Friday, January 31, 2025

NWA Powerrr 1/28/2025

NWA Powerrr 1/28/2025

Last week's show is here:

Joe Galli and Danny Dealz welcome us to the show and run down the card.  

Baba Thunder vs Burchill

Oh great, another debut. Just what NWA needed...

Baba pushes Burch away off the lock-up. Baba knees him in the gut and clubs his back. Baba hits punches and boots in the corner. Baba slams Burch and foot chokes him in the corner.

Baba boots him in the corner. Burch back elbows him. Baba bearhugs him. Burch hits lariats then is shouldered over. Baba suplexes him then stands on him on the ropes. Baba pushes the ref over and is DQ'd.

Thoughts: Baba didn't look bad here. He mostly just did strikes but they looked okay and he was moving well. The finish wasn't good though.

Baba beats up on Burch after. Mike Mondo comes out. He signals to Baba then poses over Burch. 

Carson Drake tells people how to get tickets for 3/22.

Kyle Davis interviews EC3. EC says Thom Latimer is the champ but knows the true power of The NWA lies with EC. EC says he cultivates greatness and says he's the reason Thom is the champ. He says he brought him to his best self. He says he's if Alexander The Great had a baby with Ric Flair. He says this is his exodus. He says he's not locked in a cage with Thom, Thom is locked in a cage with him. 

Blunt Force Trauma (Damage and Carnage) vs The Modern Day Outlaws (Nick Gene and Race Allen)

BFT attack their debuting opponents before the bell. Damage takes chops then hits a lariat. Damage hits mounted shots on his opponents. Carnage suplexes his opponent for 2. Allen takes corner attacks. Damage spinebusters Race Allen.

Caranage misses a corner splash. Nick gets in and hits slaps on Carnage. Carnage dropkicks Race and wins.

Thoughts: This was a squash here with a new team getting squashed. Carnage's dropkick was nice.

The Country Joes (AJ Cazana, Joe Cazana & KC Cazana) vs. Christian Anderson & The Rewind Society (Samuel C & VHS)

AJ and KC hit shots on The Rewind's to start. KC and AJ hit a double shoulderblock and a double elbow drop. Joe has his hat and regular clothes on and boots an opponent. KC and AJ hit a back elbow + russian legsweep combo. Joe punches Christian. Christian grabs Joe then ges double teamed for it. Christian takes a powerbomb + top rope diving lariat combo. Joe then pins Christian with one foot on the chest.

It was a quick one here with The Cazana's winning easy as expected.

Carson Drake comes out after. The Slimeballz then come out too. The two sides square off and argue. Joe says he wants a match now.

Carson Drake & The Slimeballz (Sage Chantz & Tommy Rant) vs. The Country Joes (AJ Cazana, Joe Cazana & KC Cazana)

The Cazana's hit shots and the team other gets dropped. AJ takes a oduble back body drop then has his legs split. Rant hits AJ with his crotch. Drake then dances and fist drops AJ.

Joe is about to get hit but his boys save him. Sage takes an AA then AJ lariats him. KC then does a dance into a legdrop on Sage. Rant hits KC and AJ. Rant headbutts KC then spinning headbutts him. Rant is pulled out and gets hi by AJ. Drake grabs a chain. Joe tries to hit him with his book and Drake goes out.

Drake stops his partners from getting in like he did last time. Drake says The Cazana's have alcohol on their breath and he won't wrestle them. Drake's team is then counted out.

Thoughts: What was this? And why? 

Daisy Kill does a promo for the 3/22 show.

Tiffany Nieves does a promo on Natalya Markova. She says she's the best at everything and was surprised by Markova sending her through a table. She said she laid out Kenzie Paige for her in Markova's match with her. Tiff asks when will Markova learn to back down. She says it will be her and Markova in a cage match and says she will be the winner.

Alex Taylor vs. Hunter Drake

Alex wristlocks him. Drak headflips out and side headlocks him. Drake armdrags Alex. Drake armlocks him. Alex hits shots on Drake then Drake step up enzugiri's him. Drake springboard into a headscissors on him. Drake dropkicks him.

