Saturday, January 18, 2025

Marigold 1/11/2025 New Years Golden Garden Day 1

Marigold 1/11/2025 New Years Golden Garden Day 1

The last show is here:

Hummingbird vs. Ryoko Sakimura

RS wants a test of strength but Hum just boots her. Hum rolls over her then trips her. They then stand off. Hum boots RS and sits on her back with a chinlock. Hum pulls on RS' nostrils. Hum dropkicks her for 2. RS step up knees her in the corner then running dropkicks her for 2.

Hum hanging headscissors her over the top rope. Hum running dropkicks her for 2. RS and Hum do a bad chest kick for chop trade. RS hits chest kicks. They try pins on each other. RS does a koji clutch to her. RS foot chokes Hum then Hum jack knifes her. Hum does a single leg crab and RS ropebreaks.

Hum ties her legs up, pulls on the arms and puts her in the air. RS then submits.

Thoughts: It was short and not much of note. The finish was pretty weak here.

Hum gets a shot in after and they throw kicks at each other. 

Minami Yuuki vs. Flying Penguin

Yuuki wristlocks her. FP reverses it. They repeat the spot and FP side headlocks her. FP headlock takeovers her, Yuuki goes for the headscissors and they stand off. FP slams her and sleepers her. Yuuki running dropkicks her then FP ropebreaks out of a hold.

FP does an abdominal strtch and switches to the cobra twist. Yuuki hits chest forearms then FP chops her down. FP sharpshooters her. Yuuki throws her over by the arms for 2. Yuuki does a hammerlock guillotine then ddt's her out of it. FP step up enzugiri's her. FP 2nd rope dropkicks her.

Yuuki russian legsweeps her for 2. Yuuki backdrops her. They trade forearms. FP suplexes her for 2. FP running back elbows her and cutters her for 2. FP hits a top rope splash and gets the win.

It was a simple and inoffensive match. However, it was average with little of note happening. At least there weren't any botches.

Nao Ishikawa & Rea Seto vs. CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki

NN = Nagisa Nozaki

Rea gets double teamed to start. She is tripped and takes a basement dropkick. Rea is held for a basement dropkick from NN. Rea's opponents but their feet on her on the ropes. NN double chop flurries Rea. Rea corner dropkicks NN. NN takes a double basement dropkick for 2. Rea and Nao put submissions on at the same time. NN ropebreaks on Rea's submission.

Rea wraps NN's arm around the ropes and pulls. She then kicks the ropes. Rea basement dropkicks NN. NN facekicks Nao then sleepers her. Nao ropebreaks then takes facekicks from both opponents on the ropes. NN reverse pendulum kicks Nao for 2.

Chi hits hard boots to Nao's face and running boots her. Chi corner spears Nao then suplexes her. Chi hits a basement dropkick for 2. Nao chest forearms Chi then Chi codebreakers her for 2. Nao spinebusters Chi for 2. 

Nao sitout spinebusters Chi. Rea low dropkicks Chi. Rea then hammerlocks Chi. Chi facekicks Rea then cartwheel double knees her on the back of the neck for 2. Rea takes her down by the arm and hammerlocks her.

Chi takes a double neckbreaker. Nao hits a sitout pedigree on Chi. Rea then dives off the top and facebusters Chi for 2. NN facekicks Nao. Rea cradles Chi for 2 then Chi powerslams her for 2. Chi then hits a norern lights suplex for the win.

Thoughts: Rea was in this one for most of it. It was another very average match with few real highlights.

Mai Sakurai & MIRAI vs. Naho Yamada & Natsumi Showzuki

Mirai goes over Nat in the corner. Nat forearms her off the apron. Nat evades Mirai. Mirai catches her head with her feet and twists the neck. Nat double knee drops Mirai's back. Mirai makes Naho ddt her own partner.

Mirai blocks Naho's sunset flip but Nat kicks Mirai over. Naho bodyscissors rolls Mirai around the ring for 2. Nat dropkicks Mirai. Nat corner meteora's Mirai. Mai stunners Nat over the top rope then running facekicks her.

Mai corner facekicks Nat for 2. Mai facekicks Nat over then suplexes her. Nat no sells it and fisherman suplexes Mai. Mai meteora's Mai off the buckles for 2. Naho hits pedigrees on Mai. Naho is held in the air for a bulldog. Naho then takes a double basement dropkick for 2. Mai spin kicks and axe ckicks Naho. She then does a wrist cluch northern lights suplex for 2.

Naho pulls her opponents into each other and hits a double stunner. Mai running double knees her opponents together. Naho 2nd rope diving forearms Mai for 2. Mai flying kicks Naho then leg slices her for 2. Naho takes a flying knee + lariat combo. Mai goes for the STF and Nat breaks it up.

