Thursday, December 12, 2024

TNA Impact 12/12/2024

TNA Impact 12/12/2024

Last week's show is here:

TNA has a PLE tomorrow in Final Resolution 2024 so there's a lot of work to be done here.

Moose comes out to talk. He says everyone asks him what he's gonna do with the X-Title. He says he will make it the most important title in TNA. He says Joe Hendry is the hottest act in TNA, but he doesn't have a title and Moose does. He says no one is talking about The Hardy's either as they are busy chanting his name. He says he doesn't need the people's support. Moose trashes the people.

Cody Deaner comes out. He says he heard him trash talk the people and says Moose needs to shut his mouth. Deaner said he let the people make his decisions for him and says he's had the most fun in wrestlingsince he did. He said he loves wrestling again because of the people.

Moose calls the fans idiots and says Deaner hasn't won a match since he started listening to the fans. Deaner says he can win a match if he has the people behind him. He says he could maybe even beat Moose for the X-Title. Moose says it'll be the easiest decision ever and the idiots won't have to make it. He then facekicks Deaner and says he will give him an X-Division Title match right now.

X-Division Title - Moose (c) vs Cody Deaner

Moose face kicks him and stomps him while talking trash on the mic. He tells the people to chant for Cody. Moose says it's time to take the show home as he has dinner plans. Moose misses a spear and goes out. Deaner topes him. Deaner sends Moose into the post. Deaner tries to top rope crossbody him but is caught.

Deaner drives Moose into the buckles and rolls him up for 2. Deaner backslides Moose for 2. Deaner cradles Moose for 2. Moose facekicks him. Deaner hits a shiranui for 2. Deaner goes for a ddt and takes a uranage. Moose hits his rolling spear and wins.

Thoughts: This was fine. Deaner got a couple of hope spots in before being put down as expected.

Moose throws Deaner out after.

First class and Tasha Steelz are interviewed. KC says they feel good tonight as they are here with a future world champ and Knockout champ. Tasha says tonight will be a taste of what she will give Masha. She says Masha gets to take a trip to Pettyville.

AJ says his match with Nic Nemeth is the culmination of 6 years in wrestling and 34 years in his life. He said he earned this opportunity and will put his big hands on Nic Nemeth and chokeslam him. He says he will walk out champ and says with that comes more money, money, money.

Mike Santana does a promo. He says he gets a chance to be in the main event of Genesis. The Northern Armory interrupt. Josh Alexander has a black eye. Mike and Josh argue. Josh says he ran through The System like Mike. He says he's the guy who also sent him packing the first time. Mike says try to do it again. He says to put his chihuahua's Judas and Travis on a leash. Josh says he can put him down anytime he wants. He says he plans on doing it at Final Resolution in the 4-way.

Xia Brookside vs Rosemary

They lock up and Rose wristlocks her. Xia flips out of it using the ropes and throws her over by the arm. Xia armlocks her. Rose grab her by the hair and Xia side headlock takeovers her. Xia headscissors her out of the corner and low dropkicks her.

Xia monkey flips her. Xia is caught with a sideslam on a headscissors attempt. Rose sleepers her. Xia goes up and over. Xia 2nd rope crossbodies her. They then do a double clothesline spot.

They trade forearms. Xia hits lariats then flying headscissors Rose. Xia hits a corner meteora and russian legsweeps her. Xia crossfaces her and Rose rolls her into a pin for 2. Rose hanging headscissors her over the top.

Xia trips her then does la magistral for 2. Xia boots her in the gut. She rolls, trips her and does a pin attempt. Rose sleepers her to get out. Rose hits a la rosa driver variation and wins.

Thoughts: It got a little more time than it needed and it just wasn't that great. Neither girl is that great of a worker and this was not going to be a classic.

Rose pounds on Xia after. Jordynne Grace comes out and Rose backs away.

Gia interviews Trent Seven. She says he faces Ace Austin tomorrow at Final Resolution. Trent asks how? He says he pinned him when he beat The Hardy's. Ace comes in and said Trent stepped on his interview with The Hardy's. He says what he did to Mike Bailey was disgusting and said he doesn't know what he'd give to have his partner with him. he says Trent will learn how the alphabet goes.

The Rascalz vs Leon Slater and Laredo Kid

Zack and Leon start us off. Leon hammerlocks him. Zack throws him over by the arm and la magistrals him. Zack side headlock takeovers him but Leon rolls through. Leon wristlocks him. Zack armdrags him.

Kid gets in and armdrags Zack. Trey walks up the ropes, moonsaults and armdrags Kid. Leon armdrags Trey and we get a 4 person dropkick spot. Everyone then headflips up. We go to PiP break and return. 

Zack armlocks Leon. Zack atomic drops Leon then armbars him. Zack hits a cutter on Trey. Kid tilt-a-whirl backdrops Zack then michinoku drivers him. Kid corkscrew moonsaults Zack off the buckles for 2. The Rascalz hit stereo hurricanrana's then do stereo topes. Kid is thrown back in but then he topes Trey. Leon corkscrew dives over the post onto Zack.

Trey takes a double hiptoss into a neckbreaker + sitout powerbomb combo for 2. Trey headscissors Leon over. Kid is bridged on the 2nd rope and Zack top rope swantons him while Trey pedigrees him.

