Monday, January 20, 2025

WCW Power Hour 2/23/1991

WCW Power Hour 2/23/1991

Last week's show is here:

Paul E. Dangerously talks about some of the wrestlers on the show like Sting, Buddy Landell, Lex and Sid.

The Danger Zone

Ron Simmons and Teddy Long are interviewed by Paul E. Teddy has his PWI Manager of the Year Award. Teddy says Butch Red is out deciding whether he wants to buy a Mercedes or a Rolls Royce. Teddy says they aren't concerned about the WrestleWar match. Ron Simmons says it's all business. Ron says the title is his bread and butter and says you can't buy butter if you don't have money.

Ron Simmons vs Scott Sandlin

Scott makes a big mistake and hits Ron from behind during his interview and the match starts. Ron stares him down and drops him with a punch. Ron clubs on Scott. Ron slams and legdrops Scott. Ron then chokes him.

Ron stomps Scott then back elbows him. Ron backbreakers Scott and tries to pin him with his knee on him. Teddy tells Ron to beat him up more. Ron chokes Scott then powerslams him. Ron 2nd rope diving shoulders him and gets the pin.

It was all squash as expected. Scott made a very poor decision in hitting Ron from behind and paid for it.

Jim Ross and Paul E talk. Paul asks why he's not invited to Phoenix for WrestleWar like everyone else. JR tells him to ask Jim Herd and Paul asks for his extension. JR says he won't tell him on air.

We come back. JR and Paul E talk. They show us Big Josh's WCW debut. Paul says when Tommy Rich goes hunting, that's his hunting buddy. We see clips of Rich vs DDP from 2/16/91. Rich gets jumped by Rip Morgan of the New Zealand Royal Family. "A fan" then comes out with a 2x4 in lumberjack attire and saves Rich. Refs come in as does Grizzly Smith and Doug Dillinger. Rich tries to talk to Josh and they get out of the ring.

JR and Paul E talk. Paul says Big Josh has been on America's Most Wanted. We see more clips from 2/16. Doug says they won't tolerate people coming out. Rich says Josh is a logger from the Northwest and just wanted to see his buddy. Doug says Josh needs to stay in the stand and not the ring. Josh then breaks the cuffs that were on him. Jim says his name is "Big" Joshua Jones but he was told to call him Big Josh. Paul says Sting might not make it WrestleWar as he faces Buddy Landell next.

Sting vs "Nature Boy" Buddy Landell

Buddy knees him in the gut and hits chops. Sting no sells them and boots him in the gut. Buddy back elbows him then hits a suplex. Sting no sells it and lariats Buddy over twice. Buddy goes out and takes a hiptoss on the floor. Sting then lariats him on the floor. Buddy's head is banged off the post.

Sting back body drops Buddy in the ring then hits a stinger splash. Sting then scorpion deathlocks Buddy and submits him.

I was disappointed that this was so short and that Buddy was used as a jobber here. They could have had a nice match if they had some time. Buddy did a lot of bumping here for Sting and this was all squash.

Wrestling News Network

Gordon Solie talks. He says Arn Anderson holds the TV Title but Z-Man and Terry Taylor want it. Solie says they have had 1 Draw and 1 DQ each in their matches. We cut to WCW Main Event 2/3/91. Z-Man helps Terry up after a draw and Terry slaps Z-Man. We then cut to their 2/10/91 Main Event match where Terry gets DQ'd for throwing him over the top. We then see their 2/17/91 match. Z-Man seems to get DQ'd for excessive punches in the corner and knocks him out of the ring.

Gordon talks about the 2/16/91 Danger Zone with Paul E. Dangerously and El Gigante. Paul says if Gigante wants the belt, it means he has to beat Ric Flair. He asks what his credentials are and who has beaten in the Top 10 to get the shot? Paul says nobody cares or understands what he has to say. Gigante then grabs him by the throat and says he wants the belt. 

Gordon then talks Dustin Rhodes. We see clips of him vs Rip Rogers from World Championshipship Wrestling 2/16/91. Dustin gets the pin after a bulldog. 

Barry Windham and Arn Anderson vs Ricky Morton and Tommy Rich

BW = Barry Windham

Rich and BW go at it. BW shoulders him over. Rich elbows him in the head and BW goes out. BW side throws him. BW is put in the headscissors and he headstands out. BW pops Rich in the mouth then drops him with a punch. 

