TNA Impact 1/30/2025
Last week's show is here:
Nic Nemeth comes out. Nic says Genesis was a great night for TNA but not him. He says Joe Hendry was the better man. He says he's been down before and he needs to get up and make things happen. He says he will go after the TNA Title again.
Ryan Nemeth comes out. He says his brother got robbed and needs to realize that Joe Hendry got lucky. He says Joe is a poser and a loser who got lucky. He says Nic is the real champ. He says 2025 will be his year. He says Joe is a fraud. Nic says it could be their year then First Class comes out.
AJ says they are First Class. He says he wants to talk to the Nemeth brother that actually matters. He says Nic doesn't deserve to go after the world title as he lost to Joe Hendry. AJ talks about his title match with Nemeth and says that's why TNA management gave him the most lucrative deal in TNA history.
AJ says they want the money but the spotlight too. AJ says it's a new era of TNA - The TNAJ Francis Era. Ryan says his brother doesn't deserve to be interrupted. Nic stops him. Nic says they are interrupting them. Ryan then sets up a match with First Class vs The Nemeth Brothers randomly out of nowhere without Nic knowing. Santino Marella then comes out.
Santino says the show is jam packed and makes that official for the main event.
Thoughts: They are definitely pushing Ryan as some delusional guy who speaks up for his brother when he doesn't want him to.
Gia interviews Arianna Grace. Tessa Blanchard comes in. Grace introduces herself. Tessa says she must be the messenger she sent by. Tess says this isn't NXT and she doesn't tell her what to do. Grace says they are on the same team. She says Grace had everything handed to her. She tells her to take her smile and go do something useful. Gia goes to interview Tess and Tess says she's not needed either. Tess says she answers to nobody.
We see Cora Jade talk to Xia Brookside earlier in the day. Xia welcomes her. Cora says she's looking for Masha and doesn't want to talk to her. Xia says her dad trained her and says Cora is acting big time. Cora pushes her and security breaks the scuffle up.
Cora Jade vs Hyan
Hy wristlocks her. Cora reverses it and Hy cartwheels out. Cora lariats her then lays on the top rope. Cora back elbows her then throws her down by the hair. Cora chokes her on the ropes. She running back elbows her on the ropes. Hy is tied up in the ropes and Cora dropkicks her.
Cora misses a charge on the ropes. Hy hits a wasteland then a legdrop for 1. Hy misses a corner charge and takes a step up knee. Cora double underhook ddt's her and wins.
Thoughts: It was a short one with Cora winning as expected. It was just very average and Hyan didn't botch or anything.
Cora beats up Hyan after then Xia Brookside comes out. Cora then backs off. Cora then nails her from behind and clubs on her. Cora hits a double underhook ddt.
Masha Slamovich comes out to get Cora and Cora runs.
Wes Lee, Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe are interviewed by Gia. Gia asks about them getting involved in the Rascalz/Fraxiom match. Wes says everyone wants to know why. Wes says Wentz and Trey are fixated on the tag titles and says they aren't aligned. Wes says the NXT Tag Titles are focused on Dupont and Igwe. He says he will get them to the promised land while they will get him the NXT Title. Wes says it all starts tonight when he takes on Ace Austin.
Ash By Elegance's crew goes up to Santino backstage. George says they were robbed at Genesis. George says he called his lawyers and said the refs were negligent and the legal member of Spitfire didn't even get the pin. George says his team should be the tag champs. Santino says to relax. He says he will review the documents. He says next week is a Knockouts battle royale for a shot at the tag titles. Spitfire then walk in and confirm they are in the battle royal. Dani says she wants to stop on those two ego's again. Santino tells them all to relax and save it for next week.
Brian Myers vs Leon Slater
BM side headlocks him then shoulders him over. BM side headlocks him then Leon reverses it. Leon shoulders him over and dances. BM backs him up in the corner and misses a shot. Leon dances more. Leon rewind kicks him. Leon handspring back elbows him for 2.
Leon is pulled into the buckles and gets stomped on. Leon goes for a dive but The System get in the way and Leon stops. Leon kicks BM outside. BM superkicks him as he tries to get in. BM throws Leon into the buckles and he flips. BM trips him. BM hits chops in the corner.
BM back elbows him. Leon springboard corssbodies him. Leon flying single leg dropkicks BM. Leon blue thunders him for 2. Leon leg lariats him for 2. BM impaler ddt's Leon for 2. Leon flying kicks BM off the apron. BM calls for a timeout outside and Leon corkscrew dives over the post onto him.
Leon fights off The System outside and drops JDC in the ring when he kicks him on the apron. Alisha gives BM a ring and he punches Leon with it. BM running lariats him then gets the pin.
Thoughts: It went well. Leon got to show off his flying and didn't even have to lose clean here. It was a newer matchup and it had some nice highlights. Perhaps this will lead to a rematch.
Mance Warner and Steph De Lander talk in the back. Mance says they are here and says nobody is taking the gold from them. Sami Callihan attacks Mance from behind and says, "I'll kill you".
Frankie Kazarian talks to Leon Slater in the back. He says he likes him and offers to be his mentor. Leon says he already told him no. He says The System cheated tonight just like Frankie did at Genesis. The System walk in. Moose offers him the chance to carry their bags and their championship rings. Alisha says he could be their secretary. The Hardy Boyz walk in. Jeff says Leon's a on a different level. The System mock them and call The Hardy's washed up. Matt calls JDC a bore and says Leon has star written all over him. Matt says they will gladly stand side by side by Leon next week. The System agree.
