Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Marigold 1/19/2025 New Years Golden Garden Day 4

Marigold 1/19/2025 New Years Golden Garden Day 4

The last show is here:

CHIAKI vs. Ryoko Sakimura

Chi won with a torture rack here. This was mostly all Chi beating up on the younger RS. RS got some forearms and kicks in but it went longer than it needed to and was your usual vet vs rookie match. Chi boots Ryoko out of the ring after.\

Chika Goto vs. Minami Yuuki

Yuuki dropkicks Chika against the ropes then hits chest forearms. Chika slams her. Chika hip attacks her on the ropes and slams her. Chika butt presses her down while she's on the 2nd rope then Chika hip attacks her in the corner.

Yuuki hits chest forearms and Chika forearms her down. Yuuki throws her by the arms then low dropkicks her. Yuuki russian legsweeps her. Yuuki does a hammerlock guillotine. Chika giant swings her. Yuuki rolls her up for 2 then backslides her for 2. 

Chika does an abdominal stretch. Yuuki backrolls her for 2. Chika running lariats Yuuki for 2. Chika does like blue thunder variation and pin Yuuki.

Thoughts: It was better than it should have been. Chika showed some personality here and was moving around well. It was definitely one of her better outings and to do it against the limited Yuuki was good.

Nao Ishikawa & Rea Seto vs. Naho Yamada & Riara

I do not have high hopes for this. Rea hits boots and dropkicks on both opponents in the corner. Naho takes a double facebuster and Rea low dropkicks Naho in the face. Naho sunset flips Rea for 2 and spins her around with her legs.

Ri low dropkicks Rea then puts her in a paradise lock. Ri then sits on her and poses with a champagne bottle. She gets knocked over and is hit in the face with the bottle. Ri then starts bleeding because of it. Naho and Ri hit stereo basement dropkicks on their opponents. Rea corner dropkicks Ri then knee drops the arm. 

Rea armbars Ri then basement dropkicks her. Nao gets in and slams her. Ri facebusters Nao and slams her. Naho headhunters Nao. Nao ddt's Naho. Naho takes a double flying neckbreaker. Nao double underhook suplexes Naho for 2.

Rea dropkicks Nao on accident. Naho 2nd rope flying forearms Nao. Naho hits a high pedigree on Nao for 2. Ri cutters Rea. Nao cradles Naho for 2 then cartwheel headscissors her for 2. Nao chest forearms Naho over then Nao sitout pedigrees her for 2. Nao then gets the pin after a blade runner.

It was average as expected here. Naho vs Nao was a bit better than expected. Riara is just another limited wrestler who is mostly here because of her looks and she didn't contribute much.

Miku Aono & Natsumi Showzuki vs. MIRAI & Misa Matsui

Nat = Natsumi Showzuki

Mirai and Misa are wearing darts in their hair for some reason. Misa dropkicks Nat. Misa rolls her up for 2. Misa misses a crossbody and is rolled up for 2. Miku and Mirai go at it.

They trade chest kicks then catch each others kick. Miku then chest kicks her down when she doesn't let go. Miku dropkicks Mirai on the ropes when both teams hold their opponents on the ropes. Mirai takes a sandwich kick then Nat step up enzugiri's Mirai.

Miku corner dropkicks Mirai twice. Miku chest kicks Mirai down. Miku and Nat miss stereo PK's. Mirai and Misa bridge out of lariats then do stereo basement dropkicks. Mirai crabs Miku and Misa pulls on Miku's arms at the same time.

Misa top rope dropkicks Misa for 2. Misa spin kicks Miku then Miku swinging twisting slams her. Miku PK's her then sliding lariats her for 2. Misa rolls Miku into a double foot stomp. Misa basement dropkicks her. Misa misses a corner splash.

Misa ddt's Miku over the 2nd rope onto the apron. Miku hits kicks on Misa. Nat meteora's Misa on the ropes then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Mirai samoan drps Nat then Misa flying knees Nat. Nat and Misa trade shots on the mat. Misa hits chest forearms and Nat fires back.

