Tuesday, December 17, 2024

WWE NXT 12/17/2024

WWE NXT 12/17/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/12/wwe-nxt-12102024.html

We are in Lowell, MA. Vic Joseph and Booker T are on commentary.

Oba Femi vs Axiom

Oba throws him off the waistlock. Ax hits leg kicks. Ax hits chops. Ax tries to pull Oba over the top but he just kicks him. Ax goes for a springboard and is chopped in the back.

We go to break and return. Oba clubs on him. Ax has Oba's handprint on his back. Oba chops him. Oba dropkicks him off the buckles. Ax hits leg kicks then Oba flips him with a lariat for 2.

Oba yanks on Ax's arm and chops him down. Oba blocks a rolling armbar and chops Ax in the corner. Oba chops him down. Ax hits shots back then dropkicks him. Ax dropkicks him in the knee. Ax buzzsaw kicks him for 2.

Ax superkicks him in the face then hurricanrana's him for 2. Ax flying kicks him. AX hits a top rope dropkick. Ax is caught on a flying kick and thrown. Oba pop-up powerbombs him and wins.

Ax really didn't do much flying at all which is a shame. The match was realistic, made sense and was fine but I was hoping for something a little more spectacular. Oba turned into Gunther here as he did a chop heavy offense.

Eddy Thorpe is interviewed by Sarah. He says he's brilliant and fooled everyone. He says if anyone else did what he did, they'd say he was a mastermind. Ava comes in and said he took a shortcut. Eddy says how does it feel to take the blame for something you didn't do? He says it's work smarter and not harder. He says Ava can call him anything she wants but she will call him the new NXT champ tonight.

Dion Lennox and Karmen Petrovic talk in the back. KP says she doesn't know what to do. He says Ashante was trying to help during the match with Lyons and she should apologize. She hugs him, Ashante Adonis sees it and they argue. Stevie Turner and Mr. Stone are watching but then walk to the back. Ashante said he cut Lyons off but will text her now. Dion says he's going back to reading books and minding his own business.

Sol Ruca and Zaria vs Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson

Sol has a new hair style today which looks nice. JJ dropkicks Sol then hits mounted forearms. JJ is caught on a corner hip attack and is dropped on her chest. Sol surfs on her back then superkicks her for 2. Lash elbow drops Sol's back for 2.

Sol slingshot codebreakers her. Lash and Zar shoulder battle. Lash spinning slams her then misses a splash. Sol flying headscissors Lash. JJ is on Zaria's shoulders, Sol jumps off them onto Lash outside. JJ is then gorilla pressed by Zar onto Lash outside.

We go to break and return. Sol sunset flips Lash then rolls her up for 2. Lash forearms Sol. JJ double underhook suplexes Sol then cartwheel elbow drops her. JJ straightjacket chokes her.

Sol goes up and over JJ. Sol backrolls her for 2. Sol high kicks JJ. Zar is tagged in and lariats then pump kicks JJ. Zaria germans her. Zar spears her for 2. Zar and Lash fight for a suplex and Zar suplexes her over.

Sol springboard splashes Lash for 2. Sol facebusters JJ. Zar almost spears Sol then Sol takes a pump kick for Zar. Lash struggles to get Zar over the top. JJ topes Zar. Lash does an over the back torture rack drop and pins Sol.

Thoughts: They had a couple of rough moments which is a shame as this was better than I expected. Sol jumping off of JJ's back was a cool spot. I don't know if I've seen JJ ever do a dive before either. It's a shame as I wanted to give this one a good rating.

We see Dupont and Igwe talking after NXT last week. Igwe says he's tired of losing and doesn't want to be buddy buddy with people here anymore. Igwe says it's about checks and championships. Dupont doesn't want to be a sore loser or be disrespectful. Wes Lee chimes in. He says he doesn't see a problem and says it's cut throat. He says friends are overrated. Wes and Igwe then pound fists.

Jaida Parker vs Wren Sinclair

I don't like Wren's chances here. JP pushes her and Wren's takedown is blocked. Wren elbows her out of the corner. Wren is thrown into the buckles and JP springboards into a buttpress on her.

JP falcon arrows her for 2. JP hits a corner spear. JP puts her in a full nelson. JP pulls Wren's arms back and sits on her back. They trade chest forearms. JP slaps her and says, "let's go b!tch". Wren then hits chops and knocks her over. Wren bangs her head off the mat and hits a double underhook suplex on her.

OTM go up to NQCC outside and they fight. They go to the back. Wren rolls up JP for 2. JP spinning back elbows her then running hip attacks her for the win.

It was a decent match. JP was a little more heelish than usual. It was nice to see Wren fire up a little here.

Gigi, Shotzi and Tatum play with dolls in the back. Shotzi says she sees a lot of herself in them. Tatum says she doesn't have to play by herself anymore thanks to them. Gigi says they have to take care of Fatal Influence first. Gigi says Jacy is stronger when she has someone by her side. Tatum says she will rip their heads off like she does her dolls.

Fatal Influence talk and call them freaks. Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre come in. They laugh at them and Isla says she sees a lack of unity in Fatal Influence. Alba says she sees turmoil in them. Fatal Influence then walk away.

Axiom is all taped up in the back.

