Monday, January 20, 2025

TNA Genesis 2025 1/19/2025

TNA Genesis 2025 1/19/2025

Notes - TNA announced a working agreement with WWE this week. They already have been working together but it's more official now. WWE was calling this show NXT/TNA Genesis on their social media. This show was held on a Sunday.

TNA X-Division Title Match - Moose (c) vs Ace Austin

Ace john woo's him to start and stomp flurries him in the corner. Ace rolls and trips him. Ace kicks him in the back of the head. Ace pulls Moose over the top, kicks him in the back and superkicks him from the apron. Ace then flips off the apron onto him. Moose sends Ace into the rails. 

Moose dives at him near the rails and ends up diving into the rails. Ace suplexes Moose on the floor. Ace goes to springboard but is pushed/chokedslammed onto the apron. Moose chops Ace in the ring. Ace chop and boot flurries him. Moose uranage's him. 

Ace hits short arm lariats. Ace trips him and jack knifes him for 2. Moose boots him. Ace russian legsweeps Moose. Ace legdrops him. Ace helicopter kicks him off the ropes and drives his head into the mat for 2. Moose hits a sky high on Ace for 2. They trade slaps. Ace does a strike flurry. Moose headbutts him. Ace kicks him from the apron then does a springboard headscissors. Moose is on the apron and Ace headscissors him over the top to the floor. JDC sends Ace into the post. Moose spears JDC when Ace moves. Ace headhunters Moose on the floor.

Myers and Edwards comes out and Ace fosbury flops them. Ace tries to helicopter kick Moose but takes a spear in the air. Ace rolls up Moose for 2. Ace blind springboards and takes a spear to the back. Moose rolling spears him and gets the pin.

Thoughts: They didn't quite go into the big man vs small man match as much as I wanted and I didn't like Ace suplexing the much bigger Moose on the floor. I did like the match though for the most part and Ace lost as expected.

Steve Maclin and Eric Young come out after and save Ace from a beating. They then tope Myers and Edwards. 

Steve Maclin and Eric Young vs The System (Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards)

The match starts as the fight from the last match begins. The faces hit punches on the heels together. Alisha trips Maclin and Eddie blue thunders Maclin. Alisha chokes Eddie on the ropes. Eddie eye pokes Maclin. Eddie lariats Maclin.

Myers suplexes Maclin. Maclin and Eddie double lariat each other. Eric comes in and hits shots on the heels. Eric dropkicks Myers. Eric lariats Eddie off the apron then top rope elbow drops Myers. Eric takes a double underhook suplex from both opponents.

Myers is put in tree of woe. Alisha gets in the ringto stop a crosshairs spear from Maclin. Alisha hits Maclin then Myers spears Maclin for 2. Mysers ends up taking a crosshairs spear after the faces stop a double team. Eric plancha's out onto Eddie. Maclin then hits a KIA onto Myers and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay and action filled match here with a lot going on. 

George Iceman comes out before the next match. He says history is about to be made. He insults the crowd and calls his team the dream team.

TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Title Match - Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) (c) vs. Ash By Elegance & Heather By Elegance

Ash and Heather come out dressed like Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders. Ash, Heather and George do a "Go Eagles" cheer.

The heels jump on Spitfire and the girls pair off to fight. Dani slams Ash then splashes her for 2. Heather takes a double delayed suplex. Dani goes to dive on Heather and is kicked by Ash. Heather hits Kawada kicks on Dani. Ash trips Heather for a baseball slide from Dani. Dani is bridged on the apron and takes a double stomp to the back. 

Ash chokes Dani on the ropes with her legs and Heather rubs pom pom's into Dani's face. Dani takes a handspring back elbow into the corner and a basement dropkick. Heather pulls on Dani's hair then Ash stomps on Dani in the corner. Dani flying kicks Ash.

Jodi gets in and hits lariats on Heather. She fallaway slams her and hits corner lariats her. Jody michinoku drivers her. Jody takes a backstabber into a double stomp for 2. Jody chops both opponents. Jody hits a top rope cannonball onto both opponents off the top. Dani hits a snap german on Ash.

