New Japan Pro Wrestling 1/30/2025 Road To The New Beginning 2025 Day 3
Hartley Jackson and Ryohei Oiwa vs YOSHI-HASHI and Katsuya Murashima
Oiwa side headlocks Yoshi. Yoshi then put it on him. Yoshi hits chops and Oiwa shoulers him over. Yoshi neckbreakers Hart. Hart shoulders KM over. KM hits forearms then Hart one arm slams him. KM is shouldered over.
Oiwa armlocks KM then armdrags him. Oiwa slams KM then falling splashes him for 2. Hart corner splashes KM then sentons him. KM hits dropkicks on Hart. Yoshi gets in and chops up Hart. Yoshi headhunters him then hits a corner lariat.
Hart spinebusters Yoshi. Oiwa flying back elbows Yoshi for 2. Yoshi dropkicks Oiwa in the knee. KM gets back in and flying forearms Oiwa. KM hiptosses Oiwa for 2. Oiwa back elbows him then KM hits a dropkick. Oiwa takes corner attacks and KM powerslams him for 2. KM crabs Oiwa and Oiwa ropebreaks.
Oiwa pulls KM down by the arm then they trade armbars. KM goes for a pin and Oiwa lariats him for 2. Oiwa sits on his back and pulls the arm then taps him out.
Thoughts: KM got to do a little more here than usual and looked like just like one of the guys instead of a young lion. It was an okay opener and I wouldn't have minded if this went longer.
El Phantasmo, Shota Umino, Togi Makabe & Jado vs Jeff Cobb, Great-O-Khan, Francesco Akira & Jakob Austin Young
Khan waistlocks and rolls Shota. Khan double legs him then fisherman suplexes him. Shota dropkicks him. Shota stomp flurries Khan in the corner. Togi shoulders over Khan.
Jake and Jado go at it. Jake elbows him in the back of the neck and basement dropkicks him for 2. Cobb stands on Jado's back. Cobb hits double chops on Jado then uppercuts him. Cobb sits on Jado's neck in the corner. Cobb double chops Shota out.
Akira gets in. He basement dropkicks Jado for 2. Jado shoulders over Akira. ELP and Cobb trade forearms and ELP is knocked down. ELP springboard twisting crossbodies Cobb then asai moonsaults him for 2. Cobb fallaway slams ELP then ELP rolls him up for 2.
Cobb spincycle backdrops ELP. ELP takes corner attacks then a top rope dropkick for 2. Togi comes in and hits a double lariat. Shota tornado ddt's Khan then cannonballs him off the apron. ELP hits a gordbuster on Jake and wins.
Thoughts: It was a shorter tag and didn't get enough time. The ELP vs Cobb section was probably the best part of this and helped get me interested in their match on 2/3.
SANADA & Taiji Ishimori vs Taichi & TAKA Michinoku
The heels attack before the bell. Taka and TI fight in the seats and TI spits water at him. Sanada and Tai go into the seats too. Tai is sent into the wall. Taka and TI get back in and they eye poke each other. Sanada back raskes Taka and sends him into the exposed buckle.
Sanada suplexes Taka for 2. TI rakes Taka's eyes with his feet and fist drops him. Taka then is sent into the exposed buckle again. Taka facelocks Sanada then TI. Taka pump kicks Sanada.
Tai hits shots on Sanada. Tai russian legsweeps him. Tai hits Kawada kicks then corner facekicks Sanada. Sanada kicks the ropes into Tai's crotch then plancha's him. Sanada dropkicks Tai in the knee then hits a magic screw. Sanada facekicks Tai out of the corner then Tai running lariats him.
TI boots Taka. Taka step up knees him in the corner. Taka running knees him for 2. Taka facelocks TI. TI handspring corkscrew kicks Taka. Taka jumping back kicks him then hits a michinoku driver for 2. Sanada throws Tai into the ref to stop the count.
Sanada dropkicks Taka. Tai spin kicks Sanada. Sanada low blows him. Sanada low blows Taka then TI rolls up Taka for the win.
Thoughts: It wasn't a clean match put they kept it interesting and I think they did an okay job with it. The heels did their usual tactics and they gave Taka some hope spots here making you think he might pull off the win.
Tetsuya Naito & Hiromu Takahashi vs Tomohiro Ishii & Tomoaki Honma
LIJ attacks before the bell. HT and Naito dosey-do then get attacks in on their opponents. Ishii and Honma shoulder over their opponents. Honma ddt's Naito for 2. Honma hits forearms on Naito. Ishii hits a chop and forearm combo on Naito then knocks him over with it. Honma back elbows Naito for 2.
Naito hits forearms and chops on Honma. Honma fires back. Honma misses a charge and Naito neckbreakers Honma. HT flying headscissors Ishii. HT then shotgun dropkicks Honma into Ishii. HT basement dropkicks Ishii.
Ishii suplexes HT. Ishii backdrops him. HT superkicks Ishii then Ishii shoulders him over. HT dropkicks him then flips him with a lariat.
Honma and Naito trade in the corner. Honma bulldogs him then misses a headbutt drop. Naito hits back elbows. Ishii and Honma take double teams. HT superkicks Honma. Ishii germans HT then Honma falling headbutts Naito. Honma battering ram headbutts Naito then flying shoulders him for 2.
Honma lifts Naito and Naito reverse ddt's him. Naito koji clutches Honma and submits him.
Thoughts: I was alright with this one The two teams matched up well here and were able to workaround their limitations. Naito's destino/reverse ddt at the end was pretty bad here.
