Thursday, December 12, 2024

Stardom 12/8/2024 Goddesses Of Stardom Tag League 2024 Tag League Final In Hamamatsu (Goddesses of Stardom Tag League 2024 Day 17)

Stardom 12/8/2024 Goddesses Of Stardom Tag League 2024 Tag League Final In Hamamatsu (Goddesses of Stardom Tag League 2024 Day 17) 

Day 16 is here:

Hazuki vs. Matoi Hamabe

They lock up. Haz wristlocks her and Matoi reverses it. Haz hammerlocks her. Matoi headlock takeovers her and is put in a headscissors. Matoi headflips out then dropkicks Haz. Matoi hits more dropkicks and Haz dropkicks her back.

Haz hair throws her then does facewash kicks on the ropes.  Haz back elbows her then slams her. Haz hits more slams and sentons her. Haz crossfaces her. Matoi hits a chest forearm flurry then Haz does the same to her.

Matoi hits more dropkicks. Matoi slams her for 2. Matoi crabs her. They trade chest forearms and Matoi shoulder throws her for 2. Matoi hits more hest shots then Haz ddt's her. Haz pump kicks her for 2. Matoi tries some pin attempts. Haz running boots her. Haz suplexes her for 2.

Haz puts her in a crossface then turns it into a rings of saturn. Haz then submits her.

It was a standard rookie vs vet match. Haz didn't sell much of Matoi's offense here and was always going to win. Matoi continues to look good. She doesn't botch anything and hits her stuff clean. You can't ask for a lot more from a rookie. 

Koguma vs. Waka Tsukiyama vs. Ranna Yagami

Kog and Waka do Kog's taunt. Ran refuses to do it as usual. Ran is double teamed and takes a butt drop. Kog then camel clutches Ran and does her taunt on her. Waka hip attacks Ran while she's in the hold. Ran takes a double hip attack. Kog and Wana miss then take a double dropkick. Ran takes a double dropkick.

Waka hip attacks Ran more. Ran and Waka trade bad chest forearms. Kog crossbodies Waka. Kog dropkicks Waka then Ran dropkicks Waka. Kog and Ran trade forearms. Waka hits hip attacks on her opponents on the ropes then tries a double pin. Waka gets on the back of her opponents and pulls their arms back.

Waka misses a double hip attack. Ran kicks Waka in the butt many times. Waka turns it around and Kog is kicked in the butt. The girls do some dosey-do's. Ran dropkicks Kog into Waka in the corner then flying kicks Kog in the corner. Ran kicks both opponents in the back.

Ran chest kicks Kog over. Kog rolls up Ran then Waka rolls up Kog. Ran rolls up Waka for 2. Waka rolls up both for 2. Kog then rolls-up Ran and bridges on her to win.

Thoughts: It was mostly comedy here with some really bad looking offense.

Natsuko Tora vs. Rian

Tora throws Rian to start off the lock-up. Tora shoulders Rian over then throws her out by the hair. Tora throws Rian into the seats. Rian is slammed on the floor. Tora slams Rian. Rian tries to crossbody Tora but just bounces off of her. Tora crabs her.

Tora slams Rian and misses a 2nd rope splash. Rian dropkicks her several times. Tora suplexes her then lariats her. Tora hits another lariat. Tora pins her with a death valley driver.

Thoughts: It was a one-sided match as expected here. I'm not sure what the point of this was other than to build up Maika vs Tora.

Tora throws an ice pack at Rian after and hits another death valley driver. Maika checks on Rian and Tora has words for Maika.

God's Eye (Hina, Lady C & Saki Kashima) vs. HATE (Fukigen Death, Momo Watanabe & Ruaka)

The heels attack as Hina's team poses on the apron. Hina is thrown into the seats by Momo and C's head is banged off a table. Hina is thrown into the seats. Saki takes corner attacks in the ring and Ruaka shoulders her over. Ruaka hair throws Saki then foot chokes her.

Momo and Saki trade shots. Momo boots her in the face then chest kicks her. Saki flying headscissors Saki. Death hits Saki with a newspaper then Momo knocks Death over on accident. Saki facekicks Momo on the ropes.

C comes in and shoulders Momo over. C then does a double abdominal stretch on her and Ruaka. C hits a bulldog + lariat combo for 2. Momo trips C then PK's her for 2. Death sentons C.

C boots Death over. Hina gets in and flying knees Death in the corner. She then dropkicks her for 2. Hina backbreakers Death then crabs her. Death eye pokes Hina. She teases a brainbuster but just cradles her. Death takes offense from the faces and a pump-handle uranage for 2.

Momo high kicks Hina from the apron and Death rolls up Hina to win.

Thoughts: It was a shorter and basic face vs heel tag for the most part. Nothing was wrong with it but it wasn't memorable or great either. We didn't see a lot of Saki in this. 

