Tuesday, December 10, 2024

WWE NXT 12/10/2024

WWE NXT 12/10/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/12/wwe-nxt-1232024.html

Vic Joseph and Booker T are on commentary.

Giulia comes out. She says she's the Iron Survivor and will beat Roxanne Perez to become the women's champ. Roxanne Perez comes out. She says she thought Sol was the MVP of the match. She said Zaria and Steph didn't lose, they just ran out of time. Perez says Giulia is not on her level.

Perez talks more and Giulia says they should do this right now. Cora Jade comes out. She says Giulia won't make it to New Year's Evil because of them. Cora says Steph Vaquer won't save her and we see Steph down and injured in the back Cora hits Giulia with a kendo stick. Giulia is beaten up by both. Kelani Jordan comes out and saves Giulia.

We see some wrestlers watching Ethan Page's post-match video from the PLE. Tony D'Angelo goes out to Ethan Page and tells him to get over losing. Tony says he blew it but he has a soft spot for him. He offers him a North American Title match. Page says he carried the brand on his back when he was champ. He says the North American Title is a step down for him. Tony says it's fine if he doesn't want the match and he'll open it to everyone. Page then says he'll take the match when everyone is interested and says he needs it. Tony then agrees.

Thoughts: I didn't like this segment. Even if Page changed his mind, I don't like the idea of people saying titles are a step down or basically meaningless. I'm also not a fan of title shots being handed out and not earned.

Lexis King and Charlie Dempsey talk. King says he found out he's a man of integrity. He says he wants another shot at the Heritage Cup. Dempsey says he'll thank about it and he said that's all he can ask for. Borne, Tavion and Wren come up to Dempsey. Dempsey says he's proud of them and puts them over.

OTM walk in and said they told them to bring the titles home. Jaida and Wren argue. Jaida threatens her and we cut away.

Je'Von Evans vs Wes Lee

They trade slaps to start. Evans flurries him on the ropes. Wes then hits a punch combo. Evans topes Wes. Evans springboards into a Wes dropkick. Wes hits corner spears. Evans is thrown into the rails outside. Evans forearms Wes off the apron and plancha's him. Wes is thrown into the rails.  

Evans does a seated springboard headscissors and dropkicks him. Wes tope con hilos him. We go to break and return. Evans superkicks Wes off a missed top rope move. Evans hits punches then lariats him. Evans corkscrew kicks him off the ropes. Evans springboard flying lariats him for 2.

Wes grabs the ref to avoid a sunset flip. Evans superman punches him then spinning forearms him. Wes superkicks him. Evans takes a hurricanrana. Evan hits a standing spanish fly. Evans tiger drivers him for 2.

Evans goes to springboard. Wes knocks him off the ropes and tries to pin him with his feet on the ropes but is caught. Wes hits a ddt on him then does a cardiac kick for 2.  Evans superkicks him. Evans hits a double jump tornillo and pins Wes.

It was a flippy match here with lots of flying. They didn't overdo it but yeah, it was a moves based match.

Fraxiom talk in the back. They say at least they are still tag champs. Ax says Frazer competed twice at Deadline. Frazer says they aren't champs without him. Ax says Frazer did great out there. Ax is frustrated by Oba being in the match. Ax says he will do anything for Frazer. Frazer says he needs to make this right and will handle it.

We get a Josh Briggs video. He talks about competing in Japan. He said Yoshiki Inamura impressed him there. Inamura says Briggs fits the Japanese style and is like Stan Hansen. He says Briggs has a crazy side in the ring. Briggs says Inamura is a grown man and he isn't dealing with immaturity like before. He says there's a language barrier. Inamura says he jumped at the chance to be with Briggs and says he knew they could do things in the tag division. Briggs says there won't be a tag division after they are done with it. Inamura says they are ready to create chaos in NXT.

Giulia and Kelani are interviewed. Sarah Schreiber asks if they have any info on Vaquer. Kelani says Vaquer is banged up but will be okay. Kelani says she's tired of Perez and Cora thinking they run NXT. Kelani says she will put her resume up against Cora any day.

Zaria and Sol Ruca talk in the back. Sol said she had fun in the Iron Survivor match. Zaria said she never felt anything like that and felt alive. Sol said she felt the opposite in the penalty box. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson come in. Lash says she could have told them they wouldn't win. Jakara says they would have won if they were in it. Lash tells Zaria she's not her and can't hang with her. Sol says Lash can't hang with Zaria. Jakara asks why she's sticking up for Sol.