HT and Ishii get into it after. The ref and young lions are thrown out.
Gabe Kidd, Drilla Moloney & Clark Connors vs Yota Tsuji, Shingo Takagi & BUSHI
Yot and Gabe lock up. Gabe side headlocks him. They shoulder each other and Yota gets knocked down. They trade forearms. Gabe chops him. Yota pumping knees him then shoulders him over. Gabe shoulders him over.
Gabe headbutts and uppercuts him. Yota knocks him down with a forearm. Gabe hits a headbutt and chop combo in the corner on Yota. Gabe then dropkicks Yota. Drilla gets in. He stomps and kicks on Yota.
Drilla back rakes Yota then butt drops Yota's back. They trade forearms. Yota tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Shingo gets in and shoulders over Drilla. Shingo slams Clark then hiptosses Gabe. Shingo suplexes Drilla for 2.
Shingo and Drilla trade shots. Shingo back elbows him and takes a step up enzugiri. Shingo hits a corner lariat. Drilla ddt's Shingo for 2. Shingo misses a legdrop then Drilla superkicks him. Shingo hits a gori bomb on him.
Bushi and Clark get in. Clark running back elbows him then powerslams him for 2. Bushi step up enzugiri's him. Bushi dropkicks Gabe in the knee. Bushi then topes Clark outside.
Multiple people get in to do a move. Bushi takes a Clark lariat then takes a high/low. Clark lifting ddt's Bushi and pins him for the win.
Thoughts: I liked the Gabe/Yota section. Drilla/Shingo might have been okay but they spent too much time dodging each other's attacks in a match that ended up being pretty short. This needed more time.
NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Titles - Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toru Yano and Oleg Boltin (c) vs House of Torture (Ren Narita, SHO and Yujiro Takahashi)
HoT get jumped by the faces as they enter. The wrestlers fight outside. Yano is sent into the rails. Tana is triple stomped on by the heels. Tana fights off the triple team and 2nd rope twisting crossbodies Yujiro. Yano throws Yujiro into seats. Yano goesto chair him and the ref takes the chair. The heels then choke Yano with a chair while the ref isn't looking. Oleg takes a chair to the gut.
Yano nearly gets counted out. Yujiro leg drops Yano. Sho throws Yano out. Ren back elbows Yano for 2. Ren chokes Yano. Yano pulls on Ren's hair. Yano belly to belly suplexes Ren.
Sho flying spears Oleg then Oleg hits a double shoulder block on his opponents. Oleg throws Ren on a slam and splashes him for 2. Ren chokes Oleg and leg chokes him back. Ren takes corner attaks then Oleg vader bombs him. Tana 2nd rope swantons Ren.
Ren hits a boot on Tana. Tana takes corner attacks and gets his legs split. Ren grabs a puhs-up board. He misses a shot wiht it. Tana twist and shouts Yujiro and Sho. Yano gets in and takes off a turnbuckle pad. He sends Sho into it and rolls him up for 2. Sho is catapulted into a belly to belly suplex.
Yano hits a double low blow and atomic drops Sho into a slingblade. Kanemaru comes down and Yano powerbombs Sho. Kanemaru spits whiskey in Yano's eyes and Sho rolls up Yano for the win.
Thoughts: It was all shenanigans here with little wrestling. It is not surprising considering who is involved with this and how limited some of the guys are. This wasn't good.
Oleg is hit with a title belt after.
Zack Sabre Jr., Kosei Fujita & Robbie Eagles vs Hirooki Goto, El Desperado & YOH
Despy and Kosei go at it. They trade hammerlocks. Despy armdrags Kosei then Kosei chops him. Rob and Yoh get in. Yoh does Rob's chant for him. Rob tries to do it and Yoh rolls him up. Rob uses the ropes and armdrags him. Rob flying headscissors Yoh then spinning heel kicks him.
Rob takes a double back club flurry. Goto back elbows Rob then is tripped into a baseball slide and neck twist. Zack euros Goto over. Zack and Goto trade outside. Zack headscissors Goto. Kosei takes Goto down by the arm. Zack, Kosei and Rob then grab various limbs on Goto and rotate. Zack ties up Goto's legs and bridges. Goto takes a double back elbow and has his neck twisted with Zack's feet.
Kosei PK's Goto for 2. Yoh then takes a club flurry on the back. Goto hits a double shoulderblock. Goto then shoulders over Zack. Despy suplexes Kosei for 2. Kosei step up enzugiri's Despy. Kosei kicks Despy for 2.
Despy and Kosei hold each other's wrists and trade forearms. Rob spin kicks Despy. Rob takes a back elbow then a Yoh falcon arrow. Kosei hits a double dropkick. Goto spinning heel kicks Zack then backdrops him for 2.
Zack armbar takedowns Goto then armbars him. That gets broken up. Kosei springboard dropkicks Despy. Goto spinning lariats Rob then running lariats Kosei. Kosei takes a big bump on his shoulders for it. Goto does an ushigoroshi on Zack. Goto russian legsweeps Zack for 2.
Zack and Goto lariat each other. Zack pele kicks the arm and sweeps the leg. Zack PK's Goto. Goto rolls up Zack for 2. Zack then bridge pins Goto to win.
Thoughts: It wasn't anything of note. It just never found it's flow until the end and the crowd wasn't into it.
Robbie asks where Rocky Romero is on the mic after. Kosei talks on the mic then Zack talks.
Overall thoughts: It was the usual NJPW house show. Neither the main or semi main were that good. The Taka match and the opener were the best things on here. I'd only give it a 4 out of 10 and wouldn't recommend it.
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