Naho backrolls and rolls up Mai for 2. Mai backrolls Naho for 2. Naho takes a double STO. Mai then does a hand-clutch STO on Naho and pins her.

It was a decent match and the best thing on the card so far. Naho didn't botch anything and Mai busted out some new wrist clutch moves I don't think I have seen before.

Misa Matsui, Utami Hayashishita & Victoria Yuzuki vs. Bozilla, Megaton & Tank

Tank and Utami start us off. Utami boots her and side headlocks her. They shoulder battle and Tank shoulders her over. Utami shoulders over Tank. Yuz tries forearms on her and takes a facekick. Tank corner lariats her. Mega gets in and hits chops and a hadouken on Yuz. Mega slams her then falling splashes her for 2. Boz gets in. She corner splashes Yuz then sentons her for 2. Yuz hits chest forearms then is chest forearmed down.

Yuz goes for a christo but is thrown down. Boz curb stomps Yuz. Yuz dropkicks her in the knee and the head. Utami gets in. She sliding lariats Boz for 2. Utami pushes Boz onto Mega then elbow drops Boz's back. Boz germans Utami then lariats her for 2.

Utami takes a double flapjack then Tank gets a 2 count on her. Utami trades forearms with Tank. Tank suplexes Boz for 2. Utami botches a suplex attempt on Tank. Tank hits lariats on Utami then Utami lariats her down. Misa gets in and top rope dropkicks Tank.

Misa and Yuz hit stereo basement dropkicks then take stereo lariats. Tank spinning side slams Misa for 2. Utami germans Tank. Boz takes a dropkick into a german and Misa top rope double stomps Tank. Tank side slams Misa for 2. Tank black hole slams Misa for 2. Tank spears Misa and pins her.

Thoughts: It was fine for what it was but nothing too great. Megaton made her debut here and seems like kind of a comedic character. The big girls did hoss stuff to the smaller girls and the smaller girls got some offense in before being put down. Tank is no Bozilla right now and her movements are a lot more stiff. 

Megaton talks on the mic to Utami after. Utami boots her and is pushed.

Nanae Takahashi & Seri Yamaoka vs. Chika Goto & Miku Aono

NT = Nanae Takahashi

Chika and Seri go at it. Chika backs up Seri on the ropes. Seri takes her down. Chika front facelocks Seri. Chika sleepers her. Seri ties up Chika's legs. Chika goes to rope break and NT stomps on her.

Chika takes a double shoulderblock. Chika is then put in a double ankle lock. Chika escapes and side headlocks Seri. Miku corner dropkicks Seri then Chika atomic drops Seri. Miku slams Seri then crabs her. Miku switches to half crab. Miku dropkicks her on the ropes.

Seri gets a 2 count on her. Nanae then shoulders Miku over. NT hits shots on Miku. Chika tries to break it up and NT takes a 2v1. Chika and Miku are pulled into each other and NT double facebusters them. NT ties up Miku's leg and falls back then she does a chinlock in addition to that.

NT hits forearms and Miku hits leg kicks on her. NT chest kicks her while she's down. Miku lariats NT on the ropes then NT side slams her for 2. Seri picks Miku up and rams her into the buckles.

Miku chest kicks Seri then corner dropkicks her. Miku conrer dropkicks Seri then kicks her in the back for 2. Seri back body drops her. Miku hits a spinning twisting slam on Seri.

Chika is tagged in and facekicks Seri. Chika running hip attacks her. They trade forearms Seri goes down. They each hit more chest forearms. Chika drops her with one. Chika reverse giant swings her.

Seri northern lights suplexes Chika. NT lariats Chika on the ropes for 2. Chika hits facekicks on NT. They slap each other. Chika abdominal stretches NT. Chika corner hip attacks NT for 2. Miku and Chika lariat each other on accident then get put in stereo sleepers. NT lariats Chika over.

NT misses a 2nd rope splash and Chika facekicks NT. NT superplexes Chika for 2. Chika uranages NT for 2. NT hits lariats on both opponents. Chika then takes a double side slam for 2. NT backdrops Chika for 2. NT running lariats Chika then sliding forearms her and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay main. Chika tried a bit more than usual. Seri didn't get to do a ton but had no problems with the stuff she got to do. Miku wasn't in this one much. It was nothing you'd need to see though and nothing you would remember.

Nanae and Seri talk in the mic after.

Overall thoughts: It was a weak show from Marigold. There was nothing really great here. The main was the best thing on here and the 4th and 5th matches were acceptable. Nothing was awful here but the first three matches weren't that special. I would not recommend this and would give it a 4 out of 10.

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