Rich hits punches on BW then back elbows him. Rich side headlocks Arn and Arn throws him down by the hair. Arn then pulls his hair again. They trade wristlocks. Ricky get in. Ricky wristlocks Arn. Arn misses a corner charge and Ricky armdrags him.

Ricky armlocks him. Arn hits headbutts then Ricky japanese armdrags him. Arn top wristlocks Ricky and we are told Arn and Pee Wee Anderson are not related. They fight for wristlock control, Ricky gets the edge and BW nails him. BW atomic drops Ricky. Ricky hits punches on BW.

BW hits a double back elbow and we go to break. We return and BW is sent over the top. Rich slingshots BW in then armlocks him. BW armdrags Ricky but Ricky armdrags him off of it. Ricky armlocks him. Ricky 2nd rope punches BW. Ricky armlocks him. Rich armlocks BW. Arn knees Ricky in the spine and stomps his head. Ricky his Arn over the 2nd rope rope. Arn tries to suplex him in. Ricky hits a punch then figure fours him. BW breaks it up.  

Ricky hits leg kicks on Arn then Rich elbow drops Arn's arm. Rich yanks on Arn's leg then kicks it. Rich pulls on Arn's leg then Arn gets his legs split. Ricky leg drops Arn's inner thighs. BW drops Ricky with a punch.

BW powerslams Ricky for 2. Rich throws Ricky out. Arn rakes Ricky's face on the rails. BW drops Ricky with an elbow to the head. BW gutwrench suplexes Ricky for 2. BW adominal stretches him and Arn helps BW pull. Ricky sunset flips BW but BW tags Arn off of it.

Arn knees Ricky in the back. Ricky hits punches on Arn. Arn atomic drops him for 2. Arn goes to drop a knee but Ricky gets his knees up and Arn is hit in the crotch. BW and Rich get in as we hit 15 minutes. Rich back body drops BW then bangs his head off the buckle.

Rich misses a dropkick. Arn hits punches on Rich then rakes him with his boot. Arn rubs Rich's eyes on the top rope. Rich backslides Arn but Arn tags in it.

BW hits punches on Rich then ddt's him. Teddy Long comes out and has words for Arn. They argue outside then Ron Simmons comes out. Arn grabs Teddy then Ron Simmons nails Arn from behind. Arn's head is banged off the rails and Ron hits punches on Arn. BW hits Ron from behind and bangs his head off a table. BW hits Ron with a chair and the fight continues. Rich and Morton with via countout.

Thoughts: I didn't like the finish as the ref had to be blind not to see Ron and BW fighting outside. This went close to 20 minutes so it got a lot of time. It was okay with solid work but nothing too great. Arn got his knee worked on for a bit here and the heels constantly came in to stop things then the other heel was in trouble. The finished followed up on the issues Ron and Barry had on last weeks's Power Hour.

Lex Luger vs John Peterson

Lex is the current United States champ. Lex and JP lock up twice. Lex throws him off and backs him up on the ropes. Paul says Lex has a problem fighting southpaws. JP backs up Lex in the corner and hits punches. Lex no sells them then hits a suplex. Lex hits a powerslam. Lex then submits him with the torture rack.

Thoughts: It was a short squash here. John had some nice punches.

We go back to JR and Paul. They talk about WrestleWar. Paul says Sid Vicious was created for Wargames and isn't a man but a monster. 

Sid Vicious vs Johnny Boyd

Sid boots JB and clubs him. JB is thrown out. Ross says JB may not be in for a long wrestling carer. JB is thrown into the rails and Sid hits a hard slap. Sid side slams JB then rubs his face into the mat. Sid bangs JB's head off the mat. Sid hits a big powerbomb on JB and pins him.

Thoughts: It was the usual Sid squash with him hitting a nice powerbomb to win.

Sid calls for the EMT's after. JB is put on the stretcher and Sid bangs JB's head off of it. Sid then stomps JB. 

Jim Ross and Paul E close the show. JR says he's heading out to Wargames. Paul says he will be here tonight with Bob Caudle on another show with The Horsemen in action.

Overall thoughts: There was nothing must see here but I enjoyed the show. I wish Sting vs Buddy would have gotten more time. Arn Anderson's tag match got near 20 minutes but had a countout finish which was disappointing. We also saw some clips of Big Josh's first appearances in the promotion.  The rest of this one was just squashes. I didn't think it was a great go-home show as they didn't do a ton to push WrestleWar '91.

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