Wednesday, January 29, 2025

AEW Dynamite 1/29/2025

AEW Dynamite 1/29/2025

Last week's show is here:

We are in Huntsville, Alabama.

Will Ospreay vs Brian Cage

Don Callis gets on the mic and says to look at the screen. We see Kenny Omega down in the back. Cage nails Will from behind and beats up on him. Cage catches Will's flying headscissors. Will 2nd rope diving headscissors him. Will misses a plancha outside and Cage shoulders him over.

Will is whipped into the rails and stands on them. Will is caught in the suplex position. Cage walks around the ring with him for some reason then suplexes him on the floor. Lance Archer bangs Will's head off the commentary table and Don Callis hits shots on Will. Will is backdropped on the apron. Cage spears Will in the corner then rams him in the other corner. They trade chops. Cage leg lariats him. Will jawbreakers him. Cage hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.

Will is snet chest first into the buckles. Cage bearhugs him. Will handspring corkscrew kicks him. Will sits on the buckles and is kicked. Will superkicks him. Will flying orearms him for 2. Will flips out of a german then facekicks Cage off the apron. Will flying space tiger drops him.

Lance distracts Will and Cage lariats Will. Cage deadlif superplexes him for 2. Will hits hook kicks. Cage forearms him and spinning lariats him. Cage sitout spinning powerbombs Will for 2. Cage hits a 2nd rope F-5 for 2 when Lance pushes Will's foot off the ropes. The ref sees Lance do it and allows him.

Cage is hurricanrana'd into Lance. Will hits a styles clash on Cage and wins.

Thoughts: I wasn't a fan. Cage is big but doesn't really know how to work like a bigger guy and the 2nd rope F-5 should have put Will out. I also didn't like the ref seeing Lance cheat yet not doing anything about it. 

Lance and Cage beat up Will after. Kenny Omega then makes it out after being injured and uses a chair on both Cage and Lance. Kyle Fletcher and Konosuke Takeshita then come down and beat up Will and Kenny. Will and Kenny take stereo package tombstones.

Renee is trying to interview Swerve Strickland. Adam Page goes looking for him but can't find him. Page runs into MJF. MJF complains about Page. MJF says Jeff Jarrett will learn the hard way about defying the devil. He says JJ will face Claudio Castagnoli tonight because he refused his offer. MJF says he has a new offer for him tonight that he can't decline - The Last Outlaw's Last Ride.

Powerhouse Hobbs does a promo on Big Bill. He says he wasn't cleared to travel to Dynamite. He says he told him they're going to hell. Hobbs says he will show him that hell is just the beginning.

Claudio Castagnoli vs Jeff Jarrett

CC backs him up in the corner and takes a shot. CC shoulders him over then JJ armdrags him. JJ hiptosses him then does a japanese armdrag. CC atomic drops JJ then running lariats him. CC is put in the figure four.

Wheeler Yuta comes out. We go to PiP break and return. JJ hits shots to CC's gut. CC running euros him in the corner for 2. CC double stomps him for 2. JJ russian legsweeps him. They trade shots. CC euros him and is dropped with a shot. JJ misses a step up enzugiri then CC giant swings him. CC sharpshooters him. JJ reverses it and puts CC in it. Yuta throws a chair in and gets on the apron. JJ nails Yuta. Mox then comes down and death rider ddt's JJ. CC hits a neutralizer on JJ. CC then wins.

It was short and while the work was okay, we got a dirty finish which brought it down. JJ worked the knee some here.

MJF comes out and goes to talk to Jeff. He then drops him with a shot with the Dynamite Diamond Ring. MJF says he respects his elders and says that's why he won't say, "I told you so".

Renee interviews Ricochet. He says Swerve is finally out of his business tonight as he isn't allowed to interfere or the Ricochet/Swerve match will be off. Ric says he's being bullied by the AEW powers that be into fighting AR Fox. 

Ricochet vs AR Fox

AR shoulders him over then side headlock takeovers him. Ric side headlocks him. AR hits a stunner from the bottom rope then AR twisting brainbusters him. AR suicide dives him then sends him into the rail. AR facekicks him there.

Ric hiptosses AR on the apron. We then go to PiP break and return. Ric dropkicks AR for 2. Ric spinebusters AR and does a moonsault from the people's elbow position. They lariat each other then collide is mid-air with a crossbody.

AR hits an enzugiri then hooks Ric's leg and does a driver on him. Ric takes an iconoclasm then is rolled into an AR cutter. AR 450's him off the top for 2.

Ric grabs the ref to get out of a move. He then single leg codebreakers AR for 2. Ric hits vertigo on AR and wins.

Thoughts: This was the classic AEW reverse squash where the loser gets most of the offense in before being beaten by the bigger star. I don't know why we needed to see this or why it went so long. I have little faith AR's performance will be followed up on here.

Ric pulls out scissors after. Swerve Strickland then comes down and beats up Ric. Ric is thrown into the rails and steps. Swerves goes to top rope double stomp Ric but Ric pulls AR into the way.

