All Japan Pro Wrestling 12/8/2024 Real World Tag League 2024 Day 11
Day 10 is here:
They appear to have a sell out for this one which is not something you see a lot these days.
Real World Tag League 2024 Semi Final Match - Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Kento Miyahara vs. Rising HAYATO & Yuma Anzai
Rising and Ken start us off. Ken wristlocks him. Rising rolls and headflips through then chops him. Rising flying headscissors him out. Davey and Yuma go at it. They trade forearms. Davey headbutts him then slams him. Yuma hits forearms then dropkicks him.
Rising jumps off Yuma's back to dropkick Davey in the corner. Davey throws Rising off the top and Ken throws Rising out. Ken headbutts Rising outside and sends him into the rails. Davey slams Rising. Rising gets his legs split.
Davey double underhook suplexes Rising for 2. Rising dropkicks Davey in the knee. Yuma comes in and belly to belly suplexes Davey for 2. Yuma dropkicks Davey. Davey ddt's Yuma.
Ken comes in. He dropkicks Yuma in the knee and takes a belly to belly suplex. Ken hits shots on both opponents then takes a superkick + jumping knee combo for 2. Yuma is whipped into a Davey powerslam. Rising then takes a Davey powerslam.
Ken pumping knees Yuma in the corner. Yuma then takes a 2nd rope Davey powerslam. Yuma flying knees Ken for 2. rising springboard dropkicks Yuma on accident. Davey lariats Rising. Davey backdrops Yuma. Yuma no sells it and flying knees him from behind. Ken flying pumping knees Yuma then straightjacket germans Yuma for the win.
Thoughts: It wasn't the great match it should have been because these guys had to wrestle again on this show. What we got was okay but only just a taste. Yuma took a hard backdrop on his head here.
Real World Tag League 2024 Semi Final Match - Ren Ayabe & Ryuki Honda vs. Saito Brothers (Jun Saito & Rei Saito)
Jun and Honda shoulder battle to start. They trade forearms. Honda shoulders him over. Honda kneels on Jun on the ropes then does the same to Rei. He counts along with the ref and throws the ref down. Jun shoulders Honda over then Rei does the same. Jun foot chokes Honda.
Honda hits a lariat and Jun suplexes him for 2. Honda spinebusters Jun. Ren is tagged in. Ren hits forearms on Jun then flying neckbreakers him. Ren corner facekicks Jun for 2. Jun spears Ren. Rei comes in and slams Ren then splashes him for 2. Ren boots Rei out of the corner and dropkicks him. Rei takes corner attacks with a lariat and a facekick or 2. Ren then takes a corner lariat and a shoulder from Jun for 2. Ren hits a nice dropkick on Rei then suplexes him for 2.
Honda hits his one arm powerbomb on Jun while Ren goes for a submission on Ren. Ren does a stretch plum + hammerlock combo on Rei. Rei ropebreaks.
Honda hits lariats on Jun then germans him. Jun spears Honda. Ren hits a double neckbreaker on his opponents. Rei slaps Ren then headbutts him. Rei hits a powerbomb on Ren and grabs the win.
Thoughts: Like the opener, it didn't quite get the time it needed to be good. They did pack it with action though and made it entertaining.
Daisuke Sekimoto, Kengo Mashimo & Ryo Inoue vs. Dan Tamura, Shotaro Ashino & Taishin Nagao
Ryo and Nagao start us off. Nagao wristlocks him. Ryo side headlocks him and takes him over. Nagao headscissors him. Ryo running facekicks Nagao then Nagao hits a dropkick on him. Sho and Kengo get in. Sho catches Kengo's kick with an ankle lock and they stand off. Sek and Dan go at it. Dan side headlocks him.
They chest club each other and trade shots. Sek suplexes him then Dan lariats him over. Nagao gets back in and dropkicks Sek multiple times. Nagao eventually knocks him over on like the 4th one. Nagao hits chest clubs on Kengo then Kengo gamengiri's him.
Sho and Kengo trade and Kengo superkicks him. Sho hits a release german. Dan running shoulders Ryo over. Sek takes a double shot to the head and Nagao top rope dropkicks him for 2. Nagao rolls up Sek for 2. Sek deadlift suplexes him then low crossbodies him for 2. Sek crabs him and Nagao taps out.