We get a package on NXT's history and the history of the NXT Women's title.  

NXT Tag Titles - Nathan Frazer and Axiom (c) vs Gallus (Mark Coffey and Wolfgang)

NF chops Mark and armdrags him. Mark backslides NF and Wolf knee drops NF in his face protector. Wolf foot chokes NF on the ropes. We see Stacks and Luca Crusifino watching in the back. Ax flying headscissors Mark. NF topes Mark and Ax topes Joe Coffey outside. Ax runs the ropes and falls over in exhaustion. Wolf hits a nice spear on Ax. Mark backdrops NF on the apron.

We go to break and return. Ax is catapulted into a back body drop. NF comes in and hits a running ssp. NF slingblades Mark then hits a top rope frogsplash for 2. Mark hits a big forearm on NF. NF takes a kick into a powerslam for 2. Wolf top rope swantons NF for 2.

Ax golden ration kicks NF on accident. Ax is catapulted and hits a canadian destroyer on Mark. NF poisonrana's Wolf. NF spinning enzugiri's Wolf. Wolf lariats NF. Wolf is stuck up top and Ax hits a spanish fly off the top on him. Ax dives on the other 2 Gallus members outside and NF hits a phoenix splash on Wolf to win.

Thoughts: The idea was good here. It would have gotten over better in front of the usual NXT crowd. This was fine and it worked but I thought maybe it could have been a little better.

Je'Von Evans, Hank and Tank talk in the back. Evans says they got a huge W last week. Evans says he sees them being NXT tag champs in 2025. Evans talks about the highlights of his year. Ethan Page walks through them and looks all down. 

Charlie Dempsey and Lexis King are in the back. Dempsey wants to do a deck of cards workout. We see them work out. Dempsey says he's impressed with him when they are done and agrees to a Heritage Cup Match with him.

Ethan Page comes out to talk. He days he deserves the boos and says he doesn't think anyone understands the journey he had to get here. He said he promised his daughter he would win the big one and he did. He said he became champ in record time. He says there is no Ethan Page without her. He says he did it but everytime he loses, his family loses. He says his daughter looks for a title that isn't there. He says he doesn't know if he loves this anymore and says he has lost his smile (ala Shawn Michaels).

Je'Von Evans comes out. He says Page has bragged about his accomplishments since coming. He said Page walked into NXT with a cocky attitude and ego. He says that's not really Page. He says he has seen the real Ethan Page. He says he saw Page tell his kids he loves them.

He says Page deserves to be here and the fans know it. He tells him to drop All Ego and show the real him. He says he's proud of him and says they are all proud of him. Page says he's right. He said he shouldn't be worried about losing his smile, he should be worried about taking Evan's smile. he then nails Evans and beats up on him. Page then pillmanizes Evans and says this is the real him. Evans then bleeds from the mouth as refs and trainers check on him.

Trick Williams is interviewed in the basement. He wishes Evans a speedy recovery. He says Eddy got what he wanted but so does trick. He said he was happy to win the NXT Title the first time. He says he will prove himself right that he is the man to carry the NXT brand. Oba Femi walks in. He wishes him luck. He says the winner of the match tonight faces him and he hopes Trick wins. He says he wants to take the NXT Title from him. Trick says he's looking forward to it.

We get a translated promo from Stephanie Vaquer. She says she worked a long time to get here. She says Cora arrived first. She says she got where she wanted and found her way. She says she will take Cora to meet hell next week. 

Vic says Santa will be on NXT next week.

NXT Title - Trick Williams (c) vs Eddy Thorpe

Trick side headlock takeovers him. Trick shoulders him over an Eddy goes out. Trick pushes Eddy into the commentary table then chops him outside. Eddy knees him in the gut and bangs Trick's head off the buckles. Trick pop-up uppercuts him. Trick barely hits a jumping side kick for 2.

Trick dropkicks him and crotches himself on the top rope. Trick is sent out and we go to break. We return. Eddy kicks him in the back for 2. Eddy cravates him. Eddy suplexes him for 2. They are supposed to collide in-air but miss each other. Trick hits bad shots and flying lariats him.

Trick flapjacks him. Trick hits a rock bottom for 2. Eddy hits a spin kick then germans him. Eddy elbow drops him for 2. They trade forearms. Eddy pele kicks him and neckbreakers him over the back.

Eddy blocks a flapjack and swings Trick into the ref. Eddy goes for the pin but the ref is down. Another ref comes in. Trick rolls Eddy up for 2. Eddy germans Trick then facekicks him. Eddy corner facekicks him then Trick hits a pumping knee. Trick is on top of Eddy but his shoulders are down. Both refs count the pin and both refs think a different person won. 

Ava comes out and the refs explain things to her as the show ends.

Thoughts: The match wasn't that good as expected. I'm not a big Eddy fan and Trick is still learning. There were a lot of missed shots here. I'm not real happy about the finish mainly because it means I'll have to see this one again.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show. Everything but the main was at least acceptable. There were a fair amount of missed shots and sloppy moments on this show though. The arena didn't have the best sound and I thought that hurt some of the heat. The main wasn't that great and we will likely also get a rematch of some sort that won't be that great either. I'd give this one a 6 out of 10 but I don't think you really need to see it.

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