Saturday, January 18, 2025

AEW Collision 1/18/2025 Maximum Carnage

AEW Collision 1/18/2025 Maximum Carnage

Last week's show is here:

FTR's team for tonight, Okada, Daniels and Adam Page do promos for the matches tonight.

Texas Death Match - Adam Page vs Christopher Daniels

As usual, this is under last man standing rules and not texas death match rules (you have to be pinned then have 10 seconds to get up). Page slaps him and hits shots. Page eye rakes him and hits punches in the corner. Page hits mounted punches then springboard lariats him while he's on the apron. Page plancha's him outside. CD dropkicks Page through the ropes. Page throws CD into the rails. Page hits him with a chair and CD gets busted open.

Page grabs barbed wire and they fight over it.  Page shoves the wire into CD's head. then whips him with it. Page puts the wire around CD's mouth and pulls. Page facekicks him then hits him with the wire wrapped around his arm. We go to PiP break and return.

They fight on the apron near a table and Page is lariated in. CD is thrown into a chair between the ropes. Page double stomps CD through the table. A table is sent up in the ring. Page and CD fight on the buckles. CD 2nd rope uranages Page.

CD germans him and hits an STO. Page armdrags him then lariats him onto the ramp. Page tries to buckshot lariat him on the ramp. CD is back body dropped into the ring. Page puts the wire into CD's head. {age goes for a buckshot and is put in the koji clutch. Page puts the wire into CD's head. CD hits an angel's wings. CD uranages him. 

Page hits a double jump moonsault. Page then does one with a table piece on Page. Page tombstones him on a chair. Page hits dead eye on a chair. Page hits a buckshot lariat to the back of CD's head. CD can't get up before the 10 count and Page wins.

Thoughts: I liked it and thought it was good. It was what it needed to be with Page mostly dominating CD with CD getting some offense in before being put down. It was bloody and they did enough without doing too much here. 

Page hits the angel's wings on CD after. CD is checked on by the medical team and the refs after as he lays face down.

Tony Schiavone interviews Toni Storm in the ring. Toni says her dreams are finally coming true. She says she's coming to Australia and the building where she saw her first wrestling show. She says she's coming home. She says Mariah May is the best in the business but she hasn't had a chance to introduce herself. Toni says it's time they meet face to face. Toni says they are both Toni's/Tony's and makes him say, "It's Toni Time".

We see a Hurt Syndicate promo from after Dynamite. MVP says a statement was made in their match. MVP said he promised his men gold would be in their future. He says they gave Private Party and @ss whooping and it makes them the #1 contenders. MVP tells them to put up the tag titles against Shelton and Lashley on Dynamite. He says to remember - we hurt people. 

Adam Cole, Roderick Strong and Kyle O'Reilly vs Shane Taylor Promotions (The Infantry and Lee Moriarty)

Lee and Cole go at it. Lee gets kicked when bending over. Page enzugiri's him. Strong chops Lee and wristlocks him. Lee pulls his ear. Dean chops Strong then Strong dropkicks him. Kyle and Strong help out. They suplex Dean onto Bravo for 2.

Kyle hits kicks on Bravo. Kyle is tripped from the outside then takes a double axe handle on the apron. We go to PiP break, full break and return. Cole hits shots on Dean then ushigoroshi's him for 2. Cole superkicks him and hits oblivion for 2.  

Strong hits corner attacks on Dean then drops him on his chest. Cole hits a panama sunrise on Lee. Dean takes a high/low and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a short one that bordered on being a squash. The heels had no chance here and this wasn't anything special.

Shane Taylor jumps into the ring and beats up Cole's crew after. Matt Menard gets up and wants to fight Shane. Daniel Garcia then comes out and beats up Shane and his crew. Shane gets beaten up by the faces and takes a saito suplex from Garcia.

Will Ospreay is interviewed. He said him and Kenny Omega have thier differences but they know each other through Callis. He says this is bigger than their egos and says he will call him out on Dynamite to have a chat.

