Sunday, January 26, 2025

WOW Women of Wrestling 1/25/2025 Season 5, Episode 20

WOW Women of Wrestling 1/25/2025 Season 5, Episode 20

Last week's show is here:

Samantha Smart and The Classmaster come out. Smart says the hillbillies interrupting them while they were educating the stupids. Smart says they are the surgeons and their opponents are the specimens they experiment on. Smart says their opponents need to accept that their place in this world is beneath them. Smart says Class is the WOW World champ.

We see unaired footage from last week. Holly Swag and Penelope Pink talk with Lana. Pink says something needs to change and Holly says they need to be tag partners. 

Miami's Sweet Heat (Lindsay and Laurie Carlson) vs Chantilly Chella and Kalaki the Island Girl

Linds trips Chella and shoulders her over. Chella armdrags her off the casadora. Linds takes a double sto and a double elbow drop. Linds wristlocks Kal. Kal uses the buckles and armdrags her. Kal armdrags and hip throws Linds for 2.

Kal snapmare drivers Laur and swims on her back. Kal then surfs on Laur's back. Linds breaks it up and throws Kal down. Laur abdominal stretches Kal and Linds helps pull. Kal takes a double spear in the corner. Kal takes a fist drop + rolling senton. 

Laur grounded abdominal stretches Kal. Kal is laid on the ropes and Laur butt drops her. Kal stops a double team and dropkicks the heels into each other. Chella hits kicks on both opponents. Chella hits a double dropkick then corner attacks on both opponents. Chella 2nd rope dropkicks Laurie for 2.

Chella jumps off of Kal's back, gets caught and is spinned. Chella takes a top rope elbow drop + side slam combo is pinned.

: This was fine. MSH was decent as usual. I was surprised to see Chella take the fall. I thought Chella had a better showing than usual here.

Linds gets on the mic after. She says they repped the company with class and says they are a class act. She says they are tired of the hearing about the hillbilly champs. Linds says the tag titles belong to them and asks for a rematch.

Roxxy and Foxxy Fierce vs The Alliance (Gigi Gianni and BK Rhythm)

Fox pump kicks BK to start then throws her. Fox corner hip attacks her. Fox hits a kick for 2. Rox and Gigi get in. Gigi takes an armdrag. Rox corner forearms Gigi then corner splashes her. Gigi is tripped and takes a hip attack on the ropes for 2. Gigi takes a hart attack for 2. Gigi hits a jawbreaker then a basement dropkick for 2.

Gigi facebusters Fox off the buckles. Fox is then tripped into a knee to the gut. Fox backrolls BK. BK boots Fox then does a cobra twist. Fox kicks BK and Rox gets in. Rox hits a double flying lariat on both opponents. Rox backdrops Gigi then belly to belly suplexes BK for 2.

The heels are sent into each other and are rolled up together and pinned.

It had a green moment or two but it was okay. The faces got a surprise win which helped things and the faces offense looked alright here.

Chainsaw vs Crystal Waters

We have not seen a lot of Waters this season and IIRC, her partner is gone.

Waters dicks a shot and hits dropkicks on Chain. Chain bangs Waters' head off the buckles. Chain hits corner spears. Waters tries to sunset flip her in the corner but Chain blocks it. Chain misses a butt drop. Chain catches Waters' crucifix and lays her on the top buckle. Chain stomach claws Waters.

Angelica Dante yells at Chain from the outside then abuses Waters on the bottom rope. Chain foot chokes Waters. Chain hair throws Waters then legdrops her. Chain pulls on Waters' nose then chinlocks her. Chain bodyblocks Waters. Chain chokeslams her and wins.

Thoughts: This was all squash here with Chain dominating Waters.

Chain splashes Waters after. Pep Riley comes out and grabs Chain to try and stop her. Dante and Pep tug of war over Chain. Chain then goes with Pep in a surprise moment.

We get some hype for the loser eats dog food match tonight with Animal Instinct vs Big Rigs and Bourbon.

Sibley shows us the dog food the loser has to eat tonight and we get a fake commercial for it. She says one of these teams is in for a treat.

Princess Aussie takes on The Classmaster for the WOW World Title on the next show.

Loser Eats Dog Food Match - Animal Instinct (Catarina Jinx and Goldie Collins) vs Big Rigs and Bourbon (Jessie Jones and Big Rig Betty)

The heels attack before the bell rings then take lariats. Jinx is thrown out. Betty corner euros Goldie then facebusters her. Betty superkicks her for 2. Goldie takes a double back elbow then a double elbow drop for 2.

Jones hits back elbows on Jinx then sliding lariats her. Jinx takes a corner knee and hip attack. Betty has the pin but Goldie distracts the ref. Jinx kicks Betty from behind. Jinx goes for the pin but then Jones distracts the ref on it.

Goldie leg lariats Betty on the ropes. Jinx does a wraparound legdrop on Betty. Betty hits shots on Jinx then Jinx slingblades her. Jinx back rakes Betty then Betty germans her. Jones hits some shots on Jinx then corner lariats her. Jones running headbusters Jinx. Jones then hits the stroke for 2. 

Jones eye pokes Goldie and Jinx takes a pump kick + russian legsweep. Jinx is then pinned.

Thoughts: They missed a lot of shots here which brought this down. The heels didn't get enough offense in on this one and it never really felt like the faces were in trouble. It really wasn't what it should have been.

The faces pour dog food out after into dog bowls. The faces go to give the heels the dog food and the heels nail the faces. The faces are put in the corner and ties to the ropes with a whip. The heels then put dog food in the face of the faces and get it all over the place.

Betty gets on the mic after. She says they won this match fair and square. Betty says she knew they should have ran the heels over like road kill. Jones says the heels hit them with dog collars. Jones asks if they know what they like to do with dog collars. Jones says they use dog collars for punishment. Jones wants a double dog collar match and brings up seeing those with Dusty and JYD. David McLane agrees.

While I didn't like the match that much, they got the angle after right and provided a good reason for the dog collar match to happen. That should be interesting and I'm looking forward to it.

Overall thoughts: It was a decent episode of WOW with the post-main event angle being memorable. I liked 2 of the matches and didn't care for the other two. I expected a bit more out of the main than what we got though. I'd give this one a 6 out of 10. I think WOW is on a pretty good run here and has definitely improved their weekly show over past offerings.

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