Thoughts: It was another shorter one here. Nagao lost as expected. It was an okay midcard match with them moving fast and trading some good shots.
Makoto Oishi, Mike D Vecchio & Senor Saito vs. Kuroshio TOKYO Japan, MUSASHI & Seiki Yoshioka
Jiro has his overly long entrance as usual. His partners veentually force him into the ring. Jiro's opponents attack before the bell. Mike does a nice top con hilo outside. Mike chops Jiro over. Mike gorilla presses him then standing moonsualts him. Mike then slams Jiro and gorilla press drops Oishi onto him.
Senor beats up on Jiro and headbutt drops him in the crotch. Oishi punches Jiro. Oishi tries to spit at him but Jiro blocks it with his jacket. Jiro then jacket punches him. Oishi takes a double basement droopkick.
Jiro's partners pick him up and battering ram him into his opponents. They miss when they do it to Senor though and Jiro goes into the buckles. Senor trades with Seiki and falls down, icking im in the nuts. Mike springboard lariats Musashi. Musashi hits kicks on him. Mike does a double fallaway slam on Seiki and Jiro at the same time.
Mike jumps up to the top rope and superplexes Musashi. Mike runs the ropes fast and lariats Musashi over for 2. Seiki asai moonsaults onto Senor and Oishi outside. Jiro superkicks Mike. Mike takes a double superkick. Mike gorilla presses Oishi onto everyone outside.
Mike slams Seiki. Mike top rope ssp's Seiki for the win. Mike gets a nice pop as he says goodbye to the crowd.
Thoughts: It was an entertaining and half-serious tag here. They had some fun with it and Mike got to show off some of his offense. This is Mike's last Japan match for now and AJPW is insane if they don't sign Mike to a long deal. This didn't go too long but it was enough.
Atsuki Aoyagi comes out to talk and I assume he announces his return.
Hokuto-gun (Cyrus, Hartley Jackson, Hokuto Omori, Jack Kennedy & Kuma Arashi) vs. Baka No Jidai (Fuminori Abe, Hideki Suzuki, Hikaru Sato, Suwama & Yuma Aoyagi)
Daisuke Sekimoto is out here though I don't know why. Everyone fights to start and ends up going outside to fight. They get back in. Suwama's team tries a triple powerbomb spot and gets triple bakdropped instead. Omori and Yuma trade shots in the ring. Abe slaps Omori. Abe punches Yuma on accident. Yuma gets stomped on by all 5 opponents.
Jack fallaway slams Yuma. Cyrus legdrops Yuma. We get a tower of doom spot on Omori. Yuma hits a to prope double dropkick. Omori takes corner attacks then Omori cutters Yuma. Suwama's team is all stacked in the corner and takes corner attacks together. Cy then corner splashes Yuma. Kuma 2nd rope sentons Yuma for 2. Kuma crossbodies Yuma for 2. Yuma escapes a dominator from Kuma and does a guillotine + hammerlock to him. Yuma's partners then all go for submissions together. Yuma's team then gets the submission win together.
Thoughts: It was another shorter tag that wasn't super serious. It was entertaining in a comedic way. It wasn't anything great though and just seemed to be a way to get people on the card.
Yuma gets on the mic after and seems to challenge for Omori's 6-man tag title.
GAORA TV Title Match - Seigo Tachibana (c) vs. Yuko Miyamoto
This is a nice spot on the card for Seigo that he doesn't get to be in very often.
Yuko takes down Seigo and they roll around on the mat. Yuko locks up Seigo's leg. Seigo backs up Yuko on the ropes. Yuko side headlocks him. Yuko shoulders him over then Seigo dropkicks him out. Seigo superkicks him from the apron. Seigo is thrown into the rails. Yuko cranks on Seigo's head and headscissors him.
Yuko sleepers him then Seigo backdrops him. Seigo atomic drops him then facekicks him. Seigo tope con hilos him outside. Yuko belly to belly suplexes him. Yuko lariats him then hits a standing moonsault double knee.
