an atomic drop. Morton armdrags him and grabs the arm.
James stomps on Morton then Steel side slams Morton. Steel backbreakers Morton. Blade chinlocks Morton. Morton flies at Blade and gets powerslammed. Blade knee drops Morton then chokes him.
James headbutts Morton in the gut then stomps on him. James bends over and Morton boots him. Blade slams Morton. Blade comes off the top and takes Morton's boot to the face. Rich comes in and hits shots on Blade. Rich back body drops Blade then dropkicks Steel. Rich thesz presses Blade and wins.
Thoughts: It wasn't much of note. The faces got some offense in, the heels got some in then the faces won. They kept things pretty simple in this one with basic offense.
Wrestling News Network
Gordon Solie talk Wrestlewar '91. He says Flair has problems with El Gigante. We see clips of Flair talking. El Gigante comes in and says, "I want the belt, I want your belt". Flair tells him to remember he's talking to Ric Flair, the world's champ. We then see clips of El Gigante trying to get Flair to come into the ring with him during a Pillman vs Cruel Connection match. Flair takes off his shirt and jacket. The Horsemen jump El Gigante from behind. We then see some clips of a Flair/Gigante match. Solie asks what Flair will do when he's against him.
Jim Ross and Paul E talk. JR says Doom was surprised that The Freebirds came to the ring with Diamond Dallas Page. Paul says he will call Teddy Long and looks shocked.
We see clips from WCW Main Event 2/10/1991 with The Freebirds vs Doom. Jimmy then Hayes hit shots on Reed. Hayes eye rakes Reed then chokes him. Jimmy bends over and gets kicked. Ron comes in and beats up The Birds. Ron powerslams Hayes and Jimmy. Teddy Long tries to hit Hayes with a shoe while Simmons goes for a pin. Nick Patrick DQ's Long for being in the ring. Somehow this took Patrick a while to notice. Reed takes a double ddt. Ron and Teddy Long argue.
We cut to Jim Ross. Paul E. Dangerously races in and asks if Teddy Long was here. JR says Teddy went the other way and says he was just talking to him.
Ron Simmons vs Barry Windham
Ron comes out with Teddy Long and Butch Reed. BW nails Ron from behind. Ron then hits a bunch of punches. Ron powerslams BW then hits an uppercut. Ron misses a corner charge. BW then yanks on Ron's pants and piledrivers him.
BW slams Ron. BW goes up top, gets caught and is thrown down. Ron slams BW. BW superplexes Ron for 2. Ron lariats BW then hits punches. BW rolls out and Ron follows. Ron rakes BW's back and bangs him off the rail. Ron spinebusters BW for 2.
Long gets on the apron. Reed comes in and lariats Ron on a failed double team. BW then gets the pin on Ron and wins.
Thoughts: I liked what we got here. It was short and action packed and they got over the story of Doom having problems. BW hit a nice superplex here.
Sting and Lex Luger vs "Dirty" Dutch Mantell and Rip Rogers
Rip has his hair in ponytails and Dutch has more hair on his back here than some have on their heads. Dutch eye rakes Sting then hits some nice punches. Sting goes up and over. They criss cross, Sting drops down and flips Dutch with his feet.
Lex double axe handles Rip's arm off the buckles. Lex hiptosses Rip. Rip takes shots from both opponents. Lex gorilla press slams Rip. Lex hits some punches. Sting bangs Rip's head off the buckles then hits a stinger splash. Sting then scorpion deathlocks Rip for the submission win.
Thoughts: It was a quick one here with the faces winning as expected. I would have liked to have seen this one get some more time as Rip and Dutch can obviously go.
"Big" Sid Vicious vs Ray Diamond
Sid has people with a stretcher out with him. Sid clubs on Ray then forearms him over. Sid boots Ray and hits a nasty powerbomb for the win.
Thoughts: It was a quick one here with Sid hitting a nasty powerbomb to win.
Sid says he rules the world after. Ray is then rolled onto the stretcher. Sid tips the stretcher over and throws him down to the ground. Sid then beats up some jobbers who came to help out.
We cut to Paul and JR. Paul has a ladder. He says he will do a live Danger Zone with El Gigante. He says he's from NYC and knows a lot of people who speak Spanish. He says he has to practice holding the mic up high so we he brought a ladder out. He then climbs the ladder and pretends to talk to El Gigante. JR then shakes the ladder with Paul on it and Paul yells.
Overall thoughts: It was an easy show to get through. I liked the little we got of Windham vs Simmons. Bill Ford had a good showing in his squash and Sid hit a nasty powerbomb in his squash. It was nice to see Dutch and Rip and the 6-man was better than a normal squash.
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