WCW Superbrawl VI 2/11/1996
We are in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan and Dusty Rhodes are on commentary. They talk about the show.
Falls Count Anywhere Tag Team Match - The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) vs. The Public Enemy (Johnny Grunge & Rocco Rock)
The four brawl in the ring and Knobbs is thrown out hard. Saggs is then thrown out and rolls down the steps. JG comes off the apron at Knobbs and gets a drink thrown in his face. JG is then sent into the post. Rock brings a table out. He rams Saggs with it but Saggs chairs him several times. Rock's head is banged off the edge of the table and Saggs kicks him. Saggs chairs JG hard then JG returns the favor.
Rock is thrown off the apron through a table. Saggs grabs a trash can and rams the lid into JG's face. Knobbs hits Rock with a table piece. Knobbs' head is banged off the rails. Saggs piledrivers JG onto a trash can for 2.
JG hits Saggs with a trash can lid several times. Knobbs suplexes Rock through a table in the concession area. JG hits Saggs with the can lid many times. Knobbs then chairs Rock hard. Rock chairs Saggs and Knobbs takes a trash can lid shot. Saggs takes a bulldog onto an unfolded chair.
Knobbs hits both opponents with a trash can lid. Rock throws a trash can at Saggs and Saggs chairs him. Saggs drops a table onto Rock. Saggs takes weapons shots from both opponents.
Knobbs gets his head beaten with a trash can lid. Rock gets in the stands and misses a swanton onto a table on Knobbs. Knobbs slams a table down on Rock and wins.
Thoughts: I absolutely loved the series between these teams as kid. These four just beat the crap out of each other with endless chair and trash can lid shots. No, they didn't really sell any of them, but they did everything else right. This was really wild by 1996 standards and despite its issues, I thought it was a good fight and really helped pave the way for hardcore style matches. These two teams were just perfect for this environment.
The Nasties beat up JG after and JG fights back. The Nasties then walk back towards the ring to celebrate.
Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Konnan. Kon says he won't let the people down and talks in Spanish. He says he faced One Man Gang before and says he's the one who should be watching out.
WCW World Television Title Match - Johnny B. Badd (c) vs. Diamond Dallas Page
This one has DDP's $6.6 million (from the lottery) on the line vs Badd's TV title and control of The Diamond Doll. Doll does a big dance for Badd as he comes out. DDP comes out with roses and tries to give them to Doll. DDP grabs her and Badd nails DDP.
DDP is sent into the rails then he stomps on Badd. DDP clubs Badd's chest and Badd snapmares him over the top to the floor. Badd double axe handles him from the apron. Badd slingshot legdrops DDP. DDP snapmares Badd twice and Badd armdrags him. Badd backslides DDP for 2 and tries pin attempts.
DDP knees Badd in the gut. Badd leapfrogs him then DDP stun guns him. DDP elbows Badd in the gut. DDP gutbusters Badd. Badd sunset flips him but DDP holds on and punches him. DDP does a cocky pin and Badd gets a 2 count on him. DDP stomps on Badd.
DDP does a floatover ddt on a hiptoss attempt. DDP wants the doll to give him a 10. She gives him a 0 and hits him with it. DDP chinlocks him and uses the ropes. Badd backrolls DDP for 2.
Badd hits shots and trips DDP. Badd hits more punches and drops him. Badd top rope double axe handles him. Badd top rope diving sunset flips DDP. Badd sitout powerbombs him for 2. DDP pulls Badd's throats over the top rope. DDP misses a corner charge and is rolled up for 2. DDP uses the ropes to get a 2 count.
DDP hits a tombstone on Badd for 2. DDP sleepers Badd and Badd jawbreakers him. Badd gets on DDP's back with a sleeper. Badd tombstones DDP and wins.
Thoughts: The work was okay but it went on too long. I thought they kind of lost the flow of this one early on and the crowd wasn't hot enough to make up for it.
Badd then gives DDP's lottery money check to The Diamond Doll like a real dummy.
Mean Gene interviews Harlem Heat. Stevie says Lex Luger committed gran larceny and they will get him. Stevie says the hitlist is out for him and Sting. Stevie says his team will own the gold tonight. Booker calls Lex and Sting "sissified suckas" and punks. Booker tells them to watch their back and says they refuse to leave without the tag titles.
The commentators talk about the next match.