Drake hits a step up enzugiri. Drake 2nd rope headscissors him from behind. Alex back elbows him, trips him and pulls his crotch into the post. Alex hits shots on Drake.

Alex tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Drake. Alex camel clutches him. Alex slams him then misses a top rope elbow drop. Drake corner lariats him then running lariats him out of the corner. Drake running ssp's Alex for 2.

Drake misses a 450 off the top and is lariated from behind. Alex hits a cradle shock and wins.

Thoughts: I wasn't too into this one. Drake's enzugiri based offense didn't look good and this was a random match.

Hailey J does a promo. She says she's wrestling Kenzie Paige and says she's the champ. She says Paige is one of the best names out there today. J says she's not the only second gen wrestler out there. J says Paige's daddy handed her everything. J says she's about that life though and says Paige will find out real soon.

Loser Must Serve The Other Match - Alex Misery vs. Lev

I looked through my archives to try to figure out the reason for this and I got nothing. These two had a match together in December. Ocasio beat up both of them and the match had no finish. There's been nothing on these two since.

Billy Corgan says he tries to think of things that might interest the fans. He says they were talking trash to each other and talked them into having a match. Alex is shouldered over and he kips up. Lev top wristlocks him. Alex eye rakes him then armlocks him.

Lev wristlocks him. Alex cartwheels out of it then armdrags him into an armlock. Lev boots him out of the corner. Alex walks up the buckles, flips over him then sits down. Alex monkey flips him for 2. 

Alex takes a running STO for 2. Lev elbow drops him several times for 2. Lev eye rakes him then knees him in the gut. Alex handstands in the corner then headscissors him down. Alex hits kicks then spinning neckbreakers him. Alex jumping enzugiri's him for 2. Lev eye rakes him.

They trade shots and Lev tells him he hates him. Lev ushigoroshi's him. Alex crucifixes him for 2. Alex tornado ddt's Lev. Alex lifts him on his shoulder and swinging ddt's him down to win.

Thoughts: It was shorter than I expected. What we got was okay but not really the epic match I was expecting for this gimmick. As I said, there was no real reason for this stipulation.

EC3 does a promo for 3/22.

Aron Stevens does a promo. He said because he has a pretty face, people thought he couldn't get down. He says he has known The Immortals for a long time. He says he knows this is personal and know they want him. He says they can't take his mind games and his a-games. He says he won't put tights on for them. He says they can pick a partner and fight him and BFT. He says they aren't winning this fight with him and BFT. 

Kyle Davis hosts a meeting between Silas Mason and Bryan Idol. Idol says he has done everything he can do to move the needle for this company. Idol says everyone has had enough of The Southern Six. He says what Silas did to Kyle Davis was disgusting and he had to take a stand for it. He says he has no problem standing up to Silas.

Silas says the only needles Idol moves are into his @ss. He says Idol has been giving it all he has but it's not enough and says he doesn't have enough balls. He says Idol wants to chin check him, but he wasn't made with a glass jaw. Silas tells him not to miss if he takes a swing at the king.

Silas then yells at Kyle Davis. Silas tells him to get on his knees and apologize to him for going after him a while ago. Kyle says he loves the NWA. He says he doesn't owe Silas an apology. He says he let his emotions get in the way and got his @ss kicked. Kyle says he learned his lesson and says he hopes Silas does too. He says he hopes the best man wins.

Thoughts: I liked this segment. I wish they would have followed up on a little better as it wasn't mentioned much lately but they got this right at least.

Trevor Murdoch then does a music video called "In My Heart' where he rips Daisy Kill and Talos. He's with Eric Smallz and Knox.

Overall thoughts: It was the usual bad Powerrr episode. We had random debuts, matches and wrestlers. Things were brought up that weren't mentioned for a while and Billy Corgan told us about stuff that happened that we never got to see which isn't a good way to build matches. I liked the Silas/Kyle/Idol segment but it could have been mentioned more prior to the show. The stuff with The Cazana's was a waste of time and there was a bad finish involved. Baba Thunder also debuted to a match with a bad finish. This is just such a hard show to watch and follow. I'd give this a 3 out of 10 and would not recommend it at all.

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