Stardom 1/25/2025 Award 2024 in Takadanobaba Day 1
Suzu Suzuki vs. Akira Kurogane
This is Akira's official debut, though she did some trainee exhibition matches. Akira corner dropkicks Suzu then Suzu slams her. Suzu hair throws her then kicks her in the back. Suzu drive by kicks Akira for 2.
Suzu slaps her and kicks her around. Akira hits forearms and takes a basement dropkick for 2. Akira fires up and hits some forearms in the corner. Suzu misses a corner charge. Akira dropkicks her then running dropkicks her. Akira running dropkicks her.
Akira slams Suzu for 2. Suzu forearms Akira over. Suzu corner back elbows her then running boots her in the corner. Suzu crabs her then does a deep half crab. Akira ropebreaks. Akira rolls her up off the casadora for 2. Akira underhook suplexes her for 2. Suzu half-nelson twisting drops her for 2. Akira back rolls her and is kicked in the head for 2. Suzu hits a tequila shot and wins.
Thoughts: It was an okay debut match here for Akira. She showed some fire and didn't botch anything. I saw no problems with her and she seems a bit more confident than the usual rookie. They also let her kick out of a lot of stuff in this one.
Suzu talks to her on the mic after.
STARS (Koguma & Momo Kohgo) & Waka Tsukiyama vs. God's Eye (Ranna Yagami & Tomoka Inaba) & Kiyoka Kotatsu
KK = Kiyoka Kotatsu, TI = Tomoka Inaba
Waka's team is knocked off the apron as they enter. Ran's team then rips up pictures of Syuri's face. Kog is triple teamed and takes kicks for 2. Kog does her dance and as usual, Ran refuses to do it with her. Ran teases giving in but stops.
Waka comes in with a picture of Syuri's face tied to her face. Ran teases doing Kog's taunt again but doesn't. Waka and Kog hit stereo crossbodies. Kog's team then does submissions on their opponents together.
Ran hits knees to Kog's gut then chest kicks her over. KK hits Kog in the gut. KK takes a triple basement dropkick. Momo corner dropkicks KK then does a regular dropkick to her. KK hits kicks and slaps on Momo and drops her. Ran comes in and dropkicks Momo. Ran hits a running corner kick on all 3 opponents then kicks each opponent in the back.
TI pump kicks Momo then Momo 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. Momo 619's her. Waka running dropkicks TI twice. Waka hip attacks TI on the ropes for 2. Waka's team bends over TI then poses on her. TI PK's Waka. Waka hits chest forearms on TI. Momo tries to springboard dropkick Waka but mostly misses. Kog misses a top rope crossbody. Waka cradles TI for 2 and TI michinoku drivers her for the win.
Thoughts: It started off with some comedy and kind of fell apart at the end with people missing moves. This got more time than it needed. As usual, Kog tried to make Ranna do her dance with her.
Ranna talks to Waka and Kog on the mic after and doesn't seem pleased. Kog has some words back for her and Waka puts on the Syuri mask again. Waka then talks with the mask on.
Matoi Hamabe & Neo Genesis (AZM, Mei Seira & Starlight Kid) vs. Cosmic Angels (Natsupoi, Saori Anou, Tam Nakano & Yuna Mizumori)
AZM wristlocks Poi. Poi cartwheels out of it and wristlocks her back. AZM headflips out of it. AZM side headlock takeovers her. Poi headcissors her and both headflip up together. Poi takes a 2v1 and is backrolled into a double basement dropkick.
Poi slams Matoi for 2. Poi hair throws Matoi. Yuna foot chokes Matoi in the corner then slams and splashes her for 2. Tam boot flurries Matoi in the corner then knee chokes her.
Matoi takes a double spin kick then is quadrupled dropkicked on the ropes. Matoi hits forearms on Tam then Tam forearms her over. Matoi dropkicks Tam. Mei gets in and lariats Tam on the ropes. Mei is tripped on the ropes and and hits a double springboard dropkick.
Mei spin kicks Tam, Tam bridges out and dropkicks her. Anou comes in and top rope dropkicks Mei. Mei then dropkicks her. Kid top rope crossbodies Anou then standing moonsaults her for 2. Anou fisherman suplexes Kid. AZM takes a backdrop then her and Kid armdrag their opponents from the buckles. Kid hits a top rope 180 splash on Anou for 2.
Anou backslides Kid into a bridge for 2. Anou step up enzugiri's Kid. Kid jumping back kicks her. Anou then germans Kid. Yuna flying shoulders Kid then lariats her on the ropes. Kid flying headscissors Yuna.
Matoi hits dropkicks on Yuna. Yuna is tripped into the ropes and takes a double basement dropkick. Yuna dropkicks Matoi then sliding lariats her for 2. Yuna takes corner attacks. Yuna takes a 4-girl basement dropkick. Matoi flips onto Yuna for 2. Matoi shoulder throws Yuna then headscissors drops her.
We get a triple superkick spot. Tam high kicks Matoi and Poi superkicks Matoi. Matoi takes a 4-girl axe kick. Yuna lariats Matoi from the headlock for 2. Yuna pulls on Matoi's arm and leg in a submission and taps her out.
