WWE Smackdown 1/31/2025
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/01/wwe-smackdown-1242025.html
We are in Indianapolis, IN. This is the last SD before Royal Rumble 2025.
We see various wrestlers arrive.
Pat McAfee gets a special intro while Michael Cole stands at a podium in the crowd. Pat puts over Indianapolis and The Rumble being here. He says he's thankful to be here and says let's have a Royal Rumble weekend.
We then go to Joe Tessitore in the ring. He talks about Kevin Owens and brings him out. KO complains and calls him a Cody Rhodes fanboy. KO makes him apologize then tells him to shove it up his @ss. KO says he has nothing to say to him and says he only cares about taking his title back. KO then goes to leave.
CM Punk comes out. He apologizes for interrupting him but says he heard his name invoked and decided to come out. Punk says he's not looking past KO. Punk says when he wins The Rumble tomorrow, the main event of Mania could be him vs Owens.
KO says he likes the thought of beating Punk at Mania. He says he knows how much Punk being in the main at Mania is important to him. KO says he loves the idea of Punk never getting to Mania. KO says he likes the idea of him being a multi-time Mania eventer while Punk goes to his grave as a failure. He says he hopes Punk doesn't win The Rumble.
Punk says KO has accomplished a lot. Punk says he hasn't lost 5x title matches at The Rumble and lost to Logan Paul. Punk says he wins by himself but says KO takes shortcuts. Punk challenges him to get in the ring and get his @ss kicked by him now.
The Miz complains to Nick Aldis in the back. He says Andrade should beg to be in the same room as him. He says if he was here, he'd punch him in his face. Nick then looks at Miz and is told Andrade's behind him. Miz says Andrade can learn something. Andrade says they should fight tonight. Miz says he doesn't need to prove anything to him but he'll be happy to teach him a lesson in greatness anytime and anywhere. Nick says he should do it tonight and signs the match.
Jimmy Uso says Melo wants to make a name off of him. He says he main eventer Mania. He says if Melo misses tonight, it's ballgame.
Melo talks during his entrance. He says Uso isn't the one, he's the two. Melo says he won't miss because his name isn't Tyrese Haliburton, who is here and is an NBA player. He says he's about to drop 50 on Melo's head.
Jimmy Uso vs Carmelo Hayes
Melo pulls him down over the top rope then hits him from behind. Melo back elbows him. Uso hits chops. Melo armdrags him into a pin attempt then Uso counters it. Uso uppercuts him. Uso lariats Melo over the top. Melo then lariats Uso.
Melo hits a corner hip attack. Uso pops him up and is ddt'd for 2. Melo tope con hilos him. Melo argues with Tyrese outside and gets dove on by Uso. Uso then slaps hands with Tyrese. Uso spinning enzugiri's Melo.
Uso misses a conrer hip attack then pop-up samoan drops Melo for 2. Uso hiptoss neckbreakers Melo off the top. Uso superkicks him. Uso jumps up in the air and Melo jumping codebreakers him for 2.
Melo misses a blind springboard legdrop and is superkicked for 2.
Melo gets his knees up on Uso's top rope splash. Melo pumping knees him then hits a top rope splash for 2. Melo backrolls Uso for 2 and holds the ropes then Uso grabs the tights and rolls him up for the win.
Thoughts: It was a good match. The two worked well together and had an athletic match. They got a lot of time for this. It wasn't their best effort but I liked what we got here.
We get a video on the numbers of The Rumble.
Piper Niven and Chelsea Green are interviewed. Green said Michin tried to destroy the face of the US last week and she says she will return the favor. She says she will beat her then guide her posse to Mania where she will win.
WWE Women's United States Title - Chelsea Green (c) vs Michin
Green knocks her down to start and is rolled up twice. Green backs her up into the corner and slaps her. Mich germans her twice. Green goes out and runs into B-Fab. Mich topes Green. Mich gets a 2 count on her in the ring.
Mich corner spears Green then hits corner punches. Green then throws her off to the floor. Mich's back is rammed into the apron edge. Green bangs Mich's head off the mat then curb stomps her into the buckles. Mich suplexes her.
