Dramatic Dream Team 12/22/2024 Never Mind 2024
Kazuma Sumi, Takeshi Masada & Yuni vs. DAMNATION T.A (Ilusion & MJ Paul) & Demus Dem throws and armdrags Sumi. Sumi spinning headscissors Dem and they square off. Masada and Ill go at it. Ill eye rakes him then Masada hits a dropkick. Yuni hits shots on Ill then flying headscissors him. Yuni spinning heel kicks him.
Ill uppercuts Yuni. Yuni is sent into the post. Ill rakes Yuni's eyes on the ropes. Dem suplexes Yuni. Dem stands on Yuni in the corner then slams him. Dem elbow drops him for 2.
Yuni hits forearms on Paul and takes a bolo punch. Yuni spin kicks him and Paul shoulders him over. Yuni rolls into a cutter on him. Masaada and Ill then then hit springboard dropkicks as they get in. Ill flipping neckbreakers Masada. They trade forearms. Masada high kicks him. Ill bulldogs him off the casadora and takes a flying knee.
Sumi comes in. He armdrags Dem off the ropes then Dem tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Dem has 2 opponents on him and spins both. Yuni takes a double burning hammer then Sumi gets one as well. Paul splashes Sumi and Dem sentons Sumi. Dem muscle busters Sumi and picks up the win.
Thoughts: It was an okay opener with the heels dominating before getting the win. The faces didn't get as much offense in as you would hope though.
I won't be covering the Dino match. Great-O'Khan, maybe Yoh and someone else came out after and talked Dino after and they seemed to set up a match.
Jun Akiyama, Keigo Nakamura & Shinya Aoki vs. HARASHIMA, Yuki Ishida & Yukio Naya
Naya side headlocks Jun then shoulders him over. Jun forearms him off the apron and they stare down outside. HS and Keigo get in. HS side headlocks him then shoulders him over. HS legdrops him. Keigo does a weird roll over his back. Keigo gets on his shoulders and legdrags him down. Keigo then dropkicks him.
HS facekicks Keigo and kicks him in the back. Naya chops Keigo up then throws him from the backdrop lift. Naya crabs Keigo. Yuki hits multiple slams on Keigo then hiptosses him. HS hits chest kicks on Keigo then corner facekicks him.
Keigo top rope dropkicks him. Aoki gets in and flying forearms HS. HS 2nd rope superplexes him. Aoki does a full nelson and they trade kicks. Both go down after high kicks. Jun and Naya collide with shoulders. Jun lariats him then running knees him for 2. Naya elbow drops Jun. Naya then chokeslams him for 2. Jun superplexes Naya.
Keigo hits forearms on Naya then chest kicks. Naya knocks him over with a forearm. Yuki corner lariats Keigo then running battering rams him while he's seated. Yuki suplexes him for 2. Keigo takes a corner splash from Yuki and Naya. HS springboard splashes KEigo then Yuki top rope splashes Keigo for 2.
Keigo rolls up Yuki then Yuki backdrops him for 2. Keigo hits headkicks and pins Yuki.
Thoughts: Keigo got beat up for most of this. You'd think they were going to do a face in peril segment but then he just grabbed the pin without too much build behind it. Some of the work was okay in this but it could have been better.
Jun and Naya stare down after. Aoki talks to Keigo on the mic after.
The 37KAMIINA (MAO & To-y) & Soma Takao vs. Burning (Tetsuya Endo & Yuya Koroku) & Akito
This should be good. Endo side headlock takeovers Mao then side headlocks him again. He shoulders him over then goes back to the headlock. Yuya and Mao trade forearms. Mao's team does a triple drop down then hits elbow drops. Yuya takes a triple basement dropkick.
Yuya hits forearms on Mao. Mao chest kicks him down. Yuya takes triple boots in the corner and Mao lays on the 2nd rope, butting both his feet in Yuya's face. Soma basement dropkicks Yuya. Yuya and Toy trade forearms for chops. Toy dropkicks him for 2. Yuya takes kicks and forearms from Toy and Mao. Yuya waterwheel drops Mao. Endo handspring corkscrew kicks Soma. Yuya topes out. Akito double underhook suplexes Soma for 2 then dragon screws him. Soma rolls him up for 2 then la magistrals him. Akito hits a sitout gordbuster and runs into a forearm.
Mao and Endo trade forearms. Endo rolls at him and is cuttered. Endo knocks Mao off the apron then does a flying space tiger drop. Mao sentons Endo on the ropes. Endo then does a handspring double pele kick.
Yuya 2nd rope diving forearms Toy for 2. Yuya trips Toy then Toy step up enzugiri's him for 2. Toy misses a top rope crossbody. Endo tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Toy then Yuya top rope knee drops Toy while he's held there. Mao hits a hard punch then takes a pele kick from Endo. Akito karelin's lifts Soma then Toy half-nelson slams Akito. Toy and Yuya trade forearms. Toy hits a flying dropkick then a flying single leg dropkick.
Endo handsprings into a corkscrew kick from Mao. Toy half-nelson suplexes Yuya. Toy hits a weird chest first drop on Yuya for 2. Toy knees Yuya multiple times. Yuya does an AT lock on Toy and submits him.
Thoughts: This one mostly focused on Toy vs Yuya. It was a good, fast paced match as expected with some nice highlights. Yuya did a lot of selling here an dshowed off some of his spirit. Endo got his usual flips in. It was what I expected and made me want to see a Toy/Yuya match.
Super Sasadango Machine vs. Yuki Ueno
Sasa does some kind of powerpoint presentation before the match. Sasa wears his title belt as the match starts.
