Marigold 12/7/2024 Winter Wonderful Fight Day 4
Day 3 is here:
Chika Goto helped with the pre-show talking as usual.
Naho Yamada & Rea Seto vs. Flying Penguin & Hummingbird
Hum's team attacks before it starts. Rea takes a double boot then a double facebuster. Rea then takes a double basement dropkick. Naho and Rea corner dropkick Hum. Rea facebusters her and basement dropkicks her for 2. Rea cattle mutilation's Hum.
Rea basement dropkicks Hum. Naho pulls on Hum's mask and pulls it down over the top. FP flips Hum into the ropes for a double armdrag on Rea and Naho. FP slams both opponents and sledgehammer shots both opponents. FP misses a flying kick. Naho cutters her and hits a sloppy headhunter for 2.
FP dropkicks Naho off the buckles for 2. FP takes a sandwich basement dropkick. Naho pedigrees FP three times. Naho diving lariats FP off the buckles.
Hum gets in and running dropkicks Naho. Rea running dropkicks Hum. Rea rolls Hum into a pin attempt for 2. Naho backrolls Hum into a headscissors then bodyscissors rolls her around.
Rea dropkicks Naho on a failed double team. Naho and Rea take slams. FP and Hum hit stereo top rope splashes and win.
Thoughts: Naho was really sloppy here and while this one was fast-paced, it was not good with everyone except Rea looking green.
Misa Matsui vs. Kizuna Tanaka vs. Komomo Minami
KM = Komomo Minami, Kiz = Kizuna Tanaka
Ki armdrags both opponents early and hits a double crossbody. KM running dropkicks Kiz then Misa rolls up KM for 2. Kiz rolls up Misa for 2 then gets rolled up for 2. We get a double headlock spot after some miscommunications. Kiz is put in a double armbar.
Kiz takes a double boot and a double bulldog. The girls all chest forearm each other. Kiz lightning spirals Misa. Kiz top rope dropkicks Misa. Kiz armbars Misa and KM breaks it up.
Kiz running knees KM. KM flatliners Misa off the ropes. KM dropkicks Kiz then armbars her. KM ddt's Kiz then botches her roll over the back ddt. KM cradles Misa for 2 then rolls her up for 2. Kiz rolls up both off a backslide attempt. KM rolls Kiz up for 2. Misa flying knees Kiz then bridge pins KM for the win.
Thoughts: It wasn't good. Three-ways are pretty clunky by default and they had 3 people who aren't great. KM botched her over the back roll into a ddt again and needs to stop doing that move. This was messy and we are not off to a good start here.
Bozilla vs. Victoria Yuzuki
Yuz = Victoria YuzukiBoz pulls Yuzdown off the lock-up twice. Boz curbstomps her. Yuz hits chest forearms and Boz chest forearms her down. Boz corner splashes Yuz then suplexes her. They go outside. Yuz stomps her foot and hits chest forearms. Boz forearms her over.
Boz rams Yuz's head into the post outside. Boz throws Yuz. Yuz hits chest forearms then hurricanrana's her for 2. Yuz basement dropkicks her and superkicks her in the head for 2. Yuz christos Boz and Boz ropebreaks.
Yuz dropkicks Boz through the ropes. Yuz springboard crossbodies Boz and Boz catches her with a fallaway slam off of it. Yuz cradles her for 2. Yuz spin kicks her in the gut and hits something like a headhunter from the side. Boz F-5's her for 2.
Yuz hits forearms then takes a neckbreaker. Boz sitout powerbombs Yuz and wins.
Thoughts: The outcome was obvious here so it was hard to get into it.Yuz didn't look that good against Boz. I didn't like Yuz being fed to Boz either when there's other girls who could have done it other than the future ace.
Nao Ishikawa & Utami Hayashishita vs. CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki
NN = Nagisa Nozaki
Chi eye rakes Nao and side headlocks her. Chi forearms Nao on the ropes then armdrags her. Nao armdrags her back and they stand off. Utami and NN get in to trade forearms. NN facekicks her then Utami running forearms her. NN boots her out of the corner then shotgun dropkicks her.