We see Sami and Mance fighting into ringside. Sami suplexes him on the floor. Sami throws a chair in and it lands on Mance. Sami chairs Mance. Steph De Lander comes out. She grabs Sami and Mance hits Sami with the TNA Digital Media Title. Mance running knees Sami.
Eric Young and Steve Maclin talk in the back. Steve asks if Josh is worth saving. Eric says it'll work out fine and says just to trust him. Steve says good luck and be safe but says he's not about to stick around and watch what is about to happen.
Mustafa Ali vs Laredo Kid
Ali side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Ali flying headscissors him. Kid uses the ropes to armdrag him. Ali cartwheels over him and Kid flying headscissors him. Kid chops Ali. Kid comes off the top and is dropkicked in mid-air.
Ali throws down Kid backwards. Kid michinoku drivers Ali for 2. Kid is pulled into the buckles. Ali backslides him and puts his feet on the ropes. The ref sees it then Kid rolls up Ali for 2.
Kid topes Ali outside. Ali eye rakes him. Kid slaps him. Ali slides under the bottom buckle. Kid slides after him then Ali bridging ddt's him on the floor. Ali hits a 450 and wins.
Thoughts: Kid had a lot of sloppy moments here and hurt this some. It was a quick match though and they did okay with this fast paced bout. Ali won as expected.
Ali talks to his guards in the back. He says they started the campaign off with victory. He says the people love him. He says the campaign will continue. Mike Santana walks in. He asks if Ali has a problem. Ali says he's a friend and supporter. Mike says what happened next week was not respectful. He says they handle this by going out and throwing hands. Ali said he just had a match. He says he knows a supporter of the campaign who is always ready and says he will see if he's available.
Eric Young and Josh Alexander vs The Northern Armory (Judas Icarus and Travis Williams)
Josh and Judas lock up. Josh throws him off the waistlock. Josh shoulders over Trav and running back elbows him. Josh lariats Trav over the top and finlay rolls Judas for 2. Judas flying forearms Josh. Josh goes out and is dropkicked through the ropes. Trav flying knees Josh off the apron.
Josh takes a bad double team sequence for 2. Josh takes a double kick in the corner. Josh overhead exploders Judas. EY is tagged in. He then nails Josh. EY looks at Judas and Trav. Judas and Trav beat up Josh. Josh takes a flying knee + sit out pedigree combo. EY directs traffic then piledrivers Josh.
Thoughts: Well, this was a twist I didn't see coming. They made it clear Eric is now the leader of The Northern Armory. I think we're supposed to boo him but Josh was a heel lately and it's hard to really boo Eric for this. The match wasn't the best. We didn't get a real finish and The Armory was a little off here.
Wes Lee vs Ace Austin
Ace side headlocks Wes. Wes cartwheels out of it. Wes is flipped by the arm and armlocked. Wes uses the ropes to flip out then armdrags him. Wes headscissors him from the mat and dropkicks him. Ace trips him and kicks him from the mat for 2. Ace dropkicks him.
Wes slingshots over him. Wes then flips over him and upkicks him. Ace back body drops him. Ace is crotched on the top then takes a kick. Wes topes Ace outside. Wes forearms Ace down. Wes snapmares him over and dropkicks him in the back of the neck for 2.
Wes hits chest kicks. Wes spin kicks him in the face. Wes armlocks him. They trade forearms and Ace lariats him. Ace russian legsweeps him then legdrops him. Ace hits corner lariats. Ace helicopter kicks Wes off the buckles for 2. Ace sitout powerbombs him for 2. Dupont and Igwe come down. Ace fights them off then back body drops Wes outside. Ace then fosbury flops onto them and almost lands on his head.
Igwe trips Ace. Wes then cardiac kicks Ace and wins.
Thoughts: It was longer than it needed to be and had a slow pace. If you were expecting a fast X-Division style match, this was oddly not it. I was not that interested in this one.
Ace is triple teamed after. The Rascalz then save Ace.
Joe Hendry does a promo. He says he doesn't know who his next challengers will be but says he will be in concert next week.
Nic and Ryan Nemeth vs First Class (KC Navarro and AJ Francis)
AJ throws Ryan back off the lock-up. Nic side headlocks him and is thrown. Nic flying bodyblocks AJ. KC gets in. KC enzugiri's Nic from the apron. KC rolls over Nic's back and does Nic's old taunt. Nic dropkicks him and AJ. AJ takes a double dropkick out. KC is then double thrown onto AJ outside.
We go to break and return. AJ choking Ryan on the ropes. AJ hits tennessee whsikey on Ryan then does his, "money, money, money" line. Ryan hits forearms on KC then KC dropkicks him. KC snapmares Ryan then double stomps him for 2. Ryan is whipped into a big boot from AJ for 2.
AJ chickenwings Ryan. AJ steps on Ryan's gut and does Nic's old taunt. AJ chops Ryan then Ryan gets on his back with a sleeper. AJ side slams him for 2. AJ side slams Ryan again for 2. Ryan ddt's AJ. KC and Nic get in. Nic hits lariats on KC then corner splashes him. Nic neckbreakers him then hits elbow drops.
AJ takes a superkick then is double lariated over the top. Ryan double axe handles AJ off the top. KC spin kicks Nic in the face for 2. Nic drops KC down face first and hits a fameasser in. Nic hits danger zone and Ryan bling tags himself in and steals the pin.
Thought: The whole point of this was Ryan tagging himself in to get the pin. It was an odd match as it was quasi-heel vs heel here and it was hard to buy First Class were winning this one.
Overall thoughts: I thought it was a long and boring edition of Impact. Nothing really delivered on this one. We did get some new angle developments but none of them were particularly interesting to me. I'd give this one a 4 out of 10 and wouldn't recommend it.
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