The four trade forearms. Everyone goes down but Leon after a sequence. Leon 450's and catches a superkick from Trey. Kid's head is superkicked into the buckles. He takes a 619  then top rope double stomp + burning hammer. Zack pins Kid.

Thoughts: I liked it. It was all fast-paced flying but they didn't overdo it so I was fine with it. The 450 into the superkick spot was pretty cool. 

The System do a promo. Eddie says they are one day away from the match with The Hardy's. Brian says The Hardy's existed for too long and inspired them to put them through a table. JDC says he will show Leon Slater how weird he can get. Moose says tomorrow's the road to being the greatest X-Division champ ever. He says Kushida gets one more opportunity. They all then say to trust The System.

Jake Something and Hammerstone vs PCO and Sami Callihan

Jake hits PCO from behind. PCO hits him with punches then lariats him over. Sami works on Jake's arm and pulls on his fingers. PCO backhands Jake. Hammer knees PCO in the back and Jake bodyblocks PCO. PCO takes a double spinebuster.

Hammer pounds on PCO. Jake forearms PCO over for 2. PCO lariats Jake over. Sami hits shots on Jake then he bites him. Sami ddt's Jake while hitting a flatliner on Hammer. PCO then hits a double ddt on his opponents.

Sami lariats Hammer over the top. PCO topes Hammer. Sami stunners Jake. PCO is up top and Hammer chairs PCO. Sami and PCO win via DQ.

: I didn't like this. It didn't look good for Hammer and Jake to get beaten up by PCO and Sami. They got nearly nothing in. PCO got busted open here.

We then get another 23 on the tron with the voiceover saying, "it's just a number".

George Iceman comes out and calls the crowd hillbillies. He says the fans have no class and need to stand up and welcome Heather By Elegance.

Dani Luna vs Heather By Elegance

They lock up and try to test strength. Heather side headlocks her and is shouldered over. Dani corner lariats her. Heather back elbows her then Dani fallaway slams her. Dani sliding lariats her for 2. Heather goes out to regroup. George trips Dani and is caught by the ref. George gets ejected.

Heather dragon screws Dani on the ropes and does a short hurricanrana for 2. Heather ddt's Dani's leg. Heather wraps Dani's leg around the ropes and pulls. Ash grabs Dani by the hair. 

Dani running lariats Heather multiple times. Heather is caught on a crossbody and Dani slams her. Dani hits a slingshot blue thunder for 2. Heather pulls Dani's throat down over the top and moonsauls her off the 2nd buckle for 2. Dani germans Heather. Ash tries to help out Heather and the ref yells at her. Jody Threat then topes Ash. Dani suplexes Heather then hits a sitout fireman's carry on her. Dani wins.

Thoughts: I didn't think it was that good. It had a lot of of shenanigans. Jody looked like an idiot for not being able to do much about Ash and George's cheating.  

Joe Hendry, Masha Slamovich & Nic Nemeth vs. First Class (AJ Francis & KC Navarro) & Tasha Steelz

KC boots Joe. Joe shoulders him over. Joe delay suplexes KC. Nic does a fireman's carry takeover on KC then chinlocks him. Nic wristlocks him. KC step up enzugiri's him from the apron.

KC rolls over Nic's back and does his pose. Nic dropkicks him. Nic hits 2 more dropkicks. Masha and Tasha go at it. Tasha chops her and spinning forearms her. Masha hits a nice lariat for 2. Masha spin kicks her then Tasha hits a facekick.

We go to PiP break and return. KC stomps Masha from making  a tag. Masha spinning elbows him. Nic tags in. Nic dropkicks KC then neckbreakers him. Nic hits a bunch of elbow drops. AJ chokes Nic on the ropes and pulls his chin there.

AJ running knees Nic in the face in the corner. KC dropkicks Nic for 2. AJ boots Nic in the chest. AJ armlocks him. Nic ddt's AJ.  Joe hits a fallaway slam on KC then hits one on AJ. Joe lariats AJ over the top and Nic dives on AJ off the apron. KC spin kicks Joe. Joe hits an AA on KC. Nic gets back in and fameassers KC for 2. Masha throws Tash out. Masha corkscrew topes Tasha outside. 

Nic hits a danger zone on KC and picks up the win.

They kept the male on female stuff to a minimum here at least but the intergender wrestling concept is just stupid and not believeable. Nic put out a good effort here and hit some great dropkicks. Joe's fallaway slam on AJ was a nice spot. I thought it was just average though and would have been better if it was all men in there.

AJ sends Joe into the steps after. Tasha jumps on Nic's back. Masha grabs and hits Tasha. AJ hits a stiff looking spear on Nic. AJ grabs Masha. Masha bites his hand then takes a cutter from Tasha. Nic hits punches on AJ then jumps into a big chokeslam. AJ then hits another chokeslam on Nic then does yet another one. AJ poses with the belt on top of Nic after.

Overall thoughts: It was the usual average Impact. It makes sense and nothing is awful but nothing is ever really great either. I liked the Leon Slater tag the best on here and thought it was an entertaining high flying match. I could have done without the main being an intergender match but I thought it did do an okay job of making AJ look good and Nic had a good showing. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 and wouldn't really recommend it.

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