Yuko abdominal stretches Seigo and Seigo ropebreaks. Seigo rolls through a slingshot sunset flip and is rolled up for 2. Seigo alabama slams him then spears him. Yuko spinning heel kicks him. They trade forearms. Yuko hurricanrana's him for 2. Yuko goes up top and is crotched there. Seigo hits a 2nd rope olympic slam on Yuko. Seigo then b-drivers him for 2.
Yuko rolls up Seigo for 2. Yuko handspring backflip kicks him and germans him. Yuko meteora's him in the corner. Seigo forearm combos him and elbows him on the neck for 2. Yuko powerbombs him for 2. Yuko hits a fire thunder driver on Seigo. Yuko hits a top rope moonsault and wins.
Thoughts: It was an average match. I thought it was too slow and not exciting enough. I just didn't think they got the idea of this one right and didn't get the best of either guy in this. I assume this win was a gift for Yuko working so much AJPW lately.
Real World Tag League 2024 Final Match - Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Kento Miyahara vs. Saito Brothers (Jun Saito & Rei Saito)
Davey and Jun go at it. Jun boots him in the gut and gets on him as he bridges. Davey hits forearms and a northern lights suplex. He then gets up and stares down with Jun. Ken and Rei go at it. Ken cleanbreaks him. Rei side headlocks him. Ken facekicks Rei then Rei shoulders him over. They go outside to fight. Ken is thrown into the rails. Rei headbutts him outside. Jun chops and chokes Davey. Rei then foot chokes Ken outside. Davey hits boots on Jun then Rei shoulderblocks Ken against the post.
Jun throws Davey into the rails. They get back in. Ken tries to fight off a double team in the corner. Jun foot chokes Ken. Jun stomps on Ken then slams him for 2. Rei slams Ken. Jun shoulders over Ken for 2. Rei stands on Ken's gut.
Rei machine gun chops Ken in the corner. Rei corner splashes him for 2. Davey corner lariats Rei then gets on the 2nd rope and ddt's him down. Davey slams and legdrops Rei for 2. Davey headbutts Rei then Rei slams him.
Jun corner facekicks Davey then shoulders him over. Jun elbow drops Davey for 2. Davey suplexes Jun. ken gets in and facekicks Jun. Ken dropkicks Jun in the knee and the side of the head. Jun hits a double lariat.
Rei corner lariats Ken and Ken takes a double hiptoss for 2. Ken and Davey double backdrop Rei. Davey then superplexes Jun. Ken pump kicks Jun on the ropes and Jun chokeslams Ken for 2. Davey headbutts Jun and Rei then takes a double shoulderblock.
Jun spears Ken for 2. Jun jackhammers him for 2. Jun spinning lariats Ken. Ken no sells it then takes a running knee. Ken flying pumping knees Jun. Davey and Rei trade then Davey backdrops Rei. Rei crossbodies Davey. Ken flying pumping knees Jun then Davey backdrops Jun. Ken pumping knees Jun for 2.
Rei slaps Ken then hits another big slap. Ken tries to straightjacket german Jun but he can't. Rei shotei's Ken then Jun chokeslams Ken and wins.
Thoughts: They tried but Saito matches really only get to a certain level of quality and don't get further. I would have had The Saito's work over Ken then had Davey hot tag in and take control then go to the finishing stretch from there. I thought they put out a good effort and did try but it just wasn't great.
The Saito's are given trophies and a sponsor prize after. Davey leaves hen comes back out.
Jun challenges Davey for the Triple Crown in Yoyogi. Davey asks the fans if they want to see it. Davey says if the fans say yes then he says yes. They then shake hands on it. Davey shakes Rei's hand after.
The Saito's talk more. Oishi comes down and gives them snacks. They then eat and drink beer.
RWTL overall thoughts: It was not as good as last years at all. There was a lot of comedy and we just didn't get the great main events on various shows that we should have. I really disappointed by Daisuke Sekimoto who was not even at his half best.
Overall thoughts: It was a good show from AJPW. The non-tournament matches weren't super serious but were entertaining. Seigo/Yuko didn't quite impress though like it should have and was the only match I didn't care much for here. The teams tried in the main but the talent just wasn't there for a classic. I'd give this one a 6 out of 10.
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