Mich headscissors her off the buckles and pele kicks her. Mich PK's her. Mich twerks at her and corner cannonballs her for 2. Mich backslides her. Mich backrolls her and Green gets a 2 count on her. Mich hits soul foot but Piper helps Green get out. B-Fab pump kicks Piper.
Green tries to run and is thrown into the ring. Green then DQ's herself by hitting Mich with the kendo stick.
Thoughts: The match was decent with the two trading pin attempts and keeping things interesting. I was sure Michin was going to win this one but it seems like she will win the rematch instead.
Green is hit with the kendo stick multiple times after and runs off.
Byron interviews Naomi and Bianca Belair. He asks what happens if it comes down to them two in The Rumble. Bianca says one of them will win and if one doesn't, the other will. They are asked about Liv and Raquel wanting their titles. Bianca says they won't go down without a fight and Naomi says they better be ready for a fight.
We get a video on Charlotte Flair.
Stephanie McMahon is in the front row with what has to be a relative. They talk about a new show she has on ESPN+ called "Stephanie's Places", which is a copy of Peyton Manning's "Peyton's Places" supposedly.
Damian Priest comes out to talk. He said he started off on Raw 4 years ago. He says he went from a nobody to a champ and a betrayer to a betrayed. He says his goal is to win championships and that starts by throwing people out at The Royal Rumble tomorrow and then says Mania ends with him getting his hand raised as champ.
Jacob Fatu and Tama Tonga come down and get in the ring with him. Fatu says DP has accomplished more than others in the back. He says they both got out the mud and come from the streets. He says he was locked down in the box though. He says DP can get his hair braided but don't get it twisted around him. Fatu says he's off the leash and is all gas and no brakes. He says if DP wants to make a name for himself, he says hell no. He says DP lays down or they beat him down.
DP asks if that's all. He says Fatu should know better. DP says they are both from the streets so why are they talking? DP superkicks Tama down. Fatu stares at him. They then fight. DP hits a punch flurry in the corner. DP gets 2v1'd in the corner. LA Knight comes down to help out. He kicks a chair in Tama's face. Fatu punches a chair out of the way. DP superkicks Fatu then LA chairs Fatu out.
LA says they just got beat down and can get it again. He says they like to use the numbers but he's got 2 for their 2 later.
Thoughts: I liked the segment and thought it helped out Priest some.
Legado del Fantasma talk in the back. The Motor City Machine Guns walk in. They say they know they don't like them and aren't fond of them either. The Guns say they want to make sure they work together and wants to make sure Los Garza are ready to win. Santos says The Guns have their shot at gold tomorrow but he needs to win The Rumble for a shot at gold. He says Los Garza are fighting for what they deserve. Alex says they have their backs. Berto says thy can handle their own business. Angel says they are coming after them.
DIY and Pretty Deadly vs Los Garza and The Motor City Machine Guns
Berto goes up and over Elton. Berto springboard back elbows him for 2. Berto arm and chin locks him. We get a very quick PiP break with Berto getting double teamed by PD. Berto jwbreakers Ciampa and spinning enzugiri's him. Berto backrolls into a standing moonsault on him for 2.
Ciampa takes a double team sequence from The Guns that ends in a baseball slide. He then takes a double kick. Angel is popped up into a double dropkick on PD. Los Garza and Sabin then triple tope outside.
We go to PiP break and return. Elton legdrops Sabin. Sabin fights out of the corner then hits a flying double lariat. Angel hits dropkicks on Kit then they botch a flying headscissors. Elton is flapjacked and Angel pulls his pants off. Angel top rope crossbodies Kit for 2.
Berto springboard enzugiri's Ciampa. JG hits a tope outside onto Alex. Angel top rope moonsaults onto both PD members outside. Berto rolls JG into a sitout powerbomb for 2. Sabin and Berto argue on the apron. Garza and Berto walk off. Ciampa running knees Sabin off the apron.
Ciampa throws Sabin into the rails. Sabin hits a tornado ddt. Ciampa rolls up Sabin by the tights for 2. Ciampa hits a hard lariat on Sabin. Ciampa facekicks Elton off the apron by accident. Kit then gets mad. Sabin rolls up Ciampa and wins.
