Wednesday, December 18, 2024

NWA Powerrr 12/17/2024

NWA Powerrr 12/17/2024

Last week's show is here:

We get a video on the tag match tonight.

Joe Galli and Danny Dealz welcome us to the show. We still have the Halloween/Christmas theming.

NWA Women's Tag Titles - The IT Girls (Ella Envy and Miss Starr) (c) vs Caribbean Flow (La Rosa Negra and Ruthie Jay)

This is a rematch from a month ago when their match went to the draw. They didn't mention it.

Ella says Jay's costume is scary. Ella backs her up in the corner. Jay hits chops and back elbows. Jay boots her in the corner. Jay side headlocks her. Ella stomps her foot then shoulders her over. Jay kips up and step up enzugiri's her.

Starr goes out to stall then she gets armdragged. She then stalls more. Rosa chases Starr around the ring. Jay armdrags her then jumping double knees her. Starr takes a double flapjack. Rosa running forearms her. 

Rosa hits some shots to the head then backdrops her. Ella hits Rosa from behind then Starr chops Rosa. We go to break and return. Ella hits chest forearms on Rosa then running euros her in the corner. Ella corner hip attacks Rosa and stinkfaces her.

Starr snapmares Rosa over and hair throws her. Jay hits shots on Starr and dropkicks her. Jay corner pendulum double knees Starr in the corner. Jay is sent shoulder first into the post. Her head is then banged off the apron.

Starr headscissors Jay and bangs her head off the mat. Starr's neckbrace is off and she samoan drops Jay for 2. Ella stomps on her. Jay hits a stunner. Rosa gets in and hits lariats on Starr. Rosa northern lights suplexes her for 2. Rosa powerslams Starr.

Rosa goes up top and is pushed off the buckles. Starr ddt's Rosa and Ella gets the pin.

Starting a show off with a match with a bunch of stalling isn't a good way to do things. It didn't help that the actual work wasn't any good either. There were just a lot of shots that barely got hit. This also went longer than it needed to. 

NWA National Title - Mims (c) vs Burchill

This was started on 11/19 when Burchill just went up to Mims IIRC. They didn't show a video of it which they should have.

They roll on the ropes off the lock-up. Birch pounds on Mims in the corner then Mims knocks him over with a punch. Mims hits more punches. Birch beats him up outside and bangs his head off the apron. Birch kicks him in the back. Birch backdrops him.

Mims throws him out. Birch is sent into the steps. Birch trips him and goes for the crossface but Mims ropebreaks. Mims throws Birch out again. Birch's back is rammed into the apron and post. 

Mims chest clubs on Birch. We go to break and return. Birch fights out of a bearhug and they lariat battle. Mims lariats him over then Birch runs him over with a lariat. Blk Jeez distracts Birch and Mims belly to belly suplexes Birch.

Jeez throws a chair in then hits Birch with a metal plate. Mims spears Birch for 2. Mims backdrops him for the win.

Thoughts: I wasn't that interested in this one. It had a slower pace to it and a lot of brawling. There weren't a lot of highlights on this one. Birch took a hard bump on the belly to belly suplex.

Kenzie Paige is interviewed. She isn't happy to see May. She says it's a struggle day in and day out to be a champion but still manages to be the greatest women's wrestler in the world. She says the proof is in the pretty and shows her title. She says Tiffany Nieves isn't on her level and they aren't in the same league.

The claw is banned - "Magic" Jake Dumas and Zyon vs Jax Dane and Baron Von Storm

This started on 10/29. Jake backs away from Jax to start. Zy hits a boot and a throat thrust on Jax. Jax belly to belly suplexes him then samoan drops him. Jax suplexes him in. Jax hits a corner splash then belly to belly suplexes him. Jake takes a double shoulderblock.

Jax headbutts Jake in the chest. Baron corner splashes Jake then slams him. Jax hits corner spears on Jake. Storm then does the same.  Storm tries to claw Jake but Jax tags himself in. Zy pull Jax down outside and sends him into the post. Zy stomps on Jax. Zy fist drops him and chokes him on the bottom rope.

Jax takes a double suplex for 2. Jake ddt's Jax. Jake misses a top rope moonsault. Jax hits a double suplex on his opponents. Storm gets in. He hits lariats and back elbows on his opponents. Jake and Zy's head sare banged together. Storm neckbreakers Jake for 2.

Storm wants to put the claw on. Storm atomic drops Zy out. Storm is distracted by Jake. Jax lariats Jake and Storm picks up the win.

Storm then puts the claw on Jake after.

It was average. Storm's team had good offense here. Storm's a heel or at least comes across as one and it basically made this a heel vs heel match.

Overall thoughts: If you don't watch the show regularly, this would be really hard to follow because so many things were built up close to a month ago and didn't get to play out until this show. It makes it hard to follow and care. The show wasn't anything special. Everything was average here and nothing was must see. I wouldn't recommend this one and would just give it a 5 out of 10.

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