Lance Archer and Brian Cage vs Top Flight

The heels attack before the bell. Dante takes a facekick + german combo. Cage hits corner spears on Darius. Darius takes a bakbreaker into a basement dropkick. Lance hits a running back elbow in the corner. Darius takes kicks from Cage in the corner then a pump kick.

Darius hits a kick on Cage. Lance pushes Dante on the apron. Dante is caught on a springboard crossbody. Lance is pushed into Cage. Dane hits a forearm flurry on Lance. Dante does a springboard flip onto Lance. Cage spinning lariats Darius then Lance spinning chokeslams Dante. Dante takes a chokeslam + powerbomb combo and is pinned.

This was all squash and a total burial of Top Flight. 

Action Andretti comes out. Lio Rush then hits Top Flight from behind. Lio top rope splashes Darius.

Lexy Nair interviews The Learning Tree. CJ says Mox isn't the type of guy to show up and do interviews. CJ yells at Lexi for stirring up trouble. CJ says Mox left a scar above his eye. He says him and Mox beat up each other everywhere but they have common enemies. He says no one is as driven or as smart as Mox but him. CJ says it behooves him to trust The Learning Tree tonight. CJ says they may even prove it to them before they get in the ring.

Garcia and Menard are interviewed. Cole, Kyle and Strong come in. Cole thanks them for their help. Cole says it's a shame they don't have a third man to see who the best trio is.

DG says they walked into this company as nobody and are now on top. Menard says he will call in the new father to fight them next week.

Max Caster is in the ring with a duffel bag. He says there's a lot of issues and rumors with The Acclaimed. He calls Anthony Bowens out. Max says there's a big issue between then and says Bowens won't admit Max is the best wrestler alive.

Bowens says he tried to protect him for the last 5 years. He said he had to lie to the people about who Max is. He says Max is an arrogant, selfish, edgelord, piece of sh!t. Max shows a trademark that says he's the best wrestler alive. Bowens says he's more than a scissor king and says he has all the tools to be a world champ. He says he's wrestling 5-tool player and the pride of AEW. He says he doesn't need a piece of paper from the government to prove it.

Billy Gunn then comes out. Billy asks what's wrong with them. Max says Billy don't care about them, he just wanted to hear the people chant his name. Max says Billy said Billy made it about Billy when it should have been about Max. Max says Bowens is his best friend and they became the most winningest team in AEW. Max says every team Billy has been in has broken up and says even Billy's sons don't want to be with him. Max says Bowens has to choose between Max or Billy.

Bowens gives Max the finger and goes with Billy. Max says he's "Bad Decision Bowens". Max says he's walking away and says The Acclaimed is done because he says so. He says it's everyone's fault and says he will prove he is the best wrestler alive. He says he will prove they suck without him. Bowens tells Max to get out of his life. Bowens asks Billy to scissor one final time.

Thoughts: They've been teasing this for a while and it finally happened. I'm glad they didn't do some big angle where one guy attacked the other. We'll have to see where things go but I'm fine with it, though I wouldn't have broken them up.

Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana are interviewed. Swerve says this game with Ricochet will end now. He says he plans on seeing him way before February 5th.

AEW Continental Title - Kazuchika Okada vs Tomohiro Ishii

Okada backs up on the ropes. They lock up and Okada clean breaks him. Ishii hits forearms. Ishii shoulders him over. Okada slides out to stall. Ishii follows him. Ishii rams Okada into the apron then shoulders him over.

We go to PiP break and return. We are told the doctor had to check on Ishii during the break. Ishii superplexes him for 2. Okada over the back neckbreakers him on the knee. Okada slams him then top rope elbow drops him. They give each other the finger. Okada hits a landslide.

Okada goes for the rainmaker but Ishii lariats him. Okada dropkicks Ishii. Ishii sliding lariats him for 2. Okada dropkicks him from behind. Okada grabs the ring bell. The ref takes it from him. Okada low blows Ishii then hits a rainmaker. Okada then gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a shorter match and far from their best work. The finish was lame here. Okada won as expected.

The Gates of Agony do a promo. They say they have showed out every time they showed up here. They says they will star the run of a lifetime and say to send the best you got.

