Saturday, December 21, 2024

AEW Rampage 12/20/2024

AEW Rampage 12/20/2024

Last week's show is here:

This is the next to the last edition of the show as it ends next week. This is running against ROH Final Battle 2024.

Tony Schiavone interviews The Don Callis Family. Don is wearing a red hat. Don says his crew are the true one-percenters. He says they prove it every week. He puts over his men. Kyle says Saturday wasn't a good day and says the ref was biased. He says the people in AEW don't want to see him succeed. He says he will be the winner of the 2024 Continental Classic.

He says he couldn't care less of Garcia's feelings. He says he's the hottest young prospect in the industry and will be the future of this place. Don says they aren't like the fans or Mark Davis and Hobbs who are scab workers. He says Hobbs is not in the same business as Takeshita and will find out at World's End.

Mark Davis & Powerhouse Hobbs vs. The Don Callis Family (Brian Cage & Konosuke Takeshita)

KT and Hobbs stare down and trade forearms. Hobbs goes for a move and KT slides out. Cage and Hobbs lariat battle. Hobbs bodyblocks him. Cage takes a double shoulderblock. Mark chops up Cage then slams him. Mark elbow drops him for 2.

KT saves Cage from a suplex and forearms Mark out. Hobbs takes a pumping knee + russian legsweep combo for 2. Cage hits mounted forearms on Hobbs. Cage boots Hobbs in the corner. KT hits shots on Hobbs in the corner. Hobbs takes a double suplex for 2.

Cage and Hobbs trade forearms. Hobbs exploders Cage. Mark hits punches on Cage and back body drops him. Mark goes for the senton and Cage gets his knees up. Mark takes a blue thunder from KT for 2. 

We go to PiP break and return. Cage poses. Cage hits a jumping knee and Mark back body drops him. Hobbs lariats KT over then corner splashes KT. Hobbs splashes both opponents in the same corner. Hobbs powerslams Cage and KT. KT spinning forearms Hobbs. Hobbs spinebusters KT for 2.

KT corner facekicks Hobbs. Cage germans Hobbs. Cage does a pumphandle sitout slam on Hobbs for 2. Hobbs hits a double lariat then the four fight. Hobbs powerslams Cage. KT forearms Hobbs then takes a german from Mark. Cage F-5's Mark. Cage and Hobbs go out on a lariat over the top. All four men are down.

Mark enzugiri's KT then sliding d's him in the corner. KT and Mark double lariat each other. KT pumping knees him then hits a raging fire and wins.

It was a good match with some of the bigger guys of AEW. It was hard hitting and stiff. Hobbs should have never taken that sitout pumphandle slam and Kt took a rough looking german.

Renee interviews Willow Nightingale. She's excited about Wrestle Dynasty. Kris Statlander walks in. She says good luck at The Tokyo Dome and says there's a lot she should say. Willow doesn't know what to make of it.

Action Andretti & Lio Rush vs. Goldy & Myles Hawkins

Lio handspring kicks Goldy off the apron to start. Myles then takes one from AA. Lio and AA then hit topes outside. Myles tries to fight off both. Lio lariats Goldy then Lio bottom rope seated stunners an opponent. AA hits a torture rack neckbreaker on Myles. Lio pins Myles.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash as expected. AA and Lio were more aggressive here than usual.

Private Party get on the ramp after and dance then hold up their tights. AA and Lio hit PP from behind then Top Flight's music hits. Darius and Dante stare down AA and Lio.

Harley Cameron is interviewed by Renee. She sees Penelope Ford talk. Ford says they have a lot in common. Harley asks how much her chest costs. Ford says her winning record hasn't been good like hers. She tells her to watch her back and she will watch hers. Harley asks what's on her back and says, "feel the wrath of Harley Cameron". Renee says she was nice to you and Harley says, "don't feel the wrath of Harley Cameron". Yeah, this was as random as it seemed.

Willow Nightingale vs. Harley Cameron

They lock up and Will pushes her over. Will backdrops her and low crossbodies her for 2. Will hits corner lariats then slams her. We go to PiP break, full break then return.

Will misses a corner cannonball. HC hits knees and step up enzugiri's her. HC leg lariats her for 2. Will hits a death valley driver on HC for 2. Will hits a doctor bomb and pins her.

Thoughts: It was short and mostly one-sided as expected. It was little more than time filler here.

Penelope Ford attacks Willow from behind. Her and HC then beat up on Willow together. Kris Statlander runs out, tries to hold her shirt up and saves Willow.

We get a video on Thunder Rosa vs Mariah May.

We get a video on Jeff Jarrett. He says he's bringing a gameplan for 2025 next week.

Continental Classic 2024 Gold League Match - Brody King vs. Komander

Brody puts him on the top rope off the lock up. Kom dropkicks him then Brody lariats him over. They trade chops and Kom goes down. Brody chops him. Brody hits a back body drop.

Kom hits punches and chops on Brody. Kom springboards and gets caught. Kom sunset flips him. Brody hits forearms. Kom gets on his back with a sleeper. Kom hits leg kicks.  

Kom goes top rope walk but is chopped down. We go to PiP break and return. Kom is caught on an asai moonsault. Kom gets on his back and cobra twists him. Brody misses a senton. Kom crucifix bombs him.

Kom is caught on a trangle plancha outside then rammed into the rails. Brody misses a crossbody on the rails and goes into them. Kom walks up the buckles and flip dives him outside.

Kom is on Brody's shoulders on the 2nd rope and sunset bombs him down. Kom top rope 450's him for 2. Brody misses a corner spear. Kom dropkicks him against the 2nd buckle. Kom double jump springboard moonsaults Brody outside.

Kom rope walk sp's Brody's back. Kom handsprings and is caught with an over the shoulder piledriver. Brody pins him.

Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of this. They did the right things but it was too hard to buy Kom as a serious contender to Brody after all of the jobbing he has done over the years. I also thought it went too long.

Overall thoughts: It was an average show. I liked the opener. The 2 matches in the middle were short and not much. They had the right idea in the main but I couldn't buy Komander being able to hang with Brody. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 as it was just an average show. You don't need to see this one.

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