WCW World Championship Wrestling 3/16/1991
Note - In case you are wondering, this is the predecessor to WCW Saturday Night. The name is obviously confusing and likely why they changed it.
We see Nikita Koloff working out. He says "Luger, the time is getting near".
Jim Ross, Paul E. Dangerously and Missy Hyatt welcome us to the show. Paul says Big Daddy Dink is on The Danger Zone tonight. Missy says she's interviewing Sid Vicious tonight.
The Fabulous Freebirds vs Joe Barrett and Keith Hart
The Birds have DDP, The Diamond Dolls and Big Daddy Dink with them. DDP says Dink eats lightning and burns thunder. He says The Birds are every schoolgirl's dream.
Hayes and Joe lock up. Joe honestly looks like he could be hanging with The Birds. Hayes eye rakes him and hiptosses him. Joe crossbodies him for 2. Joe hits a sunset flip then wristlocks Hayes. Hart top rope double axe handles Hayes. The Young Pistols do an inset promo. They say The Birds started this and they will end it. Steve says the showdown is coming soon.
Hart side headlocks Hayes. Hayes drops him with a jab. Jimmy lariats Hart then slams him several times. Jimmy hits a back body drop and Hayes fist drops Hart. Hayes flying lariats Hart then chinlocks him. Hart's head is banged off Jimmy's knee then Jimmy knees him in the gut. Jimmy backdrops Hart.
Jimmy bends over and is kicked. Joe gets in and back body drops Hayes. Joes dropkicks Hayes then is caught with a backdrop from Jimmy. Joe takes a double ddt and is pinned.
Thoughts: This went longer than it needed to. They could have cut half the time out of this one and we wouldn't have missed much.
Jim Ross interviews Mr. Hughes and Alexandra York. York says Bobby Eaton was never considered a member of her group and she wants nothing to do with him. She says she wants nothing to do with Z-Man either. She says she will tell us about potential members of The York Foundation.
"Beautiful" Bobby Eaton vs Terrance Taylor
Bobby has some odd purple and pink tights on with some designs. Taylor is called "Terrance" here which he hasn't been called on Power Hour. Taylor has Hughes and York with him.
TT stalls to start, going out of the ring three times. They trade hammerlocks. Eaton hammerlocks him. They battle over a wristlock and Eaton hits an uppercut that drops TT. Eaton drops him again with another shot and TT goes out.
TT shoulders him over then takes a hiptoss. Eaton hits a nice lariat. TT flops like a fish and goes out. TT cheap shots Eaton and stomps his face. Eaton hits shots back at him then back elbows him. Eaton armlocks him.
Eaton drops him with another punch then hammerlocks him. Eaton rakes the eyes and hits him as he lays on the apron. TT bangs Eaton's head off the rails and off the post. TT lariats him on the floor and chokes him out there.
Eaton drops him with a punch outside. TT top rope double axe handles him for 2. TT knee drops him. Eaton sunset flips him for 2. TT piledrivers him for 2. Eaton neckbreakers him. Eaton is crotched up top. He knocks TT off the buckles and does a top rope legdrop. The ref and Eaton talk and TT hits Eaton in the throat with the computer. TT then gets the win.
Thoughts: It took a while to get going here with TT doing endless stalling. Eaton had a nice finisher and some nice punches in this one. It wasn't as good as it could have been.
The Z-Man comes out and told the ref what happened. Mr. Hughes drops Z-Man with a hard lariat.
Rick Steiner vs Mark Mero
Lex Luger does an inset promo. He says him and Sting made a commitment as a tag team with the goal of winning the tag title.
Mark hits nice punches on Rick. Rick is sent into the corner and beats up the buckles. Rick drops Mark with a punch. Mark hits some nice punches then Rick drops him with one. Mark does a nice sell for a lariat. Rick elbow drops the mat for some reason. Mark takes a 2nd rope belly to belly suplex and is pinned.
Thoughts: Mark looked good here and it was obvious he was not going to be used as a jobber. It just looked weird when he could clearly take Rick. Rick did crazy man stuff as he beat up the buckles and elbow dropped the mat. It was interesting to see Mark under his own name here.
Dustin Rhodes vs Pat Rose
DR throws Pat over. DR shoulders him over then flying crossbodies him. DR dropkicks and armdrags him. Pat goes out to stall. DR hiptosses Pat then japanese armdrags him. DR hits elbow drops. Pat grabs him by the hair and hits shots to the gut. Paul questions why the NJPW Supershow isn't available live multiple times. DR flying lariats Pat then back body drops him. DR then hits a bulldog and gets the pin.