Dustin Rhodes vs Adam Priest

DR armdrags him. Adam hits some shots on him. DR hits a drop down uppercut and powerslams him. DR hits chops. DR goes to hit shattered dreams but the ref stops him. Adam hits DR from behind. DR lariats him then hits cross rhodes. DR hits a twisting suplex and wins.

Thoughts: It was a squash as expected. Why we got this one? I don't know.

Julia Hart vs Harley Cameron

Har has facepaint around her eyes. HC takes her down and pounds on her. Hart hits forearms. HC armdrags her. HC hits a high kick from the apron then step up enzugiri's her for 2. HC hits downward elbows then takes an STO. Hart rakes HC's eyes.

We go to break and return. Hart does an octopus to HC. Hart misses a corner charge and is backrolled for 2. Hart superkicks her and corner lariats her. Hart gets a 2 count on her and HC crucifixes her for 2. Hart kicks her in the leg. HC jawbreakers her and hits soul foot. Hart lariats her form behind then submits her with hartless.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything special as expected. Neither are that great in the ring and this didn't have much of a chance of being great. 

We go to the back. Powerhouse Hobbs is down and The Learning tree is overtop of him. Bill takes Hobbs' knee brace and Hobbs is holding his knee.

FTR, Cope, The Outrunners and Powerhouse Hobbs vs The Learning Tree and The Death Riders (Jon Moxley, Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnoli)

CJ = Chris Jericho

Hobbs did not come up with the faces due to being attacked. Dax and CJ go at it. CJ piefaces him and slaps him. They slap each other and Dax hits chops. CJ 2nd rope dropkicks him. Bryan and Dax hit chops. Dax legdrops him after a suplex for 1. Dax elbows Bryan in the face. Bryan is double team lifted into a gordbuster.

Bill wants in but Yuta gets the tag instead. Cash wristlocks and throws down Yuta by the arm. Yuta hits forearms and chops. Cash hits some chops then back body drops Yuta. Yuta pulls down Truth by the hair then chops him in the corner. Turbo suplexes Yuta for 2. 10 of the wrestlers fight. We go to PiP break and return.

Dax is held for a chop from CJ. CJ tries to tag Mox in. Mox stares at him but gets in. Mox piledrivers Dax. Yuta suplexes Dax for 2. Dax's shoulder goes into the post. Dax release germans Yuta.

Bill comes in and misses a corner splash on Dax. CJ and Cope get in. Cope flying shoulders CJ. Cope tries to spear him but eats a codebreaker. Turbo hits shots on CJ then slams him. Turbo slams Truth onto CJ and Truth slams Bryan onto CJ. The Runners it a double elbow drop. CC lariats both. Yuta samoan drops Cash then takes a ddt from Dax. Mox hits a cutter. COpe jumps on Mox and hits mounted shots. Cope lariats Mox over the top to the ramp.

Bill takes a shatter machine. Cope impaler ddt's Mox on the ramp. Shafir gets in the ring. Pac boots Cope from the ramp.  The Death Riders beat up Cope 3v1 and put a mask on his face. Cash then dives on The Riders. A big fight breaks out on the outside and then goes into the seating area. CJ misses a lionsault. 

Powerhouse Hobbs comes out. He is tagged in. He hits Bryan and CJ. Hobbs splashes both in the corner and hits a double shoulderblock. Bill and Hobbs trade. Bill is thrown out. CJ top rope double axe handles Hobbs. CJ takes a powerslam + neckbreaker combo. Bryan tries to hit Hobbs with a title belt. Hobbs stops him and lariats him. Hobbs spinebusters Bryan and picks up the win.

There was a lot going on here and it ended up only having 5 people left in it as everyone else had fought to the back. It was acceptable as a main but nothing too special. There was just too many people involved and not enough time to go into everything.

Overall thoughts: It was a decent show. They put more effort into it than usual. I liked the Daniels/Page match best on this one. The main was acceptable but had too much going on and most of the people in the match had left it before it ended. Okada/Ishii was a disappointment as it didn't get enough time and had a weak finish. The rest wasn't anything you needed to see. I'd give this one a 5 out of 10 but I don't think you really need to see this.

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