Heather hits a top rope crossbody on Dani. Jody then F-5's Heather over the top. Jody misses a meteora off the ropes. Dani facekicks Ash on the apron then deadlift 2nd rope germans her in. Ash takes a backdrop lift into a sitout powerbomb and is pinned.

I liked this. The heels cheated and took big bumps. The faces had a decent hot tag section and there was nothing wrong with this. I don't really get why the faces won though since this would be an easy thing for the heels to do.

Frankie Kazarian talks about Leon Slater. He says it's not about the future, it's about the present. He says he's a gift to wrestling and is laser focused on the main tonight. He says he knows their strengths and weaknesses. He says he has a decision on whether to call his shot tonight. He asks if tonight is the night where the king claims his throne.

Jordynne Grace vs. Tessa Blanchard

JG rams her into the corner and flurries on her with punches and spears. JG throws Tess around then throws her out. JG topes her outside. JG then jackhammers her on the floor. Tess bangs JG's head off the steps. Tess tries to diving headscissor her off the apron but is caught and swung into the rail.

Tess double stomps her on the apron. Tess pounds on her outside then throws her into the steps. Tess boots her over the 2nd rope then springboard splashes her for 2. Tess dragon sleepers her then reverse ddt's her.
JG gets stuck on the 2nd rope but bangs Tess's head off the top rope while stuck. JG is stuck on the 2nd rope again and takes a codebreaker for 2. JG hits a top rope fallaway slam.

JG hits forearms on Tess then slams her. JG throws Tess into the buckles face first and sitout powerbombs her for 2. Tess hits a double underhook canadian destroyer for 2. JG spinebusters her for 2. Tess neckbreakers her for 2. Tess then does a tornillo plancha outside. 

JG death valley drivers her off the steps to the floor. JG of course only gets a 2 count on it. Tess hits a 2nd rope crucifix bomb for 2. Tess does a flying octopus on her. JG bounces her off the ropes out of it and suplexes her. Tess superkicks JG. JG urakens her then Tess hits a cutter for 2.

JG does a reverse alabama slam for 2. Tess tries to pull the turnbuckle pad off but can't get it off. Tess tries to ddt JG into the bottom buckle but doesn't it the buckle at all. Tess finally gets the 2nd buckle off (her 3rd attempt to get a buckle off). She bulldogs JG into the exposed buckle then top rope diving codebreakers her for the win. Tessa wins.

I wasn't a fan of this. They did too much with death valley drivers off the steps to the floor and a canadian destroyer variation. They also totally failed on trying to take the buckles off and wasted a bunch of time with it. Tessa pretty much had to win this and did.

I Quit Match - Mike Santana vs Josh Alexander

Mike waistlock takedowns him. Josh goes for the crossface. Mike tries to take this out of the ring but Josh gets back in. Josh is thrown out but goes back in. Mike hits facekicks on Josh and boots him out of the ring. Mike tope con hilos him. Mike facekicks him on the rails then pump kicks him outside. Mike sets a table up outside.

Josh belly to belly overhead suplexes Mike on the floor. Josh sends Mike into the steps and Mike flips over them. Mike's leg is banged off the post and he is figure four'd on the post.

Josh is sent into the post. Mike's leg is kicked while it's bridged on the apron. Josh stomps Mike's leg. Josh does three amigos and Eddie's shimmy. Josh pulls Mike's throat over the top and misses a crossbody to Mike's back. Josh slams him down onto the apron.

Josh germans him twice. Mike hits an enzugiri and a corner cannonball. Josh misses a top rope moonsault then takes a death valley driver. Josh trips him into an ankle lock. Josh pulls off Mike's boot and back body drops him onto the table outside. Mike says he doesn't quit when the ref asks.

Mike is slammed on a table piece outside. Josh chairs Mike's leg as the ref asks if Mike wants to quit. Josh grabs handcuffs and hits mounted shots. Mike is busted open and Josh hits boots to the head. Josh hits a C4 spike. Mike no sells it and flurries on him. Mike misses a buckle bomb and ends up just doing a regular powerbomb. Mike springboard hurricanrana's Josh then top rope splashes him.