We get part of an interview between Renee and Mox/CC. Mox says she doesn't understand what it's like to be an AEW champ. He says he's the definition of an AEW champ. Mox says he will put other wrestlers what he went through and worse.

Matt Menard shills merchandise for some reason.

We get another New York Minute segment with The Learning Tree. Jericho says his movie premieres this weekend. Jericho says Big Bill took out Hobbs. Bill said he took Jericho's words into actions and thinks he understands Jericho now. Jericho says it makes him proud of him. Jericho says he told Bill to take out Hobbs permanently and he's gonna have to work on that. Jericho says The Outrunners claim to have wrestled for decades but he has never seen them outside of AEW. He says The Outrunners will get taught a lesson and says he expects Big Bill to make him proud.

Jay White vs Wheeler Yuta

Jay goes for the blade runner and Yuta slides out. Jay chops Yuta sveeral times early on. Jay back body drops Yuta. Yuta is crotched on the top rope. They go out. Jay bangs Yuta's head off the rails. Jay is tripped into the apron edge then sent into the steps. Yuta stomps on Jay's ankle.

Yuta boots Jay in the knee then fisherman suplexes him for 2. We go to PiP break and return. They fight on the buckles. Jay dragon screws Yuta. Jay superplexes Yuta. Jay gets a 2 count on Yuta then Yuta chop blocks him. Yuta single leg crabs him. Yuta kicks Jay in the leg then Yuta drops him for 2. Jay uranges Yuta. Yuta rolls up Jay for 2. Yuta germans him for 2. Jay hits a bladerunner on Yuta and wins.

Thoughts: Yuta worked Jay's leg here and Jay made his comeback to win. I was not really very interested in this one and just didn't see Yuta beating Jay. I thought it should have been a little better than it was. 

Jay bladerunners Yuta. Mox and Shafir come down. Claudio then nails Jay from behind. Cope and FTR then come down to back off The Death Riders.

Dax gets on the mic after. Dax says he had a problem with The Death Riders trying to end Ricky Morton. He says Dennis Condrey is here and wants an FTR vs Death Riders street fight on Collision.

We get a video on Toni Storm vs Mariah May.

Renee interviews Mariah May. May says it's great to be in Huntsville. May says they should change the first level of it to a "C". May says none of this is real and Toni Storm is not real. May says if Toni wants to play the role of Toni Storm, she should play the role of Toni who got used or was bleeding and crying in May's hands. May says the ending stays the same no matter which Toni she plays. When you are this good, you don't change a thing. May says she's the woman from hell and always will be. She says she will remind Toni of it the rest of her life. 

We get a video on The Gunn's, who have been gone for no real reason for a long time.

The Hurt Syndicate do a video. MVP says he wants to recognize the former AEW tag champs Private Party. He said they worked hard and it wasn't their fault they ran into the most devastating tandem in AEW. MVP says they will accept any challenges any place.

We get a video on Konosuke Takeshita.

Taya Valkyrie and Deonna Purrazzo do a promo. Taya says we will see Mone defend her title vs Yuka soon. Deonna says it could and show have been her if it wasn't for Harley Cameron. Taya says Harley loves sticking her balloons where they don't belong. Deonna says the world wasn't built for woemn like them and they need to take what they deserve. Deonna says Harley belongs to The Vendetta and they are coming to collect.

AEW TBS Title - Mercedes Mone (c) vs Yuka Sakazaki

This is a really weak main. I doubt anyone believes Yuka is winning here, if they even remember her period.

Yuka wristlocks her. Mone reverses it. Mone hammerlocks her. Mone side headlocks her then shoulders her over. Yuka shoulders her over then mocks her dance. Yuka snapmares her then Mone snapmares her back. Yuka does a bad bodyscissors roll into a pin attempt.

Mone crucifixes her for 2. Mone armdrags her. Yuka kicks Mone from the apron. Yuka goes for a top rope dive and Mone moves away. Mone meteora's her off the apron. We go to PiP break and return.  

Yuka hits forearms on Mone. Yuka hurricanrana's her. Mone misses a meteora in the corner. Yuka kicks her from the apron. Yuka messes up a springboard then springboard dropkicks her. Yuka brainbusters her for 2. Yuka sliding larits her for 2. Mone hits three amigos for 2. Mone walks on Yuka. They fight on the buckles. Yuka hits forearms then superplexes her.

Yuka escapes a money maker and superkicks Mone. Yuka spinning hammerlock drops her for 2. Mone backstabbers her. Yuka gets a 2 count off of it and crucifixes Mone for 2. Yuka germans her off the ropes. Mone powerbombs her then hits a money maker for the win.

Thoughts: It went long and wasn't that good of a match. Yuka had a lot of sloppy moments here and the two didn't work that well together. Mone's finisher didn't look good either.

Overall thoughts: It was a pretty boring episode. Little happened outside of The Death Riders doing their usual stuff. The matches were all predictable and nothing was that great. I'd give this one a 4 out of 10 and would not recommend it.

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