WCW World Tag Team Title Match - Lex Luger & Sting (c) vs. Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray)
The winner gets The Roadwarriors later in the show. Lex is outside and seems to be having issues with Sting. Booker hits knees on Sting's gut in the corner and hits forearms. Sting lariats Booker and headlock takeovers him. Booker headscissors him. Lex hits shots on Booker. Booker boots him out of the corner and forearms him over.
Lex takes a double back elbow and goes out. Ray beats up on Sting then nails Lex on the apron. Sting hiptosses Ray then dropkicks him. Ray thumbs Sting in the eye. Booker side headlocks Sting. Sting hits shots on Ray and bulldogs him. Lex boots Ray in the gut and knee lifts him. Lex backdrops Ray for 2. Lex misses an elbow drop. Booker clubs on Lex and misses an elbow drop. Booker jumping side kicks Lex. Ray slams Lex and pounds on him. Lex's throat is pulled down over the top and Ray legdrops Lex.
Ray hits a hard lariat on Lex for 2. Lex running lariats Ray. Ray powerbombs Lex for 2. Ray trap holds Lex. Booker scissors kicks Lex. Ray hits shots on Lex in the gut. Lex is double teamed and Sting beats up on Heat to stop it. Sting corner splashes Booker then Ray pulls Sting over the top.
The Roadwarriors come out. Animals nails Ray in the gut with a piece of lead and Lex picks up the pin on Ray.
Thoughts: We were told The RW's were going to make sure Sting and Lex won and they kept their promise. The match was average. There was nothing wrong with it but it wasn't great and we just didn't get a lot of exciting moments out of it. The lead shot in the gut also didn't look great.
Mean Gene interviews Sting and Lex Luger after. Gene says Lex knows what went on. Lex says he held up his end of the bargain as he promised. He said he told him so and said they are the tag champs. Sting is asked if he saw what happened but he didn't see it and thinks they won clean.
WCW United States Heavyweight Title Match - Konnan (c) vs. The One Man Gang
Gang hits Kon from behind and clubs on him. Gang foot chokes him. Kon goes up and over and dropkicks Gang in the knee. Kon spinning heel kicks Gang. Kon dropkicks Gang off the buckles. Kon crossbodies Gang out of the ring and they roll down the steps.
Kon cannonballs Gang off the apron. Gang legdrops Kon. Gang chokes Kon. Gang hits a punch and side slams him. Gang hits some splashes on Kon in the corner. Kon hits shots to the gut and the head. Gang knees him in the gut then stomps him.
Gang pulls on Kon's mouth on the ropes. Kon hits shots to the gut. Gang hits elbows to Kon's neck then rakes his face. Kon hits a flurry of shots then Gang kind of diving headscissors him off the buckles. Gang hits dropkicks. Gang avoids a dropkick and the crowd laughs at Kon. Gang splashes Kon. Gang doesn't even come close on a missed 2nd rope splash. Kon cannonballs him off the buckles and wins.
Thoughts: This wasn't good. They both had some bad misses here and they had a boring match with meaningless punches. The crowd didn't care at all either.
Mean Gene interviews The Roadwarriors. Animal says it's an eye for an eye in WCW. Animal says Lex brought this on himself and says Sting made a mistake believing in Lex. Animal says to be prepared for tonight. Hawk apologizes to Harlem Heat...not. He says too bad for them. He says they will detach Sting and Lex's retina's and a lot of other nasty things. Hawk says they started it and they will end it. Hawk says they don't know what they are doing when the mess with The LOD.
I Respect You Strap Match - Brian Pillman vs. "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan
BP runs into the ring and whips Task. Task takes him down and BP whips him. Task bites the leg and BP whips him hard with the strap. Task hits a hard punch on BP. BP grabs the mic and says, "I respect you, Bookerman". He then leaves. Taskmaster wins by countout?
Thoughts: What we got of this was good with the two making it look real.. BP's line was a worked shoot and ended up being the last time he was in WCW. I didn't like him breaking kayfabe or suggesting Task was a booker since he was in no way one on TV. I also didn't like the match only being a few minutes long as we got baited and switched here.
Arn Anderson comes out in non-wrestling attire and Jimmy Hart follows. Task whips Arn and Arn is now going to do this match instead of BP.
I Respect You Strap Match - Arn Anderson vs. "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan
They whip each other with the belt. Arn hits some nice punches in the corner then whips him with the belt. Arn ties up Task and stomps on him. Task pulls the strap into Arn's crotch then whips him with it.