Misa forearms Nat down. Miku lariats Misa on the ropes. Nat top rope diving meteora's Misa. Mirai backdrops Nat then Misa falcon arrows Nat for 2. Miku and Mirai double lariat each other. Misa superkicks Nat then does a sitout abdominal stretch bomb on Nat. They botch a code red type of spot then Misa hits another the win.

Thoughts: Misa just had to botch the finish eh? It was a decent match otherwise with the girls working together and them stepping up their game some. Mirai didn't do a ton here and wasn't that big of a factor in this one. Misa had one of her better showings.

Utami Hayashishita vs. Megaton

Mega gets on the mic and says she's here to crush Utami. She says she will challenge her for the belt after.

Mega hits chops on Utami that Utami no sells. Utami knocks her over. Mega stalls outside. Utami foreamrs her there. Mega hits her with a chain and stomps on her. Mega chokes her with the team. Mega tries a splash but Utami gets her boot up. Mega then misses a 2nd splash attempt.

Mega trips Utami. Mega hits chops on Utami then low crossbodies her for 2. Utami makes Mega run the ropes. Mega gets tired and falls over. Utami hits an air raid crash and wins.

Thoughts: I don't know why we needed to see this. It was all comedy with Mega losing as expected. 

Utami gets on the mic after an talks trash to Mega.

Marigold Superfly Title Match - Victoria Yuzuki (c) vs. Yuuki Mashiro

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz hits a dropkick early. Yuuki tips her and basement dropkicks her. Yuuki armlocks her and Yuz ropebreaks. Yuuki dropkicks Yuz on the ropes for 2. Yuuki eye pokes her then Yuz flying headscissors her. Yuz basement dropkicks her then standing moonsaults her for 2.

Yuuki eye pokes her and cradles her for 2. Yuuki backdrops her for 2. Yuuki top rope crossbodies her for 2. Yuz euros her. They trade forearms on their knees. Yuz forearm flurries her. Yuz does a hard dropkick on the ropes.

Yuz northern lights suplexes her for 2. Yuz hits a top rope dropkick. Yuuki rolls her up for 2 and spin kicks her. Yuuki spin kicks her in the head then cross-legged fisherman suplexes her. Yuz corner dropkicks her. Yuz fisherman suplexes her for 2. Yuuki rolls her up then Yuz superkicks her. Yuz spin kicks her in the head then superkicks her in the head for 2.

Yuz straightjacket germans her for 2. She then does it again and wins.

Thoughts: They botched the finish here as they had to do the straightjacket german twice. This wasn't that good as expected. Yuuki's limited and was only in the spot she was in at Ice because of their limited roster. I think Yuuki is just devaluing herself by agreeing to take losses like this.

Yuz gets on the mic after. Yuz said she could put the belt up againt her if she challenges her again. Yuuki eye pokes her.

Misa Matsui comes out after and challenges for the title. Yuz agrees. They shake hands and Misa falcon arrows her on the belt for it for some reason. 

Marigold United National Title Match - Mai Sakurai (c) vs. Nagisa Nozaki

NN grabs Mai off the ropes during intros. They trade forearms. Mai facekick NN off the apron and NN throws a chair at her. NN throws Mai into the seats. NN bangs Mai's face off the apron. NN snapmares Mai and chinlocks her.

NN leglocks Mai and hooks her head with her legs. NN stomps on Mai. NN drops Mai with a shot then corner facekicks her. NN reverse pendulum kicks her over the middle rope. Mi cutters her on the apron. Chiaki grabs Mai in front of the refand is kicked. Mai top rope plancha's Chiaki and NN outside.

Mai top rope dropkicks NN for 2. Mai suplexes her for 2. NN superplexes her then meteora's her for 2. Mai stf's NN but NN reverses it. NN then grounded chickenwings her and Mai ropebreaks.

They fight on the buckles. Mai superplexes her. NN no sells it and they facekick each other. They running boot each other at the same time. Mai facekicks her over then NN facekicks her. They then boot each other down at the same time.