Mike spinning lariats Josh. Mike handcuffs Josh and lariats him. Josh is in the corner and a table is angled onto him. Mike jumps off the steps and cannonballs the table into Josh in the corner. Mike grabs a loaded sock and hits Josh in the ribs with it many times. Josh's mouth is busted open. Josh tells him he'll never be the guy. Mike tries to curbstomp Josh into the steps edge but Josh quits.

Thoughts: I would have liked more focus on the leg. Josh did work on it some but not a ton. Josh has been losing too many big matches lately and lost yet again here. It wasn't a surprise though as Mike had to win. It got a little more time than it needed to get. I suppose I was okay with this one just barely but I didn't love it.

Mike gets on the mic after. He tells Josh to get up and face him like a man.Mike said he kept his word and says Josh needs to keep his and shake his hand. Josh does. He said he quit and said he would shake his hand. He says Mike is the standard of TNA now. Josh says he quits but he also quits TNA too.

Thoughts: There were reports that Josh's contract was expired and he was done and I guess that's true. I'm not a big fan of Josh's but TNA doesn't have a lot of talent and probably needed him. I'm also not sure of what happens to The Northern Armory now since their leader is now gone. 

TNA World Tag Team Title Match - The Hardys (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy) (c) vs. The Rascalz

Nathan Frazer and Axiom of NXT come out with chairs to watch the match.

Trey and Matt start us off. Matt side headlocks him. Trey flips out of a hiptoss and teases punching Matt. Jeff shoulders Zach over. Zach flips out of a hiptoss. Zach takes a swanton/fist drop combo. Zach's head is banged off the buckles.

Zach's neck is catapulted into the 2nd rope and Jeff legdrops him over the bottom rope. Zach jumping knees Jeff. Jeff takes kicks from both and double stomp on the back. Matt's legs are split and he takes a double basement dropkick. Zach holds Jeff's head and Trey basement dropkicks him.

Zach is caught on a tope by Matt then Matt hits a side effect on the floor on him. Matt throws Zach over the rail. Jeff hits corner spears on Trey. Trey takes a legdrop to the throat + one to the gut. Trey's head is banged off the buckles by Matt. 

Matt suplexes Trey for 2. Trey takes a stunner into a neckbreaker. Zach hits a top rope dropkick on both Hardy's. Zack is thrown into a dropkick on Matt. Zach baseball slides The Hardy's into Fraxiom outside. Trey then tries to tope Matt but nails Fraxiom on accident. Fraxiom gets mad and are escorted out by security.

Jeff jumps onto steps onto both opponents against the rails. Matt sitout gordbusters Trey for 2. Matt hits a side effect on Wentz. Trey enzugiri's Matt. Jeff jumps off Matt's back onto Trey in the corner. Jeff's on the buckles and Trey pushes Matt into him. Zach hits a double stomp on Jeff then dives out onto Matt. 

Trey comes off the top, gets caught and takes a twist of fate from Jeff for 2. Zach superkicks Jeff and Matt. Zach goes to springboard and Matt pushes him down to the floor. Trey takes two twists of fate. Jeff top rope swantons Trey and picks up the pin.

It was fine but nothing too great. It just didn't get the time and nobody did anything too wild here. It wasn't either teams best work but at least The Hardy's physical limitations were protected some.

Fraxiom will defend the NXT Tag Titles against The Rascalz on Impact. Impact will be live this week for the first time in 8 years.

TNA Knockouts World Title Clockwork Orange House Of Fun Match - Masha Slamovich (c) vs. Rosemary

We have all kinds of weapons here hanging from chains around the ring.

The girls hockey fight to start. Masha hits kicks to the head. Masha hits Rose with a trash can lid. Masha and Rose fight for a staple gun and Rose gets her hand stapled. Masha staples Rose's armpit.

Masha uses a stick on Rose then Rose green mists her. Rose hits and chokes her with a stick. They get in the ring. Masha kicks her onto a chair then is tripped into the chair face first. Rose is on the apron in front of a table and Masha jumps off a chair and crossbodies her through the table. Masha chokes rose with a chain and drags her. Masha throws a chair at Rosa's head. Masha cannonballs a chair off the apron when Rose moves.