Thoughts: It was the usual Dustin squash with him doing flying lariats, armdrags and his bulldog. Pat did a good job hanging in there with him.
The Danger Zone
Paul says he's popular and everyone wants to enter The Danger Zone. Paul brings out Big Daddy Dink. Dink says the tag titles were stolen from The Birds. He says they will never enter the ring without him again. Dink says it's not the end of The Birds, just the beginning. He says they will be tag champs again and may have to beat up punks like Rich/Morton or The Young Pistols. Dink says they will get the belts back and will kick in some teeth or blacken some eyes to do it. Paul E says The Diamond Doll is more of a lady than Missy Hyatt can hope to be.
The Young Pistols vs Rip Rogers and Steve Stax
Rip does a disturbing dance with a goofy hair style. Paul says he'd do his hair like Rip if he had more hair. Paul says The Diamond Doll was a babe and JR says she's a healthy young lady. Rip hits chops on Armstrong then takes chops. Rip takes a double chop then is put in an armlock by Tracy. Tracy hair throws Rip then spin kicks him.
Rip headbutts Armstrong. Stax gets in and wrestles with Armstrong. Tracy slingshot boots Stax then armlocks him. Tracy throws Stax. The Pistols swap and armlock Stax. The jobbers take double dropkicks and Stax takes a double back body drop. Stax is held for a flying shoulder from Armstrong off the top and is pinned.
Thoughts: Stax was put over for his size here. He had a bunch of issues working with Tracy and nothing they did together looked good. Armstrong's diving shoulder off the top at the end was nice.
Wrestling Wrap-Up
Gordon Solie talks about Doom's split. We see clips from a WCW pro show with Butch Reed and Long attacking Ron Simmons from behind. Reed decks the ref and Ron is powerslammed. Reed the piledrivers Ron.
Solie talks Larry Zbyszko vs Sting. He says the two meet on Main Event tomorrow. We see Sting refusing to break the sharpshooter on Larry.
Ron Simmons vs Hacksaw Higgins
Hack goes out to stall and he's actually significantly bigger than Ron weight wise. They lock up and let go. Hack hits knees to the gut and punches Ron. Hack takes a big back elbow out of the corner. Hack bangs Ron's leg off the apron edge then Hack is sent into the post. Ron slams Hack on the floor.
Hack eye rakes him inside. Ron knee lifts him then hits a powerslam. Ron hits some nice punches and back body drops Hack. Ron misses a lariat but hits the 2nd one. Hack misses a legdrop then Ron slams him. Ron headbutt drops him. Ron piledrivers him then top rope diving shoulders him for the win.
Thoughts: Hacksaw didn't get much in but various eye rakes and some punches here. Ron got the win as expected.
Jim Ross interviews Lex Luger. Lex says we know Nikita Koloff is ready physically. He says Nikita jumped to the head of the class by attacking him. He says Nikita needs to follow through and get the big win now. Lex says he's ready to exploder on Nikita.
Barry Windham, Dan Spivey and Larry Zbyszko vs Sting, El Gigante and Lex Luger
Ric Flair is on commentary for this. The two sides squash off before the match. Larry shoves Sting. They roll on the ropes and Larry slaps Sting off the break. Sting hits punches on Larry and drops him. Sting shoulders Larry over then facebusters him. Sting side headlock takeovers BW.
BW and Gigante go at it. BW backs off from him. Gigante takes punches and slams BW with ease twice. Ric says Gigante should not be allowed in the ring. Gigante lariats him. Dan and Lex get in. Dan hits punches. They block hiptosses. Lex lariats and shoulders him over. Dan hits a nice lariat.
Dan punches Lex. Lex hits a nice suplex for 2. Lex cradles him for 2 then armdrags him. Sting gorilla press slams BW then elbow drops him. Larry breaks up a bearhug with a kick and Dan clubs Sting from the apron. BW hits Sting in the gut and throws him out. Dan piledrivers Sting on the floor. BW hits punches on Sting. Sting leapfrogs him and tags in Giganate. Gigante chokes BW in the corner. Dan breaks it up then Gigante suplexes BW. Lex slams BW then misses an elbow drop. Dan gets in and lariats Lex. Lex crossbodies Dan and is caught with a fallaway slam. Larry chokes Lex on the ropes.
Dan hits Lex in the gut. BW bangs Lex's head off the mat and punches him. BW eye rakes Lex. Larry spin kicks Lex then chokes him. Lex takes a double team and is dropped with a shot from BW. Lex sunset flips BW and Dan breaks it up.