2/3 Falls - Cosmic Angels (Aya Sakura, Natsupoi, Saori Anou, Sayaka Kurara & Yuna Mizumori) vs. Neo Genesis (AZM, Mei Seira, Miyu Amasaki, Starlight Kid & Suzu Suzuki)

1st Fall - Yuna and Mei go at it. Mei legsweeps her and Yuna armdrags her. They dropkick each other at the same time and headflip up together. Mei takes a multi-person dropkick on the ropes. Yuna is tripped into the ropes and takes a double dropkick over the 2nd rope. Yuna takes a double dropkick.

Yuna is held in a camel clutch and takes a basement dropkick. Suzu hair throws Yuna. Suzu snapmares her and kicks her in the back. Suzu runs down the ramp and drive by kicks Yuna. Yuna dropkicks Suzu in the ring and tags out. Anou comes in and top rope dropkicks Suzu. She then ties up Miyu's legs and suplexes AZM while doing it.

Anou and Poi hit a boot and dropkick together. Suzu bridges out of a step up enzugiri then half-nelson bombs Anou for 2. Everyone starts hitting a move on someone and Anou germans Suzu. Suzu germans her back.

Saya and Miyu get in and hit forearms on each other. Saya dropkicks her then slams her for 2. Miyu ddt's her. Saya puts her in a sleeper and Miyu ropebreaks. Miyu pendulum ddt's Saya for 2. Saya puts another sleeper on Miyu and it is broken up.

Saya takes corner attacks then a 5 person basement dropkick. Miyu does a hammerlock ddt on Saya for 2. Saya hits a big spear on Miyu and pins her. Cosmic Angels win the first fall.

2nd Fall - Mei and Yuna try pins on each other for 2 counts. Mei dropkicks Yuna then Yuna dropkicks her. Yuna is double tripped then hits a double lariat. Aya gets in and spinning heel kicks AZM. She then dropkicks her for 2.

Aya hits chest forearms on AZM then AZM drops her with chest forearms. Aya high kicks AZM. AZM misses a top rope double footstomp and takes shots from 3 opponents. AZM then takes a 5-person axe kick. Aya suplexes AZM for 2. AZM botches a pin attempt on Aya for 2. AZM buzzsaw kicks Aya. Aya high kicks AZM for 2.

Aya takes a 619, a diving codebreaker into a german and a top rope AZM double foot stomp. Aya is pinned. Neo Genesis win the 2nd fall. 

3rd Fall - Poi top rope crossbodies AZM and the pin is broken up quick. Poi and Kid stare down. Poi armbars her and Kid ropebreaks. Kid 619's Poi in the legs then dragon screws her over the 2nd rope. Kid springboard twisting crossbodies Poi. Kid takes a lariat + back kick combo then Poi double reverse armbars Kid.

Poi misses a 180 splash off the top. Poi and Kid trade forearms on their knees. AZM la mistica's Poi, Suzu headkicks Poi and Kid top rope 180 splashes Poi. Kid stretch mufflers Poi and it is broken up. Poi la magistral's Kid for 2. Kid takes a double dropkick.  Aya and Saya are pulled into each other and take a double pendulum ddt from Miyu. AZM walks up the buckles and dives outside onto multiple opponents.

Poi superkicks Kid in the ring then release germans her. Kid slams Poi and stretch mufflers her again while holding the arm. Poi taps out and Neo Genesis wins the fall and match.

It was okay but not their best effort. There were just too many people involved and even 22 minutes wasn't really enough. We didn't get a lot of cool dives or multi-person spots which you would expect out of this. There was a lot of people coming and out as well which hurt some of the flow of it. It was a fast-paced match as expected.

Kid and Poi talk on the mic after and Kid wants her title. Sayaka also seems to challenge for Miyu's title. 

Mayu Iwatani vs. Momo Kohgo

Mayu superkicks her to start for 2. Mayu germans her for 2. Momo goes out and is basement dropkicked as she tries to come in. Mayu kicks her in the back multiple times then stands on her back. Mayu camel clutches her.

Mayu dropkicks Momo while she's tied up in the ropes and Momo ropebreaks. Momo is forearmed over. Mayu forearms her off the apron and stomps her outside. Momo running dropkicks Mayu outside and 619's her under the bottom rope outside.

Momo springboard dropkicks her and hits mounted forearms. Mayu spin kicks her and hits a basement dropkick for 2. Momo hits chest forearms on Mayu. Mayu forearm flurries her back. Momo dropkicks her then 619's her. Momo basement dropicks her in the back and twisting underhook suplexes her.

Momo hits a fisherman's suplex for 2. Momo superkicks her and tiger feint ddt's her for 2. Mayu superkicks Momo multiple times. Mayu then dragon sleepers her.

Thoughts: To me it was one of those Passion Injection matches where the outcome wasn't in doubt and it was just about how much Momo was going to be put over before she lost. I didn't quite think she showed anything here that really justified her winning. I think she needed to show more spirit here and step it up a notch and she didn't. This was just average and not the breakout match I was looking for from Momo.

