WWF Superstars of Wrestling 8/31/1991
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/01/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-8241991.html
We are in Worcester, MA.
Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper are our hosts with Macho not being here. Vince says we saw one of the greatest shows of all-time in Summerslam but he says we didn't see the reception. Piper says Jake and The Undertaker appeared and Miss Elizabeth ended up down on the ground. Piper says if it wasn't for Sid Justice, it would have been the worst day in the WWF.
The Big Boss Man vs Barry Hardy
Vince says he's worried about the welfare of Liz but says Macho is checking on her. Piper says Jake did something with a snake. Boss euros Barry then facekicks him over. Vince says Macho will be on next week's show. Boss leg lariats Barry on the ropes then stands on his neck on the ropes. IRS does an inset promo. He said he thought Piper was the biggest tax cheat in the WWF, but it's The Big Boss Man. He says he will make sure Boss pays his full share.
Boss chokes Barry then back elbows him. Boss boots Barry around then headbutts him. Boss sidewalk slams Barry and pins him.
Thoughts: It was all squash here. Boss was a bad face as usual as he choked ol' Barry around for no real reason then handcuffed him to the ropes after.
Summerslam Report
We see clips of Macho and Liz's wedding reception with Gene reporting from there. He runs down what happened at Summerslam. We see Sarge trying to mess with Sid and then we see Sid and Hulk posing together after the main. We see a shot of Virgil beating Dibiase. We see Mountie getting sent to jail. We see the LOD beat The Nasty Boys. Gene says Bret beat Perfect in one of the greatest matches in wrestling history.
We see Macho and Liz get married. We then see the reception. Liz opens a gift and Jake's snake comes out. Jake, Bearer and Taker are then laughing as Macho and Liz freak out. Jake seems to destroy the set and Sid Justice comes to make the save with a chair. We only see shots of this though and they say we will see footage of it next week.
Big Bully Busick vs Russ Greenberg
This is the Superstars debut of Big Bully Busick. He got no hype, videos or even a mention to build up to this. Harvey Wippleman is with Bully.
Bully bangs Russ' head off the buckles then lariats him. Bully rakes Russ' face with his foot and clubs him. Harvey and Bully do an inset promo. Harvey says to remember his name as he will make your life miserable in the WWF. He says don't get in his way and blows smoke in the camera. Bully says "absolutely right".
Bully rakes Russ' face on the ropes then headbutts him. Bully chokes him. The fans yell at Harvey. Bully slams Russ. Bully hits another slam. Bully sits on Russ' neck and pulls his legs for the submission win.
Thoughts: It was all squash here and wasn't a particularly good debut for Bully. He didn't impress much here and just did basic heel stuff.
The British Bulldog vs Brian Donahue
Brian side headlocks him. They shoulder battle and Davey hiptosses Brian. Vince asks Piper if Sarge should maybe be forgiven and Piper shoots it down. Davey suplexes Brian. Davey chinlocks him. Davey headbutts him. Davey chinlocks him. Davey slams him.
Davey hits a corner lariat and we are told Lou Ferrigno has joined the WBF. Davey running powerslams Brian and wins.
Thoughts: It was a squash. As usual, Davey let his opponent get a little in before putting him down.
WWF Event Center
The Berzerker and Mr. Fuji do a promo. Berz says him and Fuji have mind to mind communication. Berz says when you get in the ring with him, it's an experience like nothing else. He says he's never been knocked down and will get his hands on you. Sean Mooney says Berz is also out of his mind.
The Dragon does a promo. He says he has shocked the wrestling world. He says he breathes fire and uses martial arts. He says no opponent knows from where he comes from and no one feels the heat like they do from him. He says he wants to conquer and have the fans say he's #1. He says nothing is stronger than the fire.
"The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase vs Mario Mancini
This was taped before Summerslam yet Ted doesn't come out with the belt even though he technically didn't lose it until after this.
Ted clubs on Mario then lariats him. Ted knees him in the gut. Ted suplexes him. Ted throws him out then bands his head off the steps. Ted throws him hard into the corner and Mario goes down. Ted fist drops Mario then back body drops him.
Ted hits a powerslam. Ted then taps him out with the million dollar dream.
Thoughts: It was a quick one as expected. Ted was a bit more fired up here than usual.