Task whips him more and stomps his hand. Arn knee drops him in the nuts. Arn hangs Task with the strap and Task refuses to say he respects him. Task pulls Arn over the top with the strap. Task then pulls him into the post with the strap.
Task whips him then is pulled into the post with the strap. Arn chokes him with the strap. Arn goes up top and is pulled down. Ric Flair comes out with Jimmy Hart. Ric calls for a stop to this. Ric gets on the mic. He says they proved nothing and says lets get ready to kick Hulk's and Savage's butts. Ric says, "united we stand, divided we fall". He tells Macho and Hulk and it didn't work and says they destroy Hulk. Ric says he will take Macho's belt and Liz. Ric then hugs the two of them and says they are a team. Arn says he would get in the bed with the devil himself to get to Hulk and Macho. Task and Arn then shake hands.
Thoughts: Well, this sucked. Don't get me wrong, the wrestling we got between these two was good but the angle made this whole thing with Pillman/Sullivan/Arn a waste of time. Sullivan turned on Arn and Pillman just to make friends with Arn in the end and to go back to fighting Macho and Hulk.
The Giant and Jimmy Hart are interviewed by Mean Gene. Hart says Hulk has one hour before he gets in the cage with The Giant. He says Hulk is finished forever. Giant says today will be a day of reckoning. He says he's been in The Dungeon of Doom in the darkest deepest reaches of the soul. He says the evil is building in him and is ready to erupt like a volcano on Hulk. He says the last thing that will go in Hulk's mind is his fist. He says Hulk can't run or hide, he can just know Hulkamania is through forever. Hart said he doesn't need to need to be in the cage tonight. He says there's more Thunder in Paradise for Hulk or seeing him in WCW. Gene mentions Hulk then Giant comes back in and yells at him.
WCW World Tag Team Title Match - Lex Luger & Sting (c) vs. The Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal & Road Warrior Hawk)
Lex goes to enter and backs off. The LOD go after him. Sting then talks to Lex in the entrance area. Lex stalls outside more and refuses to get in. Hawk goes after him in the aisle but the ref stops him. They push that Lex is scared to death.
Hawk side headlocks Sting then shoulders him over. Hawk dropkicks Sting. Sting rolls out down the steps. Hawk follows Sting around the ring. Sting kicks him and bangs his head off the rails. Hawk botches a neckbreaker on Sting but Sting no sells it so it works. Hawk stf's Sting.
Hawk hits shots on Sting then bangs his head off the buckles. Animal wristlocks Sting and yanks on the arm. Animal armlocks Sting. Sting clubs on Animal. Lex and Animal fight. Lex is still refusing to fight. He hits shots on Animal. Animal bangs Lex's head off the buckles and facekicks him. Animal powerslams Lex for 2. Hawk corner lariats Lex then hits corner punches.
Hawk corner lariats Lex and drops him. Lex is thrown out and sent into the rails. Lex hits Hawk from behind then running lariats him for 2. Sting boots Hawk in the gut. Sting suplexes Hawk for 2. Sting headlock takeovers him. Sting and Animal collide then Sting falls down and headbutts Animal in the crotch on accident.
Lex begs to get in and pounds on Animal while he's hurt. Lex atomic drops him. Sting clubs on Animal. Sting facebusters him. Sting goes for a top rope splash but Animal gets his legs up.
Hawk and Lex get in and flying shoulders Lex. Hawk legdrops Lex for 2 then fist drops him. Lex is put in a sleeper but gets out with a jawbreaker. Animal and Sting fight. Sting hits a stinger splash on Animal. Sting goes for the scorpion deathlock and Hawk breaks it up. Hawk stomps on Sting.
For the third time in this show, Tony tells Heenan when he says something that they talked about it already. Sting rolls up Hawk for 1 and is lariated over. Animal chinlocks Sting and cranks his head.
Sting suplexes Animal. Animal no sells it. Animal then suplexes Sting and Sting no sells it. Sting poses at animal. Animal dropkicks him. Sting takes a double back elbow.
Lex's head is banged off the steps as the fight goes outside four all 4 men. Animal and Lex fight in the aisle and the match goes to a double countout.
