WWE Superstars 11/22/2013
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/01/wwe-superstars-11152013.html
Alex Riley and Tom Phillips are on commentary.
Fandango vs Tyson Kidd
Fan armdrags TK then TK dropkicks him. Fan then goes out. TK dropkicks him through the ropes. TK slingshots in and does a nice pin attempt off of it. Kidd goes for the casadora and takes a quick wheelbarrow suplex.
Fan hits punches on TK then sends him hard into the buckles. Fan chinlocks him. TK armdrags him. TK headscissors him into the buckles then hits leg kicks. TK spin kicks him then basement dropkicks him in the knee for 2. TK is popped up, tries to land on the buckles, but just bangs his jaw off the buckles.
Fan goes up top and gets kicked. Fan blocks a 2nd rope hurricanrana then Fan hits a top rope legdrop for the win.
Thoughts: I liked this. It was short but they kept it moving and worked well together. TK's slingshot pin attempt was nice here.
Los Matadores vs Hunico and Camacho
The Matadores get an extended entrance here, during the bullfighting stuff with El Torito.
A Matador goes at it with Hun. Hun wristlocks and armdrags him. Hun then headflips up. Hun boots him and clubs on him. The Matador walks up the buckles and headscissors Hun down. He then flying headscissors him.
Hun takes a boot out of the corner then a double springboard shot from Los Matadores. A Matador springboard back elbows Hun then monkey flips him. Hun then is hit with a tope. We go to break and return.
Hun has a Matador in a side headlock. Cam tags in and sliding knees a Matador after a basement dropkick from Hun. Cam stomps on his opponent then backdrops him. Hun chinlocks a Matador. Hun rolls him up and powerbombs him off of it for 2. Cam powerslams a Matador for 2 then chinlocks him. A Matador is double hiptossed into a double drop. Hun then chinlocks a Matador again.
A Matador hits a spinning headscissors then a ddt. The other Matador tags in and hits offense on the heels. He hits a handstand headscissors in the corner on Cam.
Cam takes a monkey flip then a top rope swanton for 2. Hun takes a hurricanrana out and Torito top rope diving headscissors Hun outside. The ref sees it and doesn't care. Cam takes a double torture rack drop and is pinned.
Thoughts: It went longer than it needed to and had a lot of restholds. Hunico was pretty good here. I didn't like the ref watching Torito interfere and then doing nothing about it. It was about average due to some of the issue it had.
Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches as usual. The Kidd/Fandango match was fine. The tag match had various issues with cheating and rest holds and was just average. I wouldn't recommend this one but there was only about 15 minutes of new content here.
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