Hank Walker and Tank Ledger vs Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe

Tank and Dupont shoulder battle. Tank is knocked over. Tank atomic drops him then 2nd rope flying shoulders him. Hank legdrops Dupont for 2. Hank takes a double shoulderblock. Igwe dropkicks Hank. Igwe takes corner attacks then a bulldog from Hank. Igwe takes a sandwich bodyblock.

Igwe corner splashes Tank then spinning backdrops him. Dupont splashes Tank for 2. Dupont running euros Tank. Dupont corner splashes Tank for 2. Igwe chinlocks Tank. Hank saves Tank from going into the buckles and Tank bounces off of him and hits a lariat.

Hank hits double sledgehammer shots on Igwe. Hank misses a corner charge then hits a corner splash on Dupont. Hank lariats Dupont Hank then crossbodies Igwe off the steps. Hank hits a black hole slam on Dupont. Dupont takes a double team powerslam and is pinned.

It was a good tag as expected. The guys moved well despite their size and Dupont showed off his agility well. They kept up a nice pace here. We saw this on Level Up before and it was good so it was no surprise that this was good too.

Dupont shakes hands with his opponents but Igwe walks out and refuses to.

Oba Femi comes out to talk. He says the ruler is back. He says he destroyed the opposition and is now the Iron Survivor. He says he become the ruler of NXT at New Year's Evil. He says him and Trick haven't crossed paths yet.

Trick Williams comes out. They stare down. Eddy Thorpe then comes out. Eddy says this isn't happening now. He accuses Oba of attacking him and taking his place in the Iron Survivor. Eddy says he won't stand for this. Oba says he is making bold accusations.

Oba asks if Eddy saw him attacking him. Eddy says no as he got hit from behind. He said he has never been hit with so much power and the only person who has that much power is him. Trick says he has been where Oba has and says everyone has been waiting to see them go head to head.

Trick says the legacy of a title isn't defined by how long you carry it, but who you defeat while carrying it. Oba says Trick has only been the #1 guy here because he let him. Oba says he knew when he was ready, he would take the title. He says they have a date with destiny. He says the beginning of 2025 will be the end of Trick's era.

Eddy says Trick didn't press Oba once about what he did to him despite being a leader. Eddy says he thought Trick would give him a title match for the injustice that happened to him. He said he used to see Trick as a man of the people. He says when it's time to check under the hood though is just a manufactured sports entertainer. He says Trick wouldn't last 2 weeks in the Japanese dojo's he came up in.

He says Trick went to an Eagle's training camp and walked into a WWE tryout. Trick said he had the same doubters with Melo and Ilja. He says if Eddy thinks he can take his title, he has no problem whooping him and proving he is what he says he is. He says let's find out next week and tells Ava to set it up. He then drops Eddy with a punch.

Fatal Influence talk in the back. Jacy talks about Gigi being obsessed with her. Fallon says she is eying her title.

Gigi and Tatum talk in the back. Gigi says there's 2 of them and 3 of Fatal Influence. Izzi Dame says she's not done with Gigi. Shawn Spears' crew comes in and Gigi leaves. Shawn tries to recruit Izzi. Izzi says she doesn't need her approval and knows how impressive she is.

Gigi Dolin and Tatum Paxley vs Fatal Influence (Jasmyn Nyx and Jacy Jayne)

Jacy bangs Tatum's head off the buckles. Tatum escapes a 2v1 and yanks on Nyx's arm. Gigi brazilian kicks Nyx and Tatum elbow drops Nyx's back. Gigi hiptosses Nyx then dropkicks her. Gigi basemnet dropkicks Nyx on the bottom rope. Gigi is thrown into the post.Jacy hits mounted forearms on Gigi.

Jacy hits a kick on Gigi. Nyx foot chokes Gigi. Gigi takes kicks from both opponents. Jacy totally misses a senton, not even coming close. Tatum is tagged in. She forearms and lariats Jacy over. She then lariats Nyx. Tatum double underhook suplexes Jacy. Tatum splashes both opponents in the corner.

Tatum does an unsuual twisting drop from the rack position on Jacy. Fallon Henley pushes Tatum off the buckles. Jacy spinning forearms Jacy and wins.