Mayu talks to Momo on the mic after. Momo cries. They walk out together after.

Syuri & Tam Nakano vs. HATE (Konami & Saya Kamitani)

Syu and Kon start us off. They wrestle on the mat and get up. Syu headscissors her and they trade wiastlocks. Syu headlock takeovers her, is put in a headscissors and they stand off.

Saya and Tam get in. Saya rolls over Tam's back and armdrag sher. Saya legsweeps her and they avoid kicks. Tam spin kicks her then Saya dropkicks her. Tam is pulled down by the hair and stomped on by Kon and Saya. Tam then takes a double basement dropkick.

Saya boots Tam in the corner then foot chokes her. Kon boots Tam around then forearms her. Tam bridges out of a lariat and basement dropkicks her. Syu dropkicks Kon in the corner. Kon forearm sher then Syu double dropkicks both opponents. Syu kicks Kon through the ropes. Syu top rope diving legdrops the back of Kon's neck for 2.

Kon chest kicks Syu then Syu chest kicks her back. Kon snapmares her and kicks her in the back. Syu hits chest kicks then kicks her in the back. Kon blocks a PK and ankle locks Syu. 

Syu ankle locks her then sleepers her. Kon germans her then Syu germans her. Kon high kicks her thne Syu pumping knees her. Tam and Saya fight. Tam slaps her then takes one back. They trade more slaps. Saya slap flurries her and takes a big forearm down.

Tam is chest kicked down and Saya pump kicks her for 2. Saya blocks a running knee and suplexes Tam for 2. Tam germans Saya then Saya takes a double knee. Tam germans Saya for 2. Tam goes up top and dives out her opponents outside.

Tam running knees Saya in the front and back. Tam takes a high kick and a pump kick from her opponents. Syu then saves Tam and hits a double codebreaker on her opponents. Tam tiger suplexes Saya for 2. Tam spin kicks Saya in the head and Saya hurricanrana's her to win.

Thoughts: It was a disappointing tag. The finish was weak and they just didn't try to step it up and have a great one like you would think. I also didn't really get the Tam and Syuri pairing here since they aren't in the same group and haven't been that involved with each other lately.

Saya stands on Tam's title after and doesn't let her pick it up.

Goddesses Of Stardom Tag League 2024 Final Match - STARS (Hanan & Saya Iida) vs. Empress Nexus Venus (HANAKO & Maika)

They all charge at each other and trade forearms. Hanako and Maika hit stereo corner lariats and facekicks. Hanako slams Hanan for 2. Hanako is tripped into an elbow drop then takes a double bulldog.

Saya hits chops on Hanako. Saya chops her in the back for 2. Hanan leg lariats Hanako on the ropes then basement dropkicks her for 2. Hanan sleepers Hanako. Hanako boots her and misses a corner charge. Hanako slams her. 

Maika comes in and shoulders her opponents over. Hanan hip throws her. Hanan 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her and running euros her for 2. Hanako powerbombs Maika while she superplexes Hanan. Saya spinebusters Hanako. Hanan fallway slams Maika. Saya gets in and corner lariats Maika. Saya lariats her and Maika lariats her back. Maika lariats her over. Hanako corner splashes Saya. Saya boots her out of the corner. Saya jumps at her off the 2nd buckle and is backbreakered for 2.

Hanako avoids a double team then Saya and Hanan take stereo facekicks over. Saya takes a suplex + backbreaker combo for 2. Maika and Hanako are pulled over the top together. Hanan top rope plancha's both outside. Hanako takes a double running euro. Hanako takes a high/low with Saya coming off the buckles.

Saya suplexes Hanako then Hanak suplexes her. Saya no sells it and is facekicked over. Saya tries a bridge pin on Hanako for 2. Saya lariats Maika and Hanan backdrops Hanako. Saya running lariats Hanako for 2. Hanako running lariats both opponents. Hanako backdrops Saya for 2.

Hanako takes a double team drop + legslice for 2. Maika enka otoshi's Saya. Hanako sitout torture rack drops Saya for 2. Hanan backdrops Saya and Hanako. Saya does a muscle buster into a slam on Hanako and wins.

It was an average match. We just didn't get the nearfalls, finisher trades, big spots and other things that make main events be special. It was the same match they would have had other nights and they didn't do anything too special here. I'm not really surprised. Hanan and Hanako aren't that great and neither are really good enough to be in this position at the moment. This was yet another chapter in the Hanan main event push that is so far not working and is only proving that indeed Hanan is the same average wrestler she's been for years.

The girls talk on the mic after and the winners get streamer style confetti.

Overall thoughts: It was a really average show from Stardom. They clearly told the girls to tone it down to prevent people from getting injuries. I support that but it also tends to make for less than ideal matches. At least no one overdid it though and the card did not go on too long like past Stardom big shows have. There was nothing that good on this and even on paper, it didn't look like we were going to have any classics. I would not recommend this at all and would give it a 4 out of 10 for them giving us a weak show on a PPV card.

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