Thoughts: The story was intriguing here and well done. The only problem was they didn't fully explain it. Going into this, Lex did not want to give The Roadwarriors a title shot. They never fully went into why though. Lex refused to get in and picked his spots against The Warriors, clearly not wanting anything to do with them. One would hope this would end with Lex getting caught and getting destroyed but we never got to it as we had a non-finish. Hopefully we get a proper ending to this. Maybe it wasn't the greatest match workrate wise, but storyline wise it was great, the in-ring work was enough and I liked this.
The four then fight to the back after.
Mean Gene interviews Ric Flair and Woman. Woman says what she wants she gets. Ric says Hulk's master plot of turning Sullivan on Arn didn't work. Ric says the cage goes down tonight. He says he will bleed and sweat and says he might take Liz home. He says there will be blood, sweat and tears and a title change. Gene asks if there will be a ride on Space Mountain if he wins. He says he will have Woman on his left and Liz on his right but he won't tell anyone who he will be with tonight.
Dusty says he has never seen Flair so pumped. Heenan says Savage's run is over tonight.
Mean Gene interviews Miss Elizabeth. Macho comes in. He says The Mega Powers are together once again. He says Flair has no idea what will happen tonight but he does. He says it'll be complete mental insanity. Macho says they have united the forces into infinity and beyond. He says he will beat up Flair tonight.
WCW World Heavyweight Title Steel Cage Match - "Macho Man" Randy Savage (c) vs Ric Flair
Michael Buffer does the intros for this. Ric has Woman with him and Macho has Miss Elizabeth with him. Ric gets on the mic before the match. He offers Liz one last chance to kiss a real man. Macho says, "oooh no".
Macho eye rakes Ric then hits corner punches. Ric chops him then takes punches. Macho goes for the pin but the ref is shutting the door. Ric snapmares him then knee drops him in the head. Macho is sent into the cage and hangs from it. Ric punches out the ref then stomps him. Macho backslides him but the ref is out and can't count.
Macho back body drops Ric and hits lariats. Macho stands on Ric's head. Macho is sent into the cage. Ric punches and back elbows Macho. Ric chops Macho then back elbows him. Ric punches him down. Ric snapmares him. Macho throws Ric off the buckles. Macho then figure fours Ric. Ric ropebreaks but the ref kicks Ric's arm away since this is no DQ and therefore no breaks.
Macho punches Ric down for 2. Macho slams Ric. Macho goes up to the top of the cage and jumps off. Ric nails him with a punch to the gut as he comes down. Ric suplexes him. Ric throws Macho into the cage and Macho gets stuck on the cage/ropes.
Ric figure fours him and holds onto the ropes for more leverage. Ric goes for the figure four again and Macho cradles him for 2. They trade shots in the corner. Ric is sent into the cage twice. Macho rakes Ric's face on the cage. Macho bangs Ric's head off the cage. Ric atomic drops him.
Ric goes up top to climb the cage. Macho pulls his tights down which the camera's desperately try to avoid showing. Ric is then crotched up top. Macho goes for the pin and it's 2 but the bell is rang on accident. Macho chokes Ric and Ric low blows him.
Ric chokes him. Ric goes up to the top and gets his tights pulled down again. Macho bangs Ric's head off the cage. Macho and Ric both take hard falls down. Ric is sent hard into the cage. Ric climbs the cage again and Macho bangs Ric's head off the cage. The cage door falls open somehow. The ref tries to close the door again.
Ric and Macho trade in shots in the corner. Ric back body drops Macho into the cage. Woman gets powder outside she throws it at Macho but he ducks and seems to mostly avoid it. Miss Elizabeth then hands Ric her heel. Ric nails Macho with it and pins him.
Thoughts: I had seen this show about 20 years ago but I didn't fully remember it. I knew Liz turned on Macho at some point and it turned out to be here. But why? I have no idea. She just returned and was allied with Hulk and Macho. I can tell you that her heel was also used on Nitro 1/29/96 with Arn/Jimmy Hart grabbing her heel and Ric using it on Hulk. So that was a good callback.
The match was built like an epic brawl. It was a slugfest and the two just stuck to the basics for the most part. It worked but it needed a great finish to put this one over the top and didn't quite get there. It was a slower paced match and had a big match feeling to it. I thought the match was good but I didn't like the ending. These two have had quite a history with them trading the title back and forth over the last few months and their prior history in the WWF with Liz and this was yet another chapter in it. I'm curious as to what happens next.