Rose grabs a stick with nails on it. Rose hits her in the gut with it and rubs it into her back. Rose pours thumbtacks onto the stage. Rose then spears her into the tacks. Masha northern lights bombs Rose onto the barbed wire board.

Masha double stomps Rose onto the barbed wire board. Masha hits Rose with a trash can lid. Masha climbs a ladder and the ladder is pushed over, sending Masha through a table outside. Rose then gets a 2 count on her on the floor.

A 2x2 set of chairs is set up. Rose punches her onto the chairs. Rose goes up top and Masha 2nd rope piledrivers her onto the chairs for the win.

Thoughts: It was a slower paced match with mostly all hardcore wrestling and not much else. They had some big spots here but I didn't think it was great. They did what they were supposed to and I guess it was okay but we've seen so many of these matches that they start to lose their effect.

Cora Jade comes out after. She goes face to face with Masha.

Santino Marella comes out with Mark Henry, Gia Miller, Tommy Dreamer and Dave LaGreca. He says he has a panel here to ask who they think will win the title tonight. Gia isn't sure who to pick between Joe and Nic and says it'll be either. Mark, who looks a lot thinner, says it's Joe's night. Dave picks Nic. Ryan Nemeth then walks through the group. He says his brother doesn't care what these people think and says his brother will win tonight. Santino then bans Ryan from ringside tonight. Security escorts Ryan out.

TNA World Title Match - Nic Nemeth (c) vs. Joe Hendry

They lock-up. Joe side headlock takeovers him, is put in headscissors and kips up. They then stand off. Joe tries some pins on Nic. Joe gets out of a wristlock and throws Nic over. Nic hits a standing dropkick on Joe. Joe flying knees Nic. Nic sleepers Joe.

Joe does a delayed suplex on Nic. Ryan Nemeth has a ticket and comes to sit down in the front row. Nic jumping ddt's Joe for 2. Joe sunset flips Nic for 2 then rolls him up for 2. Nic neckbreakers Joe.

Nick elbow drops him then gets on his back for a sleeper. Nic elbow drops Joe's back for 2. Nick slaps around Joe. Joe tries to fight back and backslides him. Nic hits a dropkick.

Joe cutters Nic. They trade shots. Joe hits punches then lariats him. Joe fallaway slams Nic. Nic headbutts him then Joe pop-up powerbombs him for 2. Joe hits an AA on Nic for 2. Nic top rope crossbodies Joe and Joe backrolls. Joe tries like a powerbomb and takes a fameasser off of it. Joe hits a 2nd rope fallaway slam.

Frankie Kazarian comes out. JBL comes out. JBL hits a short arm lariat on Kaz. JBL punches out Ryan Nemeth and then leaves. Joe hits a chokeslam on Nic for 2. Joe misses a corner splash and is superkicked. Nic hits a danger zone for 2.

Joe hits a fallaway slam then hits a big chokeslam. Joe then gets the win.

Thoughts: I don't understand Joe winning here and not winning the other times. Joe's not hotter now than he was last time and the story between him and Nic wasn't any stronger than last time. At least they finally let Joe win though. The match just wasn't that great as expected just as it wasn't last time. Both are faces and Joe's just not a great worker. JBL came out again after months, we still have no idea what his deal is other than he doesn't seem to like Ryan Nemeth.  

Joe celebrates with his parents and goes into the crowd after. The announcers say this is the new beginning of TNA Wrestling and that very well may be true.

Overall thoughts: It was a longer show at over 3 hours. Joe finally won the title though it was too late and it's not clear why they waited so long. The main was not that good. Masha/Rose was a hardcore match only. The Hardy's vs The Rascalz was okay but not their best work. I barely liked Santana/Josh and Josh announced he was quitting after. Grace/Tessa did too much in their match. I liked the women's tag match but thought the wrong team won. The Maclin/EY vs System match was good and the opener was okay. I'd give it a 6 out of 10 overall but didn't think it was must see.

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