WCW Power Hour 3/16/1991
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/01/wcw-power-hour-321991.html
Paul E. Dangerously says it's the most dynamic Power Hour of all time with Z-Man vs Terry Taylor, Flyin Brian vs Buddy Landell and Flair/Windham vs Sting/El Gigante. He says to fasten your seat belts as it'll be a bumpy ride.
"Dangerous" Dan Spivey vs David Isley
Dan clubs on Dave then slams him. Dan hits knees to the gut then a lariat. Dan slams him then hits a legdrop. Dan chokes him on the ropes. Dan hits a big boot then forearms him down. Dan headbutts him then hits a sidewalk slam. Dan then gets the win.
Thoughts: It was all squash as expected here with Dave not standing any chance. It wasn't that great of a squash though with Dan not really hitting that many stiff shots or big power moves.
We go to Jim Ross and Paul E. Paul puts over Spivey as a giant and says him and Nikita Koloff want Lex Luger. Paul says Barry Windham has been Flair's main buffer and says if Sting and Gigante want Flair, they have to go through Barry first.
We go to break and return to JR and Paul. JR talks about a Tommy Rich vs Buddy Lee Parker match where Big Josh ran in. Paul E says Josh saved Rich and almost got arrested. JR asks what Paul doesn't like about JR as he hunts and is a big man's man. Paul says he doesn't hunt or fish, he just eats fish.
We cut to a Tommy Rich vs Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker match. Rich has this in the bag. Lt. James Earl Wright gets on the apron and gets nailed then he interferes, giving Rich the DQ win. Big Josh then saves Rich.
Big Josh vs Rip Rogers
The announcer and Rip are petrified of Josh's axe handle. Josh backs him up on the ropes. Rip side headlocks him and is thrown off of it. JR and Paul talk about whether Rip dyes his hair or not. Josh backs up Rip in the corner then Rip hits chops. Josh hits forearms and throws Rip by the hair.
Josh running shoulders Rip out. Rip hits a forearm and Josh grabs his axe handle. Tommy Rich gets Josh to give it up. Rip hits punches on Josh then bangs his head off the buckles. Rip hits punches and Josh no sells them. Josh hits a big headbutt and rakes Rip's back. Josh bangs Rip's head off the mat then back elbows him. Josh then butt drops Rip and gets the pin.
Thoughts: Josh roughed up Rip here and did all brawling in this one. Josh really shouldn't be wrestling like this as a face. This went longer than it needed to and the crowd didn't seem to get into Josh.
Flyin' Brian Pillman vs "Nature Boy" Buddy Landell
BP stunners Buddy. Buddy hits chops and they trade. BP hits corner punches, hiptosses him and dropkicks him. BP lariats him hard over the top. Buddy hits shots on BP outside then lariats the post when BP moves. BP slams Buddy on the floor. BP headscissors him off the up and over.
BP spin kicks him. Buddy gets his knees up on a BP corner charge and chokes him with his knee. Buddy wraps BP's arm around the top rope. Buddy sits on his back and armlocks him. Buddy slams him then sleepers him. BP backs him up into the corner. BP hits chops then hiptosses him. BP lariats him. BP crucifies him and wins.
Thoughts: It was short and they kept it moving. What we got wasn't bad with Buddy working the arm and the two trading some stiff chops.
JR and Paul talk. Paul says let's give Buddy Landell credit. Paul says Buddy is looking for Beautiful Bobby tomorrow, not Brian Pillman. Paul says Eaton hit a cheapshot on Buddy. Paul accuses him of bias, saying JR cried when Butch Reed turned on Ron Simmons when JR says Reed turned on Simmons.
Terry Taylor vs Z-Man
Paul E says Terry's name is "Terrance Taylor" though he is announced as Terry Taylor. Terry backs up Z in the corner and Z threatens him with punches. Z goes for another punch and Terry rolls out to stall. Z drops Terry with a punch. Terry elbows Z in the back of the head. Terry misses a punch off of a sunset flip block and Z gets a 2 count on him.
Terry hits shots in the corner and JR says they are leaving Monday for The NJPW/WCW Supershow. Z hits punches on Terry then back body drops him. Z snapmares Terry and chinlocks him. Terry armdrags Z. Owen Hart is making his debut on Saturday Night (although I'm pretty sure he wrestled for them in 1990) and Paul puts him over as an impressive athlete.