Arn Anderson comes out and celebrates with Ric in the cage. Hulk Hogan comes out and chases Liz/Woman away. Hulk chairs Arn then Ric leaves before getting hit. Arn then leaves too. Hulk, a ref, someone else and Doug Dillinger help Macho out after.
Mean Gene interviews Hulk, whose eye is all bandaged. Hulk says the last thing he thought was Liz would stab Macho in the back. Hulk says maybe it goes back to them separating 4 years ago or other things he doesn't understand. He says Liz is a turncoat and says even though she didn't do it, she was the one who put the heel in Macho's eye. He says Liz's heel also was used in his eye and it came off a little too easy. They talk about The Giant. Hulk says his match his unsanctioned and the ref will be outside. He says the only way to survive is to go through the door or go over the top. Hulk says he can see to the front and the right and says the fans and God will guard his blindside.
Steel Cage Match - Hulk Hogan vs. The Giant
Michael Buffer does the intros for this. Jimmy Hart and Kevin Sullivan are with Giant. Hulk eye rakes Giant and gets loud "Hogan sucks" chants. Hulk pounds on Giant and bites him. Hulk chokes him with tape. Hulk hits punches on Giant then does corner punches. Hulk bites Giant in the corner then chokes him with a shirt.
Giant clubs on Hulk's back then boots him. Giant elbows him in the back of the neck. Giant double knuckle locks Hulk then kicks him. Giant bangs Hulk's head off the cage then chokes Hulk with the shirt. Giant boots Hulk in the gut and elbow drops him on the neck. Giant chops Hulk and pulls off Hulk's eye bandage. Giant bites Hulk then slams him. Giant misses an elbow drop. Hulk hits punches on Giant. Hulk tries to slam Giant but Giant falls on him. Giant foot chokes Hulk.
Giant boots Hulk in the gut then stomps his back. Hulk is sent into the cage. Giant suplexes Hulk. Hulk is sent into the cage. Giant bearhugs Hulk. Hulk fights out as expected. Giant boots Hulk in the gut. Giant chokeslams Hulk. Hulk is down but then hulks up. Hulk hits punches on Giant then throws him into the cage several times.
Hulk double throat thrusts Giant then hits a big boot. Hulk eye rakes him then hits a big slam. Hulk hits 3 leg drops. The Giant then gets right back up. Hulk climbs the cage and both Giant and Hulk fight on the top rope. Giant is knocked off the top and Hulk climbs over the cage. Hulk drops to the floor and wins.
Thoughts: It was a long match and wasn't that good. The match structure, logic and idea of it was fine but it went long, it was slow and there wasn't a lot here but various strikes. This also got hurt because it followed Macho/Flair which was similar and better. Hulk won as expected here.
Kevin Sullivan chairs Hulk as soon as he lands on the floor. Hulk grabs the chair and Kevin tries to run. Hulk throws Kevin in the ring and holds up the chair. The Giant wakes up and Hulk is cornered 2v1. Meng, Barbarian, Hugh Morrus, Shark, One Man Gang and The Zodiac come out. Hulk hits all of them with a chair. The Giant and Sullivan leave despite having a massive advantage. The Loch Ness Monster then comes out. The Dungeon all leaves and holds Loch Ness from getting in to close the show.
Thoughts: You just know Hulk Hogan came up with that ending. Hulk fought off an 8 on 1 just with a chair. The heels all left on their own accord and all of them looked like total wimps. They then stopped The Loch Ness Monster from coming in for unknown reasons which further buried them. This was an absolute burial for The Dungeon of Doom and this was some of Hulk at his worst.
Overall thoughts: It was a long show with the second half of this being pretty slow. The main and the angle after stunk. The semi-main was good but had a bad ending with Miss Elizabeth turning on Macho for unknown reasons. I liked the Sting/Lex vs Roadwarriors title match but you really have to see the TV leading up to it to get the logic of it or else you will hate it. Still, the finish to it was disappointing. The "I Respect You" matches had 2 bad endings and broke kayfabe. Konnan/Gang wasn't good. Harlem Heat/Sting and Lex was average with a bad ending. DDP/Badd went too long and the opener was a wild hardcore brawl that I enjoyed. It was a weird show overall and I can't really give it a good rating. There was too much bad stuff to override the good of Macho/Flair, LOD/Lex and Sting and Public Enemy/The Nasties. I'd give this a 4 out of 10 total and this was yet another WCW PPV from this era that had some really bad stuff on it.
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