NN running facekicks her. Utami running lariats NN and samoan drops her. Chi comes in and facwashes Utami on the ropes. Utami drives her into the corner. Chi hits a corner spear and a facekick. NN reverse pendulum kicks Utami. Chi slams Utami for 2.
Utami side slams Chi then sliding lariats her. Nao gets in. She shoulders and crossbodies Chi. Nao flying neckbreakers Chi then double underhook suplexes her for 2. Chi rolling spears Nao for 2. Nao and Chi trade forearms. Chi powerslams her for 2.
Chi hits fisherman suplexes on Nao for 2. Utami air raid crashes Chi and Nao does a sitout drop on Chi for 2. Chi codebreakers Nao. NN comes in and running facekicks Nao. NN grabs a sleeper but Utami breaks it up. NN double dropkicks her opponents. NN meteora's Nao for 2 then goes for the sleeper.
NN facekicks Nao for 2. Utami lariats NN over then release germans her. Nao rolls up NN from behind for 2. NN flying kicks Nao for 2. Utami takes a double boot to the head. NN ripcord facekicks Nao for 2. Nao takes a superkick into a torture rack drop. NN basement dropkicks Nao and wins.
Thoughts: It was a shorter match that was average. There wasn't a lot of note in this one. I was a bit surprised to see Nagisa and Chiaki win here.
Nagisa and Chiaki talk on the mic after.
Mai Sakurai, MIRAI & Myla Grace vs. Kouki Amarei, Miku Aono & Natsumi Showzuki
Nat = Natsumi Showzuki
Kouki and Mirai lock up. Mira side headlocks her then wristlocks her. Kouki hammerlocks her. Mirai fireman's carry takeovers her into an armlock. Mirai kicks the rope into Kouki's arm then wristlocks her again.
Mirai rams Kouki's arm into the buckles. Mirai upkicks her . Kouki takes corner attacks and a triple basement dropkick for 2. Myla hits forearms on Kouki then Kouki powerslams her. Nat comes in and running dropkicks Myla.
Nat dropkicks her in the corner. Nat step up enzugiri's her and Myla rolls her up for 2. Myla hits a suplex. Mai and Miku get in. They grab each other by the hair. Mai slaps her and Miku slaps back. They pull on each others hair. Mai facekicks her for 2.
Mai goes for an armbar and Miku ropebreaks. Mai slaps her and puts her foot in Miku's face. Miku pulls Mai's leg around the rope. Miku kneebreakers Mai. Miku traps one leg while pulling the other.
Miku hits chest forearms on Mai and lariats her on the ropes. Miku hits chest kicks. Mai facekicks her over. Mai pump kicks Miku then northern lights suplexes her. Miku high kicks her then Mai flying kicks her. Miku lariats her over.
Kouki and Myla fight. Myla hits forearms then rolls her into a border city stretch. Myla dropkicks her through the ropes. Myla spinning neckbreakers Kouki for 2. Kouki facekicks Myla over. Myla border city stretches her again. Kouki spinebusters Myla.
Nat flying dropkicks Myla then meteora's her on the ropes. Nat running kicks her. Nat hits knees on Myla. Myla takes corner attacks from her opponents and Nat corner meteora's her. Myla takes a double suplex for 2.
Nat misses a move off the buckles then takes a flying knee + lariat combo. Myla twisitng double underhook drops Nat for 2. Mirai lariats Nat and Myla backdrops Nat. Myla superkicks Nat. Myla top rope la silla's Nat. Nat cradles Myla for 2.
Myla sitout slams Nat. Myla hits her cancun tornado off the top and pins Nat in a surprise finish.
Thoughts: That was Myla's biggest win in this promotion. It's pretty shocking too since she often doesn't even win opening matches. The match was really average and far from anyone's best work.
Myla gets on the mic after. She said she was in the ring with 5 champs. She says she wants to be a champ too. She challenges Showzuki for her title. She asks for a title match at the Shinjuku Face show. Nat agrees.
Mirai's team talks on the mic after and Myla gets to do the, "Shine Forever, Marigold" line to close the show.
Overall thoughts: It was one of the worst Marigold shows yet. The undercard was really bad and the main was a pretty lazy effort. Shows like this make me want to not watch this promotion anymore and just made this promotion look so hopeless. I'd give this a 3 out of 10 and would not recommend it.
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