Terry bangs Z's head off the buckles and hits punches. Terry corner lariats Z. Z hits some punches and powerslams him for 2. Z suplexes Terry. Bobby Eaton comes out to watch. Terry stun guns Z then yells at Eaton. Terry slaps Eaton in the back of the head. Eaton decks Terry and Z pins Terry.
Thoughts: What we got was fine here with the two working well together. Eaton coming down and getting involved furthers the issues with the Terry/Eaton/Landell team.
Wrestling News Network
Gordon Solie talks about the Sting/Larry Zbyszko feud. We see clips from last week's Power Hour though they say it's Main Event. Paul E says Sting has issues with Larry. Sting says Larry jumped on the wrong guy. Larry nails Sting from behind and sends him into the post. Larry then says, "there is your #1 contender". They talk about the Sting/Larry match from Power Hour 3/9/1991 where Sting got DQ'd against Larry.
Gordon says a return match will happen on Main Event with Sting vs Larry.
Gordon shows us clips of last week's Taylor/Eaton/Landell vs JYD/Rich/Morton 6-man tag title match. They again say this is from Main Event last week when it wasn't.
Sting and El Gigante vs Ric Flair and Barry Windham
Flair hits chops on Sting. Sting no sells them then gorilla press slams him. Sting running lariats him and BW. The heels then go out to stall. BW hits shots on Sting and shoulders him over. Sting lariats BW over. BW eye pokes him.
Sting is double teamed and ends up hitting a double lariat. Sting hits corner punches then Flair atomic drops him. Gigante tags in. Flair tries to shoulderblock him but is knocked over. Gigante knuckle locks Flair then tags in Sting. BW lariats Sting for 2 then hits a ddt.
Gigante is tagged in. BW tries shots but they don't bug him. Gigante then clubs on both opponents. Gigante clubs on BW then claws him. Flair gets on Gigante's back to break it up. Flair rakes Gigante in the eyes. Sid Vicious and Arn Arnderson come out to cause the DQ.
Thoughts: We didn't get much of this here. They really tried to put over that the heels were scared of Gigante. They really limited Gigante here and what he did do didn't look good. But he was huge and I can't really blame WCW for trying to use him.
The Horsemen get Gigante down. Flair knee drops Gigante in the back of the neck/head. Sting then gets the heels out.
Thoughts: This beatdown wasn't too good. Flair took forever to get any offense in on Gigante and what he did do looked far from lethal.
Tim Horner vs Ron Cumberledge
Ron did some Superstars appearances at the time as well. Ron backs up Tim. Tim snapmares him and they get back up. Tim side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Tim hiptosses him then side headlock takeovers him. Tim does another and Ron headscissors him. Tim side headlocks him then side headlock takeovers him.
Ron headscissors him and Tim goes to the side headlock again. Paul threatens JR on commentary. El Gigante then comes out with his neck wrapped up. Gigante walks in the ring then Sting follows, I guess causing a no contest.
Thoughts: I was disappointed we didn't get more of this but I knew something was up as these two were in the main event spot. They just did basic chain wrestler for the most part and there was no problem with it, just we didn't get a finish. Gigante walking in to disrupt the match without actually attacking anyone was one of the most unusual endings I've seen.
We then go to JR and Paul. JR hypes up tomorrow Larry Z vs Sting match on Main Event. Paul says the legend of Sting may go down to the legend of Larry. JR says we will see a grudge match between Eaton and Landell as well. Paul wants JR to apologize to Landell. They argue over who was in the wrong in the Eaton and Landell match. JR calls him an idiot (after Paul threatening to punch him earlier if he did it again). Paul takes off his jacket and the show ends.
Overall thoughts: The last half of the show brought this one down. The Sting/Gigante vs Horsemen tag match ended in shenanigans as expected and then that carried over into the next match, where nothing really happened. Maybe it would make one tune in to see what happens next but it wasn't the best ending on this one. Big Josh did not impress in this one. What we got of Taylor/Z-Man and Pillman/Landell was fine. Spivey's squash wasn't particularly impressive either. They also messed up some of dates during the Wrestling News Network recap. I thought they did do a good job on this show of hyping up Eaton/Landell though and I'm going to check that show out to see it. I wouldn't recommend this one.
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