Tuesday, December 17, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 6/29/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 6/29/1991

The last show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/12/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-6221991.html

We are in Tucson, Arizona. Vince McMahon, Randy Savage and Roddy Piper are on commentary.

Macho has sparklers as it's the week before July 4th. Vince says Piper is getting roasted for his tax returns. Piper says he will skewer IRS and make him the first one on the grill if he finds out he's behind his audit. 

The Big Boss Man vs The Intruder

Macho says he thinks he knows who The Intruder is. Vince says Intruder has a bowling ball physique and says The Invader is his brother. Boss hits shots on Intruder and hits a big boot. Boss headbutts him down and foot chokes him. Boss back elbows him then leg lariats him on the ropes. The Mountie does an inset promo. Mountie says Boss is used to seeing fireworks in the sky, but this year, the fireworks will be in Boss' face.

Intruder hits some shots on Boss and is punched down. Boss lariats Intruder. Boss sidewalk slams him and wins.

It was a squash. The Intruder was a small guy with a pretty cheap outfit on. Boss got the win here as expected.

Boss handcuffs Intruder to the ropes after then runs out. 

WWF Update

Mean Gene Okerlund talks about the possible engagement of Macho Man and Miss Elizabeth. We see clips from Primetime Wrestling. Liz says she loves Macho whether it has been good times or bad times. Gene says he will conduct an interview with Liz next week and says it would be great if Macho Man came down. He says Macho could propose right there. 

The Berzerker vs Larry Williams

Vince and Piper ask Macho about proposing to Liz next week. Berz clubs on Larry and says, "how about a big boot?" to Fuji. He then hits a big boot on Larry. Piper says he talks to Fuji and Berzerker's "huss" is a form of mental communication between Berz and Fuji.

Berz hits a world's strongest slam on Larry then hits another after asking Fuji. Vince says Berz should be a witness to a proposal next week. Berz knee drops Larry then throws him out off the backdrop.

Larry is counted out and Berz gets the win.

Thoughts: It was all squash here and Berz was a total nutcase as usual.

The Texas Tornado vs Louie Spicolli

Vince says Louie looks not impressed by Kerry. Piper says Louie's mom made his outfit.

Kerry has Warrior style looking colors on today. Kerry waistlock takedowns Lou then Lou ropebreaks. Kerry wrestles Lou on the mat and Lou ropebreaks again. Kerry hits armdrags. Lou talks trash from the apron and piefaces Kerry. Kerry discus punches him down to the floor.

Kerry hits shots on him outside. Lou begs off inside then eye rakes Kerry. Kerry discus punches Lou and pins him.

Thoughts: Lou really tested Kerry here with various heel tactics. He didn't quite get a lot of moves in though. It was something different at least. 

WWF Event Center

The Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Hart says they outrocked The Rockers, outwhacked The Bushwhackers and outdoomed The LOD. Saggs says people still want a waste of the gold though. Saggs says the gold is right here and no one is taking it off of them. Knobbs says they are the tag champs. He says bring on the best as they will lie with the rest. Knobbs says they will nastysize everyone of them. Knobbs says they will knock Hulk down to size if he gets a partner.

Greg Valentine does a promo. He says 1991 has been a great year for him. He says he has had matches with Mr. Perfect and wants him to put the title on the line. Greg says he feels he still has a piece of the IC Title and would like to get a partner to go after The Nasty's and Hart. He says he's still after Jimmy Hart and says Hart will find out it's still hammer time.

The Natural Disasters vs Bill Sampson and Bob Abbot

This is The Natural Disasters Superstars debut. Vince says we will get a look at maybe the greatest team ever assembled then we cut to Bill and Bob. Bob has the long hair.

Jimmy Hart does an inset promo. He said he offered Andre the offer of a lifetime to team with Quake. He says he tried to make a fool of him and now Andre will be chopped to size. Quake and Bob lock up. Quake headbutts his chest on the break and knees him in the gut. Quake stomps on Bob's gut. Bob takes a double shoulderblock. Tug elbow drops Bob.

Bill gets in and takes a Tug knee to the gut. Vince says Tug felt he was rejected by Hulk and The Hulkamaniacs. He said Tug didn't feel like he was thanked enough for help Hulk come back. He says Tug didn't like Hulk throwing him out at The Royal Rumble. Tug corner splashes Bill then Quake does the same.

Quake hits corner spears on Bill. Tug slams Bill then hits a big splash on him. Quake then does a butt drop on Bill and pins him.

