WWF Supertape Volume III
We get some pre-show commercials. Mean Gene hypes up Royal Rumble 1991 on Coliseum Video.
Sean Mooney and Lord Alred Hayes are pretending to be airplane pilots. Sean says we can expect a great deal of turbulence but we will reach out destination safely.
We see some Hasbro commercials and start with:
WWF Intercontinental Title - The Texas Tornado (c) vs Mr. Perfect
Kerry pushes him back off the lock-up. They lock up again, Perfect goes for a shot and is blocked. Perfect chops him and puts a sleeper on. Kerry tries to escape and hits some shots to the gut. Perfect then slaps it on again. Perfect is sent into the buckles and Kerry's nose gets busted open. Perfect pulls Kerry's neck forward then cradles him for 2.
Perfect pounds on him and elbow drops him for 2. Perfect misses a dropkick and takes some shots. Perfect comes off the buckles and is put in the claw. Kerry discus punches him out of the ring. Kerry chops him outside and hits punches. Kerry then is pushed into the post. Kerry is then counted out and loses.
Thoughts: Why would you start a show off with this? The face lost and the finish was dirty. We really only got half the match here as Kerry's comeback got cut off. It was also a slower match with them working a sleeper.
Perfect thinks he won the title after but he hasn't. Kerry and Perfect then fight.
Back to the airplane and Sean says the flight is being diverted to Fiji.
"Superfly" Jimmy Snuka vs The Barbarian
Snuka just has plain black trunks on here. Snuka does his barks (?) at him. Snuka backs up Barb on the ropes and Barb pushes him over. They stall. Barb side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Snuka hits chops then hits a 2nd rope double chop. Snuka flying headbutts him and Barb goes out.
Snuka side headlocks him and Barb pulls the hair. Snuka flying crossbodies him for 2. Snuka then dropkicks him out. Barb wants a test of strength and Snuka does his barks. Barb knees him in the gut then clubs and stomps on him. Snuka hits chops and wristlocks Barb. Barb blocks a hiptoss.
Barb knees Snuka in the gut. Barb stomps on him and Snuka goes out. Barb rams Snuka's back into the post. Snuka's head is banged off the rails and Barb teases hitting the the ref. Snuka kind of botches a slingshot sunset flip but Barb drops on him. Snuka then gets a pin attempt in.
Barb bearhugs Snuka. Snuka hits chops then headbutts Barb. Snuka hits double shots on the buckles then chops Barb. Snuka 2nd rope headbutts him. Snuka hits shots to the gut and 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him. Barb backrolls into a pin attempt. Barb boots Snuka out of the corner and pins him with his feet on the ropes.
Thoughts: Again, who chose this one and why? It was slow and long. Snuka did almost nothing but chops and headbutts and then Barb on with his feet on the ropes. This was not good at all.
Sean says the flight is back on course and they will give us a hefty meal. Sean says the next match is a tag match but with only 2 people in it, as both guys are big enough for 2 people.
Tugboat vs Earthquake
Tug charges Quake and clubs his chest. Tug corner lariats Quake then throws him with Quake taking a nice bump. Quake goes out to stall. Tug side headlocks him. Quake pulls the hair. Quake side headlocks him. They shoulderblock battle. Quake flying dropkicks him. Quake stomps Tug.
Quake walks on Tug and sends him into the corner chest first. Quake stomps on him and chokes him. Quake walks on Tug then elbow drops him for 2. They shoulder battle. Tug lariat battles him then hits a big splash. Jimmy Hart gets on the apron and Tug tries to grab him. Tug hits a standing dropkick on Quake and Quake gets tied up in the ropes.
Tug hits shots on Quake while he's tied in the ropes. Tug grabs Jimmy Hart and has him on the top rope. Dino Bravo then comes out and nails Tug and the match is called off. Tugboat wins by DQ.
Tug takes a double slam after. Tug goes out and grabs a chair and the heels leave.
Thoughts: What we got of this was good with the two squashing each other. But then we had to have a DQ which robbed us of a good finish to this one. That was disappointing. We are not off to a good start here.
We go back to Sean and Hayes and they take us to the next match:
Demolition vs The Legion of Doom and The Ultimate Warrior
We got this match on an episode of SNME. The faces triple lariat the heels and knock them out of the ring before it starts.
Smash lariats Animal then hits double axe handles. Smash chokes him on the ropes and hits punches. Animal powerslams Smash for 2. Animal elbow drops Smash. Hawk hits Crush' arm off the buckles. The two shove each other. Crush hits a shot to the throat then backbreakers him. Hawk and Crush lariat each other at the same time and Hawk dropkicks him. Hawk flying shoulderblocks Crush then fist drops him.
