CMLL on Televisa Puebla 12/8/2024
Ultimo Guerrero vs Templario
1st Fall - Temp is nailed on the ramp as he enters by UG. UG boots him into the ring. UG rips Temp's mask. UG foot chokes him in the corner. UG pop-up drops Temp on his gut and boots him over. UG baseball slides Temp off the apron to the floor. UG sends Temp into the post.
UG pulls on Temp's basketball jersey and takes it off. UG superkicks him then back elbows him. Temp rope walk springboard dropkicks UG and pins him.
2nd Fall - UG shoulders Temp over. UG stands on Temp's chest on the buckles. Temp flying headscissors UG out then topes him. Temp top rope crossbodies UG but UG rolls through it and gets a 2 count on him. UG spinebusters him then does a stretch muffler with a headscissors. UG taps him out and wins the fall.
3rd Fall - UG elbows and lariats Temp over. UG sunset flips Mist. Temp hurricanrana's him for 2. Temp TKO's UG for 2. UG chops Temp in the corner then Temp chops him in the corner. Mist superkicks UG for 2. They botch a spot and UG gets a 2 count on him. Temp springboard dropkicks him out. Temp hits a flying space tiger drop on him.
Temp pulls UG's throat down over the top rope. Temp springboards and is caught with a dropkick for 2. Temp sitout powerbombs UG for 2. UG 2nd rope gordbusters him for 2. Temp 2nd rope hurricanrana's UG for 2. UG 2nd rope powerbombs Temp for 2. UG hits a canadian destroyer on Temp for 2. Temp then 2nd rope powerbombs UG for 2. Temp then taps him out with a stretch muffler + armhold + headscissors.
Thoughts: I wasn't a fan. It was a longer and slower match and was just a spotfest by the end of it. They did a bunch of moves here off the buckles that meant absolutely nothing and weren't sold well.
UG talks on the mic after. They shake hands and hug.
Zandokan Jr, Barbaro Cavernario and Hechicero vs Esfinge, Atlantis Jr and Mistico
1st Fall - Mist and Hech shove each other. Mist rolls him over then is shouldered over. They trade pin attempts. Mist headscissors him from the mat. Barb and Esf go at it. Esf armdrags him and Barb single leg crabs him. Esf armdrags him. Esf headscissors him and Barb armdrags him.
Atlantis and Zand go at it. Zand takes him down and gets armdragged. Zand armdrags him and Atlantis armdrags him back. Atlantis headscissors him from the mat and Zand runs away on the ramp. Hech stomps Mist in the ring and rips at his mask.
Hech stands on Mist's throat in the corner. Hech knocks Mist over several times. Zand bites Mist's foot while Barb and Hech grab Mist's limbs. Hech flips Mist into a double kick from Barb and Zand.
Zand backdrops Atlantis into a driver then Barb basement dropkicks Atlantis in the back of the head. Hech step up knees Mist then pounds on his head. Hech swinging hammerlock backbreakers Mist and pins him. Hechicero's team wins the fall.
2nd Fall - Zand unties Atlantis' mask. Zand facekicks Atlantis and Zand kicks him in the leg. Zand abuses Atlantis on the ropes. Atlantis is then held for chops. Barb chops up Esf in the corner. Atlantis then has his legs split by the heels. Barb then kicks Atlantis in the face.
Zand rips Esf's mask. Esf takes corner lariats from his opponents then Barb dropkicks Esf. Atlantis hangs from the 2nd rope outside. Atlantis is pulled back in. He hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Barb then Zand boots Atlantis over. Esf springboard headscissors Zand. Mist springboard headscissors Hech out then topes him.
Esf springboard crossbodies Zand then he springboard splashes him. Atlantis hurricanrana'd Barb at the same time. Esf and Atlantis pick up pins to win the fall.
3rd Fall - Mist superkicks Barb then rips at his mask. Atlantis chops Barb. Atlantis 2nd rope diving headscissors Hech (while above Barb). Zand chops Barb on a failed double team then Atlantis headscissors Zand out. Barb takes a boot then does the worm.
Atlantis monkey flips Barb out. Zand and Esf go at it. Zand corner lariats him and Esf corner lariats him. Esf superkicks Zand. Esf superkicks Hech then rips at his mask. Barb basement dropkicks Hech in the head on accident. Esf corkscrew kicks Barb.
Mist and Hech get in. Hech basement dropkicks him and dances around after. Mist flying headscissors Hech out. Mist hits a handspring double back elbow on Barb and Zand then handspring armdrags both. Mist walks up the buckles and corkscrew armdrags Hech out. Esf goes to dive on Hech but is pulled down on the apron.
Mist la mistica's Zand but Hech pulls the mask off of Mist. Hechicero's team is then DQ'd.
Thoughts: I don't love the intentional DQ finish as there's rarely ever a good reason for it. Hech could have broken up the hold but chose to pull off the mask and get his team DQ'd instead. It wasn't even like he tried to sneak it in and got caught, he did it in front of the ref. The match got a lot of time and was alright outside of the finish but nothing too memorable.
Mist challenges Hech to a singles match after.
Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches here. Both got plenty of time but neither was that great. I didn't like Templario vs Ultimo at all and the main was average with a bad finish. I'd give it a 4 out of 10 and wouldn't really recommend it.
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