Ted stuffs money in Mario's mouth after. He then slaps him in the back. Sherri says this is for Virgil.
WWF Event Center
The Bushwhackers do a promo. Butch talks about summertime and says nothing of note. Butch tells the kids to read the books when they go back to school so they can be like them.
Skinner does a promo. He said Grandma Skinner used to tell him that she wants him to go to the WWF and tear into them boys. She told him to peel some skin off Hulk and Warrior's hides. Skinner says he's ready for something really big and has his sights on 10 different boys. He says 10 different boys will lose their hide.
Greg "The Hammer" Valentine vs Phil Apollo
Piper says Phil is in good shape and is a good looking kid. Greg arm throws Phil then whips him down by the arm. Greg legdrops the arm then armlocks him. Greg euros him over then suplexes him. Greg hits an elbow drop then headbutts him in the gut. Greg then submits him with the figure four.
Thoughts: Greg was a little faster and fiery than usual. Greg got the win here with Phil getting nothing in.
The Funeral Parlor
Paul Bearer says welcome and says the doors are always welcome just for you. Bobby Heenan is this week's guest. Bobby's wearing a normal suit jacket which isn't something he usually wears. Heenan has the NWA Title with him. He tells everyone to take a look at the belt. He says the belt Hulk has is cheap and an imitation. Heenan says it's like comparing prime rib to lunch meat. He says Roddy Piper has a big mouth and says all he does is profess to be a broadcast journalist. Piper gets mad and leaves the commentary desk.
Heenan insults Piper and Piper goes up to him. Piper says there's only one real champ and it's Hulk Hogan. Heenan says that's Piper's opinion and it means nothing to Ric Flair. Piper says he scares Flair. Heenan says Piper should shine the NWA belt. Piper says he'll give it a spit shine. He spits on the belt and on Heenan. He says the next time he spits on someone, it'll be Ric Flair.
Thoughts: Well this was a bit out of left field as it seemed like they were setting up Hulk vs Flair. We'll have to see where this one fits in.
"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan vs Tony Ricca
Jim hits Tony and sends him into the buckles. Piper says Heenan gets to him and says Hulk is the only champ. Jim back body drops Tony. Jim does an inset promo and salutes the hard working men and women of America on labor day.
Tony is thrown out and Jim lifts the ring mats up outside. Jim bangs Tony's head off the bare floor. Jim spinning slams Tony then shoulders him over for the win.
Thoughts: It was a short squash here with Tony getting nothing in. I'm not sure why Jim smashed Tony's head off the floor though as a face.
The Beverly Brothers (Blake and Beau Beverly) vs Jim Powers and Tony Diamond
Blake headbutts Jim then Jim hits a big hiptoss. Tony gets his wristlock attempt reversed by Blake. Tony is dropped throat first on the ropes. Tony is bridged on the top rope and Beau double axe handles Tony's back. Beau back elbows Tony then knee drops him.
Beau hits a double underhook suplex. Blake slams Tony then splashes him. Blake hits a botched belly to belly on Tony. Tony takes a beyond super dangerous looking shaker heights drop and is pinned.
Thoughts: Screw The Beverly Brothers for that finish. They could have killed poor Tony. That would have been the last time they did that move if I ran that company.
WWF Event Center
Texas Tornado does a promo. He said new talent and new techniques have arrived since he came. He said the WWF is the new way of wrestling. He says the WWF has some of the greatest wrestlers and he plans to use them as a stepping stone to the top.
The Natural Disasters and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Hart puts over the size of his men. Quake says they are the biggest team ever in the WWF and are looking for challengers. He says if you think you are bad enough, come on down. Typhoon says nobody in their right mind would get in the ring with them.
Vince then runs down next week's show with IRS on The Funeral Parlor (for the 2nd time) and footage of the Summerslam wedding reception.
Overall thoughts: This had the debut of Big Bully Busick and had a Piper/Heenan confrontation. Other than that, the big talk was based around Macho's wedding reception....which nobody actually saw because it wasn't aired live. The Beverly Brothers nearly killed someone and there wasn't a lot else of note here other than IRS accusing Boss Man of being a tax cheat. The matches were all squashes and nothing as usual. I would not recommend this one.
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