WOW Women of Wrestling 1/18/2025 Season 5, Episode 19
Last week's show is here:
Samantha Smart and The Classmaster come out. Smart says it's time for the fans to be ruled by their sheer excellence. Smart says they beat everyone on the roster who was in the battle royal. She says they truly are superior.
Big Rig Betty and Jessie Jones come out. Jones says congrats but says Class didn't beat her. Jones asks why Animal Instinct has a locker room for their dog that is better than their locker room. Betty complains as well. Animal Instinct come out.
Goldie says if anyone should be upset, it's them. Goldie says she should charge Betty and Jones for breaking and entering last week. Betty complains about Goldie's dog having better food and a room than they do. Goldie says she pays hundreds of thousands of dollars for it though. She says Jones and Betty should pay for ruining the food. Jones says they should put the food down Goldie's throat. McLane gets on the mic and says we should have a loser eats dog food match.
Thoughts: It's kind of campy but how they got to here was bad face work. The faces were essentially jealous of Goldie's crew paying money to have better stuff and destroyed the stuff because of it.
The new WOW backstage interviewer Sidney Scoles tells us to stay tuned to see who she will interview.
The Dojo Defenders (Kara Kai and Tara Strike) and Xena Phoenix vs Top Tier (Coach Campanelli, Kandi Krush and Gloria Glitter)
Kai is in the black and Tara is in the white. Kai snapmares Gitter and Glitter gets a 2 count on her. Kai hits more kicks then headscissors her out of the corner. Glitter takes more kicks then takes a push kick into the corner. Glitter takes a double kick for 2.
Tara hits chest kicks on Glitter. Tara wristlocks Krush and Xena fireman's carry takeovers Krush. Xena gets a 2 count on her then hits armdrags. Xena rolls her into an armbar attempt but Krush turns it into a pin attempt. Coach comes in and Xena takes a double hiptoss for 2. Top Tier jumps off each other's backs for attacks on Xena in the corner.
Glitter knees Xena in the gut. Xena gets on Glitter's back with a sleeper. Tara is tagged in. She crossbodies Coach then hits corner attacks. Tara bulldogs her. Tara push kicks Krush in the corner. Tara is pulled out by Coach. Kai takes an ushigoroshi from Glitter and is pinned.
Thoughts: It was an average tag here. It was fine for what it was but nothing was great about it. Top Tier won this one as expected.
Coach gets on the mic after. She tells everyone to zip it. She says Glitter isn't on probation anymore and they are working as a well-oiled machine. She says it's a coach's job to make sure they work at their highest potential. Coach says they are still the trios champs and the greatest team in wrestling and says, "you're welcome".
Genesis vs Tormenta
Gen and Tor lock-up. Gen boots her in the knee then Tor chest forearms her. Tor top rope diving armdrags Gen out. Tor goes out then Get gets back in. Gen hits knees to the gut then takes down Tor by the arm. Gen step up legdrops Tor on the back of the neck. Gen headscissors her.
Gen straightjacket chokes Tor then codebreakers her off of it. Gen spinning heel kicks her. Gen hits slaps and Tor uranage's her for 2. Tor double knee drops Gen for 2. Tor final cuts Gen for 2.
Gen throws Tor off the buckles for 2. Gen rolls up Tor and uses the ropes to pin her.
Thoughts: They botched something near the finish. It really wasn't that good and there wasn't that much logic to it. This was kind of an odd match to book as they are pushing both and someone had to lose.
Reina del Rey vs Holidead
They lock up and Reina side headlocks her. Holi neckbreakers Reina. Holi hits knees to the gut and lariats her. Holi clubs on Reina on the apron. Holi misses a legdrop on the apron. BK Rhythm and Gigi Gianni pose with Reina as she sleepers Holi on the apron. Reina baseball slides Holi of the apron.
Holi hangs off the apron and Reina knee lifts her. Reina electric chairs Holi and drops her face first on the buckles for 2. Reina misses a corner splash. Holi hits hits corner attacks and pump kicks her. Holi boots Reina in the chest for 2. Gigi and BK get on the apron. Holi is distracted then she spinebusters Reina. BK and Gigi then interfere for the DQ. Island Girl Kalaki and Chantilly Chella then come to help out Holi.
Thoughts: They had some nice stiff shots in this one and it was a little more harder hitting the usual offerings. It wasn't great but I did somewhat like it due to that.
Chella gets on the mic after. She asks if The Alliance thinks they are tough. She says The Alliance is only strong when they are outnumbered people. Chella says they should even this up. Holi gets on the mic and says they extend violence to everyone.
Sibley Scoles is outside the locker room. She talks about Xena Phoenix, who comes through the doors. Xena says she feels a lot. She said she had an amazing time teaming with her new friends in The Dojo Defenders. She says they know what to do for next time against Top Tier. Xena and Scoles tell us to stay tuned for the next match.
Next week has Big Rigs and Bourbon vs Animal Instinct in a Loser Eats Dog Food match.
Penelope Pink vs Ashley Blaze
They lock up. Pink hammerlocks and side headlocks her. Ash pull the hair and side headlocks her. Ash slides out and has words with Holly Swag outside. She threatens her then sweeps Pink on the apron. Ash throws a feather boa at Holly. Ash comes off the ropes and does a codebreaker on Pink for 2.
Ash is put on the 2nd rope and Pink sliding germans her. Pink pounds on Ash. Holly and Lana Star beat up Ash on the ropes and Pink backdrops Ash. Ash rolls up Pink for 2. They each try more pin attempts. Ash dropkicks her. Pink puts Ash on her back and drops her face first into the buckles.
Pink sliding lariats Ash. Pink slams Ash. Pink cartwheel elbow drops her for 2. Pink is stuck on the 2nd rope and superkicked. Pink and Ash trade chops for slaps. Ash forearms her then spinning heel kicks her in the corner. Ash facewash kicks her in the corner. Ash then hits a ddt.
Ash has Pink on her shoulders. Lana pulls Pink down. Holly nails Ash then Pink pins Ash using the ropes.
Thoughts: It wasn't much with a lot of shenanigans on the outside. It was a kind of a random main here with no real build or story and Pink got the win as expected.
Overall thoughts: It was a very average and maybe even a below average show. There wasn't a ton going on storyline wise here and none of the matches were that great. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 and would not recommend it.
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