Thoughts: It was a fun match. They did some nice spots when all 8-men got in and it was fun to see them drive away their partners. The crowd liked it and it's a shame they didn't get to keep going with all 8 guys.
Fatu and Tama talk as they go to the ring. Fatu says you know what time it is. Tama walks past the tag titles that DIY have and stares at them. DIY stare down at Tama and he says, "yeayeayeayea" at them. Pretty Deadly walk in and argue with DIY. They blame each other for the loss. Gargano says it's not the time to argue. Gargano says tomorrow is The Rumble. He says if they lose, PD can kiss their title shots goodbye. PD says they are on their own tomorrow. DIY say they should be thanking them.
Pat and Cole bring out Tyrese Haliburton. Tyrese says tomorrow's game will be a good one and say they will win then get The Rumble. Pat says Tyrese's team is the best in the NBA. Pat shows us clips of Cole and Cody crowdsurfing earlier.
We get a video on Cody vs Owens.
Liv Morgan vs Naomi
Liv hits knees to the gut. Naomi side headlock takeovers her. Liv headscissors her. Liv shoulders her over. Naomi armdrags her then flying headscissors her. Naomi atomic drops her. Liv ducks high kicks then gets hit with one. Naomi split drops her for 2. Naomi delay suplexes Liv for 2. Raquel distracts Naomi on the ropes and Liv backcrackers Naomi for 2.
We go to PiP break and return. Liv step up enzugiri's her. Naomi hits elbows to the gut. Liv gets on Naomi's back with sleeper. Naomi back pack stunners Liv. Naomi kicks her off the buckles and hits flying shots on her. Naomi slides out of a lariat, double mule kicks her and axe kicks her. Naomi bulldogs her into the 2nd buckle then top rope crossbodies her for 2.
Liv throws her down by the hair. Liv step up knees her in the corner then 2nd rope diving codebreakers her. Naomi jack knifes her for 2 then hip attacks her. Naomi goes up on the ropes and Raquel distracts her. Bianca pulls Raquel down. Naomi misses a split-legged moonsault. Liv sunset flips her for 2 but Naomi reverses it and pins her.
Thoughts: It didn't quite enough time to be great but I liked what we got. The two worked well together and the match had a nice flow to it.
Raquel nails Bianca and Naomi after. Bianca tries to fight back but takes a backcracker into a facekick. Raquel then stacks both opponents and powerbombs Liv onto them.
The Miz vs Andrade
Miz armdrags him. Andrader shoulders him over. Andrade blocks a hiptoss then hurricanrana's him. Miz boots Andrade in the gut. Miz 2nd rope diving headscissors Andrade out. Miz goes out with him. Andrade handstand rebounds on the apron and ropes then headscissors Miz. Andrade asai moonsaults Miz.
We go to break and return. Miz hits chest kicks on Andrade. Andrade hits a big chop on him. Andrade dragon screws Miz. Andrade flying forearms Miz.
Andrade meteora's Miz in the corner for 2. Miz hits a big forearm on Andrade. Andrade facekicks Miz. Miz ddt's Andrade for 2. Miz corner lariats Andrade. Miz gets stuck on the ropes. Andrade top rope spanish flies Miz for 2. Andrade and Miz trade pin attempts. Andrade spinning back elbows Miz and wins.
Thoughts: Andrade did too much as usual here. I didn't like the top rope spanish fly not meaning anything in this one as they just kept going after. Miz did work better with Andrade than I expected though and I didn't expect to see him take a spanish fly.
Santos Escobar talks to Damian Priest. He says Smackdown can be a hard place to survive in. He tells him to call Legado if he needs help. DP gets mad. Santos says DP's ego always gets in the way. Santos says he will be seeing him.
R-Truth then appears. He says him and DP are back on Raw. DP says it's Smackdown. Truth says he can't keep switching shows. Truth says he talked to Pearce and he has hair now and a British accent. DP tells him to never change. LA Knight appears. He asks if DP is ready for tonight. DP says they will handle business in a tag match tonight but tomorrow is another story and he doesn't know him. LA says they will have to do what they have to do in The Rumble. He says Fatu and Tama get their heads kicked in. Truth then says, "welcome to Raw".