Lex hits shots on Dan then Dan japanese armdrags him. Dan neckbreakers Lex. Dan neckbreakers Lex. BW flying lariats Lex for 2. Lex hits a flying double clothesline. BW lariats Lex from behind, sending him out. Lex makes the tag though. Sting gets in and hits shots on Larry then is thrown out. All 6 men fight and Sting slingshot sunset flips Larry to win.
Thoughts: It got a good bit of time here. I didn't like Sting taking a piledriver on the floor and still being active in this after. I can't forive that. That should have put him out. El Gigante threw around Barry with ease which was impressive. I thought the finishing stretch could have been better too.
Flair attacks Sting after as everyone brawls. Flair grabs a chair and Lex stops Flair from using it.
Sid Vicious vs Brett Wayne
BW has some goofy pink and bright yellow trunks on. Sid talks trash and boots him. Sid hits shots to the gut. Sid throws him down by the throat. Sid clubs on BW. Sid hits a stiff running boot. Sid stomps BW.
Sid bangs BW's head off the mat then sits on his back with a chinlock. Sid cranks BW's head and tells him to give it up. Sid hits a big powerbomb and wins.
Thoughts: It was total domination by Sid as usual.
Sid's EMT's put BW on the stretcher after. Sid then lariats him off of it.
Missy Hyatt interviews Sid Vicious after. Sid says to smell the smell in the air and it's the powerbomb. Sid says to take a look at him if you want to see the real giant. Sid says take a look and you'll say, "this man is superior to all and this man rules the world".
Owen Hart vs Mark Kyle
Owen side headlocks Mark then hammerlocks him. Mark reverses it. Owen flips out and step up enzugiri's him. We get a "shave your back" chant for Mark. Mark side headlocks him. Mark shoulders him over. Mark blocks a hiptoss. Owen flips over him and hiptosses him. Owen dropkicks him out then plancha's him. Owen hits a top rope dropkick then kips up. Owen is thrown chest first into the buckles. Mark clubs him and bangs his head off the buckles. Owen 2nd rope crossbodies him for 2.
Owen suplexes him while holding the arm. Mark hits shots on Owen then slams him. Mark misses an elbow drop. Owen legdrops him. Owen hits a dropkick and Mark eye rakes him. Owen backdrops him. Owen twisting crossbodies him off the top and gets the pin.
Thoughts: They tried to put Owen over here on commentary and mentioned him being from a famous family. Owen hits his moves clean but the timing could have been better and Mark didn't really know what to do with some of them.
Jim Ross shows us clips from WrestleWar of Vader vs Hansen. Jim says we will get a rematch at a "WCW arena in your area".
Big Josh vs Rob Morgan
Josh backs up Rob in the corner. Josh trips him and takes him down by the waist. Josh slams Rob. Rob hits a shot and a rake to the back. Josh's head is banged off the buckles and Rob hits corner spears. Josh catches his boot and knocks him over. Josh hits shots to the gut and flurries on him. Josh slams him then stomps on his gut.
Josh running back elbows him then butt drops him to win.
Thoughts: This was a little better than usual from Josh with him keeping this moving.
The One Man Gang vs Tommy Angel
OMG has Kevin Sullivan and Teddy Long with him. Tommy hits shots on OMG from behind then is lariated. OMG stomps and clubs on him. OMG hits boots to the gut. Tommy hits chest forearms. OMG stomps on Tommy. OMG hits corner spears to the gut. OMG hits headbutts.
OMG hits a corner lariat then a big splash.
Thoughts: It wasn't that interesting. OMG just did various shots and not much else.
OMG works on Tommy after and Kevin Sullivan grabs OMG.
Jim Ross interviews Sullivan, Gang and Teddy Long. Sullivan says the final horror has come and on the page it will be written. He says it'll be written with Ron Simmons' blood. He said he went to the house of evil and found One Man Gang. He says Ron Simmons' whole life is hanging and says OMG is the solution to Teddy Long's problem. Long says Ron will find out what it means to go to the neighborhood of evil. Sullivan says the wave of destruction is coming. Ron then comes out. He says Long is worse than a week old itch on his back. He says his problem isn't with Gang, it's with Reed. He says to get Gang in there right now and the show ends.
Overall thoughts: I thought this was just an average show overall. There was nothing too great on this one. I was surprised to see the main event 6-man be in the middle of the show when it should have gone on last. We had 2 star vs star matches with the rest being squashes. One Man Gang and Kevin Sullivan's segment didn't do much for me. They definitely set up a Hughes/Taylor vs Eaton/Z-Man match on this one and there's definitely more to the feud with The Horsemen vs Sting and Luger. Despite the WCW/NJPW Supershow being this week, they didn't build up anything at all for it to help you know any of the wrestlers which was a mistake. I wouldn't really recommend this one and would just give it a 4 out of 10.
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