Thoughts: It was a shorter one with a dirty finish. It was just average and not too much of note happened here.

Tatum takes a 3v1 after. Gigi tries to save her but Gigi and Tatum get beaten up. Shotzi then returns and helps them out. The ropes are held open for a Shotzi dive and Fatal Influence are down.

Fraxiom talk in the back. Ax says he talked to Ava and got a 1v1 match with Oba Femi next week. Ax says he won't stand for what Oba did to Frazer. Frazer says he got them a tag title match...next week. Frazer tells him he can pull off 2 matches next week and asks how bad it can be. Ax asks if he has seen his face? 

NXT North American Title Match - Tony D'Angelo (c) vs Ethan Page

They lock up. Tony headlock takeovers him twice. Page headscissors him. Tony does it again. Page slams Tony. Tony flying forearms him then slams him. Tony lariats Page over the top and goes with him.

We go to PiP break and return. Tony drops Page's face on his knee and knee lifts him. Page 2nd rope diving shoulders Tony for 2. Page powerslams Tony for 2. Tony backdrops him.

They trade shots. Tony hits 2 belly to belly suplexes him.  Page hits him then high kicks him. Tony hits a big spear on Page for 2. Page cradles him for 2 then facekicks him for 2.

Tonr corner lariats him. They fight on the buckles. Page kicks him from the buckles then hits a twist of fate for 2. Tony spinebusters Page and wins.

Thoughts: It was a very fast-paced match. They didn't get a ton of time but there was not a boring moment here and it was the fastest I've seen either guy work. I didn't have high hopes for this but it was a lot better than I expected.

Lexis King talks to Ryan Leaf, a former NFL player. He puts him over. Ryan says King is the inspiration. Ryan says everyone gets to see him turn things around and can make a hell of an ending. Charlie Dempsey comes in. He says he will give him another Heritage Cup match in 2 weeks but he has to make it through a workout with him.

Ethan Page is in the parking lot. He says he knows he is better than this but has lost his way. He says he is All Ego but he doesn't think he is. He says he doesn't think he's good enough and is lost and ashamed. Page then walks to his car in his in-ring gear.

Giulia and Kelani Jordan vs Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade

G = Giulia, KJ = Kelani Jordan

The fight starts in the entrance way. The heels are thrown in. The faces counter a double team and send he heels into each other. The faces then hit stereo dropkicks on them. KJ then slingshot tornillo's out onto the heels.

KJ low crossbodies Perez for 2 as the match finally starts. KJ wristlocks her. G blocks a back roll into a headscissors and is crucifixed. G twists Perez's hair. Perez stomps on G in the corner.

G backrolls Cora. Cora runs into a G facekick. KJ tiger feint armdrags Cora and does normal armdrags on Perez. KJ dropkicks Perez. KJ handspring back elbows Perez in the corner. 

We go to PiP break and return. KJ hits shots on Perez. Perez euros her out. Perez topes her outside. Cora back elbows KJ on the ropes. Cora and KJ trade. Cora tries to do a step up knee on KJ in the corner but is thrown over the top. G gets in and forearms over Perez. G hammerlock overhead suplexes Perez for 2.

Perez spin kicks her and they trade forearms. G backdrops Perez. G hits a glorious driver on Perez then KJ top rope frogsplashes Perez for 2. Perez cradles KJ and basement dropkicks her. KJ spinning heel kicks Cora.

KJ slingshot plancha's Cora outside. Perez spin kicks KJ and code red's her on the floor. G dropkicks Perez from the apron then pounds on her. Cora double underhook ddt's KJ and pins her.

Thoughts: It was a decent main here with good work from the girls. I had no issues with it.

Stephanie Vaquer's music hits after. Steph drops her with forearms and headbutts her. Steph breaks Cora's stick and chases her into the stands. 

We got to the back. Eddy is signing the contract for the title match with Ava. Ava says they are still looking into who attacked him. Eddy says he knows who attacked him - and says it's him. He said he got his title match and didn't have to go through 20 men to get it.

Overall thoughts: I thought they did a good job here. The in-ring work was good and they got me interested in New Years Evil. I didn't like Page disrespecting the North American Title. I'm still not real high on the King and Page storylines. Eddy Thorpe faking an attack was a twist I didn't expect, but he's not a character I'm interested in. I would give this one a 7 out of 10 and thought it was a good show.

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