Tiffany Stratton sees Zelina Vega in the back. Vega says she doesn't want this fresh start to go to waste and has her eyes on Tiff's title. She says maybe the journey to it begins at The Rumble. Tiff says good luck at that and says she will sit pretty while Vega fights for her life for a shot at the title.
Michael Cole and Pat McAfee are in the ring and bring out Tiffany Stratton. Tiff says this is her first tile on SD but she's always been championship material. She says everybody else knows it now and that's the only difference since a year ago. Pat talks about people who could be facing Tiff. Tiff says it doesn't matter who she faces and says it's always Tiffy time. She says Nia could win The Rumble and it'd be okay as she always underestimated her.
Candice LaRae comes out. She calls Tiff pathetic and says she doesn't deserve to say Nia's name. She said Tiff betrayed Nia and her. CL says Tiff p!ssed a lot of people off and said it's because she's jealous. CL tells her to enjoy the Tiffy time she has left as she will win The Rumble and make her regret stabbing her in the back. Tiff calls CL "Nia's sidekick". Nia Jax tries to splash Tiff from behind but nails CL. Nia pop-up headbutts Tiff then legdrops her. Nia then banzai drops her.
Thoughts: It was an okay segment to remind us that the Nia/LaRae/Tiff feud isn't over and could be re-ignited at the Rumble.
LA Knight and Damian Priest vs The Bloodline (Jacob Fatu and Tama Tonga)
All four fight to start. LA lariats Fatu then Fatu takes a double boot from DP and LA. Tama headbutts and hits shots on DP. DP spinning forearms Tama then forearms him down. Tama hits forearms and headbutts on LA. He pounds on him in the corner. Fatu gets some shots in. LA neckbreakers Fatu then stomps on him.
Fatu knees LA in the gut. Fatu goes for the suplex but LA turns it into a neckbreaker. DP hits forearms on Fatu. DP back elbows Fatu. Fatu corner splashes DP then corner hip attacks him.
Fatu does a traphezus hold on DP. DP ear claps Fatu. Fatu uppercuts him. DP boots him out of the corner. Fatu is thrown out. LA hits punches on Fatu. Fatu misses a corner splash and goes into the post. LA ddt's Fatu.
LA double springboard elbow drops Fatu. Tama trips LA. Fatu flying back elbows LA. We go to PiP break and return. Tama sleepers LA. Tama knees him in the gut. Fatu hits punches on a downed LA. Fatu misses a corner hip attack. LA backdrops Tama. DP lariats Fatu over the top then flapjacks Tama down. DP hits a flying shot.
DP pounces Tama onto the commentary table outside. He superkicks Fatu and flatliners him onto the commentary table. Fatu is then thrown into the post. DP walks the top rope and crossbodies Tama for 2. Tama reveres a razor's egde with a sleeper.
Tama rolls up DP for 2. Fatu headbutts DP from behind. Tama jumping ddt's DP for 2. LA crossbodies Fatu over the timekeepers rail. DP blocks a sliding lariat. DP rebound lariats Tama. DP hits a south of heaven chokeslams on Tama and wins.
Thoughts: I liked it. They kept it action packed and everyone worked well together. I thought everyone came out of this one looking good though I don't love New Bloodline losing again. I probably would have done something with Owens and Cody though. I'm sure we will be seeing more of these four as:
Fatu superkicks DP then pop-up samoan drops him. Fatu double jump moonsaults him. The show then ends.
Overall thoughts: It was your usual long 3-hour Smackdown. I don't know what it is but these shows just feel so long. It's not even like the shows are bad - they aren't, but they are tough to get through. There was only one match I didn't like here with the rest being fine. I think I liked the main best on this one. The one complaint I have with the show is that I would have had Cody and Owens do a live segment of some sort to build for their match tomorrow. Other than that, we had good wrestling, they built up The Rumble well and we even got to see a little R-Truth. I'd give this one a 7 out of 10 and thought it was a good show.
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