WWE Main Event 12/11/2024
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/12/wwe-main-event-1242024.html
Otis vs Pete Dunne
Otis shakes his legs and Pete running forearms him. Pete side headlocks him and Otis shoulders him over. Pete grabs his arm and Otis lariats him in the back of the head. Otis runs at him and hits him in the head with his ribs.
Otis headbutts him and charges into the post when Pete moves. Pete twists Otis' fingers then stomps his arm into the mat. Otis kneels on one arm and then stomps the other arm into the mat.
Oits no sells a bunch of punches and short arm clothesline him. Otis pop-up drops him. Pete runs up the buckles and flips over him. Otis spinning back elbows him. Otis does the caterpillar and Pete stomps his hands into the mat. Pete 2nd rope diving enzugiri's him.
Pete grabs Tozawa outside and ends up ripping off his shirt. Otis flying cannonballs him and gets the pin.
Thoughts: It only went 4:30 or so. It was short and what you would expect with Pete working the arm and fingers and Otis using his size to get the win. It was fine.
Ludwig Kaiser vs Dragon Lee
Kaiser stalls on the apron to start. He turns his back to him outide and gets tope'd for it. Lee enzugiri's him from the apron and top rope diving crossbodies him. Kaiser chops him down.
Lee flying headscissors him. Kaiser dropkicks his knee, sending him into the 2nd buckle. Lee hangs over the 2nd rope and gets dropkicked. We go to break and return. Kaiser has a kimura on him. Kaiser drops his arm on the top rope. Kaiser armwhips him down.
Lee rebound germans him. Lee step up enzugiri's Kaiser. Lee flying forearms him. Lee hits combinacion cabron in the corner then corner dropkicks him for 2. Kaiser sends him into the corner then rolling death valley drivers him for 2.
They go up top. Kaiser hangs from the top and takes a top rope double footstomp. Kaiser blocks destino then armlocks him while sitting on his back. Lee does a standing octopus on Kaiser. Kaiser hits a spinning ddt bladerunner style and wins.
Thoughts: They didn't have a ton of time for this one. Kaiser worked the arm some here. Le did his flying offense as usual. It was average for the most part and not that great or memorable.
Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches as usual here. Together, they lasted about 15 minutes total. I liked Otis/Dune than Kaiser/Lee. Both were shorter though and neither were great. You don't need to see this one.
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