Saturday, December 21, 2024

WWE Main Event 12/4/2024

WWE Main Event 12/4/2024

Last week's show is here:

Isla Dawn vs Natalya

Isla backs her up in the corner. They shove each other. Nat rolls her up for 2 then takes a knee to the gut. Isla throws her down backwards and kicks her in the gut. Nat hits lariats on Isla.

Nat baseball slides Isla outside. Nat goes head first into the buckles. Isla stomps and foot chokes her. Isla meteora's her for 2. Isla chinlocks her. Nat throws her off and takes a running boot.

Nat slaps her and they trade shots. Nat spinning lariats her. Nat hits a corner spear and rolling snapmares her. Isla turns it into a pin attempt for 2. Nat tries a pin. Nat snap suplexes her then they trade pins again.

Isla rolls her up for 2. Nat rolls her up and sharpshooters her. Isla then taps out.

Thoughts: It was pretty average and not much of note. They did little but the basics here and really took it easy in this one.

The LWO (Cruz del Toro and Joaquin Wilde) vs American Made (Brutus and Julius Creed)

BC = Brutus Creed, JC = Julius Creed

They say The Creed's have been on the roster for one year now. JC should be where Bron is now and both Creed's have been totally wasted. Wilde and JC go on the mat. JC rolls him around and paintbrush slaps him. Wilde spinning headscissors out of a wristlock. Wilde headlock takeovers him.

JC suplex lifts him from his knees. Wilde escapes and jawbreakers him. JC takes a double back elbow. Wilde is hiptossed into the ropes and splashes JC. Cruz asai moonsaults JC for 2.

BC hits forearms on Cruz. Cruz spin kicks him in the gut. Cruz cartwheel enzugiri's BC while he sits on top. Cruz springboard hurricanrana's BC. Wilde flying headscissors Jc then BC is lariated over the top. The LWO tease stereo drives.

We go to break and return. JC larits Wilde. JC northern lights suplexes him. BC pounds on Cruz. JC suplexes Wilde then gutwrenches BC on him. Cruz jawbreakers BC. BC gutwrench throws Cruz. BC goes shoulder first into the post when Cruz moves. Wilde flying forearms BC then facebusters JC. Wilde spinning ddt's BC. Wilde ddt's JC out of a powerbomb attempt. Wilde tope con hilos BC. Cruz then does a fosbury flop out. Wilde splashes BC off the buckles for 2 and takes a german from JC.

Cruz flying enzugiri's JC. JC walks up the steps with Wilde in the suplex position and throws him in. Wilde takes a powerbomb + brutusball combo. Wilde i then pinned.

Thoughts: It was a decent midcard match here. We got some dives and Julius had fun lifting The LWO multiple times. They made the most of this that they could had a did a good job here.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches as usual. The women's match wasn't much. The tag match a decent match with The LWO doing dives and Julius overpowering them. It wasn't must see but it was an okay way to spend 15 minutes. You don't really need to see this though.

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