They trade forearms and shoulderblock battle. Sasa shoulders him over. Yuki plancha's him outside then ends up dropping Sumi from earlier onto Sasa. Yuki flying hip attacks Sasa in the corner then vader bomb style double knee drops him. Yuki handstand double knee drops him and rolls him into a bow and arrow.
Yuki tries to slam him but Sasa falls on him. Sasa fallaway slams him. Sasa corner lariats him then hits a lifting ddt for 2. Yuki avoids an F-5 and hits a shining wizard for 2.
Yuki misses a moonsault. sumi gets on the aprons and Yuki forearms him into Sasa on the floor. Yuki then asai moonsaults Sumi. Sasa throws Sumi into Yuki and those two fight on the floor. I think Shunma Katsumata also gets a shot in on Sumi outside.
Sasa and Yuki trade in the ring. Yuki dropkicks him. Yukihits a top rope splash but he hurts his stomach landing on the title belt Sasa has (Sasa showed that there were maybe some kind of spikes on it in the powerpoint presentation). Sasa rolls up Yuki for 2.
Yuki dropkicks Sasa then slams him on the belt. Sasa then rolls up Yuki and pins him.
Thoughts: This was mostly comedy and I have no clue what was going on here. Suffice to say, it wasn't that good.
Yuki's belly has some blood on it from landing on the title. The two then talk on the mic after.
Tomohiro Ishii vs. Yuki Iino
And this is why I'm reviewing this. This should be good. They lock up and shoulder battle. Iino shoulders him over. Ino slams Ishii. They trade forearms. Ishii hits forearms and chops in the corner. Ishii hits chops then hits some hard ones to throat.
Ishii foot slaps him. Iino boots him out of the corner and shoulders him over. Iino hits corner splashes then suplexes him. Iino hits chops then Ishii suplexes him. Ishii corner lariats him and Iino shoulderblocks him. Ishii hits a backdrop for 2. They trade chops and Iino chops him down.
Iino rams him ino the corner then Ishii powerslams him. Iino no sells it then backdrops him. Ishii germans him. Ishii goes for a running lariat and gets pounced. They lariat each other at the same time and both go down. They collide and Ishii hits some hard lariats.
Iino lariats him back then takes more lariats. They both lariat each other down then Iino samoan drops him. Iino does an elbow drop. Iino lariats him then running lariats him for 2. Ishii hits a hard forearm and both go down. Iino spinning forearms him. Ishii hits a forearm combo then Iino chops him. Ishii hits headbutts and knocks him down. Ishii just running bodyblocks him for 2.
Iino blocks a sliding lariat. Ishii dragon suplexes him then lariats him for 1. Ishii running lariats him for 2. Iino spears him then hits a better spear for 2. Ishii blocks a spear. The announcers all think Ishii hits a ddt but apparently Iino hits a spinebuster. Ishii enzugiri's him then sliding lariats him for 2. Ishii brainbusters him and picks up the win.
Thoughts: It was a good hard-hitting match as expected. Not quite the classic I was hoping for though. I think some of that is just due to Ishii being older and not wanting to do anything too stupid. Ishii won here as expected. This was mostly all lariats and chops.
Calamari Drunken Kings (Chris Brookes & Masahiro Takanashi) vs. DAMNATION T.A (Daisuke Sasaki & KANON)
DS = Daisuke Sasaki, MT = Masahiro Takahashi, CB = Chris Brookes
DS and Mt trade some basic holds on the mat and stand off. CB comes in and facekicks DS off the apron. Kan eye rakes CB then shoulders him over. CB pump kicks Kan. Kan is put in a wristlock by both opponents then Michael Nakazawa poses on Kan.
DS' team are put on each other, put in a hold then take a senton together. DS chokes MT with a band then hangs him with it over the ropes. CB is sent into the post. DS bangs CB's leg off the post then chairs the leg. Kan ties up CB's leg then knee drops it. DS stomps on CB's leg then butt drops it. Kan clips CB and single leg crabs him. Kan dragon screws CB around the 2nd rope. DS bangs CB's leg off the mat.
CB hits chops on DS. DS ankle locks him and Mt breaks it up. CB takes a 2v1 then does a 2nd rope dropkick + senton combo. MT lariats Kan, forcing him to ddt DS. MT crossfaces DS. DS ddt's MT. Kan volleyball spikes MT hten pumphandle slams him for 2.
MT is dropped chest first on the mat. CB 2nd rope double stomps Kan then dropkicks DS in the side of the head. Kan takes a superkick into a piledriver for 2. CB slaps MT on accident then takes a big lariat from Kan.
CB eye rakes DS. DS comes off the top and CB jumping knees him. Kan does an abomdinal stretch on CB and DS crossfaces CB out of it. MT is put in an abdominal stretch at the same time and he hiptosses CB into them. CB bow and arrows DS while MT doe an octopus to Kan. DS' crew comes in and breaks all this up. CB's group then interferes and hits a 4 person superkick on DS.
DS superkicks MT then pedigrees CB. DS superkicks CB then CB hits a big lariat on DS for 2. CB is given a chair. CB uses it on DS then tombstones him for 2. CB jay drillers DS and wins.
Thoughts: I didn't like this much. It had interference and just wasn't paced that well. The work also wasn't anything great.
CB talks on the mic after and says merry christmas with his team.
Overall thoughts: The main didn't deliver. Iino/Ishii was good just not a classic you need to go see. Ueno's match as all comedy. I liked the Endo trios match and the opener was okay. I didn't watch the Dino match. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 overall as there was a mix of stuff I liked and didn't like. I wouldn't recommend it though.
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