Thoughts: It was all squash here. It was notable for Vince explaining Tug's turn. The Disasters hit lots of splashes here in their Superstars debut.

WWF Event Center

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan does a promo. He has the US flag with him. He says he wants to take this moment to thank the military. He says the war is over and but says let's not forget the soldiers still over there or the price of freedom.

The Orient Express and Mr. Fuji do a promo. Fuji says his men are prepared for anything. He says they do 1,000-2,000 squats and push-ups and they run 20-30 miles everyday. He says he hits them with the cane as they want to feel the suffering. He says they don't care about pain at all. Tanaka says Fuji put them through so much and says they were hit so many times with the cane that they forgot what cane is all about. He says they will show us what pain is all about.

Virgil vs Randy Sharkey

Virg ducks a lock-up then side headlocks Randy. Virg shoulders him over, leapfrogs him and hits some punches. Randy eye rakes him. Virg chops him in the corner. Virg slams Randy then puts him in tree of woe in the corner. Virg hits punches as Randy hangs.

Virg back elbows Randy then gutwrench suplexes him. Virg tells Ted Dibiase to take note. Virg slams him. Virg then puts him in the million dollar dream and put shim to sleep. Virg gets the win.

It was the usual very basic and very limited Virgil match. They let him do almost nothing here and he won as expected. This went longer than it needed to.

The Funeral Parlor

Paul Bearer welcomes us and says he has 3 special guests this week - Sgt. Slaughter, General Adnan and Colonel Mustafa. Adnan sings in his language. Paul says it sounds like a funeral march and Sarge says that's what it is. Sarge says it's for The Immortal Slime, Hulk Hogan. He says Hulk won't have a 4th of July picnic or fireworks this year. He says there will be a little snap, crackle and pop. He says Pukeamania is dead and it's all because of Hulk. He says it fizzled out and is a dud.

He says Hulk isn't the same firecracker he used to be and says the last time they saw Hulk, he was on fire. He tells Adnan not to forget to bring the marshmallows next time. Paul says to let him have the charred remains next time as he has a special urn for The Hulkster. Sarge says he set Hulk on fire last time but will barbecue him next time.

The Dragon vs Dale Wolfe

Rick is out in his dragon gear, blowing fire as usual. Dale hits him before it starts and hits a bunch of shots to the head. Ricky snapmares him and hits a shot to the neck. Ricky double chops him then side kicks him. Ricky suplexes him then hits a backdrop.

Ricky back elbows him in the gut and backfists him in the face. Ricky bangs Dale's head off the buckles. Ricky chops him then hits a top rope chop. Ricky top rope crossbodies Dale and pins him.

This had a lot of strikes in it. The announcers bugged Macho about asking Liz to marry him the whole time and barely mentioned the match. Dale got a little in early at least.

The Legion of Doom talk about Sid Justice. Animal says he's big, he looks tough and looks like he will kick a lot of butt in the WWF. Hawk says he reminds him of the LOD. The Nasty's and Jimmy Hart say they have one opening left in The Hart Organization and say he might even qualify. Knobbs says all he has to do is be as nasty as he wants to be.

The Warlord vs Larry Ludden

War boots and back clubs him. War flying shoulderblocks him. War gutwrench suplexes Larry. War clubs on Larry's chest. War backdrops Larry. War clubs on Larry more then suplexes Larry. War fist drops him then hits a short arm lariat. War then submits him with the full nelson.

It was a longer War squash and wasn't that interesting. I'm not saying he should take offense but he never does and I feel like I've seen the same squash a million times by now.

WWF Event Center

The Mountie and Jimmy Hart do an inset promo. Mountie says when he came to the WWF, he told everyone he was the new law and order. He said Boss Man told him he would serve hard time. Mountie says if you don't know the rules, don't play the game. He says this is his jurisdiction and he always gets his man.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts does a promo. He says he wants to talk about motivation and asks what makes you want to go up and do something. He says revenge makes him want to move. He says when he gets hot inside, the fever burns and it's all over for you.

Vince runs down next week's show which has Bret Hart vs Haku and a Miss Elizabeth interview. Piper bothers Macho more about marrying Liz after.

Overall thoughts: There was nothing of interest wrestling wise here. The Natural Disasters had their debut Superstars match here. The whole show was about Piper and Vince constantly bugging Macho about proposing to Miss Elizabeth. It got old fast but they never really let up on it and it ended up taking over the show. There weren't any new storyline developments either. I wouldn't recommend this one at all and thought it was boring.

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