Crush eye rakes Hawk. Warrior and Ax get in. Warrior hits boots to Ax's gut. Warrior poots Ax out of the corner then running lariats him. Warrior then slams all 3 members of Demolition. Warrior misses a splash.
Ax clubs on Warrior. Warrior is double then triple teamed outside. Smash hits shots on Warrior and has his head pulled down over the top rope. Smash then hits double axe handles. Crush and Warrior choke each other. Ax hits Warrior in the gut. Warrior is put on the top rope and he gets clubbed on by the heels. LOD saves him.
Demolition goes for demolition decapitation but Animal breaks it up. Warrior then tags in Animal. Animal beats up on the heels and sends Ax into Smash. Hawk hits a shot on Smash off the buckles and Ax chokes Animal in the corner.
Crush bearhugs Animal then Animal bearhugs him. Smash breaks it up and foot chokes Animal. Smash bends over and gets hit. Animal's head is bamnged off the buckles and Ax chokes Animal with the tag rope. Smack backdrops Animal then cranks his head. Ax chinlocks Animal. Animal gets clubbed on. Animal lariats Crush out of the corner.
Warrior gets in and hits shots on Smash. Warrior running lariats him then hits a flying shoulder. Warrior maybe flying splashes him, but we don't see it and Warrior gets the win.
Thoughts: It was about average. They didn't really focus enough on either side getting beaten up to get heat and there was a big difference between The Warrior's pace and everyone else. They also missed a bunch of punches here. At least we got a full length match with a clean finish though.
The Legion of Doom do a promo. Hawk says their dream becomes Demolition's nightmare. Hawk says Demolition will hurt and they will like it. Animal says nothing will get rid of this nightmare and Demolition is history.
Demolition (Smash and Crush) vs The Legion of Doom
Mr. Fuji is with Demolition here.
LOD comes into the ring and Demolition back off. Animals slams Crush then Crush clubs on him. Crush slams him then hits a legdrop. All 4 get in and Animal belly to belly suplexes Crush out. Hawk hits punches on Smash then hits corner punches on Smash then running lariats him. Hawk flying shoulders Smash then lariats him.
Hawk hits punches on Smash. Fuji trips up Hawk. Fuji hits Hawk with his cane outside while Crush holds him. Crush foot chokes Hawk. Smash chokes Hawk then Fuji chokes Hawk with his cane. Crush double axe handles Hawk off the top.
Crush bearhugs Hawk. Hawk gets double teamed on the ropes then Smash cranks the neck. Smash gets double clubbed on by the heels. Smash drops Hawk throat first on the ropes. Hawk takes demolition decapitation for 2 when Animal breaks the pin up. Hawk lariats Crush. Animal powerslams Smash. Animal flips out of a double backdrop and hits a double clothesline on the heels.
Fuji then hits Hawk with his cane on the buckles. Crush lariats Animal from behind. Smash backbreakers Animal then Crush top rope diving knee drops Animal. Smash tries to piledriver Animal but Hawk diving lariats Smash off the top. Hawk then pins Smash.
Hawk beats up Fuji after.
Thoughts: It was an average match. The faces mostly got beaten up on here and the finishing stretch was short on this one. There was a bunch of clubbering here.
Lord Alfred Hayes is gone and Sean says the flight is on automatic flight. We then go to:
Call of the Action
They do a feature on Shane Douglas. Hayes says he moves effortlessly and says he has an ability to be innovative. He says Shane has the qualities to be a great wrestler and puts over his looks. Hayes says he has the primitive instinct of a killer.
They highlight some of Shane's offense here as he faces a jobber in a red and black mask. We see Shane picking up the win.
Marty Jannetty vs Paul Roma
Marty comes out alone here while Roma has Herc with him. Marty runs in and dropkicks Roma from behind. Marty atomic drops him and hits corner punches. Roma's head is banged off the buckles. Marty hurricanrana's him and hits mounted punches.
Roma pulls Marty out. Marty and Roma trade outside and Marty's back is rammed into the apron. Roma stomps Marty's back. Roma blocks a sunset flip then clubs on Marty's back. Roma chokes Marty with his knee and hits punches.
Marty is thrown hard into the buckles and goes down. Roma comes off the top and clubs Marty's back. Roma backbreakers Marty then hits a running powerslam. Marty backslides him for 2. Roma stomps on Marty. Marty cradles Roma for 2 then chinlocks him. Roma chinlocks Marty. Marty backs him up in the corner. Marty misses a splash then Roma slaps another headlock on. Marty suplexes Roma. They trade punches.