NN hits forearms then Mai gordbusters her for 2. Mai top rope elbow drops her for 2. Mai STF's her. NN ropebreaks. NN facekicks her over then flying single leg dropkicks her for 2. NN does a cobra clutch suplex. NN tries to dropkick her in the knee but is kicked in the face. Mai crucifixes her but Chiaki pulls the ref out on the pin attempt. Chi then chairs Mai. Mai chairs NN and Chi spears NN on accident. Mai basement single leg dropkicks NN then sto's her for 2. Mai then wins with a glorious driver.

Thoughts: It was just average as expected. I didn't like all the interference and cheating being allowed and there was just nothing too great about it. Nagisa is just not someone who produces great matches for whatever reason.

Mai is given a briefcase with money along with her winners trophy. Chiaki steals it and runs away with it. Mai chases after her.

Marigold Twin Star Title Match - Bozilla & Tank (c) vs. Nanae Takahashi & Seri Yamaoka

Boz shoulders over Seri and beats her up outside. Seri is sent into the seats. NT's head is banged off the seats. Tank sends NT into the seats. Boz chairs Seri outside as Tank clubs on NT. Seri's head is banged off the Korauken sign.

Tank drags NT up the stairs and Boz sits in the seats while Seri is down. NT and Seri try to fight back in the aisle and NT is sandwiched. Back in the ring, Boz vader bombs Seri. Boz armlocks her. 

Boz stomps Seri's hand then Tank legdrops Seri for 2. Tank stunners Seri for 2. Tank misses a charge and is rolled up by Seri. Seri rolls Tank by the legs. Tank has both knees banged off the apron at once. Tank and NT shoulder battle and NT shoulders her over. Tank forearms Boz over on accident then NT backdrops her.

Boz and Tank lariat each other on accident. NT and Seri then get on their backs with sleepers. Tank spinning side slams NT for 2. Boz corner splashes NT and hits machine gun chops.  NT hits machine gun chops. NT dragon screws Boz then figure fours her. Mega grabs NT from the outside.

Boz superplexes NT then NT does it to her. NT tries a top rope splash but Boz gets her feet up. Boz hits a cradle shock for 2. NT rolls up Boz for 2. NT slaps her and they lariat battle. They backdrop each other.

They lariat each other down at the same time. Seri dropkicks Boz and hits a forearm flurry on her. Boz forearms her over. Boz armbars her. Seri takes a double flapjack. Tank hits a double lariat on her opponents. Tank suplexes Seri then stomps on her.

Seri hits chest forearms on Tank then is dropped with one. Seri rams Tank into the corner and chops on her with NT. Boz pounces Seri then shoulders over NT. Tank black hole slams Seri for 2. Tank dives at Seri and misses. Tank takes a double suplex. Seri does an air raid crash to Tank for 2. Boz lariats Tank on aicdent. NT lariats Boz. Seri then lariats Tank.

NT top rope splashes Tank. Seri germans Tank and wins.

Thoughts: Seri winning the tag titles with Nanae in her 3rd match is a little much. I really don't understand the decision behind having Tank and Boz win the titles then lose here so quickly into their reign. The match wasn't anything too good. Nanae tried but there were major size differences here and while Seri can do everything fine, she's still learning and not ready for this spot yet.

Boz beats up Tank after for losing. The various girls try to break it up.

Seri says she wanted Nanae to win a belt before she retired. She said she's glad they came here as parent and child. NT talks about Seri winning so soon after she debuted and says it's incredible. NT says they have changed the scenery of Marigold and thanks her. Seri puts the Japanese flag on NT then lifts her on her shoulders. The two then close the show together.

Overall thoughts: It looked like an average show on paper and it was. The main wasn't anything too special but was notable for Seri winning a title after only a few matches into her career. The Misa and Mirai tag match was the best thing on here but it was far from a classic. The talent just is not there in Marigold for great shows and the path to fixing that is going to be a long and hard one. I'd just give this a 4 out of 10 and would not recommend it.

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