Thoughts: It was the usual Stardom multi-girl tag with people coming in and out as they pleased and doing a lot of multi-girl moves. It was okay but there wasn't much logic to this or much of a point to it.
Tam and Kid have words on the mic after. Kid and Anou stare down.
STARS (Hanan & Saya Iida) vs. Cosmic Angels (Aya Sakura & Sayaka Kurara) vs. God's Eye (Hina & Lady C) vs. Empress Nexus Venus (HANAKO & Rian)
Kurara got the win over Rian in this one with a falcon arrow. It was a fast paced match as expected with people in and out constantly and lots of multi-person spots. There wasn't a dull moment in this one and despite it only getting 8 minutes, it felt like we saw enough of this. It was just and definitely not boring.
Future Of Stardom Title Match - Miyu Amasaki (c) vs. Azusa Inaba
AI = Azusa Inaba
AI pump kicks her to start then is dropkicked. Miyu running back elbows her for 2. AI throws her down by the hair then hair throws her. AI elbow drops Miyu's leg. She ties Miyu's legs up and Miyu ropebreaks.
AI slams Miyu for 2. Miyu ddt's AI. Miyu boots her out of the corner then Miyu spinning facebusters her. AI chest kicks Miyu. AI hits hard chest kicks then Miyu pendulum ddt's her. Miyu tries to top rope plancha her outside but just nails other girls instead. AI kicks her from the apron.
AI wraps Miyu's legs around the post. AI brings a chair in and puts it around Miyu's leg. AI kicks the chair with Miyu's leg in it. AI leg locks her. Miyu leg locks AI. Miyu hits forearms then AI hits a hard leg kick. AI legbars Miyu.
Miyu fisherman suplexes her for 2. AI then suplexes her. AI pump kicks her for 2. Miyu tries a bridge pin for 2. AI hits a hard kick then Miyu hammerlock ddt's her. AI hits knees to the head. AI running shotei's her. Miyu does something like a tornado ddt then lifting flatliners her. Miyu sitout facebusters her and wins.
Thoughts: It was a fun match. They stiffed each other good and the two worked well together. They kept things moving and both girls seemed to put extra effort in than usual. I was pleasantly surprised with this one. I liked this.
The two girls talk on the mic after. HANAKO then comes down and talks to Miyu, looking for a title shot. They seem to agree to one.
Empress Nexus Venus (Maika & Mina Shirakawa), God's Eye (Saki Kashima & Syuri) & STARS (Hazuki & Mayu Iwatani) vs. HATE (Momo Watanabe, Natsuko Tora, Rina, Ruaka, Saya Kamitani & Thekla)
The heels attack before the bell an deveryone goes outside to fight. Mina is sent into the seats. Maika gets sent into the seats as well. Rina throws Saki in the ring. Rina hits Saki in the gut with a whip. Ruaka chokes Saki and the heels pose on Saki on the ropes.
Saki rolls Ruaka into a kick to the head. Hazuki comes in and 2nd rope dropkicks Ruaka for 2. Hazuki crossfaces her. Mayu and Hazuki both uses the ropes to flip and hit double armdrags. Mayu is popped up into a double dropkick. Mayu's team all hit facewash kicks together.
Hazuki misses a senton on Ruaka then takes one. Ruaka crossbodies Hazuki. Momo corner dropkicks Hazuki then corner PK's her. Momo takes a combo 2nd rope enzugiri + backcracker. Syuri PK's Momo or 2. Syuri and Momo trade chest kicks. Syuri takes a high throw into a PK.
Saya flying knees Syuri in the corner then gives her noogies. Saya 2nd rope dropkicks her for 2. Syuri sto's her for 2. Maika hits a forearm flurry on Saya. Saya hits some back. Saya misses a spinning heel kick then Maika shoulders her over. Saya spinning heel kicks Maika.
Thekla top rope crossbodies Maika. Maika powerslams Thekla for 2. Everyone gets in and fights. Maika chinlocks Thekla. Maika takes corner attacks from her opponents and Thekla buzzsaw kicks her for 2.
Thekla slaps Maika and Maika forearm flurries her. Thekla takes corner attacks from her opponents then is whipped into a Maika lariat for 2. Hazuki and Mayu are whipped into the ropes and do stereop topes off of it. Thekla backrolls Maika into a bridge. Maika ducks a double headkick then hits a double lariat.
Mina urakens Thekla. Thekla is held in the air and Mina stands on her. Mina then drops down and splashes her. Maika sitout slams Thekla and wins.
Thoughts: It was an okay match with a lot of fast paced action and multiple-girl spots. It was nothing you'd remember and they had more girls than they had time but it worked out alright.
Thekla and Maika grab each other after and seem to want to fight. Maika talks on the mic after and brings out some of the other girls. Mayu talks and they all pose together to close the show.
Overall thoughts: Akira had a good debut and Inaba vs Miyu was a fun match. The main was fine and the rest of the card was the usual fast paced Stardom action. I would give it a 6 out of 10 overall but I don't think you need to see this one.
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