Marty kneelifts Roma. Marty flying facebusters Roma off the buckles. Marty top rope fist drops Roma and Herc pulls Marty out. Marty gets back in, Herc trips Marty as he goes to slam Roma and Roma gets the pin.
Thoughts: It started off good but slowed down and then when he had a dirty finish.
Marty gets beaten up by the heels after. Power and Glory argue with Chief Jay Strongbow outside after.
We are told The Humphrey Family requested the next match. We meet them and they ask for The Big Boss Man vs Ted Dibiase.
Fan Favorite Match - The Big Boss Man vs Ted Dibiase
Ted goes out and teases heading to the back to start. Ted stalls. Boss gets distracted by Virgil. Ted rushes Boss but goes into the corner. Boss bangs Ted's head off the buckles. Boss hits a punch flurry then hits Ted in the gut. Boss atomic drops Ted then drops him with a big punch.
Ted goes out and Boss hits punches outside. Ted's head is banged off the buckles. Boss chokes Ted with a belt like a true babyface then he whips him. Boss rakes Ted's back. Boss misses a splash on Ted. Ted hits Boss in the gut with a nightstick while Virgil distracts the ref.
Ted hits shots to Boss' side/spine and Boss goes down to the floor. Ted beats up Boss on the floor then sends him into the post. Boss is sent into the steps.
Back in the ring, Boss chops Ted and Ted hits more shots to the side/spine. Ted hits Boss off the buckles. Ted stomps on Boss. Ted lariats Boss then hits more shots to the side/spine. Boss hits a punch flurry to the gut. Ted bearhugs Boss. They double lariat each other and both go down.
Ted comes off the 2nd rope, gets hit in the gut and takes a nice bump for it. Boss hits lariats then atomic drops Ted. Boss lariats him and throws Virgil in. Boss facekicks Virgil then bangs his and Ted's heads together. Virgil takes a big lariat over the top then Ted is atomic dropped over the top. The ref then DQ's Boss Man for some reason in a stupid moment.
Thoughts: Ted did a good job working the side/spine and him and Virgil took some nice bumps near the end. Boss had a nice comeback. I didn't like Boss cheating as a face though and the finish was stupid with Boss getting DQ'd for trying to stop the heels.
The heels then beat up Boss after. Boss gets the edge and the heels leave.
Sean tells us to fasten our seatbelts for the WWF's Outrageous Hits.
We then see a music video filled with various highlights.
We go back to Sean and Hayes and the plane is shaking all around.
Match of the Month - Mr. Perfect vs Jake "The Snake" Roberts
Heenan is with Perfect at this point - his second of three managers (Genius, Heenan and Coach) in the WWF. Jake goes for Heenan and is hit from behind. Perfect hits some shots to the body. Perfect misses a corner charge. Jake twists Perfect's wrist then throws him over by it. Jake hits knees to the shoulder. Jake wristlocks Perfect then armlocks him. Jake presses on the shoulder with his knee. Jake takes him down by the arm and hits knees to the armpit.
Perfect armdrags him. Jake elbows him in the face then armlocks him. Jake back elbows him and Perfect goes out. Jake back body drops Perfect over the top. Perfect stomps on Jake. Perfect hammerlocks Jake with his leg then does a normal hammerlock.
Perfect pulls him down by the hair and knee drops his arm. Perfect does a head and arm hold (Hayes calls it the sugar snap hold) on Jake but breaks it after arguing with the ref. Perfect runs into the corner and takes a boot. Jake hits punches and Perfect does a corkscrew sell for the punch.
Jake short arm clotheslines Perfect. Jake goes for the ddt. Heenan gets in the ring and Jake grabs him. Perfect uppercuts Jake. Perfect throws out the ref. Heenan then brings the snake bag in. Jake ddt's Perfect. Heenan runs out to avoid getting attacked. Jake grabs the snake and Heenan pulls Perfect out.
Thoughts: This was all arm work here until we had yet another dirty finish. I can't really put this over as anything too good.
We go back to Sean and Hayes for the last time. Sean says we have reached the termination of the show and says the action was too much for the plane to handle. The plane bounces around, Sean calls for help on the radio but then sees the plane radio is unplugged.
Overall thoughts: This was an awful tape. We only had one real clean finish on this. The matches were slow and boring and were far from the best the WWF had to offer. I also do have to wonder why some wrestlers were on this tape twice when they had a large roster of wrestlers to showcase. The only good thing on this tape was that we got the Demolition vs Legion of Doom tag match that we never got to see otherwise on TV, though it had Crush in there instead of Ax. Whoever put this tape together should have been fired and must have had a vendetta against the fans. I feel really bad for the people who spent their money on this one. I would give this a 1